All That Glitters Ch. 22


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There was another group, unseen by the party, waiting for them to exit the banquet hall. As soon as their targets appeared, the assailants went into action. They moved half of their team to block access to the small square in front of the venue and prevent escape by the targets.

The remainder of the group moved forward. They needed to prevent the target group from getting back into the hall, currently the only escape route left to them. They moved swiftly, but cautiously. However, their caution caught the attention of both Kim and Raymond.

Kim gave a signal that was caught instantly by Analisa. Trying to remain calm and not alert her charges, Analisa suggested they move back into the hall until transportation arrived in order not to get a chill in the cold December air but as the group reluctantly turned to move back inside, the assailants struck.

The local VSC team was ready, having been cued by a signal passed by Kim and Analisa. Portable shields came out of innocuous looking briefcases as they stepped around their charges to give them protection. Plasma bolts and solid shot hit the shields and were, fortunately, stopped by them. Kim, Analisa, and Raymond worked in concert and moved the party back into the hall as the VSC team blocked the door. The local team called for reinforcements and the police all while pushing back against the assailants.

The assailants were professionals and knew what they were doing, however, the twelve-man assault team was outmatched by the ex-Marines of the local VSC detachment. As they moved onto the stairs leading to the doors, the security team laid down supporting suppressive fire and dropped a few flash-bang grenades, the shock of which momentarily confused the attackers. The security team followed up the flash-bangs with well placed shots from their own weapons, taking down half of the assault team within seconds.

Two of the six assailants made the door of the venue hall, only to be met by Kim and Analisa. The two went down hard, unceremoniously knocked unconscious. More fire came from outside, but the remaining four members of the assault team were quicky captured or killed.

Then the police arrived. Those blocking the roads out of the square, and their six drivers, suddenly found themselves looking for escape routes of their own as their assault went bust. They faired much better against the local police, killing or injuring many before some of the assailants managed to escape. Of the thirty-man assault team, only six managed to escape, two with injuries, and only after abandoning their vehicles. The assault was a complete bust, and was capture live by Cynthia Stewart, who had linked directly with a local media outlet when the battle had started. She suddenly found herself a Terran media darling.

Polisstation Klarabergsviadukten, Stockholm, Terra

Dr. Aruna's party had been moved to the local police station near the banquet venue for their protection, while the police and VSC swept the area and interrogated the captured assailants. What they discovered was not good.

"You're telling me that someone was trying to kidnap members or our party?" Kim inquired of the local Captain.

Captain Söder was a proud member of the local police force and as professional a police officer as they got. His team had been present during the interrogation by VSC both to ensure that nothing untoward was done to the prisoners by the members of VSC, and to keep a tight chain of evidence over the entire procedure, thankfully supported by the local VSC team.

"This is so," Captain Söder replied. "They want three objectives the attackers. One was to capture Liea Samson, Annette Liramor, or Raymond Clark, two is to capture Dr. Ohiraha Aruna, and three is to capture or kill Fiona Marsh."

"Capture the others but capture or kill Ms. Marsh?" Kim asked.

"This is so," Söder returned. "There is price on the head of Ms. Marsh, one million credits, alive or dead. There is no price on the others. They want Ms. Samson, Ms. Liramor, or Mr. Clark for ransom, but they would take Dr. Aruna for ransom or to sell to highest bidder. She is valuable scientist, and she has Nobel Award. Gold of the Nobel Award in the medal is very valuable.

"These men make reason that Fiona Marsh might come to see Dr. Aruna presentation. This is so. They want head of Fiona Marsh. Others, they think is easy mark. This is not so," the Captain finished with a smile.

"No, not so easy a mark," Analisa replied with a smile of her own. She turned to Liea and Raymond. "Local team gets combat bonus and possibly a small reward for stopping the kidnapping of four of our team and the possible death or kidnapping of a fifth?" she asked Raymond.

Raymond nodded his assent. "Give them the bonus and a double bonus over that for stopping the kidnapping," he told Analisa. He looked to Lynne Ducharme who was recording everything on her wrist comp. He gave her a quick nod and a smile seeing that she was keeping up with everything. The local police had tried to stop her recording, but Raymond had stepped in and informed them that they would need data upon-which to base decisions on and that Lynne was the ship's Notary.

The local VSC team lead had interjected with Captain Söder to ensure that the intended targets would not have to return to Terra for the trail and potentially subject themselves to a second attempt on their persons and potentially more injuries to police or maybe civilians. His purpose was to make the local VSC office the point of contact for the defence of their clients and thus responsible for the actions taken on the ground. In that, VSC had succeeded. Raymond, Liea, Annette, Ohiraha, and their party would be free to go once it was deemed safe for them to travel to their ship.

"Do we know who they were?" Kim asked.

"Yes, local criminals, all known to us," Captain Söder replied. "They all known to have much time in local Terran Militia, some with fighting experience, but have not been in firefight for long time. They do not 'keep their edge', while VSC is veterans who keep edge. That is difference tonight."

"You can be sure that information on tonight's assault attempt will get around," Analisa stated. "The next attempt will be made with much better trained and prepared teams."

"That's not good," Kim remarked. "This team almost succeeded. Had we not made them when they approached us, this could have gone south very quickly."

"You said mostly local criminals. Does this mean that others were involved?" Analisa asked.

"This is so. Four are not locals but high members of crime families," the Captain informed them. "They pay for team and direct attack. We take two of them, one is dead, the other escape."

"Best we get back to the ship, bring Fiona back to Liramor-23, and Dr. Anura and Annette back to Liramor Prime, where they can be under their own security blanket." Raymond said.

"Captain Söder, I want to commend your men and their actions tonight," Raymond spoke directly to Söder. "They helped to stop possible kidnapping and murder tonight. I extend my personal thanks to those who participated in this action, and my personal condolences to those who laid down their lives."

Captain Söder nodded and shook Raymond's hand. He noted the miniature medals on the man's chest and knew this man had seen action of his own. His words would carry weight for his injured men and their families, and especially the families of those who died tonight. Four of his men were killed in the action, and eight others injured. Fortunately, the injured would recover. Those responsible would be charged with capital crimes, he would make certain of that.

Another three hours passed before they were able to leave, their return to the local shuttle port sent planet-wide by the local media. Cynthia Stewart was in her element, directing the local media and answering questions due to her presence during the attack. It hadn't dawned on anyone that she had been with the victim's party until she joined them at the shuttle port.

It would be a sobering trip back to Liramor Prime and Liramor-23.

IPPF HQ, Liramor City, Liramor Prime, Liramor System, Thirty Light Years from Terra

Ten days after the attempted kidnapping on Terra, C. Supt. Maria Sanger was going through the routine minutia of her day when her aide S.A. Phillip Beausoleil burst into her office.

"We got another hit off the Dark Web," he began without preamble. "You're not going to like it."

Sanger was immediately on her feet, chasing after her retreating aide, she always hated when he used those words. They entered the Ops center and moved to the computer crime section.

"You told us to keep an eye out for changes on the contracts for Fiona Marsh and Henadi Noor," her head of computer crime told her. "We just had a jump in the contract price. There is now a five million credit contract on both, but the contract for Henadi Noor dropped the dead or alive part and now reads five million credits for her capture."

"Shit. We better get this information over to Liramor Holdings. They need to tell Fiona Marsh to keep her head down," Sanger ordered Beausoleil.

Central Operations, Liramor-23, Piscium System

Fiona was in her office off of Central Ops, going through the daily read file from Liramor Prime, when the alarms went off in Ops.

"Unexpected FTL event in the commercial inbound lane," the Ops O cried out. "Transponder identifies PV The Princess."

"Liramor Ops, this is The Princess, Annette Liramor speaking," the voice came over comms. "I need an emergency meeting with all senior members of both teams ASAP. This is not a drill and is extremely important."

"Roger, Princess, we will pass the notice along," the Ops O confirmed. "Docking in bay eleven left is available."

Forty minutes later, Annette Liramor came into the conference room with Fiona Marsh at her side. Both women looked grim. There was a third woman with them who was obviously from Hollander's World from her skin tone and her feathery hair.

All senior personnel for Liramor-23 and the Navy were currently present. Included from The Wanderer were Capt. Noor, Major Thom, Raymond Clark, Liea Samson, their PA's and their bodyguards.

"Is everyone here?" asked Annette.

"Yes, ma'am," SOps informed her.

"Secure the room," Annette ordered. "I'm glad you're here, Henadi. This is in regard to you as well.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the contract on Fiona Marsh and Henadi Noor has just been changed. It has been increased to five million credits." Annette waited for the expected commotion to die down before continuing. "The contract for Fiona Marsh reads five million credits, dead or alive. While the contract for Henadi Noor is for her capture."

"Do we have proof yet as to who has placed this contract?" Raymond asked.

"No," Annette admitted. "We know who the guilty party is, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence but not enough proof for a court of law to order his arrest, especially on Anuura where he is currently located. There, he is not only Senator Andjuran, but also the Senior Elder of the Church of Andanii. We will need serious proof of his involvement to do anything on Anuura.

"In the meantime, this is Gillaya," Annette informed them, pointing to the woman beside her. "She is now Fiona's full-time bodyguard. No arguments on this one, Fiona. She goes where you go, she is glued to your hip at all times.

"As her name indicates, she is from Hollander's World," Annette informed the room. "With her acute senses, she will be able to stop most personal attacks before they occur. At least, that is my hope. There is no question of replacing Fiona Marsh as the Director here. She is too well known by the TGA and has the respect and support of the Navy brass. That means she stays and Gillaya stays with her.

"Henadi, I hate to do this to you, however, from now one when you come to the platform you will have protection with you. I leave it to you to decide what kind of security you need. I doubt that any of the miners on Liramor-23 will try to get the bounty, but I am not taking any chances until we can nail this bastard and pull down the contracts from the Dark Web.

"I am heading to Terra from here," Annette informed them. "I will stop off at Sector Forty-Two HQ on Hanover's World to inform FAdm Thenton of this issue then on to Terra for the senior brass."

The meeting went on for another hour, covering items about the new and improved Liramor-23. Fiona had just been informed by Adm. Ramison that the TGA was adding an additional two billion credits for upgrades to the enlarged platform. She passed this along in the meeting bringing a smile of justification from Annette Liramor.

The meeting broke up and Dr. Heyya came forward to hug Gillaya. "Welcome to the family," she said with a smile. "You will need to book an appointment at the hospital for a complete physical as soon as you can arrange it."

"But I've already had a physical on Liramor Prime," Gillaya informed Heyya. Heyya just smiled at her new friend.

"Yes," Heyya said with a smile. "But I assure you, this physical will be much more intense." Gillaya returned the smile.

"I might not be able to get away from my duties for some time," Gillaya stated, "do you do house calls?" she asked with a another sweet smile.

"I'm glad to see the two of you getting along," Fiona said as she reached out to hug Heyya. "It would be a shame if my favourite doctor and my bodyguard couldn't be happy together."

Fiona had been hopping to make the two blush, but they simply smiled, completely at ease with the situation.

"Your favourite doctor?" Heyya asked.

"Well yes, on more than one level," Fiona replied. "You are far less stuffy than Mark, are much easier on the eyes, and a friend. What more do you want?"

"She wants to be your lover," Gillaya said to Heyya, causing Fiona to blush fiercely. Gillaya smiled, enjoying getting a rise out of her boss.

"I know that," Heyya said, equally as calm as Gillaya was. "I am from Hollander's World after all."

The two ladies smiled as Fiona squirmed some more.

"Maybe I will make your appointment a house call, however, you have to promise that it will be in Fiona's quarters," Heyya said, giving Gillaya a significant look. Without another word, she turned and left, her eyes bright with laughter at Fiona's reaction.

Fiona gave Gillaya a significant look of her own, but Gillaya just sloughed it off.

"I am your bodyguard, ma'am," she told her boss. "I'm supposed to protect you from harm, not from pleasure."

Annette, Capt. Beverly Davis, and Cdr. Helga Hellebore, who had all caught the entire exchange, burst into laughter behind Fiona.

"I can see the two of you will get along just fine," Annette told Fiona. "I have to leave now; I need to get to Terra by this evening and I have a stop along the way. Beverly can show me the way, you need to show your bodyguard around." She gave Fiona a hug and left, Beverly in tow.


Fiona was doing her rounds, checking out the platform and its people. Her pride in both was very evident to Gillaya. They came to a construction bay in which Gerrard Guillemette was working, building his safety patches and working on new inventions.

"Good morning, M. Guillemette," Fiona greeted him with a smile. "I want to introduce a new member of my team, this is Gillaya, my new personal bodyguard."

"I'm sorry to hear that you are in need of that level of protection, Fiona," Gerrard returned. "But I have something then that you might need."

He took them to the back of his workshop and opened a box to show something that looked like crude body armour.

"I've been tinkering with this for awhile now," he told them. "It needs a little refinement but essentially it is a modified body armour. Most body armour is proof against solid shot, but useless against power weapons. This is based on the shield that surrounds most navy ships and this platform but on a considerably smaller scale. The issue was to get useful protection from it despite the size."

He pulled the armour out of the box and set it on the table.

"I would like to get a copy of the latest body armour to make these from, this one is a little on the heavy side, but it will show it's capability," he told her. He flipped it over and showed her a small ten centimeter green Marilon generator.

"As the new Marion/Aruna generators are becoming available, the older Marilon generators are becoming surplus. I can get them for a song. They provide all the power necessary to make the unit function.

"The unit basically creates an electronic shield capable of deflecting plasma bolts or other electronic weaponry, including shock prods. With newer, slimmer body armour, no one will even know you are wearing it." Gerrard slipped the armour over his shirt and quickly buckled it up. He turned on the unit and gave Fiona a shock prod. Fiona turned the unit on high and pushed it against Gerrard's body, activating the charge. The charge harmlessly dissipated in a golden coloured burst around Gerrard's body.

Gillaya quickly took the prod from Fiona and looked at it's charge ports. She fiddled with it and turned it back on. She engaged Gerrard's armour and activated the prod. Once again, the gold coloured flare flashed around his body, this time a more significant flare, but the results were the same. Gerrard did not flinch and was unharmed by the charge.

"Ideally, I would like to order body armour made specifically for each person, formed for their body, light weight, flexible, and slim, so that those attacking will not know that body armour of this type is being worn. The only drawback is the distinctive Marilon generator. A sharp pair of eyes will note it, and potential assassins will figure out that you are wearing it," Gerrard concluded.

Fiona cued Central Control. "Has the Princes left?" she demanded.

"She is making preparations to leave now, ma'am," SOps informed her.

"Shut them down and tell Annette Liramor I need her in construction bay twenty-one now," Fiona ordered. Annette needed to meet her newest acquisition.

The Wanderer, Liramor Prime, Liramor System

The Wanderer came into existence high above the well of Liramor Prime just before New Years Celebrations on Liramor Prime. She slowly made her way down into her parking orbit designated by Liramor System Control.

Raymond and Liea were going to partake in the celebrations at the Liramor Estates. They would have their bodyguards with them and of course, their respective aides.

The Valiant slid down to the shuttle port nearest the estate where a waiting transport picked them up. It was still early in the day, but they were going to see Ohi at her lab. They were promptly whisked away to the lab as soon as they were aboard.

Annette Liramor was in the transport and greeter them with friendly hugs. It wasn't long before they arrived at their destination.

Le Laboratoire Aruna was an impressive installation that mirrored the image Ohi had originally drawn up for the installation. She was as happy with her lab as she might have been for a child.

The group crowded around a table with a dummy wearing body armour. Beside Ohi was someone the group did not know.

"This is Michelle Laundray, of Les Armuriers Laundray," Ohi introduced the woman to the group. "Michelle's business makes custom armour for some pretty high level personnel. When I told her what we needed and why, she wanted to be here for this test.

"This vest is tailored specifically for you Liea," Ohi told her with a smile.

"There is one principle modification from Gerrard's original vest, that of the Marilon generator. Gerrard was using ten centimeter cubed Marilon generators taken from upgraded Rockhounds and Ore Survey ships. I have created a new type of Marilon/Aruna generator, that molds to the body." Ohi showed them the strip that was only five centimeters wide but almost fifteen centimeters long. It was also only one point two five centimeters deep and molded to the hip.