Adam and Steve Ch. 08

Story Info
End of a friendship.
24.6k words

Part 8 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/03/2015
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Authors Note:

Please read before reading Adam and Steve Chapter 8.

This Chapter is Dark. It contains a non-consensual sexual act. If this subject matter bothers you, please do not read this chapter. It will surprise the ones that continue to read.

This chapter is long (60 single-spaced word pages, so I think that would be about 4 or 5 Lit pages). I didn't cut it short. I didn't want to end it in a cliffhanger. But I think I left it in a good spot for the next chapter to go on in a sense, where it didn't have to talk about it anymore or at most very little.

Reasons for this chapter. Sexual assault happens. Both men and women don't always report it. Men are less likely to report than a woman. I don't take you through every emotion that the victim (which I'm not saying who yet) went through in this chapter. But I tried to show some of the emotional stages. And of course the timeline is sped up some.

If someone reads this and they are a victim of a sexual assault. I pray that you got the help (be it from a friend, family, or counselor) that you needed to get through all of the emotional stages that you were going through.


Chapter 8 - End of a Friendship

Arriving home from Lake Tahoe, Steve was expecting to see Jeff and Teddy in the living room, but they were nowhere to be found. "Do you think Jeff took him to the ER?"

Adam looked over at Steve and shook his head, "Your first time, did you want to go to the doctor?"

"No," Steve responded.

Adam pulled out his phone and called Teddy, "Where are you?" Adam laughed, "Get your ass back here, and we'll talk."

"Where were they?" Steve asked when Adam hung up.

"Driving around, debating what to do, and thinking about going to see Matt and Sarah."

"Well, she would be a good one to talk to if something was wrong, but I know they're embarrassed," Steve responded and took their bags to the bedroom and came back and sat on the couch with Adam. "I'm sorry that our time together was interrupted so soon." He laughed.

"Well, we tried. Maybe we can try again." Adam laughed, knowing that Steve was due to leave for London next week.

"Yeah, I hope."

Teddy and Jeff walked in, and Teddy was walking a little slow. Adam smiled, "Boys have a seat." They sat on the loveseat because Adam and Steve were on the couch. "Teddy, how bad do you hurt?"

"Not as bad now. It's just uncomfortable."

"Go take a warm bath," Adam responded. "While you are doing that, Jeff and I are going to have a talk."

"Why?" Jeff stated.

"And how do you know what to do?" Steve asked.

"Do you think I'm that stupid? Ben and I were young and dumb. I didn't know what to do in the beginning." Adam responded with a smile and squeezed Steve's hand.

"Come on, Teddy, let's go talk while the bath is filling," Steve said as Teddy got up and followed him out of the room. Adam was hoping that Steve would take the lead on Teddy. He hurt Ben a few times until they realized they were trying to rush it, then it never happened again. Adam knows what to do and the care, only from being hurt two years ago from the dick.


"Steve, I'm sorry." Teddy started to cry as soon as they walked into Steve's bathroom.

Steve smiled and chuckled, "Teddy, it's okay. I asked the two of you to wait until you were at least eighteen, and you did. Maybe we should have discussed how to do it too. So neither of you would get hurt." Steve had turned on the water and started to fill the tub, and he pulled some salts out and added them to the tub. "Get undressed and get into the tub. Lay this over your privates." Steve laid a hand towel on the edge of the tub. "I'll get you a towel and a few other things. Then I'll sit in here and talk with you for a bit."

"Okay." Teddy undressed, the tub was only half full when he sat down in it, but it still felt good to him. He did what his uncle asked by laying the hand towel over himself.

Steve went to the kitchen for ibuprofen and water before returning to the bathroom with a towel for Teddy. He knocked and entered. "Here, take these. It will help."

"Steve, I'm sorry that you just reached Lake Tahoe and had to come back because I was stupid...."

"Teddy, you weren't stupid." Steve cut him off.


"Coach, do we have to talk?" Jeff asked.

Adam chuckled. "Now, I'm the Coach?" Adam shook his head. "Jeff, I know you don't want to talk about this. You're eighteen and shit. I wouldn't want to talk about this with an adult either. But I'm going to give you a little advice that I didn't have. Shit, you even have the fucking internet. Everything's at the tip of your finger."

"I looked it up, and I was preparing him, I swear."

"And how long did you prepare him?" Adam asked.

"I don't know for a few minutes."

"He's never had anything in his ass before. Hell, you've never had anything in your ass before. Have you?" Adam asked.


"A few minutes isn't going to relax a virgin. Thank God you're just as inexperienced as Teddy, and you stopped when he screamed out in pain. Because I know many guys that wouldn't stop." Adam stated and saw Jeff's eyes widen. "You could have caused damage."


Adam stopped him with his hand. "I didn't say you did. I said you could have. I'm sure he will be in pain for a few days, maybe if that. And then it will be fine." Adam looked at Jeff. "I don't know how big you are erected, Jeff. Treat your bottom with respect, or how you would want to be treated if you're a bottom. I don't know if you used one finger or got three into him. But you will need to get at least three."

"Three?" Jeff asked.

"Yes, three, as I said, I don't know how big you are. I'm not asking you to tell me. I don't want to know." Adam didn't, not one bit. "But one finger will not be enough. Two as much as you scissor them still isn't great." Adam chuckled, looking at Jeff's hands. "Three might be enough with your meaty ass hands. And lube, you need lots of it."

"It seemed like it dried up."

"Then you didn't have enough, always remember at any time during sex you can always add more. There's no rule that you can't."

"Yes, Adam. Can I go wait for Teddy in his room?"

"Yeah, I'm sure when Steve is done talking with him, you could go sit with him in the bathroom. He should sit in there for a bit."


"Steve, did I do something wrong?" Teddy asks.

Steve smiled. "No, you're young, and you two don't know what to do." They had already had the same discussion of whether he was adequately opened up. Steve also told him that he was probably just sore and would hurt for a few days. But if it bleeds when he goes to the bathroom, they will have to see someone. "How's the pain now?"

"Better, can I turn on the jets?"

Steve chuckled. "Yeah, relax. I'm going to go sit in the living room with Adam." As he walked out of his room, Jeff walked to Teddy's and asked to talk with Teddy. Steve pointed to his room and continued out to the living room.

"Hello, Handsome," Adam stated.

Steve smiled and sat next to him. "Adam, I love you, and I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" Adam looked at Steve, and he had an amused smile on his face. "What's so funny?"

"Well, you know I'm going to be in and out of town for the next few months." Steve started to say.

"Oh fuck." Adam looked at Steve. "And we have two horny teens, and one's about to leave for college." Adam got up and headed off to their room, and Steve was on his heels.

"Adam, I love you." Steve again said as he kissed the back of Adam's neck as they entered the room, making Adam smile.

Adam turned in Steve's arms. "I love you too. Do you want to get ready for bed?"

"Yeah," Steve stated as Adam walked into their bathroom, turned around, and left. Steve followed him out of the bedroom. "Adam, where are you going?"

"My house, you want to come?"

"Why?" Steve was confused.

"We currently have two boys in our bathroom. I'm not walking back in. I'm not going to tell them to get out. I'm leaving the house." Adam saw enough of Teddy and Jeff, not that he hadn't seen it before. He's their coach. But they are in a position he wished he would have never seen them in.

The following morning Steve decided to leave Adam in bed and go back to his house to talk with Jeff and Teddy. He found the two in Teddy's bed, thankfully in shorts. "Hey, you two, wake up. We need to talk." Steve stated.

"What?" Teddy moaned. He was tired and didn't want to wake up.

"Teddy, get up. I need to talk to you and Jeff. Come out to the family room, please."

"Okay," Teddy grumbled. He woke Jeff up, and they came stumbling out to the family room. "Why did you wake us so early?"

"I don't think you realize Adam and I didn't stay here last night." Both the boys shook their heads. "Well, Adam walked in on you last night."

"Oh shit." Both boys said in unison.

"Yeah, oh shit," Steve repeated. "Just because you two are eighteen doesn't mean you can freely have sex anywhere in this house. I don't want to send you to your grandparents when I leave for London. Don't make Adam regret watching you while I'm not around."

"But Steve, Jeff is only around a few more weeks."


Steve pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID, he was in a meeting. Nothing was being said in the discussion, so he hit the answer button as he got up and left the room. "Hey Babe, can't sleep?"

"Were you in another meeting?" A very tired-sounding Adam said over the line.

"You sound exhausted. Why aren't you sleeping, Babe? It's...." Steve looked at his watch, and he knew he had been in meetings all morning. "Three there. Honey, why can't you sleep?"

Adam chuckled. "Jeff is leaving in two days. I didn't want to know this, but sadly the walls are thin. Apparently, Jeff likes being a bottom."

Steve laughed. "I'm sorry, where are you?"

"Taking a walk, I honestly didn't want to hear it. I left out our door. I didn't want to walk past Teddy's room."

"How often is it happening?" Steve was concerned now. He knew how horny boys could get.

"If you are concerned that we're going to have a depressed boy on our hands, or I should say my hands in three days. You know it's happening way too much." Adam stated. "But thank God, our football practice will be starting up soon too. So hopefully Teddy will be too tired to miss him much."

"Yeah, right," Steve said.

"I know they've been attached at the hip for two years now," Adam stated. "You know I don't normally ask this, but when is your London business done?"

"I've got...." Steve was interrupted, and Adam could hear him talking to someone but muffled he was covering the phone with his hand. "Babe, I need to get back into this meeting. I will call you when I get to the apartment later."

"Sure thing, I love you. Sorry I interrupted your meeting, Babe."

"I love you too, and you didn't interrupt it," Steve stated before hanging up. He felt bad for Adam that he's been the step-in father figure for Teddy since they started dating. Especially since he has been heading to London for all the stuff his brother should have been dealing with.

Three days later, Adam was dealing with a depressed Teddy. He didn't want to eat, and all he wanted to do was wait for the phone call to come from Jeff. Which every day came later and later.

Adam was sitting out on the back patio next to the pool when Teddy finally appeared four days after Jeff had been gone. "Adam?"

"Yeah?" Adam looked over at Teddy coming to sit next to him.

"How do you do it?"

"Do what, Teddy?" Adam asked.

"Steve has been gone a lot lately. I hear you on the phone occasionally, but I don't think you two ever get on the computer." Teddy stated. "So how can you two love one another so much but be apart?"

Adam softens, "It's hard, Teddy, but I know Steve's going to come home." Adam saw a tear fall from Teddy's cheek. "Jeff's only been gone a few days. It will get easier. I know you won't have him here. Talk to him when you can and on the computer. You know Steve said he would fly you out there when you wanted when there was no conflict in your schoolings."

"I know."


Steve was dropped off by the limo. The driver took his bags to the front door and left them for him. Steve was still in the back on the phone. It was after nine at night. He knew that Adam would be in bed because football practice had begun. He wasn't sure about Teddy, though, because it was Friday.

When he finally finished his phone call, he thanked his driver. He walked in, was amazed to find the house quiet, and there were lights on in the family room. He looked in as he was about to walk down the hall and could see Teddy on his computer. He assumed Teddy was talking to Jeff and playing a game.

Steve decided he would talk with Teddy in the morning. He wanted to see Adam. When he opened the door to their room, he could see Adam in the bed. They had been apart for over a month this time. He didn't want to stay in London that long, but he had to get some things done, and then his father showed up to finish other items.

Steve could hear Adam's light snores. He knew Adam was sleeping, so he went to take his shower. When he returned to the bedroom and got into bed, he turned to his side, and Adam snuggled up to him. "I missed you, Adam."

"I love you, Steve, but I'm emotional and physically tired." Adam tightened his hold on him, kissed his neck, and relaxed slightly on his grip.

"Why emotional, Babe?"

Adam chuckled, "Oh, you will find out in probably thirty minutes or less. Does Teddy know you're here?"


"Then you will know, he'll be here shortly."

"I take it he's not taking the distance thing too well?" Steve asked and felt Adam shake his head. "He comes in here to talk every night?"

"Just about. I don't know how Teddy's up for practice and school. He has to be running on empty or falling asleep in his classes. Thank God they just began."

"He doesn't call me, so I don't know what's going on. The only info I get is from you." Steve stated.

"I know, he told me, he doesn't want to bother you." Adam hugged Steve. "Why didn't you tell me about Jack?"

"Because I didn't want to bring up old wounds." Steve frowned. He knew Adam could see him. "Jack fucked up there too. Police were involved, and Dad did what he warned Jack he would do."

"And what is that exactly?"

"He's been put in a hospital," Steve responded.

"Steve, that might be some of the help he needs but locking him away and medicating him isn't going to help him," Adam spoke up. "As much as I don't like Jack...." Teddy knocked on the door and interrupted them. He thought Adam was on the phone with Steve. "Yeah, Teddy."

"Adam, can we talk?" Teddy asked.

"Do I ever say no?"

"Well, I don't want to interrupt your call with Steve." Teddy didn't turn on the light, and he didn't have the hall light on either, so that he couldn't see Steve.

"Teddy, turn the light on," Adam said, and Teddy did.

"Oh Steve, I didn't realize you were home. I can leave."

"Teddy, have a seat." Steve smiled. "Do you want to talk to us both or just Adam?"

Teddy dropped on the end of the bed while Steve expected him to sit in the chair. "He doesn't want me to come out and see him. Why?"

Adam squeezed Steve before answering because, sadly, Adam had also been talking to Jeff and didn't get a chance to tell Steve. "Teddy, Jeff loves you. I've told you this before. He's busy with school and football, just like you. He has to keep his grades up to play and keep his scholarship and practice there isn't like here. It's a little more demanding, and he can't play around or fall behind in his classes."

"I know he keeps telling me that. I just think he is doing other things." Teddy whined.

"Teddy, you get most of his free time. He's still online playing games with you when he's not studying, eating, or sleeping. Isn't he?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, and he'll even talk to me when they're traveling on the bus."

"Teddy, you need to give him some time to become friends with kids out there. He's going to need help. You'll need to start working on your schooling as well."

"I know, but Adam, I'm afraid he's going to meet someone."

"Teddy, if you tire him out, he may end up pushing you away. You need to loosen up. Jeff loves you. Right now, this isn't going anywhere. I think you two need to set up some boundaries and live by them. Have time limits of when you two talk on the phone, play games and chat on the computer. You both are tiring each other out, and it's not going to be good for either one of you."


"Why don't we talk on speaker on Sunday? He has a game tomorrow, doesn't he?"

"Yeah, but he's more than likely on the bench. He's always on the bench." Teddy said.

"He'll get playtime. He's in practice. When they need him on the field, they will send him out. They didn't recruit him for nothing."

"But he wanted to go to Texas."

"They were also in the stands looking at him. He didn't know they were there, but I did."

"When were they there?"

"Both his Junior and Senior year. I spoke to Texas both years."

"Is that why Jeff wanted to go to Texas?" Teddy asked.

Adam shook his head, "Teddy, Jeff's been talking about Texas since Freshman year. I had nothing to do with it. Texas came to look at another player that year and talked to me about him. You know yourself that Jeff is a great tight end."

"But it sucks, Adam. I hate that he's so far away." Teddy got up and left the bedroom, turning the light off as he went.

"Boy, did I feel like an outcast?" Steve stated, and Adam hugged him closer.

"I'll be happy to let you deal with an unhappy teenager." Adam laughed, "Actually, both of them. I'm being called by Jeff too."

"Oh, shit, is that why you know what is going on via the other side, and I could tell that Teddy didn't catch on to it," Steve asked, and Adam nodded while yawning in Steve's ear. "You are tired, aren't you?"

"Exhausted, tired doesn't even begin to cover it."

Steve turned over in Adam's arms and kissed him. "I owe you so much. You've been so great to Teddy and me." Adam hugged him tightly. "I love you, Adam."

Adam yawned, "I love you too, Steve." And it wasn't but a few minutes before Steve could hear Adam's breathing start to even out, and his light snoring began, then his hold loosened up on Steve.

The following morning Steve left the bed before Adam woke. He looked in on Teddy. Teddy was also asleep. He looked around the house, and it was picked up but not cleaned. He was debating if he should hire a maid, but he knew that Adam would have a problem with it. He still needs to sit down with Adam about these issues of Adam and him doing things to make life easier.

He decided to call the manager at the mansion and have him send one of the maids over to clean his house. It was only seven, so he hoped that Adam would sleep while she was there cleaning. She arrived by eight and went straight to cleaning.

Adam didn't hear anything until she started cleaning the family room. When she began vacuuming, he thought it was Steve and finally pulled himself out of bed to take a shower. It was close to ten. When he dressed, he went out looking for Steve and found the maid, dusting all the surfaces in the family room.

Adam looked into the sparkling clean kitchen, no Steve, nor in the immaculate living room. So he walked back to Steve's office and stood in the doorway. "Hey." Steve glanced up with a smile.

"Adam, before you say anything." Steve rounded his desk, and Adam walked up to, kissed, and pulled him from the office. He saw the maid walk into their room, so he took him through to the kitchen, stopping when he saw coffee made. Steve laughed when that stopped Adam in his tracks, but Adam filled two cups, handing one to Steve, and pulled him through the door out to the deck.

"You were saying?" Adam smiled as they sat down next to one another.