A Wife Transformed Pt. 01

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The Homecoming, returning to find a very different wife.
8.1k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/05/2019
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A Wife Transformed:
from Innocent Young Bride to Kinky Ravenous Slut in only Nine Months


A multi-part story of how a wife in just nine months comes out of her cocoon to be become a sexual dynamo. The number of chapters and how wild she gets is a bit up to the community



It had been a long nine months apart. I had been on a long-term overseas work assignment, that I hoped would lead to a promotion, a big bonus, and more time at home. Sheila, my wife of two years had just moved to our new townhouse in the New York suburbs, and I felt bad to leave her before we had even been there a week, when we really didn't even know our neighbors. Before I left, she had yet to even find a job, and we would need that money. But work really didn't give me a choice, and the upside potential was too good. She was a long way from her folks down south, but I figured the USA's biggest city would open her up and broaden her horizons. Sheila was really an innocent, quiet girl, but I had my hopes should would find a group of friends and maybe even spread her wings as a young adult.

We had been having some stressful times. Not just the moving and trying to advance at work, which meant really long hours, but the honeymoon had clearly ended between us. Sheila was a classic southern girl, restrained and polite, always. She was super cute, but just so conservative, not just inside the bedroom, but in all parts of her life. Only about 5'3" she had a slender frame and cute perky breasts, though I never seemed to see most of that ultra-hot body. She never seemed to meet an outfit that wasn't too conservative and managed to hide too much of her body, the opposite of what I wanted of course. She was in favor of a classic look, straight medium length brown hair, with preppy type outfits.

I had met Sheila in college, she was popular but very strait-laced. Active in a dance troupe, she was a stand out, but never had a sexy or alluring routine, she was just into the fitness. Between the dance and running she had an amazing figure, and bewitched me. Sheila had an amazing fitness level and hair and curves, so hot yet...I had married a girl that already seemed to be ready to be a soccer mom. But we had no kids, and I hated soccer! I had always believed that sweet, gentle, kind girl would get a little more adventuresome or even wild after we were married, but so far that was a forlorn hope.

In fact, the highest heels I had seen on her was at our wedding, a huge 2" and the shortest skirt she had worn was mid-calf. And of course, that skirt was cut to show absolutely none of her great legs and cute ass. I wanted to have fun and try new things in bed as a married couple; she just wanted the lights off and everything very vanilla. I had not fully thought through what a petite god-fearing wife entailed. Suffice it to say it was not what I had thought our marriage would be. So far, my hopes of a big change were unmet, and I was about to give up. If I couldn't get a more active, sexier wife, I didn't know how we could continue.

I assumed the timid behaviors and cold behaviors was just from her family, but maybe not. I had a hope, however remote, that living in the greater New York area, away from her tight-knit, southern Baptist to the core family would loosen her up. So, all in all, with everything going on, or not, I wasn't too upset to be overseas in Eastern Europe for nine months. The break might do us some good, as I was thinking about how to break away from a marriage that wasn't much past newlywed stage, we were well short of our third anniversary.

We had tried to keep in touch with emails and Skype and all the modern methods, but the remote location I was in made it hard. Internet connections and mobile calls were spotty on quality and often just died with no warning. So, I wasn't too surprised when starting very soon after I left it was very hit or miss if I even got her on the phone or video chat session. Even when I got her on the line, Sheila was very distracted and didn't seem forthcoming at all with how New York had been and whether she was happy in our new home. This had been worrying me a bit, but I figured Sheila had to learn to stand on her own two feet.

The difficulties in communication was noticeable and seemed to be getting worse as the time wore on. She said she had met some new neighbors and was working in their store, which took up all her time, but I was a little concerned. I figured making connections outside her tight circle still living down south had to be good, even though she never gave any details on this alleged next door couple. I knew she was super cute, and a lot of guys would whistle at her or hit on her. But then again, with her frigidity, I wasn't too worried about another man.

Then, something I wasn't sure was real or a hacking trick happened. On the Friday before I flew back to JFK, I got a very odd text message with an image and short text, from her cell phone number. To say I didn't really believe it was from my wife would be an understatement. Even if it was a joke, it was a good sign I guessed.

It was a simple yet amazingly hot pic...it had a simple text message, "I need you home, now!" But I still wasn't sure it wasn't a joke. It was her number, but I knew that could be spoofed. Especially living in Eastern Europe, I was aware of how many hacking efforts and scams were being used against us expats, after all we had the money.

Studying the photo, which only showed a woman from below her nose down to her waist I was confused. The skin tone looked like my wife, but the lips were fuller, and the red lipstick was so not her! Crazy thought was that she appeared to be wearing some kind of leather harness up around her shoulders that almost looked like you could attach a leash to or use to restrain the wear. And there was a view of some kind of rubber or vinyl gloves and some type of black rubber lingerie. No way Sheila was wearing this kind of fetish gear, even for Halloween. However, as I studied it and got painfully hard, I thought to myself that even if only for a costume party, this was a good sign.

There was that flower type tattoo wrapping her left arm too, so hard to believe that was my wife...but maybe it was a temporary tattoo, she had said that was the only tattoo she would ever get when we saw a stall in the mall selling them when we were engaged. She looked far curvier than I remembered, her tits looked huge and full in the very low cut corset type top. And maybe it was just that corset type top that had given her more definition. But it did look like our condo! So, I just wasn't sure, and so didn't answer, just hit a wide eyed emoticon and a thumbs up emoji with no text. I wasn't sure if it was her or if I was being hacked, and refused to get my hopes up.

I didn't really dwell on all that as I was then all caught up in two connections to Frankfurt's massive airport then getting on a late flight back to Kennedy airport...from there it was only a short 30-minute Uber ride back to our place in an inner suburb of NYC. I had told my wife to not worry about picking me up, no telling when my flight would really arrive and I could get through customs. I got back a simple "ok" with no hint of emotion, that she missed me, or that I mattered at all. Now I was a bit put out! Nine months and all I get was an "ok" as I was almost home?

The multiple connections actually all went smoothly though, and I texted her that I would be home in about 45 minutes after the Uber driver got to the airport and picked me up. She replied that she was ready to give me a big welcome home and was sure I would enjoy myself. That sounded a bit more like the old Sheila. Despite the odd text message and picture, I just assumed it was going to be a nice home-cooked meal, maybe some steak and baked potato and cold beer. I would have to figure out if we really had a marriage still, after I got settled in.

My car pulled up and I took a good look at our townhouse, not really sure which unit was even mine, till I saw our little Honda out front and knew I was at the right spot. Our place looked dark, no welcoming lights or glow of a TV visible through the front window. In fact, the drapes were pulled tight, though I could tell the front room was totally dark, as no light spilled around the edges at all. I hadn't expected a big welcome home sign, but was a little let down. All these were more very odd indications, but the dining area was in back, so maybe she was saving on our electric bill. If it wasn't for our texts as I cleared JFK, I would have worried Sheila had gotten my arrival date wrong. But she certainly knew I was going to arrive in the next hour or so.

I got all my bags from the Uber and went up and let myself in. As I got into the entryway, I heard my wife's voice call out that she was in the kitchen, not exactly a hot welcome home, but what I kind of expected. I did hear some nice blues or soul music playing, that was a nice change. So, I put my bags down right inside the entry and took off my coat and hat. She had put a coatrack right there, so that worked out. Then I called out to her that I was on my way and came down the short hallway figuring nothing had really changed with my shy and repressed wife. Boy was I wrong. I rounded the corner into the kitchen and adjoining eating area and very nearly had a heart attack.

First encounter

There in front of me, perched on a kitchen stool was what had to be my wife, but just didn't look anything like my wife. Her hair was still dark, though it looked almost jet black in the light, but nothing else was the same. This creature was like some over-sexualized fetish model, everything was skin-tight, exotic, and bold.

Her hair was tightly styled, almost severe and tight against her head, with a series of pulled tight waves of dark hair, and by the size of the hairdo, Sheila's hair was a lot longer too. That tightly controlled hair style left exposed a lot of earrings on each ear, it looked like four or five in each ear. And yet I remembered how Sheila had to be convinced over weeks to get just a single piercing, and that was in college not high school or middle school like most modern women. Somehow really radical had occurred with Sheila. Finally, this woman had a very different approach to makeup than Sheila had ever attempted.

This Sheila had a face that would never have been acceptable to my old Sheila, and in fact I was pretty sure she wouldn't have known how to pull it all together. From top to bottom she looked like a real New Yorker, nothing natural or relaxed, all highly packaged, as if she had a standing appointment at a high end beauty salon. She had pencil thin, plucked, very arched eyebrows, that were a dark black, not the bushy natural brown ones she had always worn. Those thin arched eyebrows drew your attention to her eyes and everything else. The rest of her face was made up very strongly, with stark bright colors. She had very strong, heavy makeup, giving her dark smoky eyes with some kind of black all around her eyes and some very dark reddish-black shadow on her eyelids. This made her eyes larger and stand out with a mysterious sexy appearance.

She was batting her eyelashes as she leered at me, her lashes were super long and thick too. The look gave her really defined cheekbones, and included the same very bright red lipstick as I had seen in the text yesterday. Her lips looked much larger, what we called in college, blow-job lips. Sheila looked like she had taken a lot of effort with the outfit and overall look. If it was all for me it was a pretty nice gesture. As I quickly found out, it was certainly not just a gesture.

She had a hot and crazy outfit on too. It was red and black, and as skin tight as was possible it seemed. And wow, her body was more fit and shapely than I remembered. The outfit was outlandish. It had what looked like a black leather bondage corset type thing on the outside, outlining and pushing up her breasts. The corset stared up high and covered her down to her waist with a series of severe looking leather pieces, but was really just a framework of pieces or bars. The corset was over what looked like a skin tight latex bodysuit, covering her down to her wrists and ankles, including black fingerless gloves. It went all the way up her neck, with a skin-tight bondage look to the dark leather corset top. The gloves showed off long nails, dark and dagger like. My wife had only used clear polish and never let her nails grow, even for her wedding.

On her feet were ultra-high stilettos. How could my wife who hated 2" heels operate in 5" stilettos? And as I looked at her, the makeup, the outfit, the shoes, none of it looked cheap either. Not to mention the most obvious, Sheila's chest was twice or three times larger than I remembered, how was that even possible? The breasts were big and round, clearly fake, even if I hadn't known Sheila was endowed with modest B cup breasts naturally. The crazy outfit pushed them up almost on display. She looked over at me rubbing her gloved hands over her kinky outfit, pinching her nipples while running a very long tongue around her bright red lips. She smiled at me, standing frozen in the entryway.

Wow, really not what I was expecting, but with the voice and body overall, it was her for sure. But it did look as if someone had totally altered my wife. She literally looked like she had been made over or transformed. Was this some kind of joke? To say I was shocked would be a huge understatement. Her pupils didn't look dilated and she didn't look drunk, but never in a million years had I expected this from my repressed wife. Little did I know I was seeing the first evidence of a wife transformed beyond even my warped fantasies.

Sheila, smiled at me, and unfolded herself from her stool, she grinned as she stopped playing with herself and stretched her arms over her head then simply said, "You like, lover? I was hoping you would."

Yeah it was that same mild southern accent, I was dumbfounded and could only nod. I knew I was jet-lagged, but this new look was far beyond any fantasy I had ever had. Sheila rose up off the stool and slinked over, her heels clicking on the tile floor and hips swaying in a walk worthy of a Vegas show girl. She walked in those skyscraper heels like she lived in them, no stumbling or uncertainty. She came right up to me, put an arm around my neck and rubbed herself against me. She was pushing her chest against me and rubbing her hands all over. It was very odd that with the heels she was almost eye to eye with me. But her hands moved south after rubbing my chest. She started to rub my dick through my pants, literally giving me a hand job through my khakis. As Sheila rubbed her big chest against mine, as she was now nearly my height, she sucked on my earlobe and whispered again to me,

"I texted you yesterday to make it clear you were needed back home; I figured this outfit would make that really obvious, if you didn't understand what my text was trying to say! It has been so long since we were together, you have been neglecting your wife, you know."

I was still in shock, but that wasn't too crazy. Then the new Sheila really came out, and the crazy came back,

"Since you neglected me for so long, I had to meet my needs lover. I have to tell you, at first, I was not sure it was the right thing to do. But then I got used to enjoying all the hard cocks and wet pussies I wanted whenever I wanted them. Now look at me, I have to have what I have to have, and that includes all the hard cock and wet pussy I want!"

My pale southern flower had somehow vanished, been reprogrammed by aliens or I just had no idea! I couldn't even process the comment about other dicks and pussies when she pulled me down for a scorching kiss while she and kept rubbing me between my legs, stroking my dick like she did that every day. And she had never done that, ever. As if I needed any encouragement there!

Sheila, broke our kiss, which included pulling her tongue from what felt like way down my throat. I would have to say she had almost been raping my mouth. I was going into shock it seemed. Sheila looked up at me and smiled again at my obvious shock, puzzlement and arousal.

"There have been a LOT of changes in the last six months, and I hope you will be ok with them, because there is no way I am going back to the way I was. You are seeing the most obvious ones, but there are a lot more. I now know what I need to have, and I'm going to make sure I always get that, whether it's hard dicks or wet pussies, or both together." As if I hadn't heard her the first time!

I was still deep in shock and could only say that it looked pretty great to me. Sheila told me that the fun was just starting and dragged me into the living area, where I noticed that some candles were burning and there was some nice new comfortable couches and chairs. She told me as she nibbled on my neck and rubbed my chest that she had added a lot of techniques and skills to her basket of tricks, and tonight was just a hint of all she could now do. I was still in shock, and saw in the mirror my hot wife and me with a silly grin on my face. As I looked at her, she leaned down, poured two shots of tequila, gave me one and smiled as we each downed our shot. Again wow, this was a girl who used to think two wine coolers were too much drinking for one night.

Sheila pushed me down and rapidly unzipped and pulled off her outfit till she was totally naked, except for those hot high heels and what appeared to be a fairly large amount of body jewelry. All of that leather and latex came off more quickly than I would have thought, it seemed like she had worn this wild outfit before. And, to me, the results were really awesome. The lights were very low and I was totally confused, but I swear her boobs were nowhere close to the pert, athletic 34B she had been.

These breasts were huge, full and round, clearly not natural, just like I had always dreamed of her having, and it looked like some kind of jewelry was on or in her nipples. I had never dared suggesting that. She also seemed to be very fit now with a belly button piercing, and it looked like no hair anywhere but her head...again wow, this was a total surprise, in a good way. Sheila had never been all that hairy, but she seemed to have no hair below her neck now.

Sheila had long darkly painted fingernails, that came to almost a dagger tip. Not very practical for store work, where did she work anyway? The nails fit the new Sheila, but were still a surprise. I had the feeling those nails were going to leave marks up and down my back before the night was done. This Sheila was certainly not acting like the repressed southern girl I had left behind.

She ran her hand down over her ripped abs and pushed a finger right inside her lower lips, which I noticed were totally bald, making a wet sound as first one then two fingers went in and out. Then she rubbed her lips, getting them even wetter and shinier as she continued to finger fucked herself while stroking her very erect clit. Her pussy lips were large and very pronounced and already I could see her hard clit poking up, red and shiny. As she was doing this, she was thrusting her hips and tits in time to the music. If I didn't know better, I'd guess that Sheila had fucked to this exact song!

Sheila was continually moaning now as she fucked herself for about thirty seconds. She had a small self-satisfied smile on her face, ending the display with a circular rubbing of her clit with her thumb. She then pulled her fingers out, with a loud wet plop of a sound. Her lips might be bald, but she still seemed pretty tight. Sheila tasted herself for a second, before rubbing her juices on my lips. I had never seen my wife touch herself except with soap and water, and for sure she had never rubbed her pussy juices on my lips. Sheila then gave me more hints of what had happened, again in that innocent little girl voice.