All Is Fair Ch. 16

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The end....for now.
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Part 16 of the 18 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 02/28/2014
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Helena's scent gave Brooks the motivation he needed. He pushed open the heavy cement slab and saw it led to a set of rickety stairs. Brooks stuck the silver dagger, still wrapped in the tshirt, down the back of his pants. He was about to run down when the direness of the situation hit him.

Brooks always hated the mental link. His father encouraged him to try and stretch it, but it felt like such a violation. The only people he ever successfully conversed with were his parents. Right now that felt like a huge mistake. Brooks knew it was stupid to go in alone, but he wasn't about to waste any time.

Closing his eyes, Brooks tried to focus. He took a deep breath and started to hone his internal monologue.

I found her, Brooks thought. I'm in the woods, due east from Zachary's car. Please come.

He shook his head, certain it didn't work. His heart was racing and images of Helena were flashing through his mind. Brooks started down the stairs, taking two at a time.

When he hit the bottom of the stairs he stood on concrete. Everything was dark, but Brooks could make out the layout of the room. There were four doors, all of them were shut. Brooks focused on her scent and went to the door straight in front of him. It was locked. Brooks was about to try to break it down when he realized the lock was from the outside. He flipped the deadbolt and pushed the door open.

There she was, looking almost peaceful lying on the bed. Brooks ran over to her. He brushed the hair away from her face and she didn't flinch. Happiness took over and for the first time in recent years Brooks felt like crying. He kissed her forehead and realized it was much more important to get her to safety than to deal with the vampire.

Brooks went to lift her off the bed, but felt some resistance. He set her back down and saw a shackle was attached to her ankle. Brooks went to the chain and was hoping he could rip it off. Before he had the chance to try a hand was on his shoulder. Brooks was not anticipating the action and was pulled away, slamming into the far wall. The wind was knocked out of him and he was gasping for breath.

"Clever dog," Victor said.

Brooks started to stand up, but felt a hand around his neck, lifting him in the air. He knew the vampire could beat him on brute strength and Brooks needed to think fast. He put his hands against the wall and brought his knees to his chest, using all his force to shove them in the vampire's chest. It worked and Brooks was released. He dropped to the floor and ran out into the main rooming, wanting to draw any risk of violence away from Helena.

Even in the darkness Brooks spotted the light switch. He turned it on and light flooded the room, giving Brooks a second while the vampire was adjusting. Brooks threw a fist and connected with Victor's face. He fell to the ground and Brooks started the kick him. It didn't take long for Victor to grab ahold of his foot and flip Brooks down on his back. Brooks was on the ground looking up at the monster.

"That wasn't very nice," Victor said.

The vampire darted away with speed, but Brooks stuck his foot out tripping his enemy. At the speed he was traveling Victor flew across the main room and into the second door. With the lights on Brooks could see an unconscious Zachary dangling from the ceiling. Brooks hoisted himself up and spotted a bottle on the table. Victor was already standing, starring at him. Brooks reached for his weapon, but not before Victor tackled him into the table. Brooks got the bottle and smashed it over the vampire's head.

The bottle did little to detour Victor. He had his hands around Brooks' throat and was starting to hit him in the face repeatedly.

"I could snap your neck and end this right now," Victor said. "But you have royally pissed me off."

Brooks was seeing red. He was sure it was from the blood dripping down his forehead. He continued to throw his hands forward. Randomly making contact with Victor and blocking some of his punches, but nothing was slowing the vampire down. Brooks would never give up. He felt a burning sensation on his back and remembered the dagger. Brooks tried to reach around himself and grab it, but without attempting to defend himself, Victor's onslaught was too much. Brooks knew he was going to lose consciousness soon.

With a stroke of luck Brooks heard a growl. He watched as a wolf jumped up on Victor's back, biting him in the throat. Victor dropped Brooks to the floor and went after the wolf. Brooks took in a giant breath and reached behind him, pulling the knife out. He heard a whimper and then Victor turned back around. Brooks lost his element of surprise. Victor let out a loud laugh.

"You do realize that can cause more damage to you than to me?" Victor asked.

Brooks stood up and increased his grip on the dagger. With a flash he felt Victor grabbing onto his wrist. Brooks tried to resist the movement, but Victor was too strong. Brooks couldn't release the knife and Victor forced it into Brooks' stomach. He could feel the knife sliding into him with a mix of burning and stabbing. The pain caused Brooks to let out the most inhumane sound he had ever heard.

Suddenly Brooks hand was free again. He landed back on the floor. He starred at the danger poking out of him, knowing he need to remove it he yanked it out. The sensation was almost as painful as the initial stabbing. There were more wolves invading the space. Brooks could barely stand up, but he could see with each wolf Victor tossed away another was on top of him. Brooks used his last ounce of strength and ran at the vampire. With one swinging motion Brooks brought the dagger down, hitting Victor at the neck. His head sliced off like butter.

Brooks wasn't certain it was over, but before Victor's body hit the ground it transformed into dust. All of the wolves stopped moving and stared at him. Brooks dropped the dagger.

"Find the key," Brooks yelled.

He ran back to Helena's side. He kissed her on the lips, when he pulled back her face was decorated with his blood.

"It's over," Brooks said. "You're safe."

Brooks wouldn't look away from her. A pack member realized what Brooks was after and the chain on her ankle was undone. Even though Brooks could barely stand on his own he summoned his strength and picked her up.

"I can do that for you," a pack member said.

"No," Brooks said.

He walked with a limp and could only see out of one eye, but managed to bring them back into the sunshine. Helena was safe. Brooks had won. He pulled her body closer to his and walked slowly though the woods. More wolves were arriving. They saw Brooks and stopped, shifting back into their human forms. They bowed their heads, but Brooks didn't have any directions for them. His world only consisted of Helena at the moment. He ignored the pain and walked the entire way to the car, certain a trail of people were behind him.

When he made it to the vehicle Brooks climbed into the back seat. He would not release Helena, but closed his eyes having met his destination. Someone jumped in the driver's seat. Brooks heard the engine turn over and the car start to move. He looked at the woman in his arms.

"It's all over," Brooks repeated. "You're safe."

Brooks had made it as far as he could. The pain from the stab wound became overwhelming and he slumped over in the backseat, giving in to the darkness.


The constant beeping woke Brooks up. His eyelids were so heavy it hurt to lift them. The room came into focus and he realized he was in the clinic. Helena. She was safe. Brooks started to sit up. He felt a hand on his arm.

"Easy," Hugh said.

Brooks turned to look at his father.

"Helena," Brooks said.

"She's in the next room," Hugh said. "Worry about yourself for once. Are you alright? How are you feeling?"

"Like I stuck my head in a blender," Brooks said.

"It was brave to go in there by yourself," Hugh said. "But very stupid."

Brooks watched as the corners of his fathers' lips went into a smile.

"How is she?" Brooks asked.

"I don't know how you found that place. It wasn't on any map, some crazy man thought the world was going to end and built a super bunker. It was completely off the grid."

"Is she awake?" Brooks asked.

Hugh shook his head.

"I want to see her," Brooks said.

He started to sit up again.

"Be careful," Hugh said. "You were stabbed with a silver dagger. You're lucky you're alive. All three of the doctors had to preform your surgery to make sure they got the area clean before the infection spread. Your brother and your sisters are here. They want to see you."

"Surgery?" Brooks asked. "How long was I out for?"

"Five days," Hugh said. "Your healing abilities finally kicked in last night. You were pretty touch and go. Wayne thinks you will be good to move around tomorrow."

"That means I will be fine for the full moon?" Brooks asked. "It's tomorrow night?"

Hugh nodded.

"Andrew took a pretty big hit too," Hugh said. "But he's already up and moving. Zachary is going to make a full recovery too."

Brooks was pleased everyone was going to survive. He would make sure to thank them. But right now he had a one track mind.

"Helena still wants to change right?"

Brooks watched his father frown.

"She's not awake," Hugh said.

"What do you mean?" Brooks asked. "She woke up after five days the last time."

"Maybe a second bite is different," Hugh said. "The marks on her neck healed, but she hasn't moved."

"I want to see her," Brooks said.

"There's more," Hugh said. "The doctors aren't sure she will wake up at all. Her blood levels were so low... it put a lot of strain on her internal organs."

"Did they do anything for her?" Brooks asked. "Give her a blood transfusion?'

"That was the first thing they did," Hugh said. "But the damage was done. Her heart was going in overtime. If...and it's a big if she wakes up she may have brain damage and is likely going to be in a lot of pain."

"Brain damage?" Brooks asked.

"They're not certain," Hugh said.

Brooks started to stand up again.

"Let me get you a wheelchair," Hugh said. "Then I will take you to see her."

Brooks would not accept this diagnosis. If her brain were gone he would feel it. She was his mate, his world. She had to live, Brooks would not accept any other outcome.


The day went on and Brooks refused any visitors. He sat alone at Helena's bedside, willing her to wake up. The steady beep on her heart monitor reminded him she still lived.

"Please wake up," Brooks said.

He leaned over her bed and kissed her hand that he held in his own. Brooks was certain the sun had set. Making it ten days since she left the bedroom. He played the night over and over in his head, finally giving in to his grief.

"I love you so much," Brooks said. "I am so sorry I let you down."

With those words her heart monitor sped up, only a fraction of a second, but enough to give Brooks hope.

"Please," Brooks said. "I will never leave your side again if you just wake up."

Helena's lips parted and she let out a whimper. Brooks squeezed her hand. He stood up from his chair and used his other hand to brush the hair away from her face. His heart was racing.

"I need you," Brooks said. "Please wake up."

He studied her eyes, they started to move. Another groan escaped her pale lips and Brooks watched as her eyes struggled to open. He brought her hand up to his mouth and started to kiss her fingers.

"What...happened?" Helena asked.

Tears started streaming out the corner of her eyes.

"The vampire's dead," Brooks said. "You're safe."

He couldn't think of a time he had been happier. He continued to kiss her hand.

"Rebecca," Helena said with struggling breath. "Get Andrew away from..."

"Shhh," Brooks said. "We know."

It wasn't surprising that Helena's first words were about another person's welfare.

"I'm so sorry," Helena said.

"Don't apologize you stupid girl," Brooks said.

She tried to move her mouth into a smile, but Brooks could see how hard it was.

"I love you," Helena said. "But I'm dying."

"Don't say that," Brooks said.

He realized she might need medical attention more than she needed him right now.

"She's awake," Brooks yelled.

"It's okay," Helena said. "You showed me what a life could be. I want you to move on."

"Stop," Brooks said.

"It hurts," Helena said.

Wayne and Melanie came in the room. They started checking Helena's vitals.

"It's too hard," Helena said.

"No," Brooks said. "Don't you give up."

"I love you," Helena said.

"One more night," Brooks said. "I need you to hold on for one more night."

Helena's eyes rolled up in the back of her head and her machines started going crazy with noises. Brooks felt like he was out of his body watching as her back started to arch and her body started to seize. The doctors were rushing around her, but Brooks wouldn't let go of her hand.

"You can do it," Brooks said. "One more night."


Helena woke up. Her hair was styled in a long braid that wrapped around the front of her. She looked down and saw she was wearing a white summer dress. Helena took in her surroundings. It was daylight and she fell asleep in the grass. She stood up and spotted her home.

It had been so long since Helena had seen the small farmhouse she had to bring her hand to her mouth before she shrieked in the joy that the familiarity brought her. Helena took off running and went straight in the front door.

"Mom?" Helena yelled. "Dad?"

"In here," her mother yelled from the kitchen.

Helena took off running. She saw her parents sitting at the kitchen table and almost tackled both of them with hugs and kisses.

"Have a seat dear," her mom said.

Helena had never known her mother to show affection, even the simple phrase of dear warmed her heart.

"Where have you been?" Helena asked.

"We're in a good place," Helena's father said.

"We want to apologize though," Helena's mother said. "We did the best we could, but I saw some of the signs and ignored them."

"What are you talking about?" Helena asked.

Before they could answer Helena knew who they were talking about, Rebecca.

"We should have taken you away when you were younger," Helena's father said. "We tried too hard to shield you from everything, maybe we should have kept you informed."

Flashes of Helena's childhood came to her mind. Times she had forgot about. There were nights of silent prayers, but most of her nights were spent indoors, playing games with her parents, laughing, and running around the house. She tried to remember an instance of abuse, and none came to her.

"How could I have remembered those times so wrong?"

"When we were taken from you, you were so young," her mother said. "Too impressionable. Just know now that we loved you with all our hearts."

Helena's parents stood up from the table.

"Wait," Helena said. "Don't leave. Where are you going?"

"It's my turn to talk with you," Abe said.

Helena spun her head around. She was no longer in her parent's farmhouse. Now she was sitting on the couch at Abe's. He walked over to her and took a seat in the familiar chair. Helena looked around, this place was exactly as she remembered.

"I hate to echo your parent's sentiments," Abe said. "But I could not be more proud of you. You saved three whole human years and a lifetime of hating yourself. I wish I was as strong as you."

"I owe you an apology," Helena said. "I should have never believed you when you said you killed my..."

"I want to thank you," Abe interrupted. "You gave me the freedom I so desperately wanted and was unable to take myself. Don't worry a bit about me. I'm good."

"Victor," Helena said. "He said some things about my bloodline?"

"I am your great times a million granduncle," Abe said.

Helena laughed. She never would have thought that possible, with her fair skin and light eyes they could not look more different.

"I miss you," Helena said.

"Don't," Abe said. "Remember me, but don't miss me."

He gave a smile and then stood up from his chair.

"Please don't leave me," Helena said.

"If he doesn't then I can't come to you," a new voice said.

Helena turned around and the scenery changed. She was back in the meadow she woke up in. A stranger stood in front of her. He was an older man, maybe about fifty.

"Who are you?"

"If Abe is your great times a millions granduncle then I am your great times a billions grandfather," the man said. "You can call me Cole."

Helena tilted her head to the side.

"I want to show you something," Cole said. "I think you deserve an explanation."

Helena walked over to Cole. He waved his hand and a scene started playing out before her. There was a pregnant woman. She was screaming. Cole was pacing back and forth, he was much younger but Helena could still tell it was him. The woman was not in good shape. It looked liked they were in some sort of cave. Helena saw neither of them was in any sort of modern dress. It was like watching a diorama at a natural history museum. The women let out a loud scream and Cole bolted from the cave. He looked up at the night sky and started screaming.

"I will give you anything," Cole said. "Just spare their lives."

A figure appeared behind Cole. He looked like a walking flame. Helena gasped and brought her hand to her mouth. She was sure Cole was about to die.

"Anything?" The thing asked. "To save your family?"

"Anything," Cole said.

"I can't save them," the thing said. "But I can give you the power to do so."

A blue orb appeared in front of the monster.

"What can I do with that?" Cole asked.

"It will give you power. Power that will carry down from generation to generation," the thing said.

"Please," Cole said.

"Man is new on this plane," the thing said. "But may exist a long time. This may appear as a gift, but will continue as a punishment for your generations that follow."

"What do you mean?" Cole asked.

"I'm not unreasonable," the thing said. "I will give you this gift, but it comes with a price tag. For however many lives you save tonight I get to take those who end the same amount, regardless on the reason."

"Yes," Cole screamed. "Yes."

The blue orb flung forward at Cole. Helena watched it absorb into this skin, but a thin blue aura hung back. He ran back inside and touched the woman's forehead. She started too look better.

"The baby is coming," she said.

It seemed to flash forward to Cole sitting next to the woman, with twin children sitting on their laps. All of them were smiling.

Cole moved his hand and the vision vanished.

"The rule of three?" Helena asked.

"That is how this all began," Cole said. "You have no idea how many of your ancestors I have shown this too over the years. Most of them end up with him though, it seems my decision tainted our blood. If there are any positive, at least our number have been kept low. Most die before they get the chance to reproduce. There is only one person left on Earth that you are related to by blood."

"My sister..."

"She is the first who managed to trick the fire demon. Apparently turning into a wolf altered her DNA," Cole said. "Don't think DNA has anything to do with her choices though. She had the powers and picked the dark path. Many others have kept them for good. It is you who had the unfortunate circumstance of being a side effect of the deal."

"Immune to magic?" Helena asked.

"Knowing everything I know now I would still make the same choice," Cole said. "I know that's selfish, but I love every member of my family."

"Why am I here?" Helena asked.

"I think you know the answer," Cole said.

Helena gulped. She remembered lying in the bed in the clinic, speaking to Brooks. This was the end of her journey.