Alex and His New Slave


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Marie-Louise knew she could not lie, she would have to take her punishment, she wondered how many more of her old staff Mr Palmer would send over. She was particularly frightened of the prospect of how some of the girls might treat her. So she was trembling when she said, "Yes, master."

"Right, get up and let's go to the bar."

Marie-Louise raised her eyes expecting to see Alex sneering in triumph and was surprised when she saw a look of genuine concern on his face, even sympathy. Was it some trick? One way or another she had to be very careful. Alex helped her to her feet and gently steered her to the bar, where they managed to find an unoccupied corner table.

When the waitress arrived Alex asked Marie-Louise what she would like to drink.

"Anything, master." Marie-Louise was very tense, keeping her back straight, legs together and hands in her lap. She was very conscious of her almost total nudity and did not have the confidence to look Alex in the eye.

"Come on, you have got to give me a little help! What about a glass of Burgundy."

"Thank you, master."

When the waitress left, Alex asked, "Marie-Louise, how do you come to be working here?"

Marie-Louise looked up and saw Alex's sympathetic expression and suddenly welcomed the chance to talk and get things off her chest. She had never told anyone the story of her 'fall' but now her words tumbled out in a great avalanche of emotional release, "I was asked to come over here on 4th April for a budget meeting, something about Mr Palmer wanting to look at Marketing costs with the office heads. I was shown into one of the offices in the basement, it was bare with only one small table and one chair. A security guard came in and asked for my clothes, I was not really listening so handed him by jacket and went back to reading my papers. He cleared his throats and said, 'No ma'am all your clothes.' I think I told him not to be stupid and to go away as I was busy. 'Ma'am, I have orders that you are to undress completely and if you refuse I should use force.' This woke me up somewhat, I asked him to repeat what he said and then considered if it was a joke or if I could tell him to get stuffed. After the security guard had repeated his request for the third time, politely but firmly, I realised I better do as he said. I was confused what was happening? I stripped down to my embarrassingly brief bra and panties and said I was sure this was sufficient. The guard said he regretted his orders were I should strip absolutely naked, this I did very reluctantly. The guard collected my clothes and briefcase, he even took my jewellery. He said I should stand in front of the desk, hands behind my back and that Mr Palmer would be with me shortly. I was terrified; I knew I was in trouble, a lot of trouble. I tried to tell myself to be brave and that it was all probably a horrible mistake, but being stark naked doesn't help one's confidence."

"Mr Palmer duly arrived and I immediately asked him what the hell was going on and could he please get Security to return my clothes. Mr Palmer is a quiet man and merely raised his hand and asked me to give him a few minutes to explain, after he had finished he said I could say anything I liked. I vividly remember his first words 'Marie-Louise, we have uncovered your fraud.' My innards felt as if they had turned to liquid, I don't think I have ever been so frightened in my life. He continued briefly explaining the fraud and how their audit guy had uncovered it, he clearly knew everything, after a brief explanation he asked me if I wished to deny being responsible. I said I did not. Mr Palmer continued quietly saying he disappointed as he believed that they paid me a decent salary and as I had not touched the money it was evident I had no pressing need for the cash. He said I must know the sort of organisation I worked for and the punishment I was likely to get if I was caught. He said he had discussed the issue with his colleagues and had come to the following decisions; firstly I was to sign over all my financial assets to the company (i.e. all my savings in addition to the stolen money) and secondly I was to work as a whore for as long as he saw fit. By this time I was literally shivering with fear, when I heard I would escape with my life I was elated. Mr Palmer asked me if I had anything to say, I was still pretty incoherent so I stuttered out some apology and rather superfluously said it would never happen again. With that Mr Palmer dismissed me."

"The security guard took me to Helen's office, she had been my assistant in Barcelona, but to be honest we had never really got on. If I was hoping for any slack I was soon disappointed, as I entered the room she said, 'Kneel', I dutifully knelt before her. She explained she knew of my fraud and Mr Palmer's wishes as to my punishment. She said I would be slave 101 and a 'Grade nine' (the lowest, we only had down to 'Grade six' in Regensburg) and I would obviously not be paid. She said I was clearly on my final, final warning and complaints I would be straight back in front of Mr Palmer. With this she dismissed me saying I had better get myself shaved and have some photos done for my web-page."

"The security guard showed my to Chiara's studio. I knew her pretty well from Regensburg, but she was pretty cold and formal. She reminded me I should call her 'ma'am' and kneel before her. She handed me a razor and told me I should shave my bikini area as per House rules. My hands were shaking so badly that I don't know how I succeeded without doing myself a serious injury. I knew this symbolised that I had become a prostitute again. Chiara started taking shots of me naked, initially coyly trying to cover my tits and pussy then back and front, on my knees, then legs spread and pulling my buttocks apart. She then wanted me to pose with a vibrator, but I was so shaken up I simply could not force it into my pussy or bottom. Initially Chiara got irritated and reminded me as a 'Grade nine' I had better get used to obeying orders but when she saw I was almost in tears and desperately trying to comply she relented and said I could return when I was a little less stressed. She then took some photos of me topless in these knickers and finally me in a tiny bikini. She said she didn't think the photographs were likely to be very good but at least it would allow them to create a web-page and I should start earning. She said she would probably need to reshoot the lot in a day or two when she could photograph me 'playing' with the vibrator."

"The security guard then showed me to my room. This was surprisingly pleasant I suppose this was for my clients' benefit rather than mine. Looking through the draws all I found was one of the smallest pairs of bikini bottoms imaginable and a dozen pairs of these high cut black knickers, embroidered with my slave number, 101. I was pretty obvious what they expected me to wear. So here I am."

Alex was simply flabbergasted at the story. How had his old boss fallen so low? How could she have been so monumentally stupid as to steal from Cartwright and Palmer? She really was very lucky to be alive. Alex looked at her, telling the story had clearly been an emotional ordeal, but he suspected it had done her good.

"So what do you do here?"

Marie-Louise smiled for the first time "What do you think? The last time I checked this was not a community centre." As soon as she said it Marie-Louise had second thoughts had she overstepped the mark, "Sorry master, I did not mean to be rude. I really have three jobs, I go on dates with those who value my experience or perhaps my lower cost, I also do a lot of parties and threesomes when they have not got sufficient 'first line' girls and lastly I train the new girls."

"Marie-Louise, you can't keep calling me 'master' remember I was kneeling naked at your feet a couple of months ago. Can you call me Alex...please."

"Of course." Marie-Louse's confidence had been rising as they talked but this was confirmation. Alex doesn't mean to take revenge. God she was relieved. She couldn't really understand what she had done to deserve his understanding. Still she thought, "Be careful." Just in case.

Alex ordered another glass of wine for them both. He also felt he was on thin ice but his curiosity about Marie-Louise was such that he took the risk, "So tell me how you came to be working for Cartwright and Palmer in the first place, you know my story."

Marie-Louise was not normally one to open up, particularly to strangers, but strangely she did not really hesitate, perhaps it was the wine or perhaps it was the fact Alex was the first sympathetic ear she had had for years. When she was running the Barcelona and Regensburg offices she had been in charge and therefore unapproachable, since the discovery of her fraud pretty well all the management had gone out of their way to humiliate her and her 'colleagues', seeing how she was treated, kept a distance so as not to be tarred by the same brush.

"Well, I first sold myself at sixteen, when I gave my boss, the local newsagent, a blow job for £5 I think it was. At seventeen I lied about my age and joined a call girl agency in my local town. I would love to tell you it was due to being abused by my father or to feed a drug habit, in fact it was for the cash. I knew I was pretty and couldn't really imagine myself behind a desk for all my life. At eighteen I moved to London and things started to take off, I remember making what seemed to be huge sums of money. Suddenly I could afford pretty well anything I wanted, it was a wonderful time. I am sure I shouldn't say this but I don't think I have ever been happier than those first years. After a few years in London my feet became itchy and I started to travel. I spent most of my twenties travelling, I was a real life 'Holly Golightly'. Whenever I got short of cash I headed for the nearest major city and joined the most expensive call girl service I could find. With my looks it didn't even matter if I didn't speak the language, pussy is one of the only really international currencies. I would come home for months on end, but could never settle, I don't think I really wanted to."

"It was just after my thirty-third birthday and I was working in Barcelona when I got a call from someone at Cartwright and Palmer. They explained that they had just set up a brothel in the city and needed someone to run the operational side. Somehow they knew about me, why they thought I could run a business I have no idea. I wasn't much good at running myself. I am also unsure why I took the job, perhaps I realised that my body could not go on indefinitely and I would need another job and let's face it whoring was the only thing I knew."

"So I spent four years managing the Barcelona office. Even if I say so myself I did well. I found I was good at it, I could schmooze the clients and manage the whores. I could even 'recruit' new staff as you found out. After my success with Barcelona I was transferred to Regensburg. I guess I started the fraud about a year later."

Alex could see Marie-Louise was now pretty relaxed. She did not seem to mind the fact that she was just wearing a pair of brief panties, she looked content. So Alex continued, "How is it here now?"

"Some of it has been a surprise. During my time as a whore I was never submissive, in fact I was a professional dominatrix for three months in Sydney. I am often used when we have clients who are known to give very harsh beatings, so as not to waste the 'more valuable girls'. So the whipping and the punishments have been difficult. It must have been the same for you wasn't it, Alex, when you started?"

Alex agreed saying the pain of being beaten, or whatever, never goes away but one gets used to it.

"In general the sex is OK. I took me a while to get back into anal but that's fine now. It is just the quantity I am expected to do, yesterday I attended a party for some software engineers and was penetrated nine times, front and back. I really was terribly sore when I got to bed. It was 'Marie-Louise get in the doggy position,' or 'Marie-Louise on your back, spread your legs,' or 'Brian needs a blow job, don't keep him waiting you slut' all night."

"What about Helen? She seemed nice when I met her."

"I always knew Helen and I had not got on too well when she worked for me in Barcelona but it must have been worse than that, she must hate me. She humiliates me at every opportunity. She spies me out, preferably in a public place, and then comes up so I have to strip and kneel at her feet. She also punishes me for every conceivable real and imaginary infraction of the rules. I am always been summoned up to the front at the staff meetings and being told I am lazy, useless or whatever and then publicly punished. She must spend hours thinking of new punishments for me. I have been whipped, forced to pose for pornographic pictures for explicit fetish websites, made to 'model' the latest toys such as nipple clamps and electric shock devices and dance naked. One of Helen's favourite punishments is to get me to come to the front of the group and force larger and larger vibrators into my arse and pussy. I am not sure I will be able to physically fit any larger vibrators into myself. I am very conscious I must look desperately foolish and unladylike as I squirm on the ground trying to get the things in. I really try because I know Helen will punish me further if she feels I am not putting in sufficient effort."

"What about the other girls, how do you get on with them?"

"Most I get along with well enough, but as a 'Grade nine' I can be disciplined by girls in the top two grades. A few like to humiliate me now and then to show off to their clients or boy friends, making me kneel naked at their feet. But there is one group who go out of their way to get at me. They are all Grade ones and are Helen's favourites. They often take me for an evening, dress me as their 'maid', and depending on the girl I might just have to do menial duties like cleaning, serving drinks, running baths, delivering messages or polishing their PVC clothes, whilst others demand sexual services; I am a whore's whore. They all just call me 'Slut' even in public, "Slut, remember to curtsey to your superiors", "Slut, come here", "Slut, bend over and touch your toes". Kathy is the one who really likes causing me pain, she always has new nipple clamps or a new whip whenever I have to serve her. It doesn't feel good kneeling, dressed in a satin maid's outfit, outside a twenty year old's room knowing she will humiliate you for the entire evening. Sometimes they keep me waiting outside their doors for ages. Everyone can see me in the outfit and knows what they are doing to me. I just pray they will have clients each night, thankfully they often do. Jenny insists that whenever I see her, I kneel and kiss her feet, she is only nineteen for God's sake, but there is no point complaining to Helen as she encourages them."

Alex felt his heart going out to Marie-Louise. He was not sure if it was because of her superior position in Regensburg or her degraded position now. She was very attractive, looking far far younger than her years, still having an all but perfect body. But it was not this as she could not compare to some of the twenty year olds that were employed by Cartwright and Palmer. But it didn't matter, he wanted her more than anyone he had ever met. There was a sweetness of character, a nobility, that made him want to be with her. He knew he should not overplay his hand. She was not allowed to sleep with him at the moment on anything other than a professional basis anyway, and might be called away at any moment. She might only be talking to him out of obligation as a potential client and his feelings may be in no way reciprocated.

Alex felt the need to lighten the atmosphere and started by saying he had finally got rid of the 'Sex Slave' collar that a client had put on him and then forgotten to give him the key to. He explained how embarrassing it was when the collar set off the metal detector at the airport. He then started telling jokes, one after another. Marie-Louise started giggling, as he continued she started laughing and eventually was doubled up gasping for air as she tried to control herself. God he was funny. She was, for the first time in ages, quite blissfully happy. Alex in turn felt refreshed by Marie-Louise's carefree laughter, she gave him confidence and light heartedness he hadn't felt for years. He wanted to talk to her for the rest of time.

As Alex and Marie-Louise laughed, neither if them saw Helen approach. Suddenly she was standing over them. She stared at Marie-Louise for a second then clapped her hands, "The position, chop, chop, Marie-Louise. Don't forget your manners." Marie-Louise's jumped up and quickly removed her knickers and knelt at Helen's feet.

Helen then turned to Alex, "What are you talking to the office tart for? You can do much better, come over here let me introduce you to a few of our attractive girls." With this Helen steered Alex away to introduce him to some of the other girls, as she did so she looked over her shoulder and smiled at the kneeling Marie-Louise. Damn the woman, Helen had clearly seen her having fun for the first time in weeks and she was determined to spoil it. This hurt Marie-Louise more than any number of Helen's normal punishments or humiliations, she was close to surrendering to tears. It was just so easy for Helen, all she had to do was ensure that Alex got to know some of the girls, they were so gorgeous it would be unnatural if he didn't fall for one of them. Whenever she saw Marie-Louise with Alex she could merely give her some, preferably humiliating, errand or chore to get her off the scene. Alex must also realise that Helen would never give him permission to date Marie-Louise, so why would he waste his time on her?

Helen introduced Alex to half a dozen girls, as Helen had said they were very pretty indeed. Alex was on good form and almost effortlessly charmed them. There was not a great deal of competition, women outnumbered men by about three to one and about half the men were narcissistic homosexuals.

After making the introductions Helen returned to Marie-Louise, who was still on her knees naked. Helen picked up Marie-Louise's knickers and viciously forced them into her mouth and grasping Marie-Louise's jaw she sneered, "You irritate me at the best of times, Marie-Louise but the sound of your laughter is insufferable. Make sure I never hear it again, ever, you slut." Even after Helen had left the bar, Marie-Louise dared not move, remaining on her knees with her knickers sticking out of her mouth to everyone's amusement. Finally Kathy told her to get on with her menial duties.

In time Alex made his excuses and said he had to leave. As he and his new friends moved through the atrium, Jenny saw Marie-Louise and said, "Slut, do your duty." Marie-Louise stopped her cleaning and went over to Jenny, knelt and kissed her feet. Alex seeing Marie-Louise's invitingly raised bottom gave it a whack, then a vigorous squeeze to the general amusement of the crowd.

Marie-Louise was not amused when she felt the slap and saw Alex walk on arm in arm with Chrissie and Jenny. He seemed to have forgotten her even quicker than she had feared - a fair weather friend, she had been a fool to fall for such a smoothy.

Marie-Louise was released at midnight and went back to her room truly depressed. As she stripped off her knickers she saw something drop to the ground, a small ball of paper. She wondered how it could have got stuck as her underwear was pretty tight. Idly she unrolled the paper and saw it was a corner of the bar bill, turning it over she read, "Love you A."

Marie-Louise went to bed happy for the first time in ages, she was in tears but this time they were 'happy tears'. She hoped Alex would sign up to work at Cartwright and Palmer for one day a week as he had talked about doing. She felt seeing a sympathetic face for that one day would help her no end. At the same time she worried about Alex seeing her being punished and humiliated, would this affect what he thought of her?