Abducted and Bound

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A camping trip becomes a nightmare.
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"Make sure you call us every morning and night."

"I'll try Mom, but the reception up that way is spotty," I told her. "If you don't hear from me it doesn't mean anything. I'll be fine."

"I don't see why you can't go with someone," she said for the hundredth time. "Have you asked your friend Kenny?"

Kenny was the reason I had decided to go on this camping trip, because unknown to my parents, my "friend" Kenny was much more than a friend, and we had an argument earlier in the week. Long story short, Mom would not be seeing Kenny around the house anymore.

I was hurting, and when I felt like this all I knew is that I wanted - needed - to be alone. A couple days of seclusion, and time to sort things out in my head, and I would be fine. Kenny wasn't the first guy I had dated and broken up with, he was the second. I'm sure there would be another someday, but for right now all I wanted to do was sulk and pout.

No better place to do that than up around Forked Lake in the Adirondacks, or so I figured. There was a place way back off the beaten path, and up in that area even the paths weren't that well traveled. There was a place that my father had taken me years ago that was as secluded as you could ask for. You could stay back there a week and not see another person, and that was what I wanted.

To make sure, I purposely "forgot" my cell phone at home. Mom would see that and fret and fuss, and then nag me when I got back, but it would be worth it in the end.


The little clearing at the far end of the oddly shaped lake was just as I had remembered it. The lake itself was unnavigable for anything but canoes, making it less popular than most places, and because it took a couple of hours to backpack in from the highway, most people didn't venture this far back.

My backpack probably weighed close to half of my own 150 pounds, but I was so pumped for this getaway that I hardly noticed it. I saw nobody - not even on the actual trail, and once I got to the bushwhacking part I knew there would be nobody around.

"Beautiful," I whispered to myself after I had set up camp and looked out from the boulder that served as a chair out near the shore of the lake.

It was a warm evening, and after I set up and had a light dinner, I decided to take a dip in the lake. No need for a bathing suit back here, so I went in naked, the chilly water making me shiver as I waded in.

I'm not much of a swimmer, so I didn't venture out all that far, only to where the water was chest high. From there, I could see down around the bend to the main body of the lake. As the sun began to hide behind the mountains there was nary a ripple in the water. Not even a canoe could be seen. Seclusion.

All of a sudden, I heard the snap. A branch being stepped on over behind where my campsite was set up, and there, looking out at me while I was wading, was this man. When our eyes met he quickly looked away and retreated into the woods before I could get a good look at him, but what I saw was disconcerting to say the least.

He looked like an older man, rather tall and thin, and was wearing denim. The weird part was that he looked like he had on one of those fake nose and glasses - either that or he was one ugly guy.

Why would anybody be wearing a disguise back here, I wondered as I crouched down into the water. At first I supposed that my eyes might have been playing tricks on me, because after all it was dusk and the light wasn't too good.

Probably a guy who had known about this spot too, and had planned a secluded getaway just like I had. Thankfully he wasn't one of these social guys who decides to make a new friend and sets up camp next to you. Not much I could have done about that, because the woods are free and all, but it would have been hell and not what I had been looking for.

Now the crackling of the twigs was getting more and more distant, as I assumed the man went to try and find another place to camp. I came out of the water, my hands over my privates, and came to shore.

I dried off and put my jeans on, and in the fading light I made sure that my food was hung up in the tree high enough to keep the bears away, and made a tiny fire in the little fire ring that had been there since before I was a boy.

The night was clear and the bugs weren't bad at all. I was debating whether or not to sleep outside, because the tent seemed like it might be humid, and as I stared up at the sky and tried to pick out the various constellations above me, I remember a feeling coming over me. A feeling that I was not really alone.

I believe I started to sit up, but was pushed back down and something came over my face. The smell reminded me of something from Science class back in 7th grade, and while I'm sure I tried to fight off what was happening to me, I know I wasn't successful.

I recall feeling like I was a child again for a moment, being carried off to bed by my father, but that feeling went away, and when I woke up, I found myself here.


Where exactly "here" was I did not know. I was on my back, and what I was resting on felt like a mat of some kind. Cold plastic against my bare back. I was blindfolded, and there was something stuck in my mouth. My hands were tied above my head with what felt like clothesline.

Scared? I was beyond scared. My head was still spinning as whatever had been used on me began to wear off, and I wanted to spit out whatever was in my mouth, but I felt a hand on my face when I tried to get rid of it.

"Are you alright?" the voice asked. "Nod if you are."

I nodded. The voice was eerie. Almost robotic in nature, it was a deep monotone that reminded me of something mechanical or coming from a person who had speech problems. Whatever it was, it didn't make me any less terrified.

"I'm going to take the gag out of your mouth," the voice said. "You can scream if you want, but you know that it would be futile. You know that no one will hear you. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise you that, just so long as you don't try anything stupid. Understood?"

I nodded and was rewarded when that cloth was removed from my mouth. I choked and coughed after it came out, and when I was able to talk I asked for a drink, because my mouth was parched.

"Here," said the voice, and I felt a straw at my lips. I sucked on it and whatever it was, it made my mouth wet. After greedily drinking all I could, the straw was taken away.

"What are you doing?" I asked, noticing the scent of a candle that had to be very nearby. "Why am I tied up like this?"

"You won't be for long," the voice said, and the voice was now farther away.

I could hear a clicking sound, much like a camera, and after that stopped I heard the rustling of clothing coming from above me. The man was undressing, and so I assumed that the mat I was resting on was on the floor.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Ssh," said the voice, and what sounded like a belt hitting a floor was followed by the swishing sound of pants being taken off.

"You shouldn't be out in the woods alone," the voice said, and I could feel his knee against my side. "Especially a young fellow like you. How old are you, son?"

"Eighteen," I said, jumping when I felt a hand on my chest. "Nineteen at the end of the month. I - I really want to be nineteen."

"You will be," the voice said, his hand feeling large as it gently rubbed my chest. "I would never hurt you. I've never hurt anybody in my life."

"Then why am I tied up?" I said.

"For safety. Our safety," the voice said. "It won't be for long."

"I mean, I'll do anything you want me to," I assured him.

"I know," the voice said coldly.

"No, I mean if you want me to do things - I'm... bisexual," I finally blurted out, not quite ready to admit that I was only interested in one gender these days.

"That's nice," the voice said, his hand sliding up towards my neck, moving my necklace out of the way, and from there his fingers stroked my nipples. "How many male lovers have you had?"

"Two," I said, gasping when the stroking of my nipples became plucking, and my little buds became rock hard despite my fear.

"I remember when I was your age," the voice said as the hand slid over my collarbone and began toying with the tiny wisp of hair under my arm. "So fresh and innocent. Two male lovers, you say?"

"Yes," I said, trying not to cry and losing.

"Then," the voice said. "I'll be your third."


"Don't cry," the voice said after I broke down.

"I'm scared," I sobbed.

"I told you I won't hurt you. You have nothing to fear."

"Then untie me," I said - begged. "I won't try and get away. I swear. Just untie me and take the blindfold off."

"Then you could see me," the voice said. "You wouldn't like that. I'm not very - attractive. If you saw me at a bar you would run away from me."

"I don't care about looks and stuff like that," I said. "I'm not like that."

That was bullshit, of course. I was as superficial as every other 18 year old on the planet, and he probably knew it.

"Just relax," the voice said, and as the hand slowly went down my body, I kept asking for him to stop.

"You have such a magnificent body," the voice said, the hand now on my stomach and near the top of my jeans. "So trim and athletic, and so smooth. Do you go to college?"



"Sophomore - will be," I whimpered, feeling the hand leave my skin and move up to my belt. "No."

"I watched you when you undressed to take your swim," The voice said. "What a beautiful specimen of a young man you are. Are you wearing underwear? No? Then I'll take my time."

"As I was saying," the voice continued as I felt my belt come undone. "I watched you undress, and I confess to feeling a bit guilty. Not about spying on you, but I sensed you were much younger than you are. What are you - maybe 5'6" and 135 pounds maybe? Such a cute boyish face. I'll bet you drive the boys and girls wild back home."

"Please," I answered, choking a bit when I felt the button on the top of my jeans come free.

"But then, I stopped feeling guilty," the voice said.

The zipper on my jeans was being taken down, so slowly that it was like one of the zipper teeth at a time were opening up, and the sound it made was deafening. I could feel the cool air on my lower stomach and pubes as the fabric of the jeans opened up.

"Can I have another drink, please?" I whimpered, wanting to delay the inevitable.

"In a minute," the voice replied. "Like I was saying, I stopped feeling guilty when you took off your underwear and showed all of yourself to me."

"I thought I was alone," I said.

"I know," the voice continued. "That was the beauty of it all. You were so natural."

The hand was now on the front of my jeans, rubbing the bulge that was along the right inside leg of the denim, and when his hand made contact I felt him suck his breath in through his teeth.

"It must be wonderful to be you," the man said just before he took my jeans down and off of me. So smart..."

"I'm not smart, I sobbed. "I went into the woods by myself, like you said."

"To be so intelligent, and so good looking," the voice went on, ignoring me. "And on top of all that, to be blessed by being so very well endowed too."

"My word," the voice said as the man ran his hands up my thighs. "You're even more incredible up close and personal like this."

I didn't feel incredible, and I'm not all that smart or good looking. I was on my back, naked and bound, and there was a man who I didn't know between my legs. He was probably naked too, and he had my cock in his hands, stretching my limp dick and pulling on it while breathing heavy.

"How does a little fellow like you end up with a cock the size of this?" the voice asked me.

"It doesn't matter. Nobody cares about stuff like that," I said, although Kenny certainly did.

"I see you shave the area around the base of your penis," the voice said, and I could feel his fingers rubbing the skin around my cock.

"Not me," I said. "My - friend."

"It makes you look even bigger," the voice sighed. "Not that you needed it. You're much bigger flaccid than I am hard."

"It doesn't matter," I told him, remembering how embarrassed I had been when the guys laughed at me that first day of school in the showers after gym.

"It does to me," the voice said, and then I felt lips sliding down the head my cock, and a tongue working the underside of the shaft as the mouth went farther down.

I tried not to get aroused, and in the beginning I was certain that no matter what the man did, there was no way in this situation that I could get hard, which was why I was so shocked when I felt my cock begin to show signs of life.

I hated this man, and what he was doing to me, but the man was an incredible cocksucker, and soon to my shame I became fully erect. His lips when way further down the shaft of my cock than any of the others, feeling like he was only a couple of inches short of getting it all.

For some reason - I can't explain why - I wanted to see this. I wanted to see this man's mouth going way down on my cock. I didn't care what he looked like. Instead I was blinded and bound.

"Beautiful," the man gasped, taking my cock out of his mouth and letting it slap down on my belly.

I sensed him getting up, and then was the clicking sound again. It had to be a camera, and then the clicking got louder when he came back down on the mat again and grabbed my cock in his fist.

He set something - maybe the camera - down on the floor next to my head, and then I felt him on top of me, covering my body with his. He had a hairy chest, that much I could feel as he began grinding his body against mine.

I could feel his cock rubbing against the underside of my own and his balls were sliding against mine as he humped me harder. His mouth was everywhere; kissing my neck and shoulders, sucking on my nipples and licking my armpits.

Then he stopped, letting out a loud groan as his body tensed. I could feel a wet warmth on my lower abdomen as he ejaculated on me, and as his cum trickled down my hip he got off of me.

"What's your name, son?" the voice asked me.

"Travis," I croaked meekly.

"My name is Roy," the voice said. "I love you."


"A drink, please?" I asked my abductor after Roy had rolled off of me and rested next to me for a while.

His breathing, loud and wheezing, had been the only sound besides the occasional insect or nocturnal animal noises from outside - or were we outside? Was this a lean-to? I had no idea where I was.

"Thank you," I said after sipping from the straw again.

"You're welcome, Travis," Roy said after taking the drink away from me and laying back down beside me.

Roy's hand slid all over my body, and while his hands were not soft, his touch was, and he was so tender and loving that if the situation was different, it might even been called sensual.

"I was hoping you would have cum with me," Roy said. "That's the only thing that would have made it better for me. The feel of your body against mine was so arousing I couldn't keep from cumming. Did you like it?"

"I don't know," I admitted.

"When our cocks rubbed together," Roy said. "That made my skin tingle, although you probably couldn't feel it."

"I felt it," I said.

"I have to make you cum," Roy said, and I exhaled when I felt Roy's fingernails scrape gently along the underside of my cock as it rested back on my belly, knowing that my semi-turgid cock would be hard again soon despite the situation. "It might take the edge off - make you less frightened of me.

"If I could just see you," I said. "And my wrists are sore."

"I'll give you a little massage soon," Roy said. "I'll rub your wrists and let you roll over."

"How long are you going to keep me here - wherever I am?"

"Not long, Travis," Roy said. "Not nearly long enough as far as I'm concerned. When the sun comes up I will be done with you."

"Then what?" I asked, as Roy's fingernails stopped and he began to rub what felt like his palm up and down the length of my cock, which was almost erect.

"Don't worry," Roy said. "I told you I would never think of hurting you."

I felt hot breath on my cock, and then the feel of a tongue gliding along the same path the hand had been taking, and then the clicking sounds once more.

"Is somebody else here?" I asked.

"No. We're alone. I could never share this with anyone."

"Are you taking pictures?"

"Yes. They're for my own personal use, and no one else will ever see them," Roy said, pulling my cock upright and letting his hand begin to stroke it. "That's a shame though, because you look so incredible. Such beauty should be shared."

I felt the head of my cock slip inside of his mouth for a minute, and then Roy's lips slid down the shaft. His mouth worked magic while his hands churned my balls and worked the shaft of my member that his lips could not reach.

Roy's efforts grew more intense the more I squirmed, and by the time I felt my orgasm roar through me I had forgotten about being bound. Roy swallowed my seed as it spurted out of me, and kept trying to siphon even more after I had gone limp in his mouth, tonguing my tender opening and sucking hard.


"I have to pee," I said a bit later, and Roy left my side for a minute, returning with some kind of vessel.

He took my cock in his hand and stretched it a bit before telling em to go ahead. I had trouble starting to go, because I had never gone while somebody else held by dick, but Roy gently massaged the base of my cock and eventually I went.

The trickle became a torrent, as my pee splattered into what seemed to be a can, and after I finished Roy wiggled my dick several times, shaking and stretching it before pulling the can away.

"Would you give me head now?" Roy asked after he returned from disposing of my waste.

The thought of having this man's dick in my mouth had already occurred to me back when this ordeal had begun, and I had imagined what it would be like to sink my teeth into his cock - bite it clear off if I could, and it had to occur to Roy as well.

"I'm not worried about what you could do to me," Roy added. "You see, I haven't long to live, so dying out here in the woods bleeding to death isn't any worse than any other way to go."

"Nothing contagious," Roy answered when I asked him what was wrong with him. "Do you smoke?"


"Good boy," Roy said, and I realized that I had become used to the metallic sound of his voice.

"Do you have cancer?"

"Yes," Roy said. "My voice box was removed but it had already progressed. Now I'm full of pain medication and Viagra."

"I'm sorry," I said, and not only couldn't I believe that I had said it, it was even more weird to think that I really meant it.

What was that called? I tried to think about what I was feeling. The Stockholm Syndrome? When you start being sympathetic to someone who has imprisoned you?

"Thank you," Roy said, and I felt him brushing the hair away from my cheek.

"I will - what you wanted me to do," I said.

"Thank you," he said, and I could sense him moving up on his knees toward my face, and the unmistakable aroma of his genitals was overpowering, the woody scent of a man in the woods for a time.

"You can untie me," I said.

"Later," Roy said, and then I felt the heat of his body, followed by the feel of him against my lips.

I parted my lips and felt the warmth of his cock as he leaned over against the side of my face. His dick was almost hard when my mouth first touched it, and when I moved my head upward my lips took in his entire manhood.

Roy had a small penis, much like my friend Kenny's, although I could tell that Roy was not circumcised. My first lover had been uncut also, so this was not new to me. I was able to move his foreskin back with my lips, and as I nibbled on Roy's exposed glans I heard him moan above me.