A Shocking Coming of Age

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Awkward virgin boy discovers sex with his cousins.
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This is a work of fiction and all characters are of legal age.

I was born in 1946, a baby-boomer, and an only child. My Dad was a Preacher and my Mom was a Librarian. He was tall and slim with receding brown hair. She was shorter and plump with naturally blonde hair. I somehow came out as a blend of the two. Not as tall as my Dad, but not as skinny either and I had Mom's fair complexion and blonde hair. However, I needed glasses for anything over six feet away and had prominent front teeth. Add to that the simple fact that I was smothered by my parents and you get the picture.

See, I found out from relatives decades later that both of my parents had actually been sexually molested as children and for them, it seemed sex was for procreation rather than pleasure. Mom had two miscarriages before me and another after so they simply stopped having sex. I grew up sheltered from sexual education, innuendo, and exploration. In the fifties, this was actually fairly easily done compared to now.

As I had been trustworthy and faithful, Dad lent me his '55 Bel Air Stationwagon for the Senior Prom in May, 1964. My date was Mabel Forrester. We were both eighteen and had known each other for years. She was red-headed and had the biggest tits in the class. But since she was short and chubby, no one paid any attention. If we hadn't gone together, we would both be left out. She was also one of my few friends.

I really didn't know how to dance but Mabel was a good sport. When we slow danced and I felt those tits press against me, however, I got a hard-on. And Mabel knew it. I tried to pretend everything was normal but she managed to shield my boner as we slipped outside. She led me to the wagon and suggested we go for a drive.

Now see, I didn't know what intercourse was. I mean, I knew the man impregnated the woman, but I didn't know-how. I didn't realize what a hard-on was or why it came and went. My parents had avoided discussion and I'd been told to take a cold shower to "fix the problem".

Mabel's dad was in construction and she directed me to a new housing development he was building. We parked and sat on the tailgate and talked. Finally realizing just how naive I was, Mabel took charge.

"Tommy, do you trust me?"

"Well, yeah. Of course!"

"Then just relax and let me teach you a few things. I promise you'll like it."

She kissed me and I liked it. She also fondled my renewed hard-on and I really liked that.

"You want to see my titties?" she asked.


Before I could stop her, Mabel pulled her sweater off. She then slipped the bra straps off her shoulders and tugged the bra down to her waist.

"Oh god!" I mumbled as those tits were revealed.

Now Mabel was probably a D or maybe a double D. Her nipples were erect and plump in big pink ovals and as she leaned forward I found my hands on them without conscious thought. Suddenly I was squeezing and kissing and sucking on them as she giggled.

"I can't believe it," I mumbled. "This is amazing!"

We continued like this for a couple of minutes then Mabel pulled away. She reached for my belt and I reflexively moved to stop her.

"No, Tommy, you've got to trust me," she said and slapped my hands away.

Mabel unfastened my pants and pulled my pants and underwear down. My erection sprang free and Mabel quickly grabbed it. No one had ever touched me there before, and I'd never grasped it firmly like that. It felt amazing! She stroked it a few times and I felt the rush of something from deep within me and suddenly I was cumming.

"Oh god!" I cried out.

Mabel gasped but kept on stroking my shaft until she had milked every last drop out. Fortunately, none had gotten on her clothes or mine. She grabbed a shop towel and cleaned off her hand and my cock.

"What happened?" I asked.

Mabel grinned and replied, "You've just had a climax, silly. I suppose that was your first one?"

"Uh.... yeah."

"You mean you've never done this before? Played with yourself? Maybe in the shower?"

"N-No! Of course not! Why would I?"

"Oh my... a real, live, virgin," she said. "Well Tommy, we are going to have such fun!"

I was struggling to put 2 and 2 together. I was flustered and confused and excited all at the same time. Mabel reached under her skirt and pulled off her panties and then lay down in the station wagon. She lifted her skirt slowly until her womanhood was revealed.

"Well?" she asked. "What do you think?"

I nervously reached out and touched her fur. She parted her legs for me and I saw my first pussy. She used her fingers to spread her lips.

"Take your dick and put it inside me."

And that was when I saw the headlights turn off the main road and start our way.

We managed to get ourselves dressed and were innocently sitting on the tailgate when the Police car pulled up. It was fortunate that the Officer knew my Dad and recognized me. We chatted and he shooed us off.

"Take her home, son."

My chance to finish with Mabel never materialized. She was sent off to Bible college by her parents and Mom and Dad kept a tight leash on me. I often wondered if the Police Officer said anything to my Dad.

That fall would change everything for me though. My application for college was accepted and I was packed off. No, not to live in a dorm where I could get into trouble, but to live with a relative. My Dad's sister Florence.

Aunt Flo was a few years older than my Dad, so in the fall of '61 that put her at forty-four years old. She had been widowed, losing her husband in Korea. She had three children and lived only a few miles from the University. Her son Gary had joined the Marine Corps and I would be taking his room and living with her and her daughters, Wendy and Karen, who were also students at the University. My parents figured this arrangement would keep me out of trouble.

It did, and it didn't.

I didn't have a car of my own yet so my folks drove me down. We hadn't seen them in almost a year and it was a good excuse to visit. After hugs were exchanged, Wendy helped me carry my stuff to what would be my room.

Aunt Flo lived in a big, sprawling, single-level ranch house shaped like a big L, with a patio in between the wings. The garage, kitchen, living room, dining room and den made up the long wing. The four bedrooms made up the short wing.

"This is it!" Wendy said as she deposited my suitcase on the bed. "Gary's stuff has been moved into the attic."

That weekend I couldn't help but feel nervous, about both the first days of class (only a week away) and the arrangements. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something was bothering Wendy and Karen. Neither was truly happy to have me but both were pretending they were. Sunday afternoon my parents left and that night I had difficulty falling asleep.

Monday morning I got up and dressed and went into the kitchen for breakfast. Aunt Flo and Karen were already up and about. Aunt Flo waved her hand about.

"Feel free to fix anything you want, Tommy. Cereal is in the cabinet, milk in the fridge, bowls in that cabinet over there."

She sipped her coffee and continued reading the paper. Karen put her bowl in the sink and left.

I sat down with a bowl of cereal and a glass of milk.

"This will take some getting used to..." she said. "But just give them time. They don't resent your being here, but they miss Gary." She paused for another sip. "And I suppose they are a little unsure about you. We don't get to see you that often. Like I said, just give them time."

Karen left a few minutes later and Aunt Flo followed a little after that. I was still sitting there looking at the funnies when Wendy stumbled in. She was wearing only a short nightgown and as she stretched to reach for a box of cereal the hem rose enough to display her bare bottom. I was shocked. Then when she opened the fridge and bent over I not only saw her butt again, but a glimpse of her pussy. When she came and sat across from me I tried to pretend everything was normal. Luckily she was still too sleepy to notice. However I noticed that she had suddenly changed from "cousin" to "obviously attractive female" in my eyes in a minute. I couldn't help but think of that night with Mabel. My mind was drifting and I realized with a start that Wendy was watching me.

"I'll bet it feels super strange moving in with us." she said. "Well, it's awkward for us as well." She pushed her bowl aside and sat back. As she crossed her arms beneath her breasts, the fabric was pulled taut and her nipples printed sharply in the thin material. I stared for a moment then tore my eyes away.

"Yeah, like that. What are you going to do Tommy? Tell your Mom and Dad what sinners we are?"

"Huh? No! I-I mean..."

"Look Tommy, we don't live our lives the way your parents do. We're not as such bad people, we just think and believe differently. And frankly we wondered if you would tell on us the first chance you get. So here it is..."

Wendy stood and leaned over the table. The neck of her nightie hung loose and low and I could see her tits, well most of them, and I stared, mesmerized.

"So, are you going to phone them and tell them I flashed you? That I'm a brazen hussy?" she asked.

I swallowed, still staring down her nightie.

"N-No, no I wouldn't. I mean, you're not..."

I stammered and felt my face flush. Finally I looked up into her eyes. She stared back. Finally she sat down and relaxed.

"Do... you tell your parents everything?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

She leaned forward a bit. "Do you keep secrets from them?"

"Some... yeah."

"Like what?" she asked.

"Well... you know... just stuff..."

"Girlfriend stuff? Sex stuff?" she probed.

My blush gave it away.

"Ah, well... " she smiled. "So what is it?"

I bolted and headed for my room. I was surprised that Wendy followed. I sat on the bed and Wendy sat uncomfortably close.

"So what is it?" she pressed. ""I'm going to guess you're still a virgin from the way you stared down my nightie. But your Dad told my Mom he lent you the wagon for prom. So you did go out."


"Tell me about it."


"Why not? Did something happen? Or... did nothing happen at all?"

I didn't know what to do. Should I tell her? Memories of that night raced through my brain. Wendy leaned in close. Really close, her lips grazed my ear.

"Did you kiss her?"


"Did you like it?"


"I'll bet I'm better."

My head snapped around in surprise and Wendy put one hand on my cheek and kissed me. Her lips were wonderful, full, soft and warm. Her mouth moved as we kissed and mine followed. The kiss was long and deep. Her hand on my cheek was hot and then her other hand was cupping the back of my head. The kiss broke at last and she smiled.

"There, how was that?"


"You're not so bad yourself," she said and kissed me again.

Wendy shifted as we kissed, actually crawling into my lap. Her arms wrapped around my neck. She sat astride me and I found my hands on her waist. When this kiss broke I stared at this creature and realized the desire and hunger rising in me. She removed my glasses and sat them on the nightstand. I realized her hazel eyes were speckled with green flecks and seemed to bore into me.

"Wendy... what are we doing?"

"Relax, Tommy. I'm just teaching you how to kiss. You're going to start college next week and sooner or later you're going to go on dates and I couldn't let you go out without a decent education on kissing and pleasing women, now could I?"

"But you're my cousin... This isn't-"

Wendy stifled my complaint with another kiss. This time her hips rocked against the growing bulge in my jeans. I moaned.

"Oh god," she said. "That feels good." She kissed my cheek and nibbled my ear. "Tell me what happened. Tell me... everything!"

I couldn't help it, I broke and the tale spilled out. Wendy continued to kiss my ear, neck, and cheek as I babbled. Her hips continued to grind against my boner. When I got to the interruption by the Police, she moaned softly in my ear.

"Oh you poor thing! To get so close and be denied.... It's so sad."

Wendy sat up and guided my hands down to her hips and under her nightie. My hands were finally on her flesh and it thrilled me. I forgot she was my cousin as I squeezed her hips and slowly slid them up her waist. Wendy kissed me deeply and then sat back and pulled her nightie off over her head, tossing it aside. I stared at her titties.

They weren't as big as Mabel's but they were beautiful. I'll try to describe them but I know my words won't do them justice.

Wendy was at this time twenty years old, stood 5'6" and weighed around 110 pounds. Her hair was sandy brown and her hazel eyes were hypnotizing. Her breasts were young, firm and erect with absolutely no sag whatsoever. (I would later discover she was outgrowing her B cup.) Her nipples were erect, pale pink and sat in darker, quarter-sized pink circles. Her nipples pointed up and out and I reached up and caressed them. She moaned and kissed me again. My erection was getting very uncomfortable.

Wendy pushed me back on the bed and climbed off. She unfastened my belt and jeans and tugged them down. I reacted without thinking and kicked my shoes off. She pulled my pants off and then my briefs. My erection grew as it was freed. Wendy grasped it.

"Oh god, Tommy, that's a nice one!"

She stroked it a few times and I moaned in delight. She gripped it tighter and after a dozen strokes I knew I was going to cum.

"Oh god! I'm gonna... GAAAhhhhh..."

I shot big ropes of sticky cum up into the air. Most fell onto my stomach. Wendy milked the last drops out, giggling with delight.

"Wow! What a load of hot spunk!"

She straddled me again and slid my cock into her. I gasped in surprise.

"Oh god, Tommy! Oh god that feels so good! Oh so good!"

Slowly she rose and fell, her pussy was so tight, so warm and so wet. It felt incredible! She leaned forward, her tits pressing into my chest and we kissed. This time she added her tongue. My hands squeezed her hips and she slowly picked up speed.

"How does that feel?"


"Yeah, yeah it is," she said. "But Tommy, you can't cum in me..."

"What? Come where?"

"No, when someone climaxes, has an orgasm like you did, it's called cumming and spelled with a C-U, instead of a C-O. Anyway, you can fuck me all you want but you can't cum inside me. I don't want to get pregnant. So before you climax you have to pull out and shoot your load onto me."

"Oh! Oh yeah, right."

"Here, let's switch," she said and dismounted. Wendy lay down and spread her legs. She rubbed her pussy and it made wet, slurpy sounds.

"So, did Mabel's pussy look as good as this?" She asked.

I crouched down to look. Somehow I was smart enough to answer correctly.

"She wasn't this nice," I said and reached out to touch it.

Wendy giggled again and grasped my cock.

"There'll be plenty of time for play and exploration later. Right now I want you to fuck me. I want to feel your cock inside of me Tommy!"

No one had ever used those words around me. And although this was shocking, it was also erotic and as I mounted her, Wendy guided my cock into her wet pussy.

"Oh god, you're so big and hard! That's it, push in deep... yes, yessss... oh god! That's it, now fuck me, Tommy, fuck me!"

My hips were soon bouncing as I fucked her. Wendy's hands gripped my ass and I stared in her eyes.

"Faster, Tommy! Faster! That's it! That's it! Yes, just like that! Ohhhhhhhhhhh...."

Wendy threw her head back and cried out.


I felt her pussy squeezing my cock and knew I was cumming too. I pulled out just in time and sprayed my load all over her.

I collapsed next to her and tried to catch my breath. Wendy rolled over and threw one leg over me, snuggling close.

"Wow. That was fun, Tommy. So what do you think?"

"Yeah, it was great!" I replied. "But we aren't supposed to..."

"Fuck? Yeah, well we did. And it was great. So what? Are you going to tell your folks?"

"No! Of course not! Dad would..."

"Right, and I'm not worried about it so why should you be?" she said softly as she caressed my chest. "This can be our secret, our private little... taboo."


"All kids have taboos. Things they do to rebel against parental authority, or the pressures of society. Some smoke, some drink, some do drugs, some have sex. This can be ours. Just you and me. You won't have to worry about dating and I won't have to worry about jerk boyfriends, we'll have each other."

I had to admit, she had a point. I was indeed nervous about dating. As sheltered as I'd been, college was scary enough. College social life, dating and such was terrifying to me at that point in my life.

"But how do we get away with it?" I asked. "Your Mom and sister..."

"Yeah, we'll have to be careful. But I think you'll find it's easy to have sex if we want to."

We played around for a little while. She allowed me to explore her body and she toyed with me. We fucked again before cleaning up. Aunt Flo came home around 2 pm and Karen around 3. Although I was nervous, no one seemed to notice anything amiss. After everyone went to bed, Wendy slipped into my room shortly after midnight. She mounted me sixty-nine and surprised the hell out of me when she not only sucked me off but swallowed it all. She grinned and kissed me before slipping back to her bedroom.

The next few days were busy. Wendy volunteered to take me to the campus bookstore and show me around. We found a few places to grab a quick fuck each time. She also managed to get a hold of an entire box of Trojans. The first time I actually came in her was an awesome feeling. And each night she would slip into my room for either some oral or just kissing, caressing and cuddling. We were afraid to fuck with Aunt Flo and Karen home, we were aware of how quiet the house was and how the sounds carried.

This went on for several weeks. School started and I had little difficulty settling in. Classes were fine and Wendy often met me for lunch. Sometimes we ate lunch, sometimes we ate each other.

Wendy had gone exploring and found a few places we could meet secretly. I was gaining experience and confidence with every session. I was still an amateur, but at least no longer a novice.

And it was nice to have Wendy telling me I was a good lover when no other girls on campus seemed willing to even speak to me. I didn't expect to get a lot of dates, but it would've been nice if any one of them said hello or smiled. I might as well have been invisible. But Wendy made up for that.

September turned to October and with it came another surprise. On Thursday night Aunt Flo and Karen both retired early. About midnight Wendy came in for a quick sixty-nine session, kissed me and whispered,

"God, I love to feel your mouth on my pussy! I wish I could stay here and let you eat me over and over again!"

Then she slipped out and went back to her room. As usual I lay there a few minutes then went to the bathroom. When I came back to my room I discovered I wasn't alone. The light coming in the window revealed a figure sitting on my bed. Karen.

She held a finger to her lips and motioned at the door. I closed it. She stood and stepped closer. Her hands untied the bathrobe and it fell to reveal a perfect example of what would later be called a Big, Beautiful Woman. Of course what I noticed first were her huge tits.

Karen was twenty-three and stood 5'7". She was chubby and had a thick waist and a bit of a belly but oh my god she had tits! They were big, round and beautiful. Her areola were enormous and her nipples were plump, red stubs. She caressed them with her fingertips and smiled. She reached out with one hand and caressed the back of my neck, then pulled my face into her chest. I found those tits were soft, warm, and yielding. Almost involuntarily I began kissing and sucking on them. Karen softly chuckled and whispered in my ear.