A Taxi Driver Tale - The Rich Bitch

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A minor accident leads to brutal retribution in punishment.
12.4k words

Part 3 of the 13 part series

Updated 05/25/2024
Created 02/16/2021
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It's amazing how some opportunities present themselves when you are least expecting them.

Sitting at the traffic lights I felt the impact as the car hit my own from behind, it can't have been travelling fast because I barely rolled forward. The sound of the crash always appears worse than reality but as I slipped off my seat belt and opened the driver's door to the Taxi I was still expecting the worst. This car was my fucking livelihood I could barely afford for it to be damaged let alone in worst case scenario it be off the road for any length of time.

Just about ready to launch into a foul mouthed tirade I looked up and noticed the other driver by the orange glow of the street lamps. Late teens, early twenties, her jet black hair was cut to just above the shoulders. She was of slim build but with ample sized breasts, her long legs had her at a height of around 5 and a half foot.

In honesty It was what she wore that I noticed more as I scanned my eyes over the very minimal impact of the accident to the front of her dark coloured C-Class Mercedes; It was just a hunch but I was guessing she wasn't technically the owner of the vehicle. Her long legs were accentuated by hgh heeled black knee length leather boots, fish net tights and a short pleated red, black and white tartan mini skirt. Her toned midriff and cleavage exposed by a tight fitting black top that was covered by a short style black denim jacket, she also appeared to be wearing some kind of fish net gloves over her hands.

Her face was heavily made up with bright red lipstick and dark eye makeup, whilst visually impressive she seemed ill at ease at not accustomed to this fashion, there was something was too unworn and new about her look. Something that made her uncomfortable in her appearance.

As I knelt and surveyed the crack to the rear bumper of my car and the broken light on the driver side rear she spoke and her voice seemed to also immediately betray her appearance, her accent slightly too upper-class for her vampish appearance.

"Oh my God," She said, hand to her mouth in shock. "I didn't see you...I mean I couldn't stop... I... I... and I just ...oh my God what can... what can I do?"

"Calm down" I replied as I opened the car boot and took out a torch. "Let's assess the damage before we decide what to do."

"What's your name?" I asked.


"Where you from Jenny?"

"I... I live on Grove Court Lane."

I knew the area, affluent city workers houses, large 5 to 6 bedrooms with a double garage and most likely a pool, a leafy avenue lined with half a million pound properties at a minimum, looking at the damage I guessed it wouldn't be too much money to put right. Insurance would cover this, I was pissed off but confident she could afford the repairs and would be suitably insured.

"My Mum's Car, what have I done...what have I done... Oh holy shit I'm going to be ducking late as well."

I stepped toward her putting a hand on her shoulder, she was shaking, "Listen the damage doesn't appear too bad. Couple of hundred pounds on the insurance and a paint job for your car, they make them sturdy these days and you didn't hit me too hard"

"Insurance," Jenny bleated. "It's not my car ... it's my Mum's... it's my Mums car. I haven't even got a license." Tears welled in her eyes.

Shit, no insurance no license this was gonna get difficult, the look on my face must have said it all. Jenny looked up at me from the heavily made up eyes as she put on what I presume was her best innocent little girl act.

"I can get you money... Please anything, name a price... we can go to a cash point."

I was right but it was then that I caught her breath in my nostrils, the unmistakeable smell of vodka on her breath. I stared deep into her eyes before pushed my face forward close to hers, she stepped away, back towards her car.

"Have you been drinking?"

"NO!" She retorted immediately edging closer to her open car door, it wasn't late around 9:30 but there was little other traffic around. I pulled her aside; she stumbled in her heeled boots. Leaning in through the driver's door of her mother's Mercedes I spot on the passenger seat a half empty bottle of Smirnoff Vodka.

Grabbing it I hold it to her face, she looks worried from below her straight dark fringe, "Then what's this?" I demanded.

"I...I don't know...it... it must have fallen out of the shopping earlier."

"And got your Lip Stick around the neck of the bottle?"

I again thrust the bottle at her "You're in the shit my dear... drunk driving... no licence... no insurance... give me one good reason not to call the police right here, right now."

I could think of a good reason but needed her to play into my hands. Now extremely emotional and increasingly frantic I watch her a tear runs down her left cheek.

"Please, please don't...please don't call the Police.. it's... it's like I said I can get you money...let me call my Dad, reaching into her jacket pocket she fished out a mobile. "I can get you money... anything."

I snatched the mobile. "You're not calling anyone, you stupid fucking... do you even comprehend know how much shit you are in?"

My blood was boiling that this little rich girl honestly thought she could buy her way out of trouble.

"That car is my livelihood, my income." I over exaggerated. "Now it's trashed by some drunk little rich bitch dressed like trash on a night out... money is not the question here or the answer... Your lot, the spoilt brats you seem to think money solves everything."

"What...what...what can I do?" She mumbled her voice breaking after my verbal attack. Still stood there hands on hips in a confrontational stance that in itself riles me enormously. I'm staring at her now, and her impressive frame, I scan my eyes up from her boots. Pausing to take in her breasts heaving in her tight top as she took heavy frustrated breaths. Moments later I find myself staring into her pale wet eyes, mascara beginning to show signs of running.

"I'm in trouble what do you want me to do?" she pleads.

I knew exactly what I wanted her to do, would she do it was the question. My pulse raced I leaned in closer and this time she doesn't back away as I lower my head to her shoulder and whispered in her ear; issuing my instructions.

"You get in your car, drive around the corner where there's a Car Park. You park up. I'll follow you. Then you get in the back seat of my Cab and we'll discuss the rest on route."

I raised a finger to her mouth smudging her heavy lipstick slightly, I lifted the mobile and dialled two 9's.

"If you don't like my suggestion there's an easy answer... I think you know what's occurring here and how you'll have to repay me."

She attempted to speak but perhaps in fear, perhaps in astonishment at what she was being asked she floundered and for the first time in the last 5 minutes words escaped her.

"By the way I have your number plate and your Mobile... So if you even think about pulling any stunts I'll call in a Hit and Run... bring the Vodka if you want" I slung the bottle back in through the open drivers door on to the seat. "You may need it"

Calmly I turned, not looking back as I climbed into my car and closed the door on her. She stood there for several moments simply shaking her head as I watched her in the driver's side door mirror. Eventually she climbed into her Mother's Car started the engine and gently pulled away from the curb, the drink was hardly impairing her. I ticked over my engine and followed as she set off from the traffic lights.

The Car Park was clearly signposted to be 200yrds away. Would she pull in? Would she flee? Her left side indicator flashed on and she turned left into the empty Car Park.

As her mother's Mercedes pulled into an abandoned space I pulled up some distance behind her and put my lights on full beam to illuminate the whole area, I figured she could still make a run for it, although with the heel those knee boots probably not that fast.

I rung option 5 on my speed dial, the call was answered in 2 rings. That's top class customer service.

"High View, what you need?" Came a gruff abrupt voice over the line, shattering the illusion immediately

"I need a special," I replied "Gonna have a lovely little creature with me."

"Well, we're a little busy I can't promise the Penthouse"

"This bitch could do with slumming it anyway, make sure the welcome basket is in the room ...I'll be there in 15."

"Okey Dokey...usual commission."

"As ever," I replied, ending the conversation.

I looked up just as Jenny opened the driver's door and stepped out. As her first long leg extended into the Car Park I could see that in an enhancement to her stunning knee boots those fish nets were stockings after all. I gripped the steering wheel as she approached. Clutching the bottle of Vodka in her right hand her head was down to avoid the bright lights and eye contact, she had a natural sway that appeared emphasised in those killer boots. As she passed my door I could hear the click clack of her heels on the tarmac ground.

The back passenger door opened and she slid in to the seat over my left hand shoulder, crossing her legs to reveal another glimpse of stocking top. I set the doors and windows to auto lock trapping her effectively for the time being. A Perspex shield preventing her from getting to me as it had so many drunks on a Friday night before.

Exiting the Car Park we drove in silence for several miles, looking to all intents like a taxi with a fare. Glancing back I could see the concern on her face as we passed out of town Take Aways and Pubs before leaving the Town Centre and heading towards the suburbs, this was a rougher out of town district than the one she was accustomed to.

I clicked on the intercom and switched on the light in the cab.

"Where were you going tonight Jenny?"

She turned her head away, pulling her unnaturally straight black hair as best she could across her face and staring out the window.

"You ignoring me?" I offer to further silence "Hey Jenny...Jeneeeee!"

"Where are you fucking taking me and what fucking for?" she spat back viciously.

"Now listen Jenny, you got yourself in this. I'm offering you a way out, you can take it or you can suffer the consequences if I turn you in, I'd say you're looking a pretty big fine, a ban from driving and potentially a 2-3 year prison stretch for what you've done... paying wasn't an option... not with money... given what I want i was feigning interest to find out a little more about you?"

She turned to face me, "What if I don't cooperate...what if I don't bow down to your sick depravity..."

"SICK... DEPRAVITY!!... Jenny all I'm offering you is an opportunity to compensate for what you've done... Sex that's all, Straight Sex... you asked what you could do. In an hour's time I'll drive you home and for the sake of a quick screw you can get on with the rest of your life... Submit, I'll have what I want and you'll have what you want to get on with rest of your life."

Contemplating what I had just put to her she turned to face back out the window, several minutes of silence passed, I wondered if she expected me to pull the car Into a dark back road at any time and look to fulfil my desire over the back seat of the cab, I had other plans. She might prefer a sordid little back seat fuck on a dark side street given a choice.

"The Snake Lounge," she said breaking the atmosphere. "The Snake Lounge is where I was heading tonight."

I knew the venue, tended to avoid it with the Cab far too many heavy drinkers and far too much trouble for the price of a Taxi Fare for me to bother with. It explained her outfit at least; the outfit was par for the course there from what I knew.

"Doesn't seem your scene," I state, looking back at her in the rear view mirror again.

"My Friend...My Boyfriend was playing with a band there, they're called Lifetime. He'd got the Gig last minute, rung me and said to get down there..." she toyed wistfully with the hem of the short Tartan Skirt ."..Thought I'd turn up and surprise him."

As she said this reaching up she pulled at her Hair, and removed a jet black wig, beneath she had short blonde hair in a short bobbed style that cut close to and accentuating her long neck, the makeup seemed even more unnatural now, so stark against her pale skin and fair hair.

"You're full of surprises," I offer.

As I rounded a corner my destination lay at the end of the street, The High View Bed and Breakfast the large faded sign on the drive read. I pulled the car into the entrance, parked and switched off the engine.

"Ready?" I said looking back over my shoulder at her, "I promise I'll be gentle."

"You fucking better be," I heard her mutter as I climbed out.

Walking around the Car to her door I unlocked it. She stepped out next to me. Immediately clutching her left arm I pulled her close and begun walking towards the entrance; she still carried the Vodka bottle in her right hand. I took the bottle and slipped it into my inside jacket pocket. The reception of the High View was no better than the exterior promised, damp smelling and with the lingering odour of what smelt to be stewed food, I saw the repulsion on her face. Still she walked alongside of me as we approached the front desk. The desk manned by a short grubby looking man, who sat overweight and with heavy stubble across his grimy face, somewhat amusingly as he sat there he wore a name badge that proclaimed him as; 'FRANK'. His leering eyes were all over her.

"Not a word," I whispered to her pulling her closer by her arm.

"I rung for a reservation earlier Frank," I kept contact brief as I slipped a £50's worth of notes to him.

"So you did.. only one room left I'm afraid... Room 5 end of the hall way First Floor." He handed over a key with a large wooden key fob engraved with the number 5.

Turning on the spot I pull her with me towards the stair case behind us, half way up the first flight of steps with Frank no doubt gaining an eyeful of boots, stockings and the cusp of Jenny's arse he calls after us.

"She isn't a Whore is she, a Hooker, a Prostitute? ...My Manager doesn't approve you see."

I felt her tense, digging my fingers into her arm tightly I stifle her need to protest. She'd been insulted, her mouth drops open as she freezes on the spot.

"No," I quickly interjected. "No... nothing like that."

Frank chuckled as he turned turned on his swivel chair, turning his back on us as he slipped from his chair towards an office behind him.

Continuing up stairs at the end of the corridor I turned the key in the door, there were 2 other rooms on this floor behind 1 door came the giveaway sound of a bed creaking, low muffled moans further confirmation of the illicit nature of what the rooms occupants were up to. I turned to look at Jenny; tears threatening her eyes for the first time since the accident. She snivelled and wiped at her eyes and nose with her fishnet gloved hands.

"I am though aren't I," she whispered.

"You are what?"

"A Whore... giving up my body for a price... look at me... what I'm doing"

She had accepted what I had proposed, for the first time I truly believed . Perhaps that's why as I stepped into the room I looked back at her from the door way and presented her with one last opportunity.

"Decision is yours, turn and walk or do what I want."

She never said a word as she entered the room, crossing the threshold.

I flicked the universal light switch on all the lights, did light bulbs barely succeeding in illuminating the rooms by a main light set in the ceiling, 2 side lights on the left hand wall and a tall lamp in the corner.

Room 5 was sparsely furnished and poorly decorated; dark green walls and a dirty navy blue carpet. There was a Wardrobe, a Dressing table, next to which sat the lamp, a bench seat sat before the dresser. On the far wall from the door and wardrobe was a large double bed covered with a burgundy blanket. A single wooden chair stood where a bedside table would have been better placed. The Curtains, which surprisingly matched the bed, were closed over what appeared to be a floor to ceiling window to the right of the bed. Mirrors hung on 2 walls and on the front of the wardrobe, created an illusion of space . A dated picture of a Horse hung over the bed. Sat on the bed was a zipped black and red sports holdall.

Wiping her tears away further Jenny passed me and stood at the edge of the bed taking in the dirty damp smelling room, almost as if imagining what would happen and where. If she did, she had no idea what I planned. I turn and lock the door before I fix the security chain across it.

Hanging my jacket on the Coat hook on the back of the door. Retrieving the Vodka bottle I held it out for her. "Do you need a swig?"

She snatched the bottle removed the cap and swigged heavily. I snatched the bottle back.

"Steady on" I offered, chastising her. "I do need you conscious at least."

She looked at me and I stared at her by the light of the room, for the first time able to fully take her in, I started to consider exactly what I was about to do to her, and how this would play out.

"Take off your jacket" I demanded rather than asked, "Let me see you."

Defiance ran across her face at my tone.

"NOW!" I barked.

Tentatively she slipped the black denim jacket off her shoulders without any further protest. Under the Jacket she wore a black vest top that did not reach the top of her skirt and exposed her naval. She dropped the jacket onto the bed. The vest did not cover a red bra underneath it either, its straps holding up tits that were well rounded, the fish net gloves she wore extended to her elbows.

Taking her in fully for the first time I could see that while well highlighted by the posture her boots provided her legs were shapely and almost athletic. Under any other circumstances I would love to have them wrap around my waist as I took her across the bed. That I didn't think that was going to be an option tonight. She could see me staring and as I felt my dick stiffen thorough my jeans, now so close to what I had really wanted the moment I set eyes on her as she'd stood there trembling in front of that Mercedes only an hour or so ago. The intent on my face must have been obvious.

"Please.." She whispered turning to look at the bed. "Can you... can we just... can you do what you want... I want get this over with."

"Absolutely," I said pulling her into me, my now bulging crotch pressed against her. I felt her shake with fear and perhaps a repulsion. "Tell me that given your options you want this."

"Tell you..."

"Yes" I said taking her hand and leading her to the side of the bed her back to the window behind drawn curtains, the heels of her boots echoed throughout the room.

"I ...I ...I can't."

She looked away as I unzipped my fly, reached down and pulling my boxer shorts down at the waist band and took out my already hard dick, exposing it to her as she looked down before I took a seat on the bed with Jenny now stood over me. I looked up "Say it 3 simple words."

"I ... I... I want this," she whispered hardly audible.

"Again," I mouthed as she looked down at me.

"I want this," she was choked, it was gratifying and I needed to hear her soft, upper-class tones utter this, pushing the subject making her submit to my first demand I asked silently a third time.

"I want this," she stated and I watched her as she bit her lip and looked almost coyly at me m, not wanting to have to ask again but sensing now that to comply would be the quickest way to end what was about to happen.

"You'd better get on your knees then," I demanded of her. She knelt immediately on the stained dirty blue carpet one knee at a time, arms limply to her side having used the bed on which I sat to support her, as she lowered her head level with my now erect waiting penis. She knelt back on her booted legs the skirt rising around her waist ever so slightly; the tops of her stockings fully exposed, red detail matched the rest of her slut like outfit. Taking her hands I placed them on my knees