A Red Leaf & Ten Orchids Ch. 17


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They sat in silence for a moment before Sam looked over, "You got a little wet watching that, didn't you?"

"Oh fuck, yes," Siobhan said, not taking her eyes off the screen, "I couldn't help it."

"I thought so," Sam smiled into her mug of tea, "and before you ask, "I've seen regular horses do it before, and I know what I was thinking then. It wasn't supposed to happen, but I guess some fool left her mare a little too close and upwind of a stallion for a minute longer than they needed to decide on true love or something like that. It was at a rodeo and the pandemonium and carnage was unreal. But the horseys got it done, I'll tell you that."

Siobhan looked over, "You like rodeos?"

"Sure," Sam grinned, "I love 'em. I just wish there were more to go to, but there aren't many in this part of the country. Why?"

"Nothing much," Siobhan smirked, "I guess I just never figured you to be the type. I mean, I know you like horses, but ..."

"I do like the horses, "Sam laughed, "but I like the men there even better!"


The next day they were in town with Ajax along. He looked as though he didn't know which one of them he ought to be walking next to for a while, before he just settled in to walking between them. The first time that Siobhan almost had her arm dislocated because the dog had seen a cat in a store window was enough for her. Ajax was good, but he had his limits.

She looked up and saw that it was the new pet shop. Sam went in and came back a moment later with a grin, "Yup, they're good with him coming inside. We just gotta give them a sec to get Tixie there to go somewhere else.

When they emerged a few minutes later, Ajax had two collars -- the one that he always wore and a metal one with a few inward-facing little prods to remind him if he pulled hard. He didn't care; he'd seen the big-assed rawhide bone that Siobhan had bought. It was in a plastic bag now, but he knew that it was there.

When they got back, they decided to make something special out of the evening. Siobhan was thinking about brushing her teeth in front of the mirror in the upstairs bathroom when Sam breezed in, apologizing and begging that she had to pee.

"Sam," Siobhan sighed, "if it wasn't you, I'd tell you to kiss my ass. I just want you to know that."

"Well if it wasn't you," the taller one chuckled, "I'd tell you to fuck off and die. I have to pee that much. And you ought to be at least a little careful. You've just had a shower, and if you don't know me by now, well I just love a challenge."

Siobhan made Sam laugh as she turned with toothpaste froth around her lips in a bit of shock. "Yood reewy do vat?" she asked around the toothbrush still in her mouth.

"Oh probably," Sam laughed, "You're all clean and I'm looking at the sweetest ass right now. You want to test me?" She reached for the toilet tissue, not missing a beat as she wiped, "You just step back from the counter a little and lean forward."

She laughed at the saucer-eyes that she saw looking back at her before Siobhan went back to brushing her teeth. As she tried to pass her, Siobhan was against her giggling a little. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"Spitting," Siobhan said just after the fact, "and you told me to step back a little."

Siobhan's eyes widened again a second later, "What -- what are you doing back there?"

Sam laughed as she placed her hands, "Kissing your ass, what did you think I was gonna do, look to see if you're hiding the TV remote back here? I haven't seen it since last night, now that I think about it."

Siobhan laughed nervously and she was about to tell Sam to stop fooling around when she froze and looked back, before she ran the edge of her hand over the mirror on the wall beside her. Sam was actually doing what she'd threatened to do. Siobhan tried to find her voice, but then she felt Sam's tongue and all that came out was a groan for a moment before Sam was beside her with a grin. "Well?"

"You're a fruitcake," Siobhan said, "a completely whacked, nut-filled fruitcake, but I love you anyway."

"I'd have though that you'd have liked that," Sam said a little disappointed.

"Uh-huh, I did," Siobhan smiled, "but you stopped. That was really nice."

"Well I didn't think that you'd want me to go on for too long," Sam said with a shrug, "We're not sure that Sile has gone to bed yet. So you did like it then?"

"Yes," Siobhan said, "just when I think that I know you, you do something like that." She rolled her eyes wearily, "Fine, I give you permission to do that whenever you want to. Just have your shower now, ok?"


They sat on the bed together watching the second of the movies which they'd rented. Popcorn was in abundance, but it was Ajax who seemed to be getting most of it as he stood on the floor by the bottom of the bed with his front half on it and his forelegs between their legs. He amazed them more that the chick-flick on the screen as he seemed to never miss whenever one of them tossed him a kernel of popcorn.

"This is the perfect girl's movie," Siobhan said, "it's got everything, but it's not getting to me somehow."

"That's because it's a bit too much of everything on the list," Sam said, "I'm actually a little annoyed with it. I think I feel insulted at their attempts to pull heartstrings here. I didn't even boohoo very much at the sad part. I've been having way more fun watching our big kid here, "she smirked, "He never misses. He even gets both pieces whenever we toss some at the same time. It's like Ajax has some kind of popcorn magnet in his mouth."

"He does," Siobhan nodded, "It's called a vacuum. He opens that mouth and I can almost feel my hair move then. Popcorn doesn't have a chance against that." She got up, "We're both pretty bored if his eating popcorn can hold our interest. I'm gonna put on one of the tapes."

As the opening for the first one got underway, Sam reached over and ran her butter-covered finger over Siobhan's nipple in tiny circles. To her amazement, Siobhan lifted Sam's hand and moved it to her mound. ""You're wasting good butter," she said, not taking her eyes off the screen.

By the time that the player began to rewind the tape, having reached the end, the two of them both wore a bit of butter on them here and there and Sam's breasts were a pair of slippery messes which glistened in the light of the TV. Some of the sheen was transferred to Siobhan's front as they shared their slow kisses.

"You know," Sam chuckled a little as she stopped to look at Siobhan, "my poor brain keeps getting these conflicting signals."

"How do you mean?" Siobhan asked.

"Ajax," Sam shrugged, "he's had all the popcorn and he's still there on the bed watching us. I probably wouldn't mind, but he's breathing like at least half of my boyfriends used to when we were fooling around. My brain is confused now. I'm hearing him pant like a steam locomotive, but at the same time, I'm getting these soft and fantastic kisses from you."

Siobhan giggled and ordered Ajax to lie down somewhere, which he did with a loud groan.

"Better?" Siobhan asked, and Sam nodded, "Perfect."

They traded kisses for a while longer before Sam pushed up onto her knees and Siobhan looked up quizzically.

"We've only watched one movie and I think we must have seen at least nine women get fucked by twenty-seven men, give or take," Sam smiled, "so now, I think I'd really like to fuck you."

"Well, that'll be worth watching," Siobhan smiled as she looked at Sam's body, "cause unless you're hiding something from me somehow -- and remember that I've been feeling you up as well here, I don't see how you're gonna do it, though I am uh, ... receptive at the moment."

Sam moved Siobhan's legs apart and moved forward as she dipped her fingers into the remains of the butter in the large bowl there on the bed. "Just watch me," she smiled as her fingers began to slide over Siobhan's labia.

She loved to see the way that Siobhan looked surprised and aroused at the same time, and it wasn't long before she was looking at the expression that she loved to see on that sweet face.

"I'm in love with my adopted sister," she smiled as her hands moistened the pretty breasts for a while before she went back to working Siobhan's lips, teasing and even pulling them to let them slip from her slick fingers time and again as Siobhan began to move all over the place.

"Oh God, "Siobhan hissed, "I love you, Sam. This is so good."

After a minute, Sam sighed, "Yeah well, it might be so good," she smiled down, "but it's not the way that I wanted to fuck you. Get up and turn around."

Siobhan didn't really get it, but she did what was asked, "What now?"

Sam laughed a little as her hand went right back to it, "Well, since I can't reach under you, baby, I think I'll need for you to lie on your front for me with your amazing ass in the air before I break my wrist or something."

Siobhan groaned and Sam watched as she moved her hips in a searching manner, "Come on," she coaxed, "lift your ass for me, Sis. Show me what you want me to work on for you."

Siobhan shook her head in a bit of shyness, but Sam moved her fingers is a different way and without really being able to help herself, Siobhan pulled her knees forward and her hips seemed to rise of their own accord. Sam's response was instant as she ran her fingers in and out, twisting them and humping her mound against her own hand as it worked in and out of Siobhan.

Feeling it now, Siobhan began to thrust backward as well. "Oh fuck," she sighed as she looked back, "I love this!"

"I hate it when I see a movie and the guy talks shit to the girl," Sam said, "but for right now, baby-girl, I'm your man and you are my happy little bitch aren't you?"

"Fuck yeah," Siobhan said, "I'm ... whatever you say. Just don't ... just ... don't stop."

She threw herself backwards and Sam had to caution her, "This isn't a dick here, "she said , "take it easy and let me do this, honey. I will stop after you snap my fingers. That hurt a little."

"S-sorry." Siobhan moaned, "Ohh Sam, ... ohhhh, ... fuck me. Please fuck me."

Sam laid her hand onto Siobhan's back, partially to try to control her a little. "I love you Sis," she said in a hoarse-sounding whisper, "I won't leave you hanging. Just stop holding back. It's me. I want you to come for me. Just ... let ... go."

Siobhan began to shake and Sam worked her even harder then. Siobhan buried her face into her pillow and cried out twice loudly before she thrust back a little more gently and a lot slower, trying to get everything that she could take from this. At last, she fell forward onto the bed and felt Sam lie down beside her.

"Thanks, Sam," Siobhan smiled, "I know that it says something about my sorry sex life up to now, but you've just given me the best orgasm of my life."

Sam looked a little sad, "I don't think that I did all that much but help you. Do any of the guys that you've been with live here? I mean, in town?"

"At least one," Siobhan said, "unless he's moved since I left. Why?"

"Nothing," Sam smiled angelically, "I just had the urge to kill somebody, that's all." She slid down a little and looked over, "So if I did something nice for you, could you please bring those fantastic boobies over here?"

Siobhan moved then and as she felt Sam beginning to kiss her breasts, she sighed and hung on to Sam's head pulling her a little and running her fingers through her hair. Sam waited a little and then she reached for the bowl behind her. When she felt her fingers against the rim, she dipped them into the little pool of melted butter at the bottom and before it was really even noticed, she slid them between Siobhan's cheeks and set them to work, teasing and slipping the tips one at time in and out of her friend's anus.

It got her a lot of delightful wriggling from Siobhan and that was all that she'd wanted.

"Are we there yet?" Siobhan asked.

Sam opened her eyes from the pleasant way that this all felt to her. "What? What do you mean? For a second there, I might have been dozing off and it was like we were kids in the back seat on a long car ride."

"I meant," Siobhan said, "are we ... you know."

"Nope," Sam smiled against the breast in her face, "not in my book, anyway. Why?"

"Well what do we have to do to get to that place?" Siobhan asked, "I'm curious."

Sam thought about it for a moment, "I think that to qualify in my head, we'd have to do the sixty-nine thing at least one time, and I don't think you're-"

"Awesome," Siobhan smirked as she pushed herself up, "I'm so glad that we weren't there yet."

"What are you doing?" Sam asked in a little confusion, "Why are you glad? Don't you think that you'd ever --"

"I'm turning around," Siobhan chuckled, "I'm so glad that I didn't miss it when we got there -- according to my big sister, Sam. Have you ever done this before?"

"N-no," Sam replied as she watched Siobhan's leg pass over her head.

"Good," Siobhan smiled as she reached for the bowl and then ran her dripping fingers over Sam's cleft. Sam hadn't even had the chance to groan once before Siobhan lowered her face and began.


The joint business began and the old farm was a beehive of activity for a long while, as much of the lower floor of the house was remodelled to serve its new roles. As spring warmed the land once more, Sylvia began to take in horses which needed boarding and she was busy from dawn till dusk with students. Sam split her time between her own business and Siobhan's practice as well as helping Sylvia.

It got a little easier when Sylvia's parents came home from Florida and for the first time in years, they felt really needed -- largely because they were. The fallout from Sylvia's marriage was acrimonious, mostly because the takeover of the business was thwarted for a time. With Paul divested of his position by a vote taken by the same board of directors which he'd installed, the way was clear for a sellout to a different acquisition interest, and Sylvia found herself with a different set of partners altogether, a firm which specialized in active investments, rather than just the buying up of businesses in order to reap the gain from their closure and dissolution. Life had become rather interesting indeed.

But she lived with Cale in the old farmhouse, as smitten with him as she'd ever been and more. The way that the two of them seemed to fit when they made love was a revelation and there had been the occasional day where, the needs of the horses and his work schedule aside, they just kept coming back to bed -- now that they'd found it, Cale had pointed out.

At the moment, they all sat in the living room in the house at the farm and worked through a long list of the things which still needed to be done as the combined businesses took off.

While he made a few notes as Sylvia spoke about the remodelling coming to a close and the holdbacks on the contracts needing to be paid, his cell phone cheeped to indicate a text message and he fished it out. He looked up and saw Sylvia's eyebrows rise in a silent question.

"It's from my brother, Josh," he said.

Siobhan looked at Sam, "You have an uncle?"

"I haven't seen him since I was little," Sam said, "What's up, Dad?"

He looked down at the phone and scratched his head, "Your uncle Josh is getting married." He looked over at Sylvia, "Better get out there and buy a lottery ticket. If Joshua is getting married, then anything's possible."

"When?" Sylvia asked, "Where?"

"I'll have to call," Cale said, "I've been meaning to and we missed at Christmas."

"Well go ahead and call!" Sylvia grinned, "Use the phone right over there. What's he like?"

Cale got up to go to the phone. "He's a bit younger than me and he looks better to most women than I do," Cale smiled, "especially after they've had a few drinks."

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rayironrayironover 7 years ago
Blacksmithing hammer work

Respectfully, you only got 1/2 of it ( well, much less)....but...

The hammer and anvil don't ring much when the iron is hot, and that's when you move the most metal for your effort...As it cools and stiffens up it rings more and you do the surface work before it gets too cool ( below glowing red)

The hard part of forging is picking the hammer back up for the next blow, though one does exert effort on the downstroke especially when moving a bulk of metal around.

The trick is to use the rebound off the anvil and work to help pick the hammer up for the next blow and timing is critical. The "ting" sound you described between blows is usually only when the smith is resting briefly, repositioning the work or tooling , or pausing to figure out what to do next . The ting sound is from when the hammer strikes the anvil face relatively gently and serves to keep the hammer in the air and the rhythm going.

Um," taut" was the word you were looking for back there.

You are a good writer...Thanks for your work!

Yobo36Yobo36over 10 years ago

OK I'm lost now. Two stories intertwined and nothing else to read. WHY??

I see in a future chapter, whenever it gets here, Daisy and Ajax having puppies.

But what about Rufus. LOL. More already!

biercebierceover 10 years ago
Oh, the tangled web

You weave an amazing story. Your style is wonderful and the characters divine. Please share more. Thanks

Sassy_th4ngSassy_th4ngover 10 years ago
More please

Please write more about the fabulous characters that you've created within these two series. It's been so long since you've done anything with this story I'm hoping that you haven't left it

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
lost and confuggeled??

loved the story up too chapter 16, chapter 17 took off in a different direction and as readers are left in left feeld , 4 miles from where we should be. Is there an inding someplace?? gatow47@yahoo.com

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Don't ever be sorry

It's all good, you explain enough at the beginnings for those who can pay attention...

My only question is what's up with all the girls with swords in your stories! And, can't wait to hear about the meeting between Rufus and Ajax.

dairetodairetoalmost 11 years ago
a little disappointed in this chapter

This story is not about Sam and Siobhan it was meant to be about Josh and kayla and jilly jim and rose.

i hope the next chapter gets back on track

Hubbys_PrincessHubbys_Princessabout 11 years ago
okay um im lost....

It's not that I didn't enjoy this chapter but I was/am very confused. A little warning that we had left the far. With Kayla n josh, rose n Jim n little jilly. I spent most of this going what the hell, where does this fit? And who the hell are these people?. Theys just feel completely outta the blue and.... Just not necessary to the main characters I get that Cale is Josh's nephew? But who are the three girls In relation to him and the story? I understand wanting to provide depth to the characters but just feels like 4 wasted pages about some characters I didn't and still do t know/understand when what I wanted to be reading was the preparation for the wedding, the budding romance between Rose and Jim... Your such a good writer and uptil this chapter I absoloutly loved this tale of yours, and I'm looking forward to reading more of it, just when I guess is up to when you post more and hopefully it will be about the main 5 people that I have already mentioned

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Where'd they go?

Where did Kayla and Josh go? Did someone upload the wrong file? Non sequitur!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
are you on a time out?

Your characters in the red leaf series have got me eagerly awaiting your next chapter. I'm hooked and wondering how long until the next episode? Great writing !!!

TaLtos6TaLtos6over 11 years agoAuthor
Wait wait wait

You need to read "A Man on an Island."

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Wait wait wait!

Ok so I'm confused; I've only read the 'red leaf' story!! So in order to understand this chapter which other story should I read????

DoctimeDoctimeover 11 years ago

This was just far too cutesy, and also not very good. If I wanted a lesbian story, I would click on that category. You are far too good a writer to try to ride two horses at the same time. I could not give a rats ass about Cale, and the "sisters". Lets get back to the farm.

TaLtos6TaLtos6over 11 years agoAuthor
That's ok.

I knew what you meant - and thank you!

JoeZiltchJoeZiltchover 11 years ago

So I blew that - I meant "A Man on an Island". Too quick a look back and got wrong story title

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