Agents of Pleasure Ch. 32


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Paige's face softened, "Oh no, bad news?"

"Yeah, car accident six months ago."

"I'm so sorry, that's so sad."

Brooke smiled, "It is, my sister was a wonderful person!"

"Where is the father?"

Brooke's face tightened into something of a grimace, "Who knows? He skipped...that's a longer story."

"That's sad too," Paige responded.

Eve added, "On the other hand, these two had been trying to have their own kids for a few years with no success."

"Right, the adoption of the twins is in process, and we're going to keep trying to have our own in the meantime, we'll see what happens. Either way we plan on having one more child." Just as this part of the conversation was wrapping up, Brooke got up and said, "That's what this is all about, Hal and I need to find something bigger. So first, we want to put this house on the market."

They took a tour of the property, and it was just as Paige suspected; perfection! Everything was updated and in pristine condition! Even the garage looked as if it had been recently covered in new aluminum siding. Even better, there was a relatively new deck which extended fifteen feet into the yard. When Paige stepped out onto it she said, "I think this feature right here will get you your asking price."

"We do love this yard!" Brooke said, "Whatever we buy next will have to have something comparable."

Eve said, "To me, this is the perfect starter home!"

"I agree," said Paige looking around again, "I would say if your asking price was $220,000, you'd probably get it!"

"You think so? Wow...okay, Hal and I thought $200,000 would be amazing!"

"Oh no, start at $220; I'm positive it will go for at least $210 if you're not in a hurry."

"That will all depend on what you show us, right?"

"Perhaps, let's get this listed and pre-qualify your financing for the next house. I'll get this one going first thing tomorrow morning." They went inside and Brooke sat them down in the breakfast nook for the lunch she'd prepared. There was a lot more chatting about what they wanted in their next house, and Paige took notes.

And then, just as they were finishing their food, the conversation made an unexpected shift. Later (when Paige was thinking about it,) the redhead was not surprised at what happened next. This was the weird but fun way her life was going lately. It began by Eve asking, "So Brooke, I forget, how long have you and Hal been married?"

"It will be seven years next month."

Paige asked, "And have you been trying for kids that whole time?"

"Pretty much."

Eve said, "You know, you and I never really got into this before; and it's a bit unusual to try that long without success."

"That's true," Brooke replied, "Three years ago we took some tests, and it turns out that Hal's sperm count is low," and she grinned and added, "which is kinda funny seeing that he's very well-endowed!"

Eve and Paige looked at each other and giggled; Eve said, "You never told me that before!"

She grinned again and said, Well, we don't advertise it!"

They all laughed, and Paige said, "My husband Chad and I don't advertise it either!" THAT cracked them up some more!

"Goodness," said Eve, "You're both making me feel like I'm deprived or something. Larry is the very definition of average!"

Paige looked at Brooke, "So what are we talking here? My Chad's over seven inches!"

Brooke blushed and said, "I've never measured but Hal says he's almost eight."

All of a sudden Paige flashed back to the conversation she just had with Ava Reed...about how difficult it was to find men with a big cock! She shivered with lust and fixed her eyes on Brooke, "Do you two have a lot of sex?"

Her new client was only slightly taken aback, "Yes, lots!"

Eve was obviously loving this topic, "Can you define 'lots?'"

Paige's sexual radar was pinging every five seconds now. Brooke Fenton was certainly not put off with the sexual topic; and things got even dirtier when she responded to Eve, "Oh let's see...I would say his big dick fucks me three or four times a week!"

The redhead shivered again; Eve's mouth dropped open and they heard her breathe, "Oh my God!" Brooke giggled at her old neighbor's flustered look, and Eve said, "Wow, it's a bit shocking that we never got into this before!"

"Like I said, we don't advertise it!" She giggled at the look on Eve's face and added, "And just so you know, on some occasions, we can fuck all night!"

Paige giggled too, mostly at Eve's flustered expression, "Chad and I can't do that! I work full-time and I have four kids. I need my rest!"

"Oh, so you and your Chad don't get a lot of playtime then, huh?" Eve and Paige looked at each other and burst out laughing! That kind of surprised Brooke and she grinned at them, "Or...maybe you do?"

When Paige calmed down enough she said, "Aw, that just struck me as a bit funny. But I'm not sure you want to hear this; after all, we just met...and you're a client."

This time Brooke giggled, "Well, this Pandora's Box has already been opened; and I don't think 'more open' will spoil our business relationship."

"Okay, well, I can't answer entirely for Eve, but Chad and I have an open relationship. And..." Paige watched Brooke's pretty face (which wasn't flinching,) we have a LOT of sex!"

"An 'open' relationship; you mean with other people as well as each other?"


Brooke turned to Eve, "This is fun, you and Larry have this open relationship also?"

"Heaven's no," Eve replied, "Larry and I have regular sex, but he's a poop, he would never approve of what I do on the side."

Brooke laughed, "So you're 'open' and he's not?"


"Your secret is safe with me!" Then she said to both of them. "I wouldn't characterize my relationship as 'open;' like, I haven't been with anyone else for at least the last four years, but our focus has been on getting pregnant."

"Oh my goodness," said Paige, "so you were with other men for a while there?"

"Uh, yes?"

"Were you and Hal 'swinging?' or was it just you?"

"We were doing our own thing I guess. Just so you know, this was well before we seriously considered starting a family." Then Brooke shifted the conversation even farther! "Who do you ladies play around with? Other married men?"

Paige spoke first, "I've only been married about two weeks, but Chad and I have been together a couple years. It's only been in the last two months that we opened things up. We found that keeping secrets was ruining things. Since then it's been nothing short of amazing! If I told you all of it, you'd be amazed too!"

Eve said, "I've only started this open' thing recently." She giggled and looked at Paige, "And it's all HER fault!"

The redhead reached across the table and slapped her playfully on the arm; she said to Brooke, "Yes, I forced her into being a slut!"

They all laughed and Brooke said, "So you're both sluts then?" That made them laugh even more!

"Probably," said Eve, still giggling.

"Not probably, definitely!" Paige corrected her, "Do you want me to tell her what you and I did not too long ago?" She turned to Brooke, "Do you want to know?"

"OH MY GOD!" Eve exclaimed, "Are you trying to corrupt this girl too?" THAT earned Eve another slap on the arm!

"Since we're sharing secrets here, we might as well go all the way," said Brooke, "Tell me what happened."

Looks were exchanged as if to say, "So; who's going to tell her this?" Paige's body language made it clear that Eve could do it if she wanted.

Eve began, "You see Paige and I were having lunch and it ended with me inviting her to my place. On the way there we saw a car in front of her husband's former house (which they haven't sold yet,) and when we stopped to see what was going on there, we ended up having sex with Chad and his girlfriend Sylvia."

As Brooke was listening to this, her mouth dropped open wider and wider; but she recovered quickly and said with a naughty smile, "Yeah, now I see what you meant by slutty behavior!"

Paige added, "Yes, we are a very spontaneous group of sluts!" and they giggled some more.

"So you two are obviously Bi," said Brooke with a sly wink.

"Yes," said Eve, "and through all the conversations we used to have, we never did get around to asking these questions, so tell us now; are you?"

Brooke hesitated, but the smile never left her face, "I've been with women before I got married, but haven't since."

"Interesting," Paige interjected, "and just exactly who were you playing with after you got married?"

"A few guys; one was an Ex, one was a man I met at a party we attended, and another guy was someone I was chatting with on a sex site called Literotica. We chatted for a year before deciding to meet."

"Wow," said Eve, "that's a very diverse group; and you stopped all that when you and Hal tried to start a family?"

"Yep, like I said before, Hal and I have a lot of sex, so it really wasn't a huge thing to stop the extra fun. But while we're on this topic; what are you two planning on doing this afternoon when you leave?" Brooke looked at Paige and continued, "Were you going back to Eve's house?"

The redhead shivered at what her new client was implying, "Uh, no...that wasn't the plan. The plan was all business; we wanted to get YOU going on the search for a new house." She turned to her auburn-haired friend, "Isn't that right, Eve?"

Eve looked like a deer caught in the headlights. "Um, well, yes. Lots of business!"

Brooke burst out laughing! "Hahahahaha...yeah, so that's why you wanted to be here, Eve! You had designs on our hot, little real estate agent here!"

Paige reached across the table and spanked her friend on the hand again! "Oh you! And here I thought you came along to help me secure a new client!"

Eve was only slightly flustered; she glanced at a giggling Brooke and then turned back to Paige, "Hey, C'mon! I wanted to be here for the both of you, honest!"

Paige smiled, "Yeah? So you WEREN'T going to invite me back to your place?"

Eve blushed because she was caught again, "No, well...yes... I WAS going to invite you, but after helping you and Brooke!"

Their brown-haired host was still giggling, "I love how naughty you girls are! Do you have this much fun all the time?"

"I don't," said Eve, "Paige is too busy!"

"But I've never seen this side of you, Eve," said Brooke, "when did this start?"

"Not that long ago, which is probably why we never talked about it."

Brooke stopped laughing and turned to Paige, "If she asked you over to her house, would you have gone?"

"I was going to show you a couple houses," Paige replied.

"I should have told you, I have to pick up my twins in a couple hours, so we really can't look at houses today. Can we reschedule for later this week?"

"Well sure, when I get back to the office, I'll check some things and call you."

"Great! you want to go to Eve's?"

Paige shivered again; she was trying to maintain a modicum of professionalism, but it wasn't helping that Brooke was pushing her in a very seductive fashion. She looked over at Eve, "I..I guess I could now, if she's asking."

Eve was about to say something when Brooke continued, "Girls, I have a better Idea; from the moment you told me you were both Bi, I thought it might be fun if..." She glanced at Paige and then back at Eve, "if I could join you maybe?"

Paige blinked at the other two women in surprise! Even though her hormones had been raging toward out-of-control for a few months now, she still would have wagered $1,000 that today would not have turned out like this. Eve had spoken before about corrupting people, and right then the redhead thought maybe it was true. Turning to her new client she said, "Now why would you want to do that, Brooke? You haven't been with anyone else for several years, why start now?"

When Brooke responded with, "You two have corrupted me!" Eve and Paige burst out laughing again!

"Told ya!" said Eve, "you have this aura, Paige; stop denying it!"

"Maybe it's YOU!" Paige joked, "This would have never happened if you hadn't been here!"

Eve was still giggling, "I guess that's true, but anyway, what are we going to do now?"

Paige checked her watch, "Brooke, what time did you say you had to pick up your kids?"


"So we have less than two hours for this fun; since you're the one who suggested it, why don't we go to your bedroom and watch you take your clothes off?"

Without even hesitating, Brooke pushed away from the table and got up, "Follow me, girls...God, this is pretty fucking exciting; I haven't done anything like this before."

She led the way through the living room toward the bedrooms with the other two women behind her. As she walked she stripped off the t-shirt and tossed it into a corner of the hall. Her ass looked amazing in the stretchy workout pants, and Paige took Eve's hand and whispered, "Did you ever fantasize about her in the past?"

"Oh yeah, but back then I didn't have any courage to talk about stuff like that."

"And now you do huh?"

Eve squeezed Paige's hand, "I didn't bring this up."

"Our lives are weird, that's all I can say!"

Brooke closed the door behind them, and turned to them. She was indeed wearing a sports bra and from the way she filled it out, Paige thought she was a "D" cup for sure. When she pulled the bra up over her head, two of the most beautiful cone-shaped breasts fell out from under it. The boobs themselves were gorgeous, but the nipples were even more spectacular. The areolae were huge and her teats (though somewhat smallish) stood out proud and pointy! "Do you like my titties, girls?"

In perfect harmony they responded, "Oh yeah! Beautiful!"

Brooke looked at Eve, "I never thought about us like this before, but now... all I can say is, 'Wow!'" She stepped over to her and helped remove her jacket. Eve was only wearing a shell underneath and her big boobs were tenting it. The brunette ran her hands over them briefly, "Oh my God, yeah, this is going to be fun!" She took Eve's hand and sat her down on the bed, then stepped between her legs. Paige was shivering non-stop and when Brooke leaned down and cupped Eve's face for a soft kiss, the redhead shuddered.

That first kiss was very slow and sensuous, the kind that Paige herself loved. She moved over for a closer view and just about that time their tongues began to slither together as the passion ramped up. The redhead laid her hand on Brooke's back and started caressing the skin near her rib cage. That movement made the chill bumps pop all over on her new lover; so Paige leaned in to kiss and nibble her ear and neck. Brooke moaned low in her throat, but the making out with Eve never stopped.

So Paige whispered in her ear, "So beautiful, Oh my God! And your boobs, just gorgeous! I can't wait to suck your nipples!" That comment made Brooke groan loudly; she lifted her right arm, wrapped it around Paige's neck, pulled her closer, then turned and crushed their lips together in a torrid second kiss! Paige returned it with everything she had; and at the time, she remembered thinking, "Oh my fuck! This girl has been taking kissing lessons from Charlie!"

To her right, Eve was busy unhooking her front closure bra and letting her girls fall free. She picked up her own tits and fondled them for a moment, then pushed her way into the kiss for a threeway. It didn't take long and all three women were moaning and making those incredibly urgent sounds that only happen in the most heated moments. Paige would have liked to kiss like that for an hour, but these afternoon sex sessions always started a clock ticking in her head. Three minutes into it she let go and stepped behind Brooke in order to drag her workout pants off. Her new brown-haired lover wiggled her ass a little so Paige would have an easier time of it.

She was wearing a very cute, red thong and Paige left that in place for a moment. She noticed that Eve had both hands on Brooke's tits. The fingers of her right hand were plucking at the left nipple, and her left hand was cupping and squeezing Brooke's right breast. Brooke was moaning non-stop and the pitch went up a couple octaves when Paige pushed her face between the brunette's ass cheeks and started making out with her string-covered anus!

Fifteen seconds of that and Brooke broke the kiss and tried to look back at her petite real estate agent.

"Holy FUCK!" she hissed, "You really ARE a dirty, little girl! Oh my GOD!"

Paige could hear Eve giggling at their friend's reaction, "I've seen Paige in action twice now, she's not gonna waste any time because time is short!"

The redhead stopped, "Stand her up, Eve! I'll take her ass and you take her pussy, our host should cum first!"

Eve dropped off the bed onto her knees, and together they slid the thong off to expose Brooke's hairless twat. They urged the legs farther apart and Paige went back to sucking and tonguing her ass. Eve bent her neck and shoved her tongue into the brunette's sopping slit so she could lick her clit!

It was then that Brooke screamed, "Holy Shit, YOU FUCKING CUNTS!" It was so humorous at the time that both women stopped to giggle for a second. The brunette put one hand on the top of their heads and guided them back to work. "Bitches, don't stop...Holy FUCK!"

It isn't the easiest thing to giggle and lick at the same time, but they managed. Paige knew how talented Eve's oral skills were, and together they brought Brooke right to the edge in about a minute!

"Goddd, Ungghhhh, Oh Goddd, FUCK...I'm cummminggg!" It really turned Paige on even more to feel Brooke's ass shaking in her face while she came. The brunette collapsed over the top of Eve and caught herself with both hands on the bed. "Oh Fuck, You bitches! THAT was fucking amazing!" she groaned, "I..I h..haven't cum that h..hard in a while!" It was then she noticed that Paige still had all her clothes on. Straightening up again she said, "Okay Eve, this little, self-proclaimed slut needs to get naked, help me?"

They had her nude in about fifteen seconds and Brooke pushed Paige onto the bed and climbed on top of her. They began making out while Eve took off her own sweat pants and crawled between Paige's knees. She pushed them wider and began nibbling her way up the redhead's thighs. Paige started squirming under this onslaught and when Eve slid her tongue into the redhead's slit she began yelping into Brooke's mouth!

Brooke stopped kissing her and said, "Do you want a little bit of what you gave me?"

Paige moaned, "Oh yeahhh! Mmmm!"

The brunette swung off Paige and said, "Eve? Lie down up here okay? Let Paige get on top and sixty-nine you!"

The auburn-haired M.I.L.F. got on the bed muttering, "Oh my God, this is getting wild!" When she flipped onto her back, Paige turned around over her so they could sixty-nine and Eve said, "Fuck yes, Oh my my horny cunt, Paige!"

Eve's pussy looked freshly trimmed and Paige started kissing and nibbling at her labial lips. When Eve began moaning, she opened her up with her fingers and said, "This is what you get for being a sneak!" With Paige's tongue flicking her clit hummingbird quick, Eve cried out and struggled to lick her way through Paige's slit and up to her button!

Brooke giggled and said to Paige, "Hey, slow down, we're gonna do you!" Then she said to Eve, "Okay, suck this bitch's clit, Eve! It's her turn to cum!" She scooted around behind Paige and pushed her face into the redhead's ass cheeks, "Focus, Eve; I got her ass, you suck her clit and we'll make this slut cum next!"

Paige lurched when Brooke began ferociously sucking her asshole. Eve stabbed her tongue as deeply into her twat as she could and bounced her head up into her for a tongue-fuck. Now Paige was crying out loudly, "OHHH GODDDD YESSS! Fuck, FUUCCKKK!" Eve sucked her clit in and lashed it with her tongue. "OH SHITTTT!" she yelled, "UUNnnGGHHH, Ohh FUUCCKKK, MMMmmmm, GODDDD!" Brooke pushed two fingers into her tunnel and tongued her anus hard, and that made Paige freeze, "Oh yeah, OH YEAH, FUCCCKKK, I'm gonna CUMMMM, Fuckkkkk!" The spasms rolled through her in waves and it seemed as if they wouldn't stop. Part of that was because Brooke wouldn't stop licking her anus! Finally she flopped to the side and laid there trying to recover!