All in the Family


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"Oh, she's happy and safe," I said. "That's a lot more than she could ever say before. You really did a number on that poor woman's head, Jack. Are you so insecure that you had to convince her that she was fat and no one else would ever want her? Or is it that in your head you just constantly convinced yourself that since she isn't as slender as Annie, that she wasn't attractive? I think that the real thing going on here is that once you started fucking Annie, you developed an incest fetish and you can only shoot your goo with a woman you're related to.

Well, don't worry about it. I have her well on the way to realizing how hot she is. With those tits and that ass and those incredible legs she won't have any trouble replacing you."

Jack just sputtered and raised the shot gun. "If you don't tell me where she is I'll..."

"You'll what?" I asked. "You won't do shit without the Judge's approval. The judge is the real brains behind all of this isn't he? I still can't figure out how he got those two giant idiots to do what he wanted since you guys aren't related to them."

"That was easy," said the Judge. "They appeared before me in court. In exchange for making sure they got no jail time, they do little favors for me from time to time. I'm only telling you this because you aren't going to live through this meeting Justin. I'm not stupid. First we're going to make you tell us all about your videos and tapes and how we can make sure they won't get out. Then we're going to have to make sure you disappear. I'm tired of fucking around with you."

"No Uncle Dan," said Annie coming up next to the Judge. "You said that you were only going to scare him and make him take me back."

"Annie, shut the fuck up. You've already been twice as much trouble as any of the other girls and I didn't even fuck you. We only got started with you in the first God damned place because Thom felt sorry for you because you were twenty years old and hadn't ever had a boyfriend. Then your idiot brother got a taste of that tight hot pussy of yours and didn't want to quit, even though he was married to that walking wet dream. Once you got a regular dose of dick in you, well you just blossomed. You're still not exactly beautiful, but the way you carry yourself makes every guy that sees you want a piece. That is until you had that fucking baby and had to leave town and met this idiot. I knew from the first time I saw him that he was nucking futs over you. I told myself that we needed to stop, but Jack just couldn't take "No" for an answer."

"You mean Jack didn't really love me?" said Annie.

"Well he loves fucking you," said the Judge. "That is a kind of love isn't it. You have to realize Annie. The men in our family have a very high sex drive. And since Jack wasn't getting nearly enough at home, he had to get it somewhere. We also seem to have, well like Justin said, an incest fetish. We like to keep it all in the family. We have a lot more of your cousins helping us out than you'd imagine. Some of them we pay, some of them like you, we trick. Others we have to blackmail. Some of them are just sluts. Anyway we're here to take care of Justin.

Justin, if you tell us what we want to know. I'll make sure it's painless and quick. If not...well let's just say that Jack hopes it won't be painless or quick.

"I'm not saying shit," I said. "Annie, it's good to see that you're finally getting fucked by your uncle. See how much the guys you cheated on me with think of you." She had tears rolling down her cheeks.

Jack raised the pistol and took aim at me. He walked right up close to me and estimated his distance. "Hold out your arm in front of you," he said. I raised my arm and he stood just beyond where I could reach him.

"I'm smarter than you think," he told me. Jack had tried to make sure that I couldn't grab his gun. He wanted to be close enough that not only could he not miss me, but close enough that he could almost see the bullets go into me. Jack wanted me dead no matter what else happened.

He raised the gun and Smiled. "I'm hoping that you don't say shit," he said.

Then it started. I smiled very wide at Jack who sensed that I was going to try something.

"Don't," he began just as I kicked him in the nuts. Jack was too stupid to realize that most people's legs are longer than their arms. So just because I couldn't reach him with my hands didn't mean I couldn't reach him. I hoped that my friends stayed cool.

From the pain in his nuts, Jack dropped the gun which went off hitting Thom. I wished that it would have hit him in his head or his heart, but maybe it did just as well. The bullet went into his upper thigh and was bleeding a lot.

Jack looked at me with murder in mind. He limped over and grabbed the shotgun his dad had dropped.

"Uh unh moron," said the Judge. "Give me that scattergun. You just hold him. We have to get this wrapped up and get out of here."

Jack got behind me and held my arms. The Judge leveled the shotgun on me. Up until this point, nearly everything that had happened I'd either been ready for or foreseen. I wasn't ready for this. I'd expected the snipers that the police department had brought to be ready to take the judge down. They had both real and rubber bullets and had been told to be ready. But I guess shit happens.

The Judge didn't seem like the kind of man to simply blow someone away without talking about it first or trying to make a deal. In fact all of my actions towards him up until this point had capitalized on just that aspect of his personality.

Apparently the Judge was done playing games with me. Before I even expected it he just raised the shotgun and fired. I could almost feel the impact of red hot pellets hitting me even as I tried to jerk myself out of the way. I wondered what death would feel like. Would I feel the life force slipping away or would I just suddenly not have consciousness? Would I still think and feel and simply not have a body like we all imagine ghosts to be, or would I end up in some form of heaven or hell.

Fortunately, I never got the chance to find out. Just before the Judge pulled the trigger Annie had hurled herself at me. She knocked me out of Jack's grasp and caught a small amount of the blast herself. Most of the pellets went into Jack's chest. Annie had only been grazed but it looked like four of five, maybe a few more of the pellets had lodged in her side. She was bleeding a lot and lying on top of me.

The Judge wasn't so lucky. The snipers had all hit their targets on the Judge. He took four real rounds one to each limb. He also got hit in several other vital areas with the rubber bullets. The Judge would live but his career was over, just as I'd hoped for. He would also spend the next 10-20 years in prison. All of the charges including kidnapping stuck. Maybe it wasn't exactly the way I'd planned it but it was close.

As for Jack, it wasn't my fault that his uncle shot him. They took him to the hospital and they were able to save him, but the damage to both lungs and his heart was so severe that Jack would never see the outside of a hospital again. He was also never able to speak again and had to write or type to communicate.

Thom got off the lightest. The bullet that struck him in his upper thigh damaged one of the blood vessels that carried blood to his gonads. Can you say permanent erectile dysfunction?

A few hours later I was sitting beside Annie in the hospital waiting for her to awaken so I could thank her. One beautiful eye and then the other opened up. She moaned so I called the nurse. The nurse gave her a sip of water and a couple of really powerful pain killers.

"Told Ya," she croaked.

"You told me what?" I asked.

"That I'd die for you," she said looking at me. From the expression on her face I could see that she was serious. Then it hit me. Annie's stupid stunt, my being alive, Jack getting hit with the blast had all been serendipity. Annie hadn't been trying to knock me out of the way. She'd been trying to jump between me and the blast. I was already trying to duck myself so when she added her momentum to mine we both fell and went under most of the pellets. Jack's luck had run out though.

Annie had literally tried to die to save me. She'd been more than grazed by the pellets. Several had simply passed through her skin and back out again but two of them had gone so deeply that they needed to be surgically removed. One of the two had gone dangerously near her right kidney. She'd be in the hospital for a week or ten days but she was expected to recover fully.

"Annie, no matter how this played out or what you intended, I owe you my life," I said. "Thank you." And I meant it.

"You don't owe me your life, Justin," she said. "You owe me our life. I love you more than anything; more than my brother, or my dad, or my uncle. I just want us to try and get back to what we had. I really think that we can, if you just give it a chance. Everyone knows that you still love me."

"Annie," I said. "I never said I stopped loving you. I love you just as much as I ever did. I don't think I'm capable of not loving you." Even the nurse was smiling at us.

"So when I get out of here, we can be together?" she asked.

"Nope," I said. "It's just not possible." If this had been a TV show they'd have made that sound effect like a record scratching and everything would have ground to a halt in surprise. The nurses who'd been watching the tender scene and even the security guard watching over Annie all stared at me like they wanted to know why.

Annie painfully sat up in her bed. Tears were dripping down her face.

"Why, Justin. You know I love you," she said. "And you said you love me. I've never cheated on you with anyone except Jack and I don't love him anymore. I'd never cheat on you with anyone else. And I'd never do it with Jack again, even if he was capable of it. You heard the Judge. They used me. They fooled me. My own brother used me as some kind of sex slave. Why can't we be together?" Even the strain of talking hurt her.

"Well Annie," I said. "I love you. And I really do think that if we got back together, you'd be faithful to me. After all, this experience is a pretty powerful reminder of how things might turn out. Plus as you said, your own family members bamboozled you. The problem is that there is more than just us to think about. You see StangStar06 and his editor, that mikothebaby bitch, will probably write this story for one of those online websites. And if I take you back, all of those guys who read his stories will think I'm a wimp. I couldn't face that. Some of those guys who comment on his stories are brutal. Not to mention that mikothebaby will give StangStar06 a ton of grief and threaten to quit editing for him. I cannot have that on my conscience."

I leaned over and kissed her gently. She melted into my kiss and our tongues dueled and she started sucking mine. I straightened up and looked at her one last time. "I love you Annie," I said. "See ya."

I went back to the cabin to live with Dawn. I told her about everything that had happened. She was able to get her divorce very quickly since Jack was now a felon for his part in the Judge's schemes. I gave her a half million dollars and she ended up with custody of Greg.

I guess people who saw us together thought that we'd fall in love and get married. And I have to admit that Dawn is a truly beautiful woman and any man would be lucky to have her. Her tits make my mouth water and that ass gives me a painful hard-on every time I see her. But nothing ever happened with us. We teased each other a lot while we lived together. But Dawn has a very low sex drive and my heart just wasn't into starting anything with her anyway. Dawn and I realized that we'd never be more than friends and that was fine for both of us. A few months later though, she did meet an older guy and fall in love. they both adopted Greg and lived happily ever after. She deserved it.

8 days after I went back to Dawn and Greg, I drove away but promised to stay in touch. I waited in the parking lot outside of St. Mark's hospital in Hazel Park, Michigan. I wish I could say that I was only there for 10 minutes or so, but actually I had to wait for over an hour. The fucking nurse who told me she'd get out at 10 a.m. had been wrong as hell. But finally there she was.

Annie looked bad. Maybe not physically but she just looked as if she wasn't taking care of herself. Her hair wasn't combed or brushed and all of the colors had both faded and were running together. She just looked like she didn't give a damn anymore. Her smile and the light in her eyes were absent as well.

Just as she raised her arm to signal the cab driver that he had a fare I pulled up in front of her and got out of the car. "Ready to go home, Annie," I said pulling down my sunglasses.

She smiled and her spark was suddenly back. Her hair was still terrible but she was sexy again just like that.

"With you Justin," she asked. "Do you mean home as in us being together again or just you giving me a ride?"

I walked over to her and took her in my arms. I kissed her as if our lives depended on it. "I love you Annie," I said. "I could never be without you for very long. But you only get one shot at this working out. If you hurt me again..."

"I'm not stupid enough to risk losing you twice, Justin," she said smiling.

I helped her into the car. I was careful to avoid her injured side as I fastened her seat belt. She quivered as my hands "accidentally" brushed against her breast.

"You'd better stop that Justin, if you know what's good for you, Justin," she smirked. We both knew what would happen as soon as we got home. "But what about all of the guys on the internet story site? Won't they think you're a wimp?"

I stepped on the gas and my Mustang hurtled down the road accelerating faster with each passing second. "Fuck them Annie," I said. "This is our story."


"Justin, where are we going?" asked Annie as she held my hand. "This isn't the way to our house."

"No Annie," I said. "I am going to take you home and straight to bed, but first I have to stop by and have a talk with your Uncle John about his wife and your cousin Bart and some other big guy."

The End.

Authors note: You guys really didn't think I was going to let Aunt Cindy get away with it did you? ;-)

Editor's note: I have the tattoo gun ready to write "pussy" on his forehead. I just need someone to hold him down – any takers?

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oderflamundoderflamundabout 1 month ago

ONe thing is for sure, this tory does not leave anyone indifferent! Either you get a 1 or a 5, very little in-between. I loved it, so over-the-top and entertaining. I enjoyed. Funny bit with the fourth wall and your bit of banter with your editor, NICE!

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal1969about 1 month ago

well... that was dramatic.

ncdeepdiverncdeepdiverabout 2 months ago

I am very happy with the ending. I can't imagine how messed up she would be growing up in that environment.

She deserved a break.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

He went back to the person who was in love with and got impregnated by her brother, that's so fucking gross. Cheated their entire relationship and that relationship was founded on a lie. Why can't we go lower than 0 on the scores. Jesus this was dogshit.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

good story and am even ok w/ the raac altho it sticks in mah craw a little. rk

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