Alex - 10 Days of Torment Ch. 19


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"No worries. I'll admit I took a risk knowing this wasn't the right place to do what I do. But part of the fun for me is pushing myself as much as I push my husband. Thank you for understanding. I'll see you again. I promise."

"I'm actually looking forward to it."

"I bet you are. I'm going to make your bi-curious dream come true," she giggled as she headed out the door.

Christina was thinking about that exchange as she waited for Alex. She wasn't going to make him drink the cum from the used condoms, although she did put them on his pillow. It wasn't time to push him that far yet. Her mind was on fucking him instead, knowing another naughty weekend was upon them.

It didn't bother her that they didn't have any concrete plans, specifically with anyone outside their marriage. She kind of liked the idea of being free to look for opportunities as they presented themselves. They hadn't done that in a while. The last time she'd even attempted it was on their vacation, and it was Alex who ended up being successful. They had time to figure out their weekend plans. For the time being, she was more worked up about what was going to happen when he got home.

She heard the French door open, and she turned her head. He walked toward her, knowing he needed to confess the indiscretion he'd just committed. He knew she wouldn't be happy, but he wasn't going to hide it.

Before he got the chance, she'd jumped up and raced over to him. He thought she was going to jump into his arms and hug him. Instead she dropped to her knees and quickly whipped out his cock.

He panicked, trying to stop her. At least that's what he attempted in his head. But he was thinking with his cock again, and none of the words he'd practiced while driving home made their way to his mouth.

Her mouth sucked him inside quickly. She didn't deep throat him, wanted to feel him harden fully in her mouth. Because of that, she was savoring the taste of his skin on her palate.

She pulled back, a quizzical expression on her face. "Who'd you fuck?"


"I asked... who did you fuck?"

"I... uh... "

"Alex, I've been a hotwife long enough now to know your cock was just in a pussy. I can taste her, and your cum. Who?"

"It was Ashley."


"It wasn't planned, Christina. I... "

She stood, her eyes narrowed as she seethed. "Are you fucking serious right now!"

"It's not like that. Jack gave her to me."

"What the fuck are you talking about!? You fucked her!? You just saved her from the last time you fucked up, and now you go and do it again? How fucking stupid are you!?"

"It's not... it was a one time thing."

"Says the idiot that can't keep his dick out of her cunt! For fuck's sake, Alex... she works at your firm now!"

"I know. I know. But Jack was just trying to pay me back for giving her to him."

"Well that's a perfect analogy. She's like a case of gonorrhea. You two can just keep passing the cunt back and forth, giving it to each other. I cannot fucking BELIEVE this!"

"Christina, it's not that big of a deal. No one knows. It was Jack's way of providing closure... because of how we had to end things."

"You had to end things because you fucked up by sending her to him to begin with. Is this some kind of payback because I gave him a blowjob!? Because if it is, I'm going to be more pissed than I already am."

"What? No!"

"Jesus Christ. I cannot believe you fucked that cunt again. Here I thought I was going to get past the fact that you hired her, and now I'm never going to be able to let it go. How the fuck will I ever be able to trust you with her working there!?"

"Christina, you fuck men... "

"I'm the fucking hotwife!" she screamed. "I fuck who I want... when I want! That's how this works! You fucked up with her once, and now you do it again!? Tell me! How can I trust you? Do I have to get a fucking cock cage? Is that what you want?"

"No. Fuck no."

"You're not fucking me tonight. Or this weekend. I don't know when I'm going to let you fuck me again. I was so horny for you, and you fucking ruined it. You ruined everything!"

"Christina, I'm sorry. I didn't think it would be that big of a deal. It was honestly the last time. I promise."

"What if she doesn't promise? What if Jack decides to do it again!?"

"He won't."

"Damn straight. I'm going to pay him another visit."

"What? Why?"

"To tell him to keep his cunt to himself. And then I'm going to fuck him to make things even."

"Make things even. What does that even mean?"

"I don't expect you to understand... and it's none of your concern. I don't know when, but it's going to happen and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm not going to ruin the weekend, but your ass is getting strapped with the belt Sunday night in the pool house. Pray I don't bring the strap-on, because I'm seriously considering it."

"I think you're overreacting," he shook.

She grabbed his balls and squeezed them tight. His knees nearly buckled.

"Were you even going to tell me?"

"Yes. I didn't expect you to suck me like that."

"Well don't worry. It won't happen again. You just changed the whole direction our marriage was going. You could have fucked anyone else in the world and I would have been fine with it. You know how I feel about her. I've made that clear."

"No you haven't."

"What's her name?"

"Okay... you call her that. But..."

"God, you are so fucking stupid. If you had to fuck someone from work, why couldn't you have just fucked Maggie!?"

"What? How is that not worse? She literally works for me."

"Because you're already obsessed with her, and at least I trust her."

"You trust her? You've never met her."

"I know her. We've talked. A lot. She'd never hurt us. The cunt? I just don't know what you were thinking. I... I can't look at you anymore. I'm going out. The kids are at the Ramsey's playing tag. Don't wait up for me. I don't know when I'll be home."

"Where are you going?"



Friday night, May 10th

Christina walked up the steps, her overnight bag in her hand. She was hopeful, but fully expected to be turned away. After all, it was almost eleven at night. Opening the door, she walked into the small foyer that had been transformed into a lobby. She rang the bell on the desk and waited.

"Christina?" Lilly said as she came around the corner.

"Hey," she waved, trying to put on a brave face.

She could tell the beautiful brunette had been crying. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. And no. I had an argument with my husband."

"About what you did today?"

"Ha. No. It was about what he did. I just need some time to think."

"Are you sure you're okay," she asked, putting her hand on her arm, rubbing it back and forth out of genuine concern.

"I'll be fine. We'll be fine. It's part of changing the dynamic of our marriage so quickly. There are going to be bumps in the road. I tried to call my girlfriend to get some perspective, but her husband is in town this weekend. She's not answering."

"Her husband is in town?"

"They don't... he works in San Francisco. She works here. They only see each other every other weekend."

"Oooohhh, so she's busy," she giggled.

"Something like that. I just need to clear my head. I was wondering... is the room I paid for today still available? I'd be happy to pay for it again."

"What? No... it's still available. I didn't book it for anyone else."

"Okay... do you need my card again, or can you just charge it from what you have on file?"

"I'm not charging you again. You paid for it until tomorrow morning. You're welcome to stay."

"Thanks," she said as she hugged her. "And I'm sorry for coming so late."

"You're lucky. I lock the door at eleven. We don't have many guests that show up this time of night. I was about to head to bed myself."

"Okay... well, I'm going to need about an hour. Then I'll be ready. I didn't get a chance to shower before I left. I've got to get the sunscreen off me."

"Ready? Ready for what?"

"You," she winked.


"You said you were bi-curious. I'm here. I'm willing."

"I... I was just about to fuck Ted."

"Your husband?"

"Yes," she laughed.

"Bring him. He can watch."

"Are you serious?"

"If you think you can handle it. If you want, afterward, I'd even be game for a threesome."

"Holy shit!" she exclaimed, literally jumping up and down.

"I'll take that as a yes," she grinned.

An hour later Christina was waiting in the suite, the soft rap on the door alerting her that she had company. She answered it wearing stockings and a garter belt, a matching half bra and her heels. The incredibly handsome man standing behind Lilly let out a hungry groan.

"Calm down, Ted... or you're going to have to wait until we're done before you get to come in," Lilly stated bluntly. She couldn't see him nod. She was too busy looking at Christina herself.

Lilly was wearing a long robe, but she quickly untied it. Opening the front, she exposed her naked body to the woman that was suddenly in her desires. "Looks like I'm underdressed. Should I go back and put on some lingerie?"

"Mine will be off shortly. You're beautiful Lilly."

"You're a goddess, Christina."

"That I am," she teased, holding out her hand. Ted took the robe from her, and watched his wife walk slowly toward a bed that had already seen more than it's fair share of sex earlier that afternoon. The sheets were never changed, and yet Lilly couldn't wait to join her on them.

Ted walked inside, finding a chair in a corner. He sat quietly, not making a sound. His wife had warned him. He could watch as long as he didn't make his presence felt. She wanted to experience being with a woman, and she didn't want a man ruining it. Even one she loved with all her heart.

It was going to be hard, much like the already strained cock inside his pants. The moment Christina lowered her head between Lilly's thighs, he had to fight to keep from mewling. He was about to witness the sexiest thing he'd ever seen. And if he could behave, with luck, he might get to live out a fantasy of his own.


Saturday morning, May 11th

"Am I overreacting, B?" Christina asked Brandi.

Her best friend had finally returned the frantic message she'd left from the night before, the two of them talking about what happened between her and Alex. More importantly, they'd discussed what Alex had done with Ashley.

How Brandi responded was going to be critical. She had to be careful not to mention anything that would convey that she was the one that was pulling the strings between her and Gerard. That it was all her doing that the two of them were together in the first place, and that she was working to push her further into the world of a hotwife for her own personal entertainment. She actually loved Christina, and their budding friendship. She wanted to continue to cultivate it. The simple thing would have been to agree with her. But that was too easy. The smart move was to play the long game. It was more painstaking, but the payoff would be incredible if she could pull it off.

Brandi decided on that safer route. "Do you want me to be honest?"

"Of course. That's why I called you. I need to know if I'm crazy for thinking this way."

"Okay. Then my answer is yes, a little bit."


"Chris, you've wanted him to step outside his shell for years. You finally challenged him that day to find someone to fuck... and you said fuck, because that's where he was lacking in bed. You threatened him that he wasn't getting your pussy again until he stepped up and became a man. He did exactly what you asked him to do, with Ashley."

"I'm very well aware of how their relationship came about."

"Yes. You pushed him, and he fell into her. But he responded."

"Then he fucked up."

"Did he? He was new to that lifestyle. Trust me, being the Dominant isn't easy. It took me years to feel confident in that role, and I made a few mistakes along the way. Alex wasn't fully aware of the ins and outs. He got in a bit over his head and he made a mistake. One he had to make up for, which he did. But he never got a chance to end it on his terms. She didn't either. That's all this was, as I see it. A last chance for them to properly end things."

"You're letting him off easy. He wasn't going to tell me."

"I don't believe that. Not for a minute."

"Yeah, well, we'll never know. My point is he fucked up fucking her again. I can't believe you don't see that."

"Will you listen to yourself? How is this any different than you?"

"Than me... what are you talking about?"

"You fucked up and messed around with Michael and Derrick. Gerard called you on it. He told you your pussy was his, and you fucked guys that work for him. I'm surprised they still have their jobs, but that's only because he punished you for it. The thing is he moved past it. Now look where you are."

"I don't understand where you're going with this."

"It wasn't just Gerard that had to deal with that. So did Alex. By your own admission you were a complete cunt toward him the next two weeks. And the kids. But you didn't come clean with him, did you."

"Yes I did. He knows I got whored out that night. I came home in a chastity belt with a bunch of condoms hanging from it. It's not like I could hide any of that if I wanted to. But I didn't. I told him. And yes, I was a monster. But I made that up to him."

"Does he know you were high that night? Does he know you came within an eyelash of becoming a heroin addict, or hooked on shooting cocaine into your veins? I'm going to go out on a limb and say the answer to that is no."

"Well of course I didn't tell him that?"

"Why not?"

"Because I didn't want to scare him."

"Is it that, or is it because you knew you weren't going to stop seeing Gerard, and you didn't want to explain that to him?"

"Wait... what?"

"You didn't tell him because you were going to keep fucking Gerard. Not even the threat of becoming hooked on serious drugs that night was going to stop you. Hey, I get it. I pretty much told you that you should keep seeing him once you got past that night. I told you how good things would be, and I've been right, haven't I?"

"Yes. I love where things are between us."

"Good. I'm glad. But let's not gloss over the fact that I was just as right about telling you not to be there to begin with. You should have stayed home. You should have listened to my warning. You never should have been in that motel room. Have you forgotten how vulnerable you were. No clothes. No phone. No money. No credit card. Nobody knowing where you were and what you were being made to do. If I wasn't there that night the stories I told you could have happened. That's in the back of your mind. And because of that, you're taking Alex's mistake out on him."

"I am?"

"Yeah. And unlike him, you're not giving him a chance to make it up to you. You have a convenient memory. Once you agreed to smoke the dabs that night, everything I told you would happen came true. But if I'm not there, the other narrative would have happened. You know it. Heroin. Some drug dealer shooting it between your toes because you're too chicken to do it yourself. Paying for it with your ugly, used cunt. Remember how you used to be pretty, but now you're a strung out junkie that's in a death cycle of shooting up, fucking, and repeat?"

"Yes. Yes. I remember the nightmare you spun."

"Alex doesn't. He has no clue how close he came to losing everything that matters to him. You do. And because of that you're projecting that negative mindset on what he did, like they're somehow even comparable. You're worried that his mistake could have cost you everything, and then he was foolish and did it again."

"You're saying he didn't?"

"Of course not. The circumstances weren't the same. Besides, you're pushing him toward Maggie, which comes with risk of it's own. But there's trust with her."

"There is," she agreed.

"Look at it from my perspective. I could be pissed at you because you didn't listen to me that night. I was willing to sacrifice our friendship for your life. I love you that much. But once we got past that night, I let go of that anger so you can have the fun you're having. That's because I know where you're going with Gerard. Instead of doing the same, you're still punishing Alex for his mistake. You're holding on to the fact that he fucked up, expecting him to continue doing it. That's not what this was and I think you know it."

"She's a cunt, B."

"And you're a slut. We all wear labels. You actually have a lot of them. So does she. She can be a cunt. And a stripper. And a submissive. And a damn good lawyer. Let it go."

"I'm still going to call her that. Besides, what do I do about Alex?"

"Unfortunately, you already fucked that up."

"I did? How?"

"We've talked about this before, Chris. You can't just go off and give consequences for behavior you don't like when you're angry. You have to have enough control to tell him you're pissed, but that you'll discuss the punishment when you've calmed down; after you've given it some thought."

"But I didn't do that," she sighed.

"No. You did the opposite. You went all in, and then you called me to ask if you were overreacting, which in my opinion you are. Now, you're going to be punishing him when he doesn't really deserve it."

"I can't change my mind?" she asked sheepishly.

"Well sure, you can, if you plan on giving control of your marriage back to him instead of you leading it. Is that your plan?"

"No. Of course not."

"Well, then you don't have a choice. Whatever crazy things that came out of your mouth, you have to follow through on. If you don't, you lose all the authority and credibility you have in the relationship. What did you tell him?"

"Fuck," she groaned, realizing just how much she'd messed up. "I... told him he wasn't going to fuck me this weekend, or anytime soon."

"Okay... bad, but not unprecedented. But you're punishing yourself too. You should always avoid putting yourself in that kind of box. My suggestion is you barter fucking him against a challenge of some type if you're really horny and you don't have another option. What else did you say?"

"I told him he's getting strapped Sunday night. And that he should pray I don't fuck him with a strap-on. I said I was considering it."

"Jesus, are you serious?"


"Did you tell him how many swats? Did you set a number?"


"Good. Alright, first, under no circumstances do you peg him. That would cause irreparable damage to your marriage. If you had to call me for my opinion, then you knew you weren't sure of yourself. To be honest, you need to take that off the table for a while. That might be something you could have Maggie introduce if that all works out. As for the strapping, you don't have a choice. You have to use the same force. Swatting him lighter will make him think you're taking it easy. What did you punish him for last time?"

"He has risque pictures of Maggie on his phone. He was using one as her avatar."

"Ah, I remember. Kinky. I love it. But, is this transgression better or worse than that? That's the question you have to ask yourself."

"At first I thought it was worse. He fucked Ashley."

"Do you believe he was going to tell you about it? And be honest."

"Yes," Christina admitted.

"But he was secretive about Maggie. I think you can punish him less, but you have to do it just as hard. Or you punish him the same, which takes out the ambiguity. Anything else?"

"I might have suggested I'd never suck his cock again."

"What the fuck?"

"I dove at him and sucked him before he could tell me what he'd done. He said it shocked him. I might have said he didn't have to worry about that anymore because it wouldn't happen again. And that he'd changed the direction our marriage was going by fucking her."
