A Promise Kept Ch. 02


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"That's fine," I chuckled, feeling like a human being as opposed to an animal, for the first time since I got to BUD/S, "I hadn't really thought about the money until you mentioned it."

"Oh, one more thing," he knowingly grinned, "Happy Birthday, Mike."

"Thank you, sir," I respectfully laughed, "I guess I forgot about that, too."

"You can call me, Danny, when you're not in class," he chuckled, "You've more than earned the right, kid."


"So, you're still here," Ray Brennerman, one of the guys in my boat crew, said, when I walked into the enlisted barracks, "We thought for sure that Lieutenant Reed was gonna kick you out this time."

"Those days are over, brother," I proudly smiled, "I just beat the course record on the Five and Five by a full twelve minutes."

"Bullshit," Ray grinned, "Did you really?"

"Yeah," I grinned, nodding my head, "I still can't believe it either."


I was out by myself that evening having some Mexican food at one of my favorite places, Maldonado's Mexican Restaurant. The waitress had just finished taking my order and set my first Margarita down onto the table in front of me, and after I opened my eyes from enjoying the first taste of it, Danny was sitting at my table with a stupid look plastered across his face.

"Damn," I said, jumping from being startled, "You scared the shit outta me. Where the hell did you come from?"

"I was down the street and I saw your jeep pass by," he explained, "So; I followed you; because I wanted to talk to you off base."

"That's fine," I said, "Have you eaten yet?"

"As a matter of fact, no," he smiled, "Is the chow any good here?"

"Are you kidding me?" I chuckled, "This is some of the best Mexican food I've ever eaten, man."

When the waitress saw Danny sitting at the table, she came and took his drink order, and after returning from the bar with his drink in hand, she took his food order and then left us alone to attend to the other patrons in her section while our food was being prepared.

"Here," he grinned, sliding a bank envelope across the table to me, "There's two hundred and fifty dollars in that envelope, and I believe that makes us even now, Mike," "Yes," I happily replied, after taking the cash out of the envelope, counting it, then putting it into my front pants pocket, "Thank you for keeping up your end of the bet, sir. It shows me what kind of person you really are."

"Feel free to call me Danny when we're not on base, Mike," he told me, "Like I already told you...you've earned that ..."


"I need to ask you something, Danny," I said, as we stood outside the Maldonado's in preparation to go our separate ways that evening, "Why have you been harder on me than anyone else in this class?"

"I'll tell you why," he knowingly grinned, "The first time I looked at you, it was like looking into a full length mirror; and I knew right then that there was no way in hell that I was going to let you fail. I told myself that I was going to do whatever it took to keep you from ringing out and quitting, no matter how pissed off you got at me."

"Why didn't you just tell me that from the beginning?" I chuckled, "It would've saved us both a whole lot of headache..."


"What kind of military man was my son?" John asked, "Was he good at his job, Mike...I mean, Jayne told all of us that you knew him?"

"He was very good at what he did," I assured them, "If it weren't for Danny, I wouldn't be here...that's for damn sure."

"Why did the Navy lie to us?" Etienne impatiently, but still ever so softy in her true Cajun accent asked, "How did he really die, Mike? Please tell us the truth, chere. (A French/Cajun word, second definition, meaning: loved one, as a parent to its child)."

"Alright, here it is," I began, about to relive one of the most painful of all of the horrible moments the I'd experienced when I was in the Navy, "It all started out as an idea, really and..."


BUD/S QUARTERDECK GRADUATION DAY FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1978 CORONADO CLAIFORNIA At nine o'clock that morning, sixteen of the original one hundred and twenty-seven men that had started our class, stood in front of the Quarter Deck Platform to receive their diplomas for having graduated, what history would come to call, the toughest training in the world; Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL school.

After we'd been presented with our diplomas, we went to a local club there on Coronado, where we had a few more drinks, and reveled in our success. However, knowing that success only lasts when you're doing your job correctly.


All but five of the guys who were in our BUD/S class took the opportunity to take leave when it got offered to us after graduation. And like I just said, the five of us that remained were allowed to begin to our tactical training early. I really enjoyed it, because the teaching was more individualized, and it seemed that Lt. Danny Reed had drawn me as his student.

Of course we both knew it was bullshit; but still, it made me realize right then that Danny had been correct in saying that I reminded him of his own self. It wasn't that I tried to emulate him, I didn't. I just found that his way was, to me, was the best way of doing things so; I simply adopted his ideas and modified them with my own.

At any rate, Danny became my mentor of sorts, and I paid very close attention to him and therefore, quickly learned everything he taught me. In the short three and a half weeks that I was under his daily tutelage, Danny taught me to hone and sharpen the gifts that I already possessed.

"What gifts," I asked teasing, "According to you and the Navy, I have only the things you guys gave me."

"Come on, man, I'm serious," he chuckled, as we were walking to noon chow, "I already told you why I stayed on your ass so much, but you wouldn't have even caught my eye if you didn't have your own gifts, pal."

"I really appreciate it, Danny," I truthfully replied, "But I still don't understand what you're talking about."

"We'll talk about it after lunch," he grinned, as we approached the chow hall, "I'm starving, L.B."

"Wait a minute," I said, "What did you just call me?"

"I called you L.B.," he chuckled patting me on the shoulder, "It means Little Brother, now come on, man...Let's go eat."


It was only twelve thirty when we finished eating, and we didn't have anything scheduled until fourteen thirty hours and was only going to last for about thirty minutes so; we were afforded some time to talk.

"What were you talking about before lunch," I asked, as Danny and I sat in the dive shack under the air conditioner, "What "gifts" were you talking about?"

"Look, man," he grinned, lifting his feet from the deck and placing them on the coffee table in front of him "You and I both know that you're a bass ass and can single-handedly take down every man in your class, from beginning to end; but...You don't project that kind of image in the least...hell, you're even more detached when it comes to being a frog."

"I don't know," I quietly replied, "I just don't believe in starting anything that I'm not prepared to finish. Don't get me wrong...I don't go looking for trouble; but sometimes, it has a way of finding me, but so far it hasn't been anything I wasn't able to take care of rather quickly."

"Yeah, that's what I heard," he grinned, "And don't think I haven't talked to your past commanding officers, why else did I chose you as a student...that's what mentors do."

"That sucks," I teased, "And all this time I thought it was because I was so damn good at what I do."

"Oh really," he good-naturedly poked at me, "And exactly what is it that you do...right now."

"Uh, well," I grinned, "Right now my job is to listen to you, and to do what you tell me to do, Lieutenant."


Chapter Five

"That's right," he chuckled, and then he turned and looked at me in way that I knew to take him seriously, and told me, "I'm gonna tell you right now, Mike; that you're about the best I've ever seen come through these halls, but there's also a downside to that, too. I don't want you to be ignorant of it when it comes...but know that it will come."

"What're you talking about?" I asked, "What will come?"

"The rush," he menacingly replied, "The power you feel when you take a human life for the very first time."

"Not me," I adamantly brazenly told him, "I refuse to become that weak."

"This has nothing to do with being weak or strong," he said, "This is about being able to resist a temptation that is older than sin itself. This is the temptation of the flesh at its purest and most evil form, Michael, and the moment you get that through your head, the quicker you'll be able to resist it."

"I understand what you're trying to me, Danny, I really do," I earnestly told him, "But you've got to have faith in me, because I know what I'm doing...I don't know how I know, I just know, that all."

"Well, I hope so," he gravely replied, "Because your orders have just come through. You're going to be attached to SEAL Team Three, Underwater Demolition Team Twenty-Six. You need to report, tomorrow morning to Lieutenant Commander David Turner, in full BDU's in the SEAL Team Three's A.O."

"Holy shit," I gasped, "But what about the probation for six months, as well as all of the tactical training I've got left to do?"

"As far as the training goes," he grinned, "You'll get that on the job," and then he reached into his lower BDU leg pocket and retrieved something I couldn't see, then he looked at me and said, "As far as the probation goes, don't fuck up;" and then he threw a bright, shiny, brand new Trident (The insignia worn by all SEALs) toward me but it fell short and gently landed on the table in front of me as he told me, "Congratulations, Mike! You are officially inducted into the ranks of the Navy SEALs, welcome, and stand to be counted when we're called."

"Oh, Man," I grinned, "I can't believe this is happening. I did it, holy shit, I did it."

"Believe it," Danny grinned, "You did it, L.B....I'll be damned."

"Wait a minute," I suddenly asked, "Where are you going to be? Aren't you coming with me?"

"Nah," he clearly and regretfully replied, "The Navy has me teaching young frogs like you, and right now that's where they think that I'm needed the most."

"This is such bullshit," I seethed, knowing what a great Frog that Danny had been and still was, "There's got to be something that can be done, can't there?"

"Leave it alone, kid," he said, rising from his seat and turning to walk away, "We'll meet again...The Teams are made up of a very small community..."


"You guys saw each other," Kara suddenly asked, "What happened after you went to the new team?"

"Of course they saw each other," Jayne laughed, hugging Kara, "How else would Michael know how it turned out, silly goose?"

"I'm sorry, Michael," Kara smiled at me, "You know how impatient I can be."

"That, I do, my love, that I do," I gently grinned, leaning down and kissing her beautiful cheek, "Any way; I'd been given orders to report to my new SEAL team, and I was excited in a way, because..."


"Second Class Petty Officer, Michael Walker," I announced, as I stood before my new Commanding Officer, "Reporting as Ordered; sir."

"At ease, Petty Officer," Commander David Turner grinned, "So you're the famous Mike Walker, huh? I've heard alot of good things about you, kid."

"Hoo-Yah, sir," I respectfully replied, "Just trying to do my best for the Teams and for my country, sir."

"Relax, man, and take a seat," he said, as I sat down in the chair in front of his desk, "We're pretty informal around here so; when the old man's not here, I want you to call me David, or just plain old Dave, like everyone else does. You got it, Mike is it?"

"Yes sir...err, I mean, yeah," I grinned, "No problem Dave."

"Good," he knowingly grinned, "You'll meet the rest of the team tonight when we all muster for briefing. I want you in full BDU when you report to SOCOM no later than eighteen thirty hours. I'll be at the front door to meet you as soon as you get there. In the mean time, I want you to take the time to look around here and try to get accustomed to your new home till you either get killed, or your enlistment expires," and then he began to laugh, letting me know that he'd been kidding with me. But still, the possibility of death lingered in every SEALs mind. Hell, someone would have to be totally insane, or be just plain crazy for it not to; there is a difference you know."


I pulled my jeep into the parking lot around six twenty-five that evening, put it into park, and then turned off the engine and got out. The parking lot was about fifty yards from the building, so I wouldn't realize what lay in wait for me until I got there.


It was very clear what had happened when I rounded the corner and saw who awaited me. Both of our faces lit up when we discovered what had happened.

"Danny Reed," I grinned, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"My job, shit head," he openly laughed, "The real question of the day is; what're you doing here?"

"It beats the shit out of me," I unknowingly replied, "The Officer of the deck told me that the word came from SOCOM that I was to report here."

"You two know each other then," Dave Turner grinned, as he rounded the corner to the front doors of the building, "Come on gentlemen, we have work to do."

"Hold on a minute, Dave," Danny suddenly asked, "Does this mean that I'm put back on the active list?"

"You're here, aren't you?" Dave opinionatedly replied, "Just don't make me sorry that I did this. I went out of a limb for you, bro...a mighty big limb."

"I know you did," Danny solemnly told him, "And thanks, Dave, you won't regret it, bro, I swear."

"Good," he grinned, "Briefing is in twenty minutes and the kid hasn't met the rest of the Team yet."


Apparently something had gone on with Danny that I knew nothing about. Damn, I don't know what he did, but for him to have been taken off of the active duty roster meant that whatever he did must've been pretty bad. I didn't know at the time what it was, but I was very interested in knowing, just for the sake of personally making sure he didn't mess up again, or whatever it was that he must have done.


As we walked into the briefing room, it was apparent that Danny knew the other three members of the Team. Brad Tarkington was a big guy who probably weighed somewhere around three hundred pounds, and stood roughly six feet, five inches tall, and although he kept his dark hair short, there was no getting past his piercingly grey eyes.

"So," Brad grinned, patting me on the shoulder, "Hi, my name is Masterchief Brad Tarkington, and I'll bet you're the new guy that Dave has been telling us about. I hear you're a bad ass."

"My name is Mike Walker," I told him, "It's nice to meet you guys, and no, I'm not a bad ass. I think that maybe Dave talks too much."

"It sounds like he already knows Dave pretty well," said Johnny Lee "The Madman" Mason, "I'm Masterchief Johnny Lee Mason, and it's nice to meet you, kid."

"You, too," I grinned, "I'm really looking forward to working with you."

"It's not him you have to worry about," said Sam Mullins, sitting in a corner by himself, "You need to watch out for the Lone Ranger there...the guy who taught you in BUD/S. I only pray that his bad habits didn't rub off on you."

"We can step outside and talk about if you want to, Mason," Danny quickly barked, "Because you sure as hell don't know what you're taking about, asshole. What's it gonna be, dick?"

"Chill out, Danny," Mullins stood, and came to where we were standing, his hand extended in friendship, "I'm sorry, bro I was trying to get a rise out of you and I meant no disrespect...come on, man, lighten up, Danny."

"As long as that's the last of it," Danny cautiously replied, shaking his hand, "Other wise, I'm going to have to sick Mike here on you. You'll think you were in a fucking category five hurricane when he's finished with you."

"That's enough," Dave finally said, as two men dressed in suits walked into the room, "These gentlemen are going to brief us on our up and coming operation, and I want each and every one of you to listen to what they have to say."

"These two are C.I.A. if I ever saw them," Brad quietly snorted, "It's not hard to tell...they all wear the same shitty haircut," which of course elicited a snicker from me, and a glare from Dave, who stood across the room from the rest of us.

"Alright, guys," Dave said, bringing everyone to order, "These men are here to give us an assignment of epic proportion. Please let me introduce Mister Gaines, and Mister McCauley. I want you to take your cues from them until this operation is..."


After the briefing was over and Dave had given us our orders for the next day, I went off base to a nice Italian Restaurant that I'd found over across the bridge in San Diego, and was headed to the parking lot to my jeep when Danny stopped me.

"Hey, sport," he grinned, "What're you gonna do?"

"I'm going into San Diego to get a bite to eat," I told him, "You wanna come with me?"

"Sure, why not?" he chuckled, "I could use something good to eat for a change anyway."


Twenty minutes later Danny and I had been seated at our table in a place called, "Mingo's Italian Restaurant", and the moment we'd entered the place, the aromas wafting through the air made your stomach growl within the first second you walked through the front door.

Out hostess's name was Angela, and she was very pretty with a long dark, full, rich mane that flowed down past her shoulders, stopping at just above her waist; and when she spoke to you, I found myself becoming lost in the dark sea of dark brown, never wanting to return.

"Damn," I quietly said, as I watched her walk away, "She sure is a beauty, isn't she?"

"Yeah, she is," Danny heartily agreed, "But you'd better watch out for those Italian women, L.B.; they have some really mean tempers."

"Is that right?" I knowingly grinned, "And you would know this how?"

"Because I went to Catholic school," he told me, "I fell in love with a girl named Gina Tomolinni. God, she was so beautiful, too. But I pissed her off and when she went off on me, I felt like God was raining his wrath down on me."

"You don't say," I grinned, trying desperately not to laugh, "And what, pray tell, did you do to make her mad?"

"It was all a big misunderstanding, really," he backpedaled, and then hanging his head, he looked at me and shamefully admitted, "I didn't know that the girl I was dating across town was her cousin." Of course I laughed for a moment until I remembered something I was going to talk to him about.

"I don't mean to change the subject, but I need to ask you something," I told him, "And if you truly respect me, then you'll tell me the truth about this."

"I already know what you want to talk about, he said, "It's about why I was taken off the active duty roster, isn't it?"

"Yes," I plainly said, "What happened, Danny?"

"It started about a year before you got here," he began, "I went out on an operation with the same Team that you're on with the exception of another guy. His name was Rick Mathers, and like you, he was a Corpsman. Anyway, to make a long story short, we we'd gone back into the Nam on a hostage extraction, because a French newspaper reporter had been captured and the president sent us in to get her out...

"...We HALO'd in right before sunset, and not too long after we'd landed we made immediate contact with the enemy. There were only four men, but apparently they'd gotten a radio message off before we killed them, because it not more than twenty seconds later, we heard the sound of two captured American UH-1 Huey Helicopters moving in from our six o'clock."
