Agnes Lets Go


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"I don't think I can do this." She didn't want to see Anton's disappointment in her body.

"Who did this to you?"

"I walked into a door. It's nothing. But it's nothing your model should be displaying."

"I'll fix it with your pose. Now put on this robe." She slid her arms in, and he tied the belt in front. "I can put some facial powder on your bruises, but I don't think you'll need it. Trust me."

She snorted her disbelieving response. "I don't even know you. Why should I trust you?"

He guided her to the pedestal that Tara had abandoned. Without taking off her robe, Anton posed her in a sitting position, her back to the class. One long leg was extended to touch the floor; the other, nearer leg was bent so her foot was on the pedestal. Agnes liked the way her leg was posed, and how it exposed so much of her slender ass.

"Now, the moment of truth. Are you ready?"

She nodded, and took a deep breath. The robe slid off her shoulders and off her arms. He unwrapped it from her middle. She was nude, but not facing the class. She didn't have to see their reaction to her.

"You have a lovely torso." His hands slipped along her shoulders and down her rib cage to her ass. The sun screen tube burped cream into his palms. He rubbed the lotion onto the top of her shoulders, her arms, and down her back. He paid special attention to the way her ass bulged as she sat on the pedestal. Then he started on her legs, slathering the lotion everywhere, including between her legs. He stood in front of her now. Her head was bowed, but she looked at him from beneath her draped hair. His fingertips raised her chin until her blond hair slid back. No one could see the bruise but him.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of. Keep your chin high. No one can see that side of your face or your eye. Now I have to put some lotion on your front. Do you mind?"

She straightened a bit, so what breasts she had were high on her chest. She shook her head. "Go ahead."

First, he started up a speaker that played a Maroon 5 playlist. Then came the lotion burp and the application of the cool smooth cream on her chest, her stomach, her abdomen. He left her tiny boobs for last, which she expected. She wondered if Ada ever had to wait for men to finish applying sunscreen to everywhere on her body but her boobs. Probably no. Ada had wonderful boobs. She proved it last night, as if there were any question.

Finally, she felt his fingers spread the stuff on her breasts. Her areolae peaked, and slipped into the spaces between his fingers. He slid his hands slowly over her small mounds, and once or twice tweaked the hard nipples at the points. He watched her eyes as he did so, but Agnes gave him no encouragement. Her hard nipples were encouragement enough. As he finished and wiped his hands on a towel nearby, it struck her. She was naked. Completely naked. Bradley had seen her naked. A handful of other lovers had seen her naked in the sack, but one-night stands hardly counted. She couldn't remember their names and she doubted that they could recall hers. Today, she was the object of attention of twenty-five or so artists who would search for beauty in her back and her bottom, and maybe some of her exposed leg. The sun beat down on her, and she felt perspiration at her hairline.

"You'll pose for twenty minutes, then get a ten minute break. Then, resume the pose again or start another one, your choice. We'll keep this up until you're tired, or until three o'clock when the class ends. Understand?"

He gave her a copper-colored pill. "Take this. It will help you relax."

She swallowed the pill and her mind fizzed. "Whoa!"

Anton kissed her forehead. "You look beautiful."

She nodded, but already her mind was a million miles away.

How quickly the time went! Agnes had just started posing and suddenly Anton was beside her, handing her the robe and a bottle of water. She stood, a little dizzy, but more comfortable than when she started. Anton held some sketches in his hand.

"This is what the students see when you pose." The sketches were incomplete, but showed a languid line of her leg, the architectural triangle of her shoulders and waist, delicate bumps of her spine. She was impressed.

"Ready for round two?"

Agnes nodded and sat on the pedestal. Anton posed her in a kneeling position, but still obscuring her bruises. "I'm going to get a cramp."

"Then slide a little sideways. That's better. Okay." He took the robe. She wished he had put more lotion onto her.

The next two periods went quickly. At the one hour mark, Anton reapplied the sunscreen, quickly and familiarly. Agnes let him without objection. Once again he pinched the tips of her nipples as he worked, and it caused a little flutter in her stomach. Her breath rate increased.

"I could use another relaxer."

Anton produced the copper-colored pill with a flourish of his hand. "This is the last one for now. Agreed?"

Agnes nodded meekly and swallowed the pill. She felt the same exciting fizz in her mind. She shrugged off the robe and positioned her shoulders for the long stretch.

Actually, the entire class period sped by. Agnes had changed position several times. By the last half hour, she was turned more toward the class, exposing her self completely. The thought of those students studying her kept her nipples hard the entire time. Drops of perspiration slid down her arms, her calves, and her chest. One drop clung tenaciously to the hard end of her breast, trembling, threatening to drop, but never did.

At the end, Anton released the class. A black model with a shaved head had arrived and was using the dressing room; the last model for the day. Agnes held the robe around her tightly. She felt just a little woozy.

"You were marvelous. Here's your check."

"No check, cash." Agnes mumbled, "I'm having trouble with my bank. Just cash, alright?"

"Ooh, I'm sorry. I don't carry that much with me. How about this? If you come by my apartment tonight, I should have the cash by then. And I want you to consider becoming my personal model. I would love to paint you, Agnes."

Agnes slumped. "But I need the money now. I have to buy coffee and some other groceries. I have to pick up the dry cleaning. Now, I've wasted my entire afternoon. It'll take me forever to walk back to my place."

Anton fished in his pocket and pulled out his keys. "Slot 147, Northwest lot. Take my car and run your errands."

"I can't do that. You're taking a pretty big risk."

"I'm not great at measuring risk. Remember last night?" He smiled broadly, and Agnes blushed at the thought of his card playing losses.

"Thank you, but I still need the cash."

He gave her a credit card. "Use this. It should still have some room on it. We'll settle up later."

Agnes's brow furrowed, considering the trouble she would be in with Bradley. Then Anton kissed her forehead. "See you tonight. Say eight o'clock?"

The black model exited the dressing room, wearing her white robe rather haphazardly. She was not covered in front, and Agnes noted that she was completely shaved between her legs. She paused in front of Anton, and gave him her full lips for a quick kiss before slinking her way to the pedestal.

"Is that professional?" Agnes asked, but Anton apparently did not hear her.

Agnes ducked into the dressing room, breathing heavily. She threw on her clothes and opened the door. At the pedestal, Anton was posing the naked woman with a haughty smile. His hands were on the black model the way his hands had been on her. Her breath increased again. Anton didn't look back to her, even though her shorts were at the top of her legs, and her blouse was very low cut. She fitted her sunglasses gingerly over her bruised eye.

Agnes found Anton's car easily. The gas tank was full. If she wanted, she could start the car and drive far away from both Anton and Bradley. She considered it briefly, then drove to the dry cleaners, where she picked up Bradley's clothes. She shopped for groceries. She picked up toiletries, including a body wash that doubles as a shaving cream. She bought a clean pair of baby scissors, to trim down below before shaving, and a new razor that vibrated. She wasn't sure that she'd use it--Bradley would never even notice--but what would Anton do when, if, he saw her so completely bare? Just like the black model, but without a shaved head.

Bradley was not home when she got there. She put away the dry cleaning and the groceries and turned on a Maroon 5 playlist. She stripped naked and appraised herself in the bathroom mirror. She was not impressed. She was too skinny, almost bony. She opened the sliding door to their balcony on the fifth floor. The humidity had fogged the sliding door. "Here goes nothing," she said, and stepped outside.

Could anyone see here? She doubted it. Nobody from below could see her very well. There were some apartments opposite across the yard. She supposed that anyone across the court yard looking out could see her, if they happened to be curious. She stood there, letting the late afternoon sun warm her. She leaned forward, holding onto the balcony railing. A warm wind tousled her hair. She closed her eyes and raised her face to the sun.

When she opened her eyes, there was an old man in a Tyrolean hat on a balcony across from her. He was toasting her, smiling hugely. She lowered her head, but couldn't help grinning back at him. She turned around to flout her behind. The old man toasted her again.

Agnes laughed. She had planned to trim her pubic hair on the balcony, but had second thoughts now. She spread a towel over the railing as some kind of curtain and sat on the edge of a green plastic chair. She was reasonably sure that the old man could not see much of her any more. Certainly not her lower half.

She trimmed carefully. The warm breeze let the clipping flutter away. She nipped herself only two times, which she thought was pretty good for a first-timer. She concentrated on the job until she was satisfied that she could shave away the rest. It wouldn't be as nude as a Brazilian wax, but it should get Anton's attention.

When she finished, she stood up and looked across the courtyard. The old man was still there, but he had been joined by two other elderly gentlemen, a convention of sorts. There were also tenants on about six other balconies, two of whom were looking at her through binoculars.

Agnes blushed. Then she said, "What the hell!" and waved to them all before exiting the balcony. She laughed again, although it wasn't humorous. It just made her feel good. She wondered if the feeling she enjoyed was similar to the thrill that she imagined strippers and pole dancers felt on the stage. She had fantasized about volunteering for a wet t-shirt contest, or being an exotic dancer, but her figure was too bland to attract any attention. It was just a dream.

She showered for a long time. She used the body wash/shaving cream all over. She shaved her arm pits, her legs, and finally, her pussy. It took a long time but it felt wonderful, primarily due to the vibrating feature of the razor. She toweled off, applied skin lotion to her skin, and brushed her teeth. She walked naked from the bathroom into her bedroom.

Bradley was sitting on a chair next to the bed, smoking a cigar. His legs were crossed at the knee. He blew smoke towards the ceiling. When Agnes saw him, she reflexively covered herself.

"Looks like you've been in the sun."

"I got your coffee. And your dry cleaning." She looked for something to put on, but Bradley had positioned his chair in front of the closet. It was better that she stay out of his reach. She reached for the bureau for something light to put on. Bradley slammed the drawer shut.

"I don't see any tan lines." He blew more smoke upwards. "Of course, that shaved area is new."

Agnes said nothing. She walked to the balcony window, aware she was completely exposed.

Bradley jumped up and closed the drapes. The room turned dusky in the late afternoon sun. "What are you, crazy? Anybody could see you out there."

She wasn't sure what to do. Bradley was blocking the closet and her drawers, almost as though he wanted to keep her naked in the house. The day had not gotten any cooler, so Agnes was not chilled. She hunched over anyway.

"What did you prepare for supper? I don't smell anything burning on the stove."

"You must have gotten done early with your bar review."

Bradley stood up and took a deep drag on his cigar. The end glowed a fiery red with each subsequent puff. He held the cigar between his thumb and first two fingers, rolling it, the lit end pointing at Agnes. She trembled involuntarily.

"You shouldn't smoke in the apartment. The rules don't allow it. We'll get evicted." She regretted saying anything, because he looked like he needed to stub the cigar out and that her long figure was a perfect receptacle. He brushed past her, and she felt the tip of the cigar on her bare bottom, for just a moment, an intimidating, warning moment.

She brushed the ash off her ass. "I borrowed a car to get the groceries today, and I have to give it back. Do you want to come?"

Bradley squinted his eyes. He looked at her naked body, and especially her bare pubis, like he was putting together a puzzle. He pulled out an old athletic shirt and tossed it at her. "This should do."

Agnes held it up, then put it on. It hung shapeless on her frame, but covered all the essential parts. She reached for the drawer again to get some underwear, but Bradley slammed it shut again.

"At least let me put on sandals!"

He opened the door and stood with his arm bent, like he was really some kind of gentleman. She slipped her feet quickly into the sandals, grabbed her purse near the door, and trotted to the car.

"I'll follow you. You don't mind, do you?"

She read Anton's address printed on the key chain. Tears were in her eyes as she started the car, and pulled quickly from the lot. She made quick maneuvers, but she couldn't lose Bradley. He arrived at Anton's home the same time she did, pulling up behind her on the street, still smoking his cigar.

They both stood at the front door, waiting for Bradley to answer. A spicy dish spread its aroma even past the front door, overwhelming even Bradley's cigar. Beyoncé was playing loudly when Anton opened the door. Agnes saw back to the kitchen, where the black model, wearing nothing but an apron, was cooking the spicy dish they smelled. She hoped that Bradley didn't see her.

"Here's your keys. Thank you. We can settle up later." She turned to go.

"Wait, wait." Anton said. He extended his hand to Bradley. "I'm a professor at the university. You can call me Anton."

Bradley shifted his cigar to his left hand and shook Anton's hand like an old time business acquaintance. "I'm Bradley."

Agnes stood next to them in her flimsy athletic shirt. She realized quickly her state of almost undress was no big deal. They were two men that had seen her completely naked while looking in her eyes. And she was standing between them, separating them.

"Stay for dinner. Grace is cooking jambalaya and there's already too much."

Agnes looked to the kitchen again. Grace wore a white robe now, with the apron underneath. She waved a wooden spoon at them.

"No, we have to get going. But thank you. And thank you for letting me use your car."

"Not a problem. Let me go get your cash." Anton turned back into the apartment.

"Cash?" Bradley asked to no one.

"Let's go," she said.

"Say, we're having a picnic tomorrow at my other house. It's a little beach cabin on the lake. You know, celebrating the end of the school year, the success of the art projects, and the coming of summer and National Nude Day. If you can thing of any other reasons to party, we'll add them to the list. You both should come. Just bring whatever you want to eat and share. Don't worry about drinks. I'll provide."

"Oh, I'm not sure," Agnes said. "Bradley is studying for the bar, and I have some cleaning to do around the apartment."

"Oh, forget that. Come. And invite your friend Ada."

Agnes looked up suddenly into Anton's eyes. There was a mischievous glint to match his leering smile. It disappeared quickly."Does Bradley know Ada?"

Bradley shuffled his feet. Of course he knew Ada. He couldn't help comparing Ada's figure to her own. "Thank you. We'll be there," he said. "And Agnes will make sure Ada gets the invitation."

"We should leave. Don't worry about the other," she said.

"Oh, good. For sure, I'll have your money for you tomorrow, Agnes. You did a wonderful job. And bring your swimming suits if you like. Or not! " He laughed as he slapped Bradley on the shoulder. Agnes blushed at the reference to her posing nude earlier in the day.

As they walked back to their own car, Agnes said, "You shouldn't have promised that Ada would come. We don't know if she has plans tomorrow."

"What's with the money?"

She pretended she didn't hear. "Do you even have a swim suit any more, Bradley?"

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat while driving. "Do we need to stop for groceries for the picnic?" he asked without looking at her.

"The party might last late into the night. I'll never get the cleaning done." "I think I can take a day off from studying."

When they got back to the apartment parking lot, Bradley opened her car door, but grabbed her arm. Agnes looked around for his cigar. He puffed on it again, turning the tip bright orange. Then he flipped it into a storm grate nearby. She let out a sigh of relief.

He pulled her toward their building. He didn't speak but he didn't let go, either. It was early evening and they had to cross the courtyard to get to their building. As they walked, Agnes recognized the old gentleman with the Tyrolean hat she had seen from the balcony earlier who had seen her on her balcony. He stopped when he saw her, and doffed the small hat on his head. As he bowed, he made a small kissing noise before strolling on. Agnes unsuccessfully tried to suppress a giggle.

They rode the elevator silently. At their apartment, Bradley opened the door, and pushed her inside. Agnes had a good idea what was coming next. She tossed her purse to the table near the door next to her sunglasses, then took off the threadbare athletic shirt and stood exposed before him.

He tossed her the phone from her purse. "You should call Ada."

Agnes caught it two-handed. First she opened the drapes to the balcony. Night had fallen. She should have turned on the balcony light, but decided against it.

"The signal is better out here." She stepped outside wearing only her sandals. Bradley huffed rapidly, his hands forming fists and opening again.

"Ada, this is Agnes." She told her about the short invitation from Anton, and where the party was to be held. "Of course we can pick you up. See you tomorrow."

She closed her phone, but didn't come inside. She stood outside on the balcony naked, the way she had frequently fantasized. There was prickly starlight and a first quarter moon. Streetlights illuminated parts of the courtyard, but their direct light did not reach to the fifth floor. She wasn't sure how much ambient light would bathe her, so she felt relatively secure with the lights off.

"Why does that professor owe you cash?"

She swallowed but pasted a smile on her face. She reached out to Bradley, encouraging him to come out on the balcony with her. "I met him playing poker. He's not very good at probabilities. I doubt most artists are."

"You must have made quite an impression."

She laughed. It came out as phony. "Ada made a much bigger impression on him. Ada makes an impression on everyone." She looked as Bradley nodded but he wouldn't meet her eyes.

He sat down in one of the green plastic chairs. He reached for Agnes, who stood next to him. He turned her around to look at her ass, the spot he had touched with his cigar tip. "You have a boo-boo here. I have some lotion."