A Pound of Cure

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Husband and wife teach her boss a lesson he'll never forget.
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A Pound of Cure

To fully understand the context of this story, I suggest you first read "An Ounce of Prevention."

As always, constructive comments are welcome and appreciated. Remember, this is a work of fiction, not a docu-drama.

Ron Wiseman was eager to get home to Amy, his lovely wife of 11 years. Things had gone well after her new boss, Mike Armstrong, learned just how wrong it was to assume that he was God's gift to women, married or not. From everything Amy said, he had turned over a new leaf and was the model of professionalism in the office, impressing subordinates and superiors alike.

But he noticed her mood changing over the last couple of months. Although she never denied him sex or mistreated him in any way, he could tell something was bothering her. He approached her a few times about it, but she waved him off, telling him it was nothing to be concerned about.

The day finally came when he couldn't take the mood swings any more. As he walked into the living room, he saw her sitting in her chair, tears in her eyes. He sat down and took her hand in his.

"Alright, Amy, something's wrong. What's going on?" he asked. She started to wave him off again, but he stopped her.

"No, Amy, don't blow me off again," he quietly said. "Out with it. What's bothering you? I'm your partner and I love you but I can't help if I don't know what's happening." Amy wiped her tears with a tissue, nodded her head and looked at her husband. "Is it Mike?" he asked. "Is he coming onto you again?" She shook her head.

"No, Mike's been a perfect gentleman since that night. It's his boss, David Hawkins," she said.

"What's he doing?" Ron asked.

"He's really coming on to me hard for sex," she said. "I guess he thinks that since Mike didn't get to me that he would."

"Tell me about it," Ron said.

"Okay," Amy said. "You remember when I went out for a couple drinks with the girls a couple weeks ago?" Ron nodded his head. He remembered that night. Amy didn't go out with the girls often, but she did that night, coming back about 8:30 slightly tipsy and a bit upset.

"Well," she added, "David showed up and had a drink with us. He danced with a couple of the girls and then came up to me. He asked to dance, and I accepted, but I was a bit uncomfortable about it since he is Mike's boss. He got quite close and even put his hand on my ass. I removed it and said it wasn't appropriate since I'm married and I'm one of his subordinates.

"He didn't seem to like that much. He looked me in the eye and said, 'so, I guess it would be inappropriate for me to fuck you as well.' I was shocked. I told him it damn sure would be inappropriate and I told him you, my husband, would kill him if he tried. He laughed. 'Your husband?' he asked. 'You mean that wimpy bean-counter you're married to? Hell, I've cuckolded many husbands a lot tougher than him.' I couldn't believe he would say that. I told him in no uncertain terms that you're no wimp.

"He laughed at that. 'We'll see about that,' he said. Then he reminded me that my annual review is coming up and suggested that it could be a bad one unless I gave him reason to give me good marks."

"Amy, that's sexual harassment," Ron said. "That's against the law. You need to report him to HR first thing in the morning."

"That's not all," Amy said. "Today, he called me into his office and reminded me again about the review. He told me in no uncertain terms that if I wanted a good review that I had to let him fuck me in our bed and you had to watch. He also warned me against going to HR and said he would find a way to get back at me."

"Amy, that's way over the line," Ron said. "We need to take action against him, and we need to do it fast."

"Ron, you don't understand," she said. "David's been with the company since the beginning. He's a real overbearing asshole and thinks he can do whatever he wants with no consequences. I've heard from a lot of the other girls that he's hit on them and made their lives miserable when they went to HR about it."

"So, did he give you a deadline?" Ron asked. Amy nodded her head.

"I have to give him an answer by close of business tomorrow," she said. That's Friday, Ron thought. Ron considered the situation for a few minutes and a plan began to form in his mind. He looked at his pretty wife.

"Do you trust me?" he asked. Amy tried to read his face, but couldn't. Nevertheless, she knew he had an evil plan in mind and she wanted to hear it.

"Yes, baby, you know I do," she said. Ron smiled and nodded his head before telling her what he had in mind. The more he talked, the more Amy's face lit up. Finally, she was giddy with excitement.

"By the way," Ron said, "is he married?" Amy nodded her head.

"Yes," she said. "He's married with two kids. Why?"

"What do you say we invite his wife over as well? We won't tell him, though," he said. Amy giggled with delight and threw her arms around him.

"Oh, baby, you're soooo wicked," she said. "I love it. Will you call her or should I?"

"Maybe I should," he said. Amy agreed.

"So, are we agreed?" Ron asked. Amy jumped up and down, smiling and giggling.

"Yes!" she exclaimed. "I'm so hot for you right now," she said. "Let's forget dinner. Take me upstairs and fuck me through the mattress." Ron happily agreed and took his wife to their bedroom, where they spent the night making mad passionate love.

The next morning, Ron kissed his wife as he headed to work.

"Remember, invite him over tonight. Tell him to be here at 9:00 sharp. Don't let him off the hook. Tell him it's either tonight or never," he said.

"Okay, baby. I can't wait," she said. "I love you so much," she added, kissing him deeply. Ron went to his office and did a quick search on David Hawkins. He learned that David had been the subject of several sexual harassment lawsuits, all of which had been mysteriously dropped. He also got David's personal information, which indicated he had been married for 15 years to Brenda. He picked up the phone and made a call.

"Hawkins residence," a woman said after a couple of rings.

"I'm looking for Mrs. David Hawkins," Ron said.

"This is she," Brenda answered. "Who are you? What do you want?" She didn't sound very happy.

"Mrs. Hawkins, my name is Ron Wiseman. My wife works for your husband over at Johnson and Meyer," he said. Brenda sighed.

"Are you going to tell me that my husband has been fucking your wife and you have pictures?" she asked. "You wouldn't be the first."

"No, ma'am," Ron said. "But your husband is planning to have sex with my wife and is threatening her. Has your husband done this before?"

"Yes," she said. "I quit counting how many times I've had husbands call me. I thought after the last time we had things worked out, but I guess not. So, what do you want, Mr. Wiseman? Do you want to fuck me in retaliation or something?"

"It's more like something," Ron said. "My wife and I discussed this last night and we agreed to reach out to you. Can you be available tonight?"

"I'd have to take the kids to their parents, but it's possible," she said. "What do you have in mind?" Ron explained the plan he and Amy had agreed upon.

"Wow," she said, laughing. "Remind me to never get on your bad side, Mr. Wiseman."

"Please, call me Ron," he said. "So, would you like to join us?"

"Abso-fucking-lutely," she said. "I'll take the kids over to my parents and grab an Uber from there. That way, David won't have any idea what's going on. What time should I be there?"

"I'd say about 8 or 8:30 tonight," Ron said. "That'll give you time to meet my wife and she can explain more."

"I'll be there, Ron," Brenda said. "And, thanks!" Ron hung up the phone and smiled. I love it when a plan comes together, he thought to himself.

Amy, meanwhile, was busy setting up David. She purposefully waited until he was alone in his office before walking in and closing the door, loudly. He looked up at her with a sneer on his face.

"So, have you come to your senses?" he asked. Amy looked at him defiantly.

"My house tonight, 9:00 pm sharp. Not one minute before and not one minute later or it's off and you never mention it to me again," she said.

"Will your husband be there?" he asked.

"He'll be there. We talked last night and he agreed to be there when you come over," she said.

"Good," David said. "Did he agree to watch?" Amy smiled.

"Oh, he's going to watch, alright," she said. David smiled. He got up and began to approach her, but she opened the door and prepared to leave.

"I've found it's much better when the wimp cuckold agrees to go along with it," David said.

"Just be there. Nine o'clock tonight. Don't be late," she said, leaving the office. Mike saw her leave David's office and wondered what was going on. She looked at him and shook her head. He understood, nodded and went into his office. After his encounter with her and Ron, he had developed a genuine respect for her and understood they were more than capable of dealing with assholes like David.

He had also learned to see his boss in a whole new light and he didn't like it one bit. If anyone could teach David a lesson, it was Ron and Amy, he thought.


That night, Ron was in his front room when he heard the doorbell ring. He looked at his watch. 9:00 pm, sharp. He smiled to himself, then opened the door to find a somewhat larger man on the porch.

"You must be David Hawkins," he said. "Please, come in." David walked in and looked around, a sneer on his face.

"You must be Ron Wiseman," David said. Ron nodded. "Where's your wife? Is she here?"

"Yes, she's getting ready for you," Ron said.

"So, you know why I'm here," David smirked. Ron nodded his head again.

"Yes, I do. We have no secrets between us," he said. "In fact, it was my idea to have you come over tonight. I suppose it wouldn't do any good to let you know what you're risking." David shook his head.

"There's no risk unless you or your wife decide to get stupid," he said.

"I see," Ron said. "In that case, would you care for a shot of whiskey before things get started?"

"Sure," David said, taking in the house. "I'll drink your booze. Then I'll fuck your woman and maybe I'll drink some more of your booze." Ron turned to his liquor cabinet, grabbed two glasses and poured a shot of whiskey in each. He made sure his back was turned to David and surreptitiously dropped some liquid into David's whiskey. He turned back around and handed David his drink. David swirled the whiskey around before swallowing the entire shot in one large gulp.

"That's some good shit you have there," David said. "Maybe we'll do this every Friday night. I'll come over, drink up your booze, fuck your wife, maybe eat some of your food and fuck your wife again. Maybe I'll even let you eat my cum out of your wife's ass. Doesn't that sound like fun?" he asked, his words beginning to slur. He looked around, confused, then fell on the floor unconscious.

"He's out!" Ron shouted. "I could use some help up here!" Amy and Brenda came up the stairs out of the basement and the three of them dragged David's body downstairs. They stripped him and attached him spread-eagle to a plastic-covered board. A bucket was placed below his ass and his flaccid dick was connected to fishing line and pulled up away from his balls. Once they had him prepared, Ron went to change into shorts and a t-shirt. Amy was already dressed for the game, wearing a bikini and a pair of cutoffs.

"How long will he be out?" Brenda asked.

"Maybe an hour," Ron said. "Maybe less. Don't worry. We have time." They waited until David began coming around. Ron grabbed a bucket of ice-cold water and threw it on David's face.

"Wakey, wakey," Ron said. David shook his head, the ice water shocking him awake. He took stock of his situation.

"What the fuck is going on?" he screamed. Brenda walked up to him and slapped him across the face, leaving a red mark.

"Shut the fuck up, asshole," she told him. "You're finally going to learn a very valuable lesson." David looked at her.

"What are doing here?" he asked. "And why are you dressed like that?" he asked, taking notice of her skimpy transparent negligee that showed off her firm breasts and tiny thong panties.

"I'm here to help these good people and if you're lucky, I may give you a ride home," she said. David looked at Amy.

"You said we were going to fuck tonight," he said. "You're going to pay for this."

"No, asshole," Amy said. "I told you to come over tonight. I never once said I was going to fuck you. Besides, why would I want to touch that little thing when I have this already at home?" she asked, her arm around Ron.

"You said your husband was going to watch us," he said. Amy shook her head.

"No, stupid. I said he would be here and he would watch. I didn't say what he was going to watch," she said.

"Enough!" Ron exclaimed. "It's time to get this show on the road." He looked at David. "Here's what's going to happen. If you want to walk out of here with your dick still attached to your body, you're going to do EXACTY as I say. Got it?" David nodded slowly. "Good," Ron said. "Now, keep your eyes on the monitors above us," he said, pointing to two large wall-mounted monitors displaying different porn movies. "Those are there for your benefit, by the way," Ron added with a wicked grin.

He walked back to a covered table behind a line of tape that had been placed on the floor. He pulled the cover off, revealing a collection of knives, two crossbows, two compound bows, several bolts and arrows and a .45 caliber semiautomatic pistol. David's eyes grew wide in terror. Ron picked up a precision measuring tool and handed it to Brenda, along with a clipboard.

He pulled a quarter out of his pocket and handed that to Brenda as well. She knew what was expected. Ron looked at Amy.

"I'll let you call it," he said. Brenda flipped the coin in the air.

"Heads," Amy said as the coin arced back to the ground. It hit and rolled a couple feet before falling flat on the floor. Tails was showing.

"My choice," Ron said. The girls agreed. He picked up a throwing knife and spoke to David. "Hold very still, don't breathe until I say you can." He aimed and threw the knife. The blade buried itself just to the right side of David's throat. It didn't break skin, but it was so close David could feel the cold steel on his neck.

Ron quickly grabbed another knife, aimed and threw it as well, then immediately threw a third knife. The second knife embedded itself just to the right of David's stomach and the third to the right of David's thigh.

"You can breathe," he told David, who was shaking with fear.

Amy took her place at the line and picked up her first knife.

"Hold your breath, asshole," she told him. She took aim and threw her first knife. It hit and buried itself on the left side of David's neck. Her second knife landed to the left of David's rib cage and the third hit next to David's left knee.

"Okay, relax," she said. Brenda walked up to David, measuring tool and clipboard in hand. She measured the distance between the knives and David's skin, marking them on the clipboard.

"Please make them stop," David begged her. She looked at him with cold, hard eyes and removed her negligee, revealing her breasts and her nipples, which were now hard.

"Why? We're just getting started and I'm rather enjoying this," she said with a smile, walking away. "Ron wins this round, she declared."

"Damn," said Amy. She pulled off her shorts, leaving her wearing just a tiny bikini. She tossed her shorts to the wall and turned to Ron. "Your choice." Ron looked at the table and picked up a crossbow. He grabbed a bolt and loaded the weapon. David shook his head, a frightened look on his face. Brenda sat on a chair placed along a side wall, below the taped line on the floor, rubbing her breasts.

"Please, no more," he said.

"Shut up and hold your breath, asshole," Ron said, shouldering the crossbow. He took a breath, held it and started squeezing the trigger as he brought the heavy weapon to bear on his target. He loosed the bolt and watched it fly, striking the target next to David's right temple. He reloaded and aimed again, this time striking just inside David's right thigh. The third bolt buried itself right below David's right testicle.

"Relax," Ron said. David looked as though he might pass out. Amy picked up another crossbow and loaded her first bolt.

"Hold your breath," she said. "Don't move." David obeyed. She took careful aim and her first bolt hit next to David's left temple. She reloaded and her second landed inside David's left thigh, close to his genitals. Her third bolt hit just below David's left testicle.

"Okay, you can relax," Amy said. David relaxed as best he could, tears running down his face. He could easily see the bolts next to his head in his peripheral vision and looked at the bolts that hit just below his testicles.

Brenda repeated her measurements, then double-checked them. David again pleaded with her.

"I'm sorry, please make this stop," he begged. She looked at him with contempt, pulled her wet panties off and put them over his head, making sure the wet crotch was over his nose so he could smell her arousal. Naked, she turned and walked away.

"I've double checked the measurements, and they're even. This round is a draw," she said. Ron and Amy looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. She took off her bikini top and massaged her nipples, which were also growing hard. Ron pulled off his shirt, showing his ripped upper body and tight six-pack. Brenda gasped when she saw him. She spread her legs and rubbed her wet pussy.

Amy looked at her husband, then at David, comparing the two. There really was no comparison. Where Ron was hard, firm and well-built, David was soft and paunchy. She walked to Ron's side and lovingly kissed his chest and rubbed his upper body, mashing her breasts against him. Ron kissed and sucked his wife's breasts in return, sucking on her nipples.

"You really think I'd want to fuck you when I get to have this every day?" she asked David, laughing sarcastically. "You've got to be joking."

David's cock had gotten hard by now, the result of the porn being shown on the monitors and the naked female flesh in front of him. Ron, Amy and Brenda walked up to the board. David thought they would finally release him, but that wasn't meant to be.

Instead, Ron released a latch and turned the entire board 90 degrees, so that David's profile -- and his erect penis -- now became their target. Ron grabbed another large piece of styrofoam, modified so it could be attached to the wheel, and firmly placed it next to David's right side. After securing the extra piece, he looked into David's frightened eyes.

"You'd better keep that thing up good and hard for us, David, old boy," he said. "We wouldn't want to accidentally shoot it off, you know." David was visibly trembling and looked at Ron with pleading eyes.

"I'm begging you," he said weakly. "Please, no more. I've learned my lesson." Ron looked at the two naked girls.

"Hear that, you guys?" he asked. "David here's begging us to stop. No problem, David. This is the final round. If you're good, we might just let you down. Now, do as we say and you can go home intact. And please try not to shit yourself, okay?" They walked away, but this time Brenda sat on the opposite side of the room so David could see her masturbating her spread pussy.

"Still your choice," Amy said as they returned to the table. Ron picked up a compound bow and removed an arrow from the quiver on the table. He seated the arrow, drew the bow back and took careful aim.

"Don't breathe," he told David. He took a breath, held it and released the arrow. It struck the target just below David's erect penis. David moaned in fear as he could feel the shaft of the arrow on the bottom part of his manhood. He knew that if Ron's aim was off by less than a millimeter, he would have lost a good chunk of his penis.