A Tale of Immorality Ch. 08

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A foretaste of damnation.
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Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 08/31/2007
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Chapter Eight: A Foretaste of Damnation

He must have thought he killed us both. He should have.

I am Anne. I betrayed my husband. And in the end I was unable to stop my betrayal. He found out, of course. He killed my lover. He almost killed me.

Then he killed himself.

No. I killed him.

I know. I have no right to live on. But I do.

I could annoy you with repentance and remorse, but I won't. Not because I don't honestly feel it. I do feel remorse, about ten tons of it and they all weigh

on my heart.

But there is no point, is there?

My love is dead. George is gone. So is every dream I ever had. I carelessly and thoughtlessly threw them away. I betrayed and killed the one good thing I'd carried within me — George's love.

What's left of me is just trash. Worthless trash to be put away and destroyed. I should follow him as soon as they let me out of this hospital.

But I can't.


I remember the ice-cold flash of damnation. George's face was dark and ugly with rage. I remember the sense of finality.

The shame.

I was on my knees on the bed. The tip of Ralph's hard cock rested on the curl of my tongue. The painted nails of my fingers dug into the hard flesh of his ass cheeks. I pulled him towards me. I had to have him, to swallow him. My tits swung freely down from my chest. A sweet and familiar cloud of lust set my mind afloat.

I must have looked the whore I was.

No classy affair, this. No subtle titillation of the senses. No carefully planned adventure. Not even the thrill of the deliciously forbidden, anymore. No excuses, no sparkling sheen of glamour. I had become a greedy slut. I just had to have my cock. And lots of it.

There was no romance left.

Ralph and I had just grabbed a rushed dinner in the closest hotel at hand. It was a rendez-vousrendezvous I hastily improvised as soon as my husband left town. It was a badly-concealed excuse for what I really wanted — a sleazy night of greedy fucking.

Ah, Anne. What ever were you thinking? It was just delusion, honey. Delusion was all it added up to.

On that hotel bed my world came to an end.

There was his sudden face. He was a revenging angel from darkest Hades. I heard the sickening crush of bones. My naked body fled from his towering aggression.

I guess it was my voice that screamed his name.

Blood splashed like a hot shower over my exposed chest and face. Still the fury went on. I heard someone beg and simper. It must have been me. The dead

weight of a large body fell against me.

Then all lights went out.


The white was clean. It was all around me.

So was the silence, punctuated by murmuring bleeps.

Hospital, my mind said. Crispy sheets, rubbery pillows.

My head was bandaged. So was my chest. There was no pain. There were no feelings at all, actually. I knew I was there. But I really wasn't.

I drifted.

A clear plastic bag sent drips to my wrist. I saw my idle hand. The garishly painted nails lay like little blood drops in a field of virgin snow.

Memories rushed back in. I moaned. Tears burned the rims of my eyes. Ah, sad crocodile. Too little, too late. A murderess you are.

I guess they fed me drugs.

Awful pains tore at my consciousness. But they

were subdued. Fat pillows of artificial indifference smothered my feelings.

Oh brave new world of perfect sedation.


I later heard it took me four days to struggle out of my luke-warm private pool of misery. I came up and gasped the air of cruel reality. It froze me stiff with horror.

I remembered. I relived. I died of shame.

But life hates unbearable emotions. It put a wall between my horror and me. Survival, they call it.

I had visitors, other than the doctors and nurses.

Family came by, and friends and colleagues. Even Antoine and Alec. They told me what happened. I just

groaned when they said I'd get better.


My sister told me how George had died. She was ever so careful. But she might as well have plunged a dagger into me. He had already been buried, she said. So was Ralph, in far away Detroit. Only George's closest family was at the funeral.

I cried.

I cried for a day and a night. I pumped out rivers of tears. But afterwards I didn't feel any cleaner. I was dirty, evil Anne, I always would be.

No respite for the whoring slut.


Weeks passed. They grew into months.

The police came by. There wasn't much to tell them. I got a hateful letter from Ralph's wife. I could understand her grief. Should I feel guilty for her too?

There was no room left.

I did not return to work. I did physical therapy to get my body functioning again. I also did psychological therapy to get my mind straight. The first was successful. The second, ah, well.

Let's say there were days I did not cry.

Let's say there are more days now that I don't cry. I sit. I stare. I walk. I talk. People try to draw me back to the world of the living. Sweet people. Stupid people.

Antoine cooked for me. I could not eat. Alec came over with a very expensive bottle. I sent him away. I told both of them never ever to visit me again.

I sit alone.

As alone as I should be. I feel sick. Nauseous. Empty. I feel I don't belong here. Not in this world where my love could not live.

The truth, Anne. You don't belong in this world where you killed your love.


I betrayed and killed George's love.

It was the one good thing inside this evil body. What's left of me is just trash. Worthless trash to be put away and destroyed. I should have followed him as soon as they let me out of the hospital.

But I didn't. And now I can't.

I am pregnant.

I know. The chance that the child is George's is almost non-existent. But that tiny chance is big enough to leave me no escape.

I'll bear the child. I'll bring it into the world. I'll call it George. Or Georgina. I don't care if it isn't his. It'll always be his.

I shall love it.

I shall be its slave.



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AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

Always the setup for the ultimate cuck ending. Thank goodness for skipping to the end before reading all the lament. Now I just look at the ratings on the last installment and I can usually infer how the ending goes. Hahahaha. Ole George just couldn’t live without her wore out pussy. Comical feminist shite. Par for the course with this author. Great hook at the beginning and then flies off the rails with bizzare situations, characters, and responses. I like works of fiction but prefer mine a little less bizarre and a little closer to reality. Just my opinion. Good writing though.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

God, this child would be better off dead. Sooner or later he's gonna learn the truth both how dear sweet mom is whoring muderess and a liar; saddling him with the name of the man he mudered to justify her continued existence.

This was a fantastic treatise on a sociopathic personality. Very well done.

JimmyThePlungerJimmyThePlunger5 months ago

You are an excellent writer, I very much enjoyed this story. The thought process of the cheater was very nearly convincing too, in the early parts, ultimately recanted by her as the ultimate tragedy struck at end, however, many valid points.

That they irritate many of our US readers and provoke comments of "tortured European Philosophy" strikes me as utterly bizarre, given that they live in a society where on average 3 children a day lose their lives to gun violence, where any idiot can freely possess a high capacity weapon designed for war and mass killing and frequently some idiot uses the weapon for the purpose it was designed for. I'll take European philosophy any day thanks and be relatively more confident of survival day to day.

Anyway, I digress, well written, well done and thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

As much as I like your writing this one is just to dark, It plays to my mind as a woman unbalanced and is very depressing..

ZippityDoDaDayZippityDoDaDayabout 1 year ago

Well, that was depressing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Overall, stunningly written series about a truly vacuous and despicable human being and a tragic ending. The first 5 chapters, being the self-indulgent and rationalizing parts, were a bit more drawn out than it needed to be, but then again, you can see the steady decline into more depravity. The last 2 chapters were where the emotions were brought out and where the endgame unfolded. Great work.... tragedy indeed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hmmm...if one of the best authors on this site cannot turn it around for a woman lost in immorality then I suppose that no one can. When all of the bravado, all of the inverted reasoning, all of the tortured European philosophy, all of the in-your-face posturing reduces down to "worthless trash", then what is the value of the story itself? What is the value of telling it? As a dire warning perhaps? An exercise in ennui? The author asks us to "jump your shadow" while reducing George to an "anemic skeleton". Sophisticated George should have paid more attention to his wayward wife and she should have paid more attention in Sunday school.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Alas...this is what often happens in life when a spouse is betrayed so absolutely and completely. Unfortunately cheating leads to human reactions. And violence is one of those most common reactions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Atleast George got some peace

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69over 1 year ago

Gosh! You love sluts.

LoejtcLoejtcalmost 2 years ago

To: someoneother

Of course it is your right to dislike violence but your rationale seems misguided. Adultery's criminal classification has nothing to do with a human's emotional response to treachery. And adultery is betrayal of one of the deepest emotional bonds associated with the human species.

Two people willingly and consciously commit themselves to each other. They look to each other as the one person among all others who will always remain loyal, can always be trusted, will always "be in his/her corner" through life's trials.

Soldiers have long known the meaning of this level of commitment. Treason is in fact a capital offense because the lives of your fellow comrades is dependent on you fulfilling your commitment.

This level of trust seems to be hard wired in our ancient brain and it reacts, often irrationally, to perceived threats to our well being. Dante, in his "Inferno" reserved the ninth and lowest level of Hell to the betrayer!

So George reacted and destroyed the threat to his marriage.

Didn't you ever hear of road rage? Should a nameless driver be shot to death because he cut off someone else? Are poor driving skills a capital crime?

The author was clearly dealing in the subjective often irrational response of a betrayed husband. Why would you think his response would be rational?

SexecclecticSexecclecticalmost 2 years ago

It was going along really well. Anne’s thoughts and philosophies on how and why she cheated were interesting, not all lead characters have to be heroic or morally upright. But I enjoy learning the psychology of why people do what they do, so it was a different experience.

Like most people who’ve critiqued this story, I found the violence far over the top and hard to read. Perhaps a scenario that like happens frequently, but it made for an unrewarding ending. Had George caught her and dissolved the marriage, that would’ve made sense. Or paid her back somehow or another. Just a bummer of an ending to an otherwise engaging read.

fishgetterfishgetteralmost 2 years ago

someoneother9 days ago

'''''Very mixed thoughts. The writing is pretentious, but not overly, and it has feeling. Anne is, of course, despicable, but despicable people exist in this world. I, however, cannot buy the story that anyone would pretend that they could not both have a loving relationship and sometime have an animalistic one. The author ultimately damns the whore. I dislike violence in stories, because adultery is not a capital crime. But the violence at least works in this story, and particularly the nameless wife of the deceased adulterer Ralph.'''' ........I like violence in a story if directed at the Ass Holer. When violence (physical) is directed towards the female, well not so much to my taste. Just BTB and let God sort her out. I had to skip to chapter 8 the rest seemed too drawn out.

someoneothersomeoneotheralmost 2 years ago

Very mixed thoughts. The writing is pretentious, but not overly, and it has feeling. Anne is, of course, despicable, but despicable people exist in this world. I, however, cannot buy the story that anyone would pretend that they could not both have a loving relationship and sometime have an animalistic one. The author ultimately damns the whore. I dislike violence in stories, because adultery is not a capital crime. But the violence at least works in this story, and particularly the nameless wife of the deceased adulterer Ralph.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Horrific. An awful human being in need of serious psychiatric help.

It makes one wonder about the author doing such a good job sharing this story about this horrible excuse of a human being. A little bit of herself in the MC might we guess?

Just think about what kind of monster she is about to birth and raise up calling George or Georgina.

Flash forward 20 years and a physically beautiful young man that is truly a monster inside...stunted emotionally...sociopathic behavior imprinted upon his soul...never having felt true loving from his sole parent. He preys on young women using them. Hurting them both emotionally and occasionally physically. With zero remorse. Zero guilt. He revels in destroying his "loves". His behavior learned from his one role model in life. His name is George.

centralsquareguycentralsquareguyabout 2 years ago
I loved these stories...

... all about fate, about our lack of free will, our compulsions, our lack of control, our selfishness, our good and our evil...

We are all Anne. We are all George.

mattenwmattenwover 2 years ago

She should have contracted HIV, then at least a few people would have benefited from it! A slow and agonizing death would be relaxing! I like stories called BTB here. But I don't like the BTB but BTC Burn The Cheater!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Certainly the tale of a hatefilled and despicable woman... about the the author that is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

"I'll bear the child. I'll bring it into the world. I'll call it George. Or Georgina. I don't care if it isn't his. It'll always be his."

Actually, George could give a flying fuck at this point....he's dead. But you'll fuck him over again even in death and be a cunt to him and name your bastard kid after him.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

1 star - sorry, I can never understand why there is any violence in supposedly loving wives stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Unfortunately, I have to agree with johsun. The choice of diction for this story was making me laugh. Nevertheless, the authoress is quite talented. Sometimes you take a chance with one's writing and it works; sometimes it doesn't.

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