A Wife's Revenge Ch. 02

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The Plan falls apart.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/13/2016
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"May, flag our waiter Nick down and order another bottle of roditas. Eric is squeezing the empty one dry and I think that he's gonna hurt his hands." We all laughed. Being slightly tipsy, we watched a much more tipsy Eric try to 'wring' more wine out of our third bottle. It was pretty funny. Rob was the DD tonight and I know that May has a bottle of Knob Creek waiting for him as payment for when we all get home.

The 5 of us were eating at our favorite Greek restaurant, Spiros. Across town, our plan to payback my ex and his whore Chloe was starting to unfold. Tonight, it was several unknown women talking in the bathroom when Chloe was present. They were going to be getting into detail about fucking Bret when she was out of town. How he was dissing her the entire time about being a lousy lay but that she was only great at pimping partners for his 3 and 4 ways. They'd gossip about how he boasted how well he could lie to his live-in girlfriend, until he found the next one with more money and better tits. Chloe was self-conscious about not being well endowed. That would start to derail their little love nest, pounding all her buttons.

It was toward the end of the meal when May got a call. She held up her hand for us to be quiet as her face became very serious. She put another finger in her other ear to hear better in the noisy restaurant. She was quiet, but the intensity of her face quieted us completely. We couldn't tell if it was good or bad news.

Finally, she said her good byes and turned to us. "We're going to need a change of plans. Rick and Diane both showed up - individually. Diane confronted Chloe on getting her drunk and telling her that her boyfriend Rick wanted the 3-way. She didn't want to be part of it, but didn't want to lose him. She started telling Chloe off and Chloe started denying it. A couple of minutes later, Chloe had enough and started taunting Diane about getting her drunk and fucked. It quieted the entire bar. Chloe was getting louder and louder when Bret tried to break the two up. Being a little bit drunk, he slipped and shoved Diane to the floor."

May stopped and smiled. "Diane's ex-boyfriend Rick appeared out of nowhere and kicked asshole in the balls while yelling at him to never hit a woman. The crowd didn't have to pull Rick off. I guess he learned something in his Criminal Justice classes. A classic case of an active defense of a woman being 'attacked' by a man in public.

"Chloe started to talk about calling the cops. Rick started laughing then told everybody that an arrest would include the whole episode and would be in a POLICE REPORT, A PUBLIC DOCUMENT. It'd be all over town before they even got home. We all know that the last part is bullshit to a point. It would take several days, but I guess that it worked.

"Shocked the fuck out of both of the assholes. They were visibly shaken. Looks like they never thought that all they were could ever come out of the shadows. Meanwhile, Rick and Diane quickly and quietly left together, holding onto each other. So far some good has come of this, besides your divorce Luce. Bret and Chloe retreated to the back of the bar and slipped out the back about 5 minutes later before anything more happened.

"All the set up for Chloe went down the tubes. It didn't happen."

We got that 4th bottle on wine and finished our meal. Then we moved on to coffee and dessert. That's when Eric's, May's and my phone started receiving pictures and video files from people that were at the bar. We finished up desert quickly and left Spiros to regroup at May and Rob's house.

Now was the time to plan the next step after we reviewed what we've received.

We downloaded several of the video files to my laptop and plugged it into my 27" 'divorced woman in grad school sized hand-me-down' lcd tv. The show couldn't have been better. There on the dance floor of the bar, their dirty laundry was aired. We could see others recording the scene too.

Diane was really tearing into Chloe about the things that Chloe's done to her and other people. She named the multiple boyfriends that Chloe targeted to put a notch on her belt. How Chloe bragged about getting any man she wanted, the lies she told, the boasting of wanting and getting Bret, Chloe's 'true love'. It was 10 minutes of what a piece of shit of a person Chloe was. Then she went full force into how Chloe now was just a pimp. It was the pimp comment that we saw a change in Chloe's face. It hit a nerve.

That's when Chloe let loose. At the top of her voice, she was totally unaware that she was being recorded by at least 4 different people. The videos showed the rest of the bar become silent and watched.

Chloe was vicious. We played the same scene several times. "...Your beloved Rick didn't want a 3 way, but you were tossing all the beers I gave you to help your 'nerves', you chicken shit. You drunk dumb fuck. You believed me? Bret got your clothes off long after Rich didn't show. How fucking stupid could you be. I'll still get your beloved Rick into my bed later just to fuck with you more. Nobody ever fucks with me and gets away with it. Just suck it up bitch, you lost big time and you're going to lose again." Then Chloe spat at Diane and started to raise a hand to slap her.

That's when Bret got between them. It really looked like Bret was going to shove Diane when he lost his footing on a spilled beer and knocked Diane down. A 6' 1" man and a 5' 4" woman? It really looked like he was going to do her harm. This was not going to be an up and shut case for an accident. Bret's actions looked willful.

The next bit happened in less than two seconds. Bret stablizezed like he was on ice and caught himself from falling. Then out of nowhere, Rick's foot landed into Bret's groin. You could hear the thud in the videos. Comparing several of the video files, it looked like Rick was originally going to go after Chloe after she spat. But Bret became the target since Bret ended up over Diane after she hit the floor and went down.

The look of surprise and pain on asshole's face was amazing. He screamed like a little girl. I particularly enjoyed seeing my ex get kicked in the balls. I was figuratively kicked 11 months ago. He was literally kicked. Same level of pain. There's little difference on the receiving end. All I could remember was how I felt when the two of them laughing at me while they were fucking our bed.

This didn't go according to our plan, but Phase One was a success. With the others at the bar recording the confrontation, the spitting and taunting by Chloe, the attempted slap and knock down of Diane, it was so much better. Some of the files I received were from people that we hadn't spoken to but that I knew. What was amazing was that people wanted me to see this.

Seeing Chloe tell the world what she and the asshole did was so satisfying. This wasn't in the plan. It was beter than out plan and I really liked it.

We got a couple of phone calls. May was told that the women in for the wedding were disappointed they didn't get to act. They'd been rehearsing and several of them had been actors in high school and college. They were looking forward to it. However, they did enjoy the show. Others just wanted me to know what happened. I got several copies of some of the video. It cc addresses in the email it the files were addressed to kept on increasing.

Now the five of us had to evaluate what should happen next to those lovebirds. The thing about going into battle, either a market with a business plan, or an actual battle with troops, the battle plans become outdated 5 minutes after the battle starts. It gets immediately revised on the fly. Having researched all we could, we were able to adjust our next steps. We'd get to change our possible objectives because as some of the ols ones had been wondrously attained.

None of us are lawyers or cops. But to our uneducated eyes, this looked dicey. Sexual relations with a very drunk woman can be considered rape. Procuring women for sex is also a felony. Even very legal 3 way sex was not how principals and second grade schoolteachers should be in the public eye. None of this stuff would look good to a school district, or parents of young children.

We decided to put off making any decisions for now. We need to contact Eric's buddies to be on hold for a while. The biggest part was to see what happens at the school this week.

All of us checked the other addresses on the emails, and we saw some very familiar names. We recognized two school board members, the PTA head at Bret's school, several of the parents in Chloe's 2nd grade class. The best addresses had the local paper's website as the email server. It's gone viral now. We started to do Google searches on those two for video, and at least one copy was on line under the title of 'School Teacher Pimp and Whore'.

Tuesday night May and Rob, and Liz and I met to pull our knowledge and discuss what to do next. Eric had to work late. Rob found out that the Network Admin had a medical emergency. He collapsed at home on Saturday and was rushed to the hospital. He was in Cardiac ICU and will be totally out of the picture for the near future.

May had a friend at the school that's a substitute teacher. She's low on the radar and high in the grapevine. This was perfect, low friends with access to high places. We found out that on Monday morning, the shit hit the fan at school.

Bret and Chloe showed up at work to a series of stares and people laughing and turning away. Their performance at the bar was widely circulated at the school. On Tuesday, Chloe called in sick and Bret stayed in his office. When he was walking in or out of the building, most people stared at him or looked away.

We decided to hold back on Eric's Marine buddies. We'd make a decision later in the week, but we didn't think that we were going to need to use them. Enough was happening. With the videos making the rounds, this was picking up speed on its own. We only had to make sure that it wasn't going to get derailed. I'm feeling that we may have seen the start of an avalanche by rolling a rock down the hillside.

On thursday at noon, May got a call from her friend at the school. The entire school's network was unavailable from Wednesday morning till Thursday morning. Both Bret and Chloe were taking some sick time and a temporary principal was appointed. Rumors had him escorted from the building with his things in a paper box Thursday morning. This couldn't be immediately confirmed. There was a notice that a temporary network admin was assigned from the School district.

We decided to wait and see what happens.

On Saturday I checked with my ex-neighbors and they stated that the Mustang hadn't moved since Thursday morning. I would occasionally get a call from some of my friends telling me that what they heard. The five of us decided to just wait and see.

The local paper came out on Tuesday with a story about a new principal being appointed to Bret's school. No mention was made as to why or what happened to Bret. May's friend was permanently assigned to Chloe's second grade class. She asked, but was given no reason for the change of teachers except that Chloe was 'taking some time off'.

Eric attended the School board meeting. The video had made the rounds and the School Board was fighting a rear guard action. The district's lawyer was present attempting to calm things down. The board reported that a principal and a teacher handed in their resignations on Thursday morning. None of their actions had anything to do with any of the children at the school.

My old house was listed for sale in the next week's local paper. Several months later, the paper reported the sales price to be what was owed when I walked out the door. He had to have lost money, between the sales commission, taxes and prorated taxes. Then there were several months of unemployment.

Chloe left town two weeks after they resigned. Internet searches found her someplace in California. Her Facebook account was cleaned as much as possible. She unfriended all that she could. Rumor had it that she changed her name by a marriage of convenience, and then was divorced in a year.

Internet searches on Bret or Chloe always came up with several links of the video. I doubted that either of them could remain in school systems. Their reputations would be toxic.

The house being sold was closure for me. It came at the time I was graduating with my MBA. I had accepted a position with an investment firm for my financial analysis and Project Management skills. My life has moving on.

I've just started dating again. I look at myself in the mirror each morning and respect and like what I see. That was the best thing from my marriage. Besides the love and support of my family, self-respect cannot be ever taken away.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A total and complete success of a story. You made this so much fun to follow that I was wishing it would have continued much longer. The ending was a slight disappointment only because I was drooling with excitement over the plans that were made and could hardly wait to see them sprung on the pair of losers. I appreciate the ending and all the time and effort you put into creating this incredible tale of woe and I wanted to thank you for posting it.

oldtwitoldtwit8 months ago

I see you have a part 3 , I must admit that I thought you wrapped it up in this one.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
Too bad

Too bad she didn't get her full revenge, but all's well that ends well.

anonymousinblueanonymousinblueover 6 years ago

For one, I was unaware and didn't care enough to figure who what and why. Two, stalking and harassing an ex is very base behavior. Not very endearing to see someone get so ugly - it could be you next. If the ex wants to be left alone (and wasn't a much of a bitch as Jennifer in Inferno), you deserve anything plus more that comes your way if those wishes aren't respected. It wasn't really discernable what and why... It felt amorphous. In the words of the Earl, "do it better."

IndyOnIndyOnover 6 years ago

A lot of build up and a lot of repeating of the same facts only to conclude with a disappointing end? Hope Ch. 3 brings it together!

DrSemblanceDrSemblanceover 7 years ago

Chiefblanket said it best.

Like reading a just the facts dragnet

BUT it was very short...so that kept it from being too dry.

So over all pretty good story

tazz317tazz317almost 8 years ago

there is still smoke wafting around the premises. TK U MLJ LV NV

nancyharpman17nancyharpman17almost 8 years ago
Still Worthy of Four Stars

What I liked most about the story was that Luce got her revenge without leaving her fingerprints on the smoking gun. Good job.

chytownchytownover 8 years ago
Good Read****

Thanks for sharing.

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 8 years ago

This was sort of a dry tale that did not read smoothly. It read more like a just the facts ma'am script from Dragnet.

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