Ace Ch. 03


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"Hello Ace. He's been in love with you since he was 16. The question is, do you love him?" asked Evelynn, in a serious tone.

Ace pressed the cold metal of his class ring to her chest. "As I have only loved one other," answered Ace.

"Good," said Evelynn, back in her every day, friendly tone.

"Are you mad?" asked Ace, a little afraid of the answer.

"I just found out my favorite grandson dumped a gold-digging bitch for my best friend," Evelynn summed up. "Why would I be mad?"

"So, you are mad?" asked Ace, as she began to curl the phone cord around her finger.

"On the contrary," Evelynn said, laughing again. "You've saved me from ever having to have dinner with that witch Karen or her onerous mother ever again. The only way this day could get any better is if when I tell Mercedes Jared dumped Karen for you, the shock causes her to have a stroke. If I were there now, I'd kiss you."

"I prefer Jared's kisses."

"I'll bet," said Evelynn sincerely. There was another pause before Evelynn went on. "But fair warning, Ace, you break his heart and best friends or not..." said Evelynn.

"I know. I know," said Ace, cutting her off.

"You keep him happy and you'll keep me happy."


"And since I am in such a generous mood," said Evelynn. "I'm even going to run interference for you with Mercedes."

"Oh crap," said Ace putting her hand to her forehead. "I didn't even think of that."

"Well, you'd better," said Evelynn, who then let out a huge barrel laugh.

"What's so funny?" asked Ace.

"I just thought of something. If you and Jared get married, you'll become my granddaughter," said Evelynn, who then paused for effect. "But you'll be her daughter-in-law."

"Lord, help me," lamented Ace.

"In this case, I'll help you," said Evelynn.

"And how exactly are you going to do that?" asked Ace.

"I'll keep reminding her just how rich you are," explained Evelynn, with a chuckle.

"That could work."

Both women giggled like schoolgirls for a few moments. Then Evelynn asked, "So how was he?"


"What?" asked Evelynn. "I must have heard a hundred times about you and George's first time in that C- 47."

"That was different," began Ace. "And yet in many ways last night was the same as that night."

"How is that?"

"I don't know," said Ace, in a dreamy voice. "It just felt the same. I didn't intend anything to happen, but then Jared came up behind me."

"Yes?" asked Evelynn.

"We danced and he held me in that awkward way, just like Goerge used to. God, it so felt good to be in a man's arms again."

"I'll bet," said Evelynn. "Especial when those arms belong to a handsome, college professor. I think someone's hot for teacher."

"Oh, yes," admitted Ace, standing up. "I've always been attracted to bookish men."

"I hadn't noticed," responded Evelynn sarcastically. "How was the rest of your night?"



"He's your grandson."

"I know," said Evelynn, her voice deepening. "Which makes hearing about it all that more exciting. It's so naughty."

Ace pondered her answer for a minute. Then answered, "It was wonderful. This morning wasn't bad either."

"The first rain after a drought is often a deluge," Evelynn said, sagely.

"It was not just that."


"No. There was a rightness to it. Like it was destined to happen. We were like two halves of a single being." Ace sat back down. "He doesn't have Goerge's skill, but he more than makes up for it in effort."

"I'm sure you'll have him well-trained before too long," encouraged Evelynn.

"I've already started," admitted Ace, smiling. "He likes to roleplay."

"You lucky..." said Evelynn, in a husky tone. "Oh crap, someone is trying to beep in. Probably Mercadies."


"I'll let you go and talk to you tomorrow," said Evelynn. "Remember our deal."

"I'll remember," said Ace. "Bye, E."

"Bye, Ace."

Ace put the phone receiver into its cradle. It felt like she had just put down a hundred-pound bag of sand. A grin grew on her face as she fell back onto the bed. At the sound of the bathroom door opening Ace sat back up. Jared stuck his head out. "Did you and Grandma have a nice chat?" asked Jared.

Ace motioned Jared over by moving her forefinger in the universal 'come-here' gesture. The fact that he instantly obeyed sent an electric shock through her pussy. God, he's cute, thought Ace. When he got within range, she grabbed the towel wrapped around his waist and pulled it away. Jared instantly covered himself. Ace took the towel, rolled it up, and began to playfully snap the towel at Jared's hands.

"You, (snap) little (snap) twerp (Snap)," she said, with a smile. "You left me to face E, all by myself."

"I'm sorry," said Jared, dropping his gaze. "I thought you needed some privacy to talk to Grandma."

"Well, you thought wrong," said Ace, in mock anger. "Which is why from now on you'll leave the thinking to me. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am," said Jared, with a salute.

"Good," said Ace, climbing back into bed.

"Oh, I can't stay mad at you," she said crawling back over to her side of the bed. She patted the mattress next to her. "Come here, handsome."

Jared got into bed. Ace grabbed his wrist and rolled over wrapping his arm around her. She pretended to sleep, and Jared snaked his other arm under her neck. "Just out of curiosity," Jared asked tentatively. "What did Grandma say?"

"She is ecstatic that you dumped the witch. Your mother is furious," she said, rolling over to face him.

"At us?"

"At you darling," she said, moving a stray hair out of his face. "She doesn't know about us, yet."

"At me," asked Jared. "For what? Dumping that gold-digging..."

She silenced him with a kiss. "No sweety, for not telling her you were going to dump the gold-digging bitch. It is only proper that you tell your mother first when you plan to call off a three-year relationship."

"I guess I better call her," said Jared sheepishly, as he turned over to reach for the phone.

Ace pulled him back to face her. "You will do nothing of the kind," she instructed. "E, says she got it covered and I really don't want to think about your mother right now."

"Have a little faith," said Ace, laying back down. "E, says she can handle it, but that if we valued our lives we should stay out of North Carolina until she can smooth things over with your mother."

"OK," said Jared, after he almost went for the phone a couple of times but didn't.

"And after my nap," she explained. "I'm going to need a bath. Do you think you can help me with that?"

"It will be my pleasure," said Jared, giving Ace another kiss.

"Oh, I assure you," she said, kissing him back. "The pleasure will be all mine."

August 18, 1985, Shankweiler's Drive - in Theatre, Orefield, PA.

"Oh, come on Jared, cheer up," said Ace, putting another piece of popcorn in her mouth. "I'm sorry the guy was full of crap and didn't know an MG from a VW, but that happens. I had a guy try to sell me a 289 engine that he swore came out of the very first Ford Mustang ever built."

"I thought Ford didn't offer the 289 until 65."

Ace rewarded Jared with a smile. "That's my point, they didn't," she said patting his hand. "We still have the swap meet in Barto tomorrow and then I have a few other leads."

Jared just grunted in response.

"Hey," said Ace, as she grabbed him by the chin and turned his head to face her. "Why don't we just fly over to England and get you a new one."

"Do you have any idea what it would cost to ship a car here from England?" asked Jared his mood darkening.

"Who said anything about shipping it?" asked Ace, looking hurt. "I'm sure I can rent a cargo plane and fly it back. Do you think we could get one of those MG in the back of a DC -4 or an Electra"

Jared couldn't help but smile. "You would do that for me?" he asked.

"In a heartbeat sweetie," said Ace, who then leaned over and kissed him.

Electricity shot through Jared as his lips met hers. Her tongue explored his mouth. He tasted salt, butter, and caramel. He pulled back and opened his eyes, only to see Ace staring at him with a wide grin on her face. Karen, even at her most passionate moment, had not kissed him with one-tenth the intensity that Ace did every time.

They both turned back toward the movie screen. The bad guys were picking on an innocent bystander. Ace ate a few more pieces of popcorn as the hero of the film appeared. The next thing Jared felt was Ace's hand brushed up against his groin. This immediately caused him to jump and his manhood to harden.

"Hey," he said, a little louder than a whisper.

"Sorry," replied Ace, with a mischievous grin on her face. "I spilled my popcorn."

Jared didn't believe her fib for a second. He went back to watching the movie. The bad guys were now all lying on the ground and the good guy was helping the bystander into his wagon. Jared loved a good western.

A minute later he felt her hand brush his groin again, causing his cock to twitch. A moment later he felt her hand again. He looked down in time to see her hand pick up another piece of popcorn off his thigh. "More errant popcorn?" he asked.

The last two weeks spent with Jared had been a dream. Gone were the aches and pains of age. She felt like she was 23 again and falling in love for the first time. Gone was the depression and tiredness. She felt like she was 23 years old again, and falling in love for the first time all over again.

"Yes," she said, popping the offending kernel into her mouth. "I think this box is defective."

This brought a smile to his face. Between the movie and her antics, Jared was quickly getting rid of the cloud that had been hanging over him since this afternoon's parts disaster. He heard the box crinkle and looked down quickly to see more popcorn hit his lap. He soon felt her hand come to retrieve them. She hoped he was enjoying her little game as much as she was. The tent in his slacks seemed to indicate that he was.

Eventually, she gave up the pretense of wanting the popcorn and just put her left hand on what she was really after his dick. She began to rub his log through his pants, starting at his groin and moving up toward his waist. With every stroke, Jared got more excited giving her more bulge to stroke.

Jared began to squirm a little under her attention. Ace moved closer, moved her left hand to his neck, and resumed rubbing his cock with her right. She then put her head on his shoulder and whispered, "Or you could just drive the Lincoln for a while." She made another pass up and down his dick. "I have kept her in tip-top shape, and she has many nice features."

"She sure does," admitted Jared, his voice quivering.

"The bench seat for example," cooed Ace. "Perfect for cuddling."

"Perfect," he parroted.

"The shifter is on the column, so you get lots of legroom," She added, in a seductive voice as she demonstrated her point by stretching her legs.

"The legroom is nice," said Jared, falling into a trance-like state.

"Did you set the parking brake?" asked Ace, pulling her hands away.

Jared looked down and over. Seeing that he had, he responded, "Yes, Ma'am."

"Good, boy," she said putting her hands back on his neck and his cock.

She had used the distraction to unbutton his pants and lower his fly. She snaked her hand into his pants. She then expertly moved into his boxer shorts and quickly found his cock. The feeling of her hand wrapping around his shaft was more than enough to cause his dick to come to full erection. "I think someone thinks the heroine is cute," she said, playfully.

"She a child," said Jared, closing his eyes. "I prefer real women."

"Oh," said Ace, skeptically. "You mean like me?"

"Exactly, like you," said Jared, his erecting growing with the thrill of what was being done to him.

Ace began to speed up her fondling. "Aaaaccee," Jared moans.

"Yes, dear," she asks, with a smile.

Please don't ask me to stop, she thought. "Where in public," he points out.

"I know," she answered stroking him faster. The thought of someone watching them made her heart rate speed up and she hoped it was doing the same to him. "Makes it more exciting."

"What if someone sees?" he asks.

She could hear the anxiety in his voice. She wanted Jared to like playing in public places and so to assuage his fears a little. "Don't worry," she said, as she slowed her hand. "I am sure everyone is watching the movie."

"How do you know?" he asks, shuffling his feet.

"It's Eastwood," she replies as if that explained everything.

That seemed to do the trick as all his tensions seemed to wash away. Her mind did a little happy dance as she went back to fondling his groin. He turned his head so the two could kiss. No longer concerned about who saw them, Jared turned his whole body to face Ace. She put her arms around his neck, and he began to unbutton her blouse. He then leaned in and started to kiss her on the neck. He left a path of wet kisses down the middle of her front leading to her cleavage. He pulled Ace close and put his arms into her blouse and around her back. He found the clasp of her bra and began to fumble with it.

"Wow," she remarked kissing the top of Jared's head. "From prude to exhibitionist in less than five minutes."

"You're such a bad influence on me," he accused.

"Oh honey," said Ace, with a chuckle. "I have not yet begun to corrupt you."

Jared finally freed her breasts. "I think we need to extend the no-bra rule to dates too," remarked Jared, as he tried to lift her bra enough to take her nipple in her very hard nipple in his mouth.

She let him struggle for a few seconds before she pushed him away, removed her blouse, and her bra. She dropped both articles of clothing into the footwell of the front seat with her right hand and beckoned him over with the forefinger of her left. Needing no other direction, he pounced.

Ace had moved back against the car door. She couldn't remember if she had locked the door or not, but she was pretty sure she had. It was cold and hard. Not enough to quench the fire between her legs but she made a mental note to put a few throw pillows in the Lincoln when they got home.

Jared attacked her breasts again, kissing every inch of them. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pinned him to her chest. He found her left nipple and began to suck on it. Ace began to finger comb his hair and take in the musk of her man.

She opened her eyes and glanced across to the car next to them. A woman with long brown hair and big cat's-eyes glasses was looking at her. The woman quickly looked away. Ace kept staring in that direction. She cupped her right breast with her right hand and began to knead it. The woman glanced over again, and Ace rewarded her with a smile and an air kiss.

The woman looked away again but then glanced back after only a moment or two. The Fire between Ace's legs doubled in intensity, and she began to breathe heavier. She gave the other woman a smile and a wink. The woman stared wide-eyed as Ace moved her hand south under Jared. She became quickly frustrated as It took her a minute to get into her pants and another one to find her honey pot. I have got to start wearing skirts more often, she thought.

The woman looked over again and Ace got a new idea. A very naughty idea. She pushed Jared off of her mid-kiss. What the hell? thought Jared. "Is something wrong?" is what he asked.

"Nothing's wrong baby," she said, picking up her shirt and putting it back on. "It's just I think you're right."

"About what?" he asked, more than a little confused.

"Not everyone is watching the movie," she said, jutting her chin towards the next car over. Jared looked at the other car. Then he looked at Ace. The woman whom Ace had been encouraging to watch them suddenly looked away. Jared's cheek flushed slightly. He then shrugged and reached for Ace.

She was ready for this and stopped him by wagging her finger at him. When he tried again, she reinforced her command by holding up her left hand and saying, "No, no, no. Like you said, we're in public."

Why had I ever said that? thought Jared, as he watched Ace button up her shirt. What are you crazy, he chided himself as her still very hard nipples showed through her blouse. Ace turned to watch the movie. Jared watched her. "I'd love you in a box. I'd love you with a fox. I'd love you on a train or in a plane," He rhymed.

"In a plane?" she asked, raising her eyebrows like Groucho Marx.

"I would love you here or there," Jared went on. "Ace my dear I would love you anywhere."

"I love you too," she said moving away. "But like you said somethings are not meant for others sight. So, we are done for tonight."

Ace turned to face the windshield. She picked up her box of popcorn and began to eat some. Jared slumped in his seat. The hero was mining but Jared didn't care. He just sat there thinking "Stupid, stupid, stupid."

Jared tried to focus on the movie, but it was no use. He had been depressed that they had not found the parts they were looking for but now he was even more bummed. He had completely lost the storyline and was in the process of trying to figure out what was happening when he heard a noise to his right.

"Darn," said Ace. "I dropped my milk duds."

"That sweet tooth of yours," said Jared, with a chuckle, not taking his eyes off the screen.

Without responding Ace slid off the seat and onto the floor. The movie was going into its third act and Jared thought he had figured out the story again. That was when he felt Ace's hand go up the inside of his left thigh. In one fluid movement, she slid Jared sideway and his pants down to his ankles.

He was temporarily stunned by his abrupt change of position and fortune. She goes to pull his underwear down and then pauses. "You know," she says putting one finger to her chin, "I'm not sure if I like you wear underwear. I think from now on you shouldn't wear any."

"Great idea," He agreed, and then ripped the pair he was wearing down the side.

The ripping sound seemed to activate some sort of primal urge in her. Her chest warmed and she began to lick her lips. She pulled his underwear down exposing his fully engorged cock. "Yes," she said taking his pole in her right hand. "That's much better."

"Whatever you want," he adds, resting his head awkwardly on the seat back.

"Good boy," she praised him.

Ace hadn't had time to start learning what Jared liked sexually, so she stuck mostly to the basic techniques she had used on George. Thus far she hadn't received any complaints. She cradled his balls with her left hand while her right continued to slide up and down his pole. She leaned in and gave his dick a good, shaft to tip lick. This had the dual effect of wetting his cock and her appetite for it. With that, she opened her mouth and swallowed the head of his cock.

"Oh, Ace," he grunted as she began to suck on his shaft in earnest.

She removed her hand and began to rub the small patch of skin just under his balls. His grunts told her that he liked it. She moved further south. At the same time, she pulled more of his dick into her mouth. It might have been her imagination, but his dick seemed to get just a little bit bigger.

Finally, she lifted her head off of him. Greedily, she sucked in a lungful of fresh air. "God, I love having your cock in my mouth," she admitted between breaths.

"Oh, it likes being in there too," said Jared propping himself up a little.

With a grin, she went back to work. He fumbled for the controls and the side of the seat. Once he found them, he lowered the driver's seat which enabled him to sit lower the seat. Jared then slid closer to her propping his right leg on the dashboard and giving her a better angle. She took full advantage of his new position and sucked even harder.