Aaron's Summer of '77 Ch. 10


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"Seven," I hear when I start to head over to where Alan Abelson is sitting along the wall with a couple of people I don't know. "No, no, no! That's a seven and half, if I ever saw one, says one guy to the other as Adam and I brush past them. Adam gives them both a dirty look and then puts his arm protectively and possessively on my shoulder and whispers to me, "Honey you're butt's a ten to me and fuck those two nasty old queens. They're just jealous 'cause you're younger than they are. Now let's join your friend over there and you can introduce me."

"Well, I see you 'finally' made it out tonight, Aaron. Nice red shirt you've got on there. I had to fight with a couple of mean bitches, but I managed to hold on to these two chairs for you. Unfortunately, you won't be able to face the doors to check out anyone coming in or leaving. But, that's the best I could do since it's a Friday and the place is packed with yummy guys tonight!" says Alan, as he brazenly checks Adam out from head to toe and then dismisses him and starts to talk with his friends on either side of him."

Ummm, Alan...this is Adam who I've been telling you about all semester." I say to Alan.

"Obviously, Aaron...so, Adam, you're the guy who works as a clerk back in Brockville who wears Eau Sauvage. You're older than I pictured you'd be." Immediately, one the guys sitting beside Alan covers his mouth with his hand to stifle a snicker. I can see that Adam is embarrassed and doesn't quite know what to say.

"Ummm. Yeah, nice meetin' ya' too, there Alan." Says Adam, as he stares warily back at Alan.

"And there's that Brockville accent I was telling you guys about when I go down to spend weekends with my Mother and Father," says Alan, as he stares directly at Adam and give him a saccharine smile.

"How is your Mother, Alan. Is she still buying up all the antique stores in Europe and having everything shipped back for their house in the country?" says the guy on the other side of Alan.

"No, Jeremy. Father has her on a strict budget now and she can only buy what he approves of. For antiques and furniture, that is. As for hers and my clothes, well... we can still spend as much as we like on those. He likes it when we look good. He says it reflects well on him and in the circles he travels, appearances are just so important." Once again he gives Adam a head to toe appraisal and dismisses him and then says to me, "So Aaron, we are just about to head over to Sacs in Hull. It's so much more chic and lots more fun than this stale old place. We only come here to get a head start on drinking and usually just cab it over to Hull from here after 11:00 when they crank up the dance music and we can dance and party until 3:00. Sure you don't want to come with us? Oh, yes...and you too of course, Adam."

"Ummm, no... thanks Alan. Maybe some time again. This weekend is Adam's and mine and I haven't seen him for a couple of weeks."

"Well...whatever, Aaron. We'll see you around then. Bye."

Alan and his friends get up to leave, generating a soft, fragrant cloud of Geoffrey Beene, as they grab their jackets and head for the door. Alan looks back as they get to the door to see how many guys are looking at him leaving and then gives Adam a withering look as he turns and heads out.

"Soooo...that's the guy you've been sittin' beside in class, honey?" says Adam, as he frowns and watches the door as it swings shut.

"Ummm, yeah... that's him, Adam. He's pretty good-looking, don't you think?"

"He's a bit younger than me, cookie. I'm thinkin' maybe twenty-three or four and not my type at all. He's a bit too pretty and snotty for my taste. And I'm thinkin' he doesn't really get off on me either, which is just fine with me."

Just then the waiter goes by and Adam gestures to him, "Hi John, good to see you! Could I get a beer and a rum and coke for my friend, Aaron here, please?"

Adam! We haven't seen you in here in a long time. Not since the police raids on the Club Baths at 1069 Wellington last year. So, this is your new friend, is it? Well nice to meet you, young man. Anything for you, Adam and your friend there! I'll be right back with your drinks!"

"His name's Aaron, John. You'll take care of him when he comes in here, willya' please?"

"Of course, Adam. For you, anything!" So good to see you back in Ottawa... and with someone," replies John.

"John and Andre over there have been here forever, Aaron. John must be almost seventy now and he's been serving up drinks here ever since the hotel first opened up. He's straight and married with grandchildren now. He's a really great guy. He always keeps his eye on us and makes sure we stay outta' trouble with the cops and the RCMP. And Andre, well...he is one hot-lookin' man. I've met his lover and I'm thinkin' Andre must have been workin' here now for at least ten years. He's pretty tough and has seen a lot of things in this bar over the years and can bounce anyone outta' here if they get rowdy or give anyone a hard time or too much attitude. They're good guys to have in your pocket, if you know what I'm sayin'."

"Speaking about pockets, Adam...I was looking at the other guys in here and you know something? Your butt is a definite fifteen, compared with most of what I see in here!"

"Ahhh, honey... I love ya' for sayin' that! I don't think your friend Alan would agree with you. But, he's never gonna' see mine naked, so I don't give a fuck whether he does or not. After this, wouldya' like to maybe head on back to your place and stop to have somethin' to eat at that twenty-four hour delicatessen before we go past the Museum of Nature? Maybe we could curl up together and watch television or something."

"Oh God, yes!"

As we are leaving, Adam walks over to where John and Andre are standing just I'm heading out the door.

"Heya' guys!"

"Adam! Good to see you, man! Is that you're new friend, Aaron?" says Andre.

"Yup...he sure is, buddy!"

He's a cutie, Adam. If I didn't have my baby right now, I'd be jealous!"

"Heh, heh, thanks, Andre. Ummm, guys...wouldya' maybe keep an eye on him, whenever he comes in to make sure he stays outta' trouble? He's just about the turn twenty soon and I'd appreciate it if ya' kinda' were as good to him as you both were to me when I first started comin' here. Wouldya' do that for me, please?"

John pipes up and says to Adam, "He reminds me of one of my grandsons, Adam. Don't you worry, we'll take good care of him, rest assured of that."

"I can always count on you two. He's special to me and it means a lot to know someone has his back when he's up here in College."

"Never mind his back there, Adam! I heard a couple of guys over there in the corner who were giving his butt a 'ten' when he went out the door just now!" says Andre, while laughing at Adams' reaction.

"Well...that cute, little boy butt is mine, Andre! So hands off there, fella'!"

"Hah, hah...you've got no competition from me, Adam, judging from the way he is looking back at you from the doors right now!"

"Oops! Gotta' go! Like right now! Nite guys!"

"Are ya' cold there, baby? Wouldya' like my bomber jacket 'til we get to the deli?"

"Gee, Adam, I kind of missed you not calling me babe and baby anymore. Would you do that for me when we're together, just the two us maybe every now and then?"

"Anything that makes ya' happy, babe...anything at all."

"That deli place was fuckin' packed, baby. I'm gonna' make sure you go over to the IGA on Isabella, 'cause ya' just can't be eatin' out all the time. You're gonna turn into one big cheeseburger if I don't start gettin' after ya' about what you're eating. We're gonna' go do that together first thing in the morning. You get to push the cart and I'll load up with everything I think you should have in your fridge there to keep ya' healthy. Now come on and let's get those clothes offa' ya, 'cause I wanna' see if you've put on a couple of pounds at least before my hairy cock takes over and finds it's way up into your hot, little butt hole there, honey. C'mon...let's snuggle and my baby maker can practice some long division and maybe some multiplication scales on ya' before we fall asleep. OK cookie, baby!"

"I need a pet name for you, Adam. Wookiee sounds kind of dumb. Can I call you just Chewbacca or maybe even Sasquatch or Sasq' for short, when it's just you and me together?"

"Works for me there, honey. My five o'clock shadow and hairy chest that you always tell me makes ya' hot and horny and my hairy dong are just fine with that, cookie."

Now, honey, let's get naked and go through what we learned about '69' in Chapter Fourteen of your Joy of Gay Sex book once again. Whatdaya' say to that?"

"I thinking I'm needing lots of practice with that one, Sasq', until I get the hang of it."

"It's not supposed to be hangin' when you do that, baby! It's supposed to be throbbin' and cummin' inside my mouth with my tongue workin' it. Here...let me review that Chapter with ya' right now!"

Can I rim your ass again first, Adam?"

"Oh fuck, Aaron...just do whatever the fuckin' fuck hell you want to me! I'll be smilin' in my sleep next to you with my dong stuffed up inside ya' 'til we fall asleep soon anyway, baby!"


"Hi, is this Adam Blanchard?"

"Ummm, yes, who is this?"

"Hi Adam, I'm Karen Cutler and a friend of Aaron's."

"Well, hi there Karen. I remember Aaron talkin' all about you. I think I went to high school with your older sister, Diane. She was just starting at BCI and I was in Grade 12 back then."

"That's right, Adam. She remembers you and told me to say hi to you when I called."

"How is Diane? Is she still workin' up at Black and Decker and living on Apple Street there? Is she married yet? I haven't seen her in like, forever. Is she doin' OK? What can I do for you, Karen?"

"Well, ummm...yes, she's still working shifts up at Black and Decker on the assembly line there. And she's still at home with Dad and me. Mom died last year when she had her last major stroke and my other older sister, Barbie is up in Kingston working as a prison guard at the Women's Correctional Facility. And no, Diane is still single. She just got herself a new puppy, a little miniature Poodle she named Butch! I don't think she's gonna' get married anytime soon, Adam. Barbie neither, for that matter."

"I'm really sorry to hear about your Mom, Karen. Aaron told me you were the one taking care of her there at home after she had her first bad stroke a few years ago. That musta' been really tough for ya'. Well, you be sure and say hi to Diane for me and tell her to pop into Fullerton's sometime real soon to get caught up. I remember her from BCI and she was always nice to me when I was there. And Aaron tells me you were nice to him too before you, well... before you had to drop out."

"It's OK, Adam. You can say it. There aren't any secrets in this town. Yes, I was dumb and got myself pregnant when I was fifteen. You know, Adam... Aaron was one of the few who bothered to speak to me and be nice to me when word leaked out and I started to show. I decided to give the baby up for adoption and then got my high school through correspondence courses and work now at the Sub Shop on King Street West."

"Oh! Is that you in there in the evenings? You're kinda' pretty! I come in there once in a while. I never knew you were Diane's younger sister or I sure woulda' said hi to ya'. Have you heard anything from Aaron? Is there something wrong? Did he call you about something? What can I do for ya'?"

"Well Adam... you and Aaron have been seeing a lot of each other, I know. And he's sorta' occupied now with you and with school and all. He and I used to go up to the Skyline with Rob Pierce to dance in the disco up there a lot before he met you in the summer. Not that I'm jealous or anything like that. But, he's just been so busy with you these past few months and then with him moving up to Ottawa and going back to school, and you know his birthday is coming up on December 17th when he is back in Brockville on Christmas break. You do know that's his birthday, don't you, Adam?"

"I sure do, Karen. I was planning on takin' him out to the Town Haus Restaurant just up the hill from your house there on Apple Street for dinner that night. I need to fatten him up a bit with some Beef Stroganoff and Spaetzle! Wouldya' maybe like to join him and me for dinner and maybe you could give Rob Pierce a call and ask him if he'd like to come too? I think Aaron would be really surprised and happy if you both could come to help him and me celebrate his birthday. He's been so busy with his studies at Algonquin. It'll be a good chance for you and Rob to get to spend some time with him. Whatdaya' think, Karen?"

"I can see why Aaron likes you, Adam! I'd like that a lot and I know Rob has been missing him badly up at the Mall. I just met a new guy named Charlie I'd like to bring along and get to meet Aaron. Charlie and I are gonna' move out west to Prince Rupert in B.C. in the spring and I really wanna' introduce him to Aaron before we leave. I'll give Rob a call and get back to you to let you know if he can come too. Thanks, Adam. We both miss him so much. Brockville just isn't the same without him, you know."

"Hell, Karen... don't I know it! Hah, hah! Let me know and I'll make the reservation. And if you're talkin' to Aaron, let's just keep this a surprise for him. I know he'll be happy and excited to see you both over the Holidays! And I'd sorta' kinda' like to get to meet you too. Aaron has talked about you a lot to me and I know it hasn't been easy for you and he's had his own problems in this city growin' up, just like you and me."

Adam hangs up the phone in his kitchen and starts to think and says to himself, "Now, she's a real nice person who knows what real life's all about. My kinda' person for sure. Not like that fuckin' Alan Abelson and his snotty friends up in Ottawa. Aaron and I are gonna' hafta' make some time for her and Rob Pierce. Fuck, I'm glad she had the heart to call me! Actually, I'll give Rob Pierce a call myself and invite him. What the fuck! No time like now to meet the only other decent gay guy Aaron knew before I came into the picture and got into his sexy, tight fittin 'pants!"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Love it!

Your writing just gets better and better. I love how the characters are developing, and I especially love how Adam steered Aaron away from stupid and sniveling Alan! Adam's love is so obvious, and Adam and Aaron are so good together. Makes everyone want to find an "Adam" of their own. That's what true love is -- and does! I love them both, and your stories always bring me to tears.

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