All in a Day's Work

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Teen girl notices the man fixing the roof of the garage.
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The two people that were present at the Bushey residence on North Street in Colonie, New York had little in common besides the fact that they weren't happy about where they were on that Wednesday morning in late June of 1972.

The burly black man who was hard at work doing repairs on the garage didn't mind the work but the weather forecast called for thunderstorms, not surprising considering how humid it was already, and while he might be able to get most of the roof done before the rain, there was no way he could finish it.

That wouldn't have been so bad if the clowns at the supplier's hadn't broken the window that needed to be installed, and while that would have been something he could have done in the afternoon, a replacement wouldn't be ready until tomorrow.

This put Reggie Harrell in a bad mood, but there was no way that his day would brighten as it went on, and neither did the other unhappy person on that property that morning.

The reason that Donna was down was on her leg, a cast that she was wearing since she stepped badly off of a curb a couple weeks earlier, and not only did it force her to walk across the stage on crutches to get her diploma but it put a damper on her senior prom as well.

Donna was sitting at her bedroom window, bored to tears at the prospect of another two weeks wearing the cumbersome itchy cast and still upset at being dumped by her boyfriend after their disaster of a prom.

Dialing For Dollars was on the TV but Donna wasn't interested in the corny show, and had started watching the guy replacing the shingles on the garage roof. It looked like brutal work judging by the way the man was sweating already, and that combined with the sun made his ebony skin glisten.

"I wouldn't mind if you took that shirt off mister,' Donna said to herself, not that there was much to it anyway.

The ratty faded grey shirt was more like a vest because the sleeves were ripped off, and although the man was not a body builder by any means, packing about 40 pounds more than an insurance chart would say his 6'2" frame should carry, he looked sexy.

Besides, Donna mused, that body appraisal of the workman applied to her as well. She was chubby before the accident that pretty much immobilized her, and now with time on her hands and Twinkies in the pantry she feared that her own 5'3" body would become plumper still before the cast came off.

Donna giggled to herself when she thought about what her father would do if he had any idea that his baby girl was staring out a window at a black guy and trying to will his shirt off. Mom wasn't like that but Dad? Yikes. His blood pressure would go through the roof.

There were only about a dozen black kids in her senior class that numbered almost 400 so it wasn't like she saw that many black folks, and Donna thought back to last year when a black senior asked her to go to the Prom, and while she really would have liked to and it would have been cool for a junior to go to the senior prom she declined.

"Mommy - Daddy, this is my date Dwight," Donna pictured herself saying when the guy showed up at the doorstep.

Mom would have been cool, chirping something dumb like "Oh, a Negro! Wonderful!" while patting herself on the back for being so liberal and Donna would have turned red and tried to tell her mother than Negro was so sixties it wasn't funny.

Dad? Well, he wouldn't used the word Negro, that much Donna knew, and it would have been any guess which would have come first, Donna being disowned or her old man keeling over with a stroke.

"Ooh! Thank you Mister... whatever your name is," Donna chirped when as if he had heard her prayers, the workman peeled off the shirt.

He was a big guy, Donna sighed, and his man boobs were almost as big as hers, but a lot of his chest was muscle and the curly hair on his chest was sexy too, even if some of it was white.

"What a magical summer this was so far," Donna told herself. Everybody else was up at Lake George or cruising the streets with their boyfriends and she was staring out at a husky and sweaty black guy and wondering what the hair on his chest would feel like. It looked coarse but who knows?

"Pervert," Donna muttered to herself when she realized that her hand had gone between her legs, as it did often these days when she didn't bother to get dressed.

"Want to feel my pussy hair?" Donna cooed at the window and was very glad that the man was too far away to hear her going stir crazy. "Mine is pretty soft, and I hope you like a hairy pussy because I sure have one."

The teen grimaced when she felt the stubble on the inside of her thighs, and if she ever got to go swimming before this summer ended she would have to shave the perimeter or get laughed of the beach.

With nothing to do Donna decided that she might as well do a little gardening now. She feared that the workman already caught her staring at him a few times so steeping away was probably a good idea, but after hobbling to the bathroom she saw that the pouch of Bic razors in the cabinet was empty and after she reached into the shower she saw that the only one in there was one on the soap dish.

"No way," Donna said as she threw that thing in the wastebasket, because when she used that thing on her legs and armpits a few days ago, it was duller than Mom's meatloaf.

The other alternative was using Dad's razor, but the Bushey girls knew better than to do that. Getting caught using that might not have pissed Dad off as much as a black guy on his roof but it still was a no-no, so back to the window Donna went after making a pit-stop for a Twinkie.

"How old are you?" Donna sang to her fantasy man as his massive arms bulged as he lifted a pile of shingles like it was nothing, and with an unwrapped twinkie in one hand and her other hand slowly rubbing her pussy she guessed him to be around 50, and that would make him nearly as old as the only three guys she had made love too - combined.

"I know what the other girls say about black guys," Donna sighed while trying to suck the cream out of the sponge cake without biting it, although they probably didn't have any idea and were just repeating urban legends.

Donna woke out of her woolgathering when she realized that the giant on the roof was looking at her and had his hand cupped over his ear like he was trying to hear.

"Huh?" Donna said through the screen, before raising it up and sticking her head out the window a bit and repeating herself.

"I said if you're talking to me I can't hear you!" the man yelled, and after he smiled revealing big bright teeth Donna returned the smile.

"Oh sorry," Donna chirped back, and after thinking of a reason her lips could be moving she finally said. "Just singing along with the radio."

"Oh? What you listening too?"

"Um... Marvin Gaye," Donna responded after trying to think of somebody the man would think was cool, and after he asked what song it was she called back, "What's Going On!"

"Oh girl, you not only fine looking but you got good taste too!" the man said, making Donna giggle in return. "I'd much rather be in there than out here."

"It's boring in here," Donna said.

"Why? You grounded?"

"Sort of," Donna replied. "Uh, you thirsty?"

"You know it."

"Well, I can bring you out a drink if you want," Donna offered, and after the man said he would love that she added, "It'll take me a minute."

Grabbing her crutches after throwing on a bathrobe, Donna made her way to the kitchen and grabbed a couple cans of soda and jammed them in the robe pockets before making her way to the back porch.

"Oh, I must look like shit," she exclaimed before opening the door, and after making a belated attempt to primp herself up without a mirror or a hairbrush, she opened the door and worked her way out to the back patio.

"Girly!" the man said when he saw Donna coming out like that. "You didn't have to do this - didn't know you were handicapped."

"Temporary," Donna explained after the screen door closed behind her. "The cast will be off in a couple of weeks."

"That's good but still..." the man said and after she explained what happened he sympathized. "Poor kid. My name's Reggie."

"Donna," she answered after handing him the Pepsi, and as she looked him to him she figured he was a foot taller than her.

"That's amazing," Reggie said, and when Donna asked what he meant he explained, "I only met two other Donnas and they were beautiful too."

"Oh geez," Donna said with a laugh, but even though she knew it was bull she loved hearing it.

As Reggie drained the first Pepsi and lifted the other one, Donna couldn't help inhaling the warmth and the scent that emanated from his shiny body. It wasn't body odor, although it would be by the end of the day. It was just the scent of a man who was working hard and oozing testosterone and it made Donna shiver like an ice cube had slid down her spine.

"I thank you very much Donna," Reggie said as he finished the soda. "I appreciate it. Hey, can I sign your cast?"

"Oh - uh sure," Donna said, and after Reggie fished a pencil out of her jeans he knelt down and seemed to be thinking of something.

"Can't think of anything clever," Reggie said as he seemed to be looking at the cast with the things friends had written on it, but then Donna realized that he was looking further up and that her bathrobe had parted.

"Oh - uh - sorry," Donna mumbled as she clutched the robe together.

"That makes one of us child," Reggie replied, and after scrawling something and his name he stood up. "How old are you Donna?"

"18," she answered, and the way he looked at her changed noticeably, from that of a doting Grandpa to that of a vulture spotting a prey.

"For real?" Reggie asked, and after Donna nodded he smiled. "Don't seem possible for someone to become so much woman in that short a time."

"I - um..."

"You gonna keep an eye on me? Making sure I don't fall off the roof?" Reggie asked and after Donna nodded he thanked her, adding, "Supposed to rain soon though. Can't work on the roof in thunder and lightning. Maybe if it cuts loose you can let me in until it blows over."

"I guess," Donna agreed, and after she turned to go back in the house the door opened and Reggie held it open for her.

"I do appreciate the drinks child," Reggie said as he kissed the top of her head as she went in, and after she got inside and the workman went back towards the garage Donna fell back against the door and exhaled loudly.

"Out of your league dummy," she scolded herself as she tried to deal with a light head, a racing heart and a wetness between her legs. "No rain please."

An hour later Donna was realizing that prayers didn't work for her now any more than they had when she was a child, as the sun disappeared and the sky darkened so much that noon was looking like night.

On the garage roof, Reggie was still working with an eye to the sky, and as he swung the hammer Donna watched the muscles in his massive arms ripple, with his ebony skin now shining with the sweat being enhanced by the rain that was beginning to fall.

Donna gasped when the sky hit up for a second, and then again when thunder rumbled in the distance. All hell was going to break loose soon outside, and he was going to want to come in. What then?

As Donna watched the workman start to get his tools together she glanced down at the cast on her lower calf, and using a hand mirror tried to check out what Reggie had written. It wasn't easy to make out given the rough surface of the cast, but after she read it she was just as glad about that.

Heal fast you sexy thang - Reggie

At least it was in pencil, Donna thought, so she could erase it if she decided it might not be good for her parents to see. She didn't feel like any sexy thang as she poked the handle of a comb down to scratch the itchy skin below the plaster, cringing when she peeked down and saw how hairy her lower calf had gotten down where the cast covered.

Had he been able to see anything when her robe had opened up, Donna wondered, and the workman probably thought she had done that intentionally - like she was trying to seduce him or something by showing him how hairy she was down there.

Now Reggie was walking past the window on his way to the back porch as rain cascaded all over him and the teen's mind raced with random thoughts. That tattoo on his bicep - it looked more like he had been burned by a branding iron - should she make him lunch? - was all of this just a product of her imagination? - did she lock the door?

Donna was getting pretty good with the crutches. It was the getting up and getting down that was a pain, and she was almost to the door when she saw the workman coming up the stairs. The chunky teen slid open the door and as the drenched workman Donna realized that a lot of her questions would be answered very soon.

"No thanks," Reggie replied when Donna offered to make the workman a sandwich. "Trying to lose some of this."

Reggie chortled as he patted his stomach, and as he did he made his pectorals dance on purpose while Donna fought to keep eye contact.

"Me too," Donna replied. "Not easy when you're kind of immobilized like this though."

"Don't get crazy with that diet kind of thing girlie," Reggie warned. "Men like the ladies with a little extra meat on them, and you look perfect to me. You got a boyfriend honey?"

"Me? Uh - no. Not really," Donna said, adding, "We kind of broke up before school ended."

"Well, that's one dumb bastard, if you'll excuse my language," Reggie declared.

"No, I mean I broke up with him, or at least that's the way I remember it."

"So here's Donna with a cast on her busted ankle and no boyfriend?" Reggie said. "Never mind the boyfriend part? You got a man friend?"

"No. Nothing like that."

"You should look into that," Reggie said, running his hands though his close cropped Afro, and as Donna looked at the field of curly black hairs that coated his armpits - underarms that her own were starting to resemble if Mom didn't remember to buy razors soon - the workman added, "You are way too much woman for a boy to handle."

"I've got more soda if you want one," Donna said.

"No, I'm good for now. Just trying not to drip all over the place," Reggie explained as he stayed near the door.

"No, that's okay," Donna said. "If you want to you could take a shower - I mean I could throw your stuff in the washer and then dry them. The quick cycle is really fast."

"You know, that's an idea," Reggie said, and as the workman spoke Donna cursed herself for bringing up something so stupid, and she was just about to say that she was kidding or something when Reggie was walking towards her and past her, asking whether the bathroom was down on the right while noting that all the houses in this development were laid out the same.

"You asshole Donna," Donna muttered after Reggie walked down the hall, and then in a minute came a call down from that direction and a big black arm was holding out the tattered shirt, work jeans, boxers and socks.

Donna hobbled down and took the stuff, grateful that the washer and dryer were right across the hall from the bathroom, and she tried not to look but when Reggie spoke after giving her the clothes she had to turn.

"Don't know what I'll wear while those things are getting done," Reggie said, neither flaunting or hiding his naked body from the teen's eyes. "You said it was fast though."

"Yeah - pretty fast," Donna replied in a wobbly voice, and after Reggie smiled and turned around to turn on the shower, her eyes followed for a few seconds before she turned away.

"You stupid stupid girl," Donna muttered, berating herself as she poured the detergent in the machine, and as the shower went on as she held up the boxers before tossing them in with the rest, pausing to inhale the remnants of the shirt, the manly scent making her body shake.

If nothing else, Donna reasoned, this drama made the day less boring, although right now the teen was wishing that it wasn't quite as interesting as it was becoming because right now she had a black man taking a shower in there, and not only didn't he have anything to wear until the clothes got washed and dried which would be about an hour, but he had seen her looking at him.

That smile he gave her. Donna realized Reggie knew she was checking him out. He knew. It wasn't like she had gawked and drooled or something, the teen reasoned. She had just looked. It wasn't like she hadn't seen a boy naked before, but the problem was that Reggie was no boy. He was a man and that was obvious.

Donna closed the accordion doors that hid the laundry nook, and after she did she leaned back against them. It wasn't like he was one of those black guys that were in that National Geographic magazine article about Africa that all the girls passed around that time. He was just a guy, a heavy set man older than her Dad she reminded herself.

Reggie had an odd body though. He had a barrel chest to go along with his broad shoulders and a belly as well. When he had turned around Donna had been surprised at how little his butt was especially in contrast to his broad back, and she was wishing her own was like that. His thighs were like tree trunks though.

"You're a piece of work Donna Bushey," she whispered to herself as she realized that when she was replaying the image of Reggie's body she had left out one part as if she hadn't seen it.

His dick wasn't THAT big, she told herself as she thought about the coal black organ than had hung there lazily. The first boy Donna had sex with - Nelson Sager - he had a big one too. Maybe not as big as Reggie's but big nonetheless, but Nelson's wasn't a menacing black but a soft beige and Nelson's had been circumcised while Reggie's was not and that made it look downright scary.

No, the workman's cock was big alright. Not hanging on the ground National Geographic big but big enough. Big enough for what though? Besides, she was a chubby girl with a cast on her ankle, and Reggie was just a old guy having fun with her.

"Hi," Reggie said, the shower having turned off while she was in her daze, but Reggie stayed pretty much behind the slightly opened door with just part of him exposed. "The towels hanging in here are kinda damp and I was wondering..."

"Oh yes - Mom and Dad used them," Donna said, and after she got her crutches under her made her way down to the pantry at the end of the hall, and after opening it up and grabbing a couple fresh ones turned to go back to the bathroom to hand them to the workman but Reggie was right behind her.

"Oops - you okay?" Reggie said as he steadied the startled teen, and after Donna said she was fine he asked if he could go into her bedroom and talk with her as he dried off.

"I would ask you to help me dry off but with the crutches and all - why don't you sit on the bed and keep me company?"

Donna sat down and looked out the window she had looked out all morning, and after commenting on how hard it was still raining and what the chances were that it would stop, Reggie interrupted her.

"You're such a fine looking woman, and I think it's so sexy when you try not to let on that you aren't checking me out when we both know you are."

"It's not like you're being very modest," Donna suggested while still looking outside.

"Should I be?" Reggie asked as he held the towel at his side. "I'm just a typical old guy who ain't ashamed of himself. Heck, if the situations were reversed I can't see you hiding behind a curtain or something while we talked."

"Me drying off in the middle of the room in front of a stranger in broad daylight?" Donna said with a nervous laugh. "No way. I've got a lot to be ashamed off."

"I doubt that," Reggie said as he took a step closer, and when he held the towel out Donna took it, and after she stood up Reggie took another step to her.