Allison's Addiction Ch. 04

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A straight girl is pushed into lesbian sex.
10k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/04/2017
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Ever since I agreed to allow Chloe to become my sexual mentor, it meant that there were a lot of new and unusual rules that I had to follow.

The first rule banned me from wearing clothes whenever I was in our apartment. The second rule strictly forbade me from masturbating.

The constant nudity and the prohibition against touching myself seemed to be keeping me in a constant state of sexual distress. Of course, that was what Chloe wanted. By chronically stimulating my libido, but refusing to provide daily relief, it meant that my orgasms would be far more powerful when relief finally came.

"Sexual relief isn't a right, it's a privilege," Chloe told me, during the second day of my training.

Earning orgasms was an important part of my training with Chloe. Chloe had written up a training handbook that listed tasks that I could perform to earn myself orgasms. There were dozens of items on the list, but none of them were easy.

A lot of them were related to my old days of ballet training. The first one on the list was to do a full leg extension and to hold it for one second.

Okay, leg extensions are an almost impossible feat that requires balance, strength, superhuman flexibility and coordination. Stripped down to its bare essence, a full leg extension requires the dancer to stand on one leg, while pointing the other leg straight up into the air.

This was the main reason I was doing ab exercises. You need incredibly strong abs to do leg extensions. Your abs basically have to support the weight of your leg while you're pointing it straight up into the air. Most people don't have abs strong enough to pull this off.

It would take time to build my ab strength back up to ballerina levels, so I searched through the training handbook to see if I could find some way of earning an orgasm that didn't require days or even weeks of physical conditioning.

Number fourteen on the list said that I could earn an orgasm by seducing another female.

I asked Chloe to verify number fourteen.

"Chloe, are you actually asking me to have sex with another woman?" I asked.

Chloe looked over my shoulder and read the line in the training handbook that I was pointing to. She nodded her head and said, "That should be an easy one. You're gorgeous. Lots of women around here would be willing to have sex with you."

"But, I'm not gay!" I protested.

"Okay, on a psychological level that one might be difficult for you," Chloe admitted.

"Why is it even on the list?" I asked.

"Some of the tasks are physically challenging" Chloe explained, "Others are psychologically challenging. None of them are supposed to be easy. If the tasks were easy, there'd be no point. An important part of your training is that you're supposed to struggle in your efforts to earn orgasms. I'm expecting you to work hard for every single one."

I suspected that Chloe was playing some sort of trick on me, however I could never get Chloe to admit that she was doing anything sneaky or underhanded.

And I spent every day in throbbing, desperate, sexual need. I still viewed myself as heterosexual, however, I finally reached some sort of emotional surrender where I decided that wasn't important anymore. I was in desperate need of sexual relief and if I had to have sex with another female to get it, that was no longer a problem for me.

* * *

It all happened one morning while Chloe was at work and I had gone out to the drug store on Beach Road.

Now that Chloe had me on an intensely demanding exercise program, I needed Advil to act as an anti-inflammatory. While I was at it, I thought I'd pick up some vitamin C, vitamin D and magnesium to keep my energy levels up. By this point I had completely run out of modirall, so I could no longer to depend on the experimental drug to help combat fatigue.

Speaking of modirall, I had expected to see a huge dip in my sexual arousal levels when my supply of the drug ran out, however, my libido was just as active as ever. Standing in line at the checkout counter, I couldn't take my eyes off the customer in front of me. She was wearing skin-tight yoga leggings and a cut-off t-shirt that let her belly exposed.

She had her dark hair tied up in a neat ponytail, she had long, lean, athletic legs and a perky, O-shaped butt. And her pale-grey yoga leggings were so extraordinarily tight that I could clearly make out the exact shape of each individual buttock as well as make out the tight furrow between her butt-cheeks.

For an allegedly straight woman, I derived entirely too much enjoyment for watching the sway and movement of this woman's perky buttocks as she stood, shifted her weight and eventually walked out of the store. Her buttocks seemed to have a hypnotic hold on me. They captured my attention and would not let me go. I was forced to watch them and could not tear my eyes away, no matter how much I kept trying to tell myself to focus on my own business and not on this woman's cute ass.

After I paid for my purchases, I discovered that the woman in the skintight yoga legs was just a few yards away, ambling leisurely through the store parking lot. I should have immediately begun my walk back home, however, I found my legs walking towards the woman with the perky buttocks and taking the rest of my body along for the ride.

There was a soft, wet throbbing in my loins and my nipples were so hard that they ached. Worse than that, my heart was beating so loud I was afraid that this woman with the perfectly-shaped ass would be able to hear the echoing sound of my heartbeat through the solid barrier of my ribcage.

I seemed helpless to walk away, and I knew I would have to say something to this woman after I'd closed the distance between us. My libido had taken over my legs and forced me to walk over to this woman, however, the speech center of my brain was going to have to shoulder the responsibility of forming words for me to say to her.

What was I going to say?

With every step I took, the distance between me and this female stranger became smaller and smaller. I had less than ten seconds to formulate what I was going to say. Would I be able to come up with something that didn't make me sound like a complete and total psychopath?

"Hi," I said once I had closed the distance, and the woman was close enough that she could throat-punch me if she wanted to, "You and I have never met, so this might sound totally irrational, but I would really love to take you home with me and enjoy hours of right-brained, passionate, hedonistic, guilt-free sex with you."

"Oh wow," I thought to myself sarcastically, "that was smooth and sophisticated."

My highly-unlikely proposal caused both of the woman's eyebrows to raise up, and then she looked me over and seemed to carefully choose her words before responding.

I was worried at first that she took so long to respond, but, at least she didn't punch me in the throat. I decided to take that as a positive sign.

The woman took off her sunglasses before responding, favored me with an amicable smile, licked her luscious lips and said, "Back in my younger days I would have jumped on a tempting offer like that."

Then she held up her left hand and indicated the gold wedding ring on her ring finger and continued, "I just got married three weeks ago. And it seems way to early in the relationship to start cheating on him."

"Oh," I said, for some reason feeling genuine shock that she would be married. Then I felt utterly foolish for being shocked and surprised. I mean, she was gorgeous! Why wouldn't somebody have married her by now?

"Congratulations," I finally responded after spending an uncomfortable amount of time gawking at her wedding ring, "I'm thinking he's a very lucky guy."

"Thanks," she said, her face still split into a bright, award-winning smile. I felt embarrassed that I had attempted to hit on a married woman but was also was impressed at how friendly she seemed after my incredibly clumsy and abrupt attempt to seduce her.

Shortly after that, she got into her car and drove off. Around about the same time, I turned around and walked back to the Renwick Towers Apartment Building.

I utterly failed in my attempts to seduce a total stranger, however I could still feel a throbbing, feverish fire in my loins. As I made my way up the stairs and made it to the fourth floor of my apartment building, I felt an agonizing wave of desire pass through me, hardening my sensitive nipples and causing my sex to throb again.

I needed to earn an orgasm soon. My clitoris was so swollen and hard that it hurt. If I were able to seduce a woman, I could have an orgasm without breaking Chloe's training rules. Just my rotten luck that I ended up fixating on a married woman! A newlywed no less! Why am I so bad at this?

My hands were trembling as I worked the key into the lock of the door to my apartment. My problem was that my entire body was overstimulated. Even without the modirall, my libido was cranked all the way up to eleven. And I was having trouble thinking clearly with my body burning with feverish sexual need all the time.

I walked into my kitchen and set my purse and my drugstore purchases down on the kitchen counter. Then I got myself a glass of ice water and attempted to begin planning out the rest of my day.

I held the class of ice water up to my forehead and sighed. My sexual frustration was such that my skin was feverishly hot. The cool surface of the glass eased my overheated condition somewhat.

Eventually my head cleared enough that I realized I should take two Advil, along with a few vitamin pills. It wasn't much of a plan, but it was a start. I swallowed some pills and tried to figure out what my next move of the day should be.

As luck would have it, while I was trying to think I heard somebody fitting their key into the front door of my apartment. The key turned noisily, and somebody walked right in. I was still getting used to the fact that Chloe had given out spare keys to our apartment like they were Halloween candy.

I held my breath and waited to see which person walked in. Chloe had given out spare keys to so many people, there were a lot of options. It could have been Chloe's arrogant friend, Hannah, it could have been Chloe's ex-girlfriend, Summer, it could have been our neighbor, Amy. It could have been any number of people that Chloe had given a key to.

My eyes widened as I waited to see who would invade my personal space, and it turned out to be Natasha, my teenage neighbor from the third floor.

"Hey, Allison," Natasha said when she spotted me in the kitchen.

"Hey, Nat," I replied, and I gave her a friendly wave.

She raised an eyebrow and tilted her head to one side and said, "Aren't you supposed to be naked? You and Chloe told me you had to stay naked, because of some sort of psychological experiment. Is that all over now?"

I instantly felt my body go simultaneously feverish with heat and a chill go down my spine as Natasha had just caught me wearing clothes when Chloe was requiring me to be naked at all times.

"Um, I just got home," I replied, "I had to put some clothes on when I went out to the store, and I haven't had time to take them all off yet. Like I said, I um, just came in and um, you know, haven't had time to strip naked yet."

Natasha then proceeded to give me a very intense, impatient look, folded her arms in front of her and very assertively said, "So, strip naked now."

Natasha was eighteen years old, and I was twenty-two. I really resented being ordered around by somebody who was four years younger than me, however, I didn't want to get in trouble with Chloe, so I began to strip, while my teenage neighbor watched me very intently.

I had taken ballet lessons for years, and I undressed in front of other girls from my ballet class all the time, and I never felt uncomfortable. However, undressing in front of Natasha made me feel extremely vulnerable and defenseless. As I took of more and more clothing, she examined my body with rapt attention, and when I was fully naked she gave me an intensely ravenous look, like she planned to eat me or something.

I placed all of my clothing on the kitchen counter, then I did a pirouette and an arabesque, and gave Natasha an annoyed look and said, "There, naked. Satisfied?"

Natasha raised an eyebrow and said, "You probably shouldn't leave your clothes on the kitchen counter. You'll probably get food stains on them if you leave them there."

I ended up carrying my clothes back to my bedroom, and when I returned to the kitchen, Natasha somehow managed to talk me into brewing a pot of coffee.

As I went through the steps of brewing coffee, Natasha continued to examine my naked body with a degree of intensity that was both intense and awkward. Natasha and I had been friends for months, or was it years? Two years? Whatever. We'd been friends ever since I moved into this building, and I was accustomed to her treating me with friendship and respect. Now, she was overtly ogling the most private parts of my anatomy while I made her coffee.

Then, an idea occurred to me.

It was probably a horrible idea; however, my nervous system was all jangled and overstimulated, and very little oxygen was getting to my brain. I was naked, barefoot and my libido had been stirred up into a powerful fever that kept me in a constant state of sexual need. Horrible ideas were probably the best I could manage at that point.

I handed Natasha a hot mug of coffee, and then I said, "Nat, gave you ever had sex with a girl before?"

For several seconds, that felt like minutes, Natasha just stared at me. She never gave me a verbal response; however, she did finally shake her head in negation.

"Well, you keep staring at me like I'm a pair of Saint Laurent Anja 105 black leather slingback pumps and you can't wait to get your hands on me."

Natasha cleared her throat loudly and replied, "Well, I've been thinking a lot about women lately, you know? In some ways women are a lot more attractive than men. So, I've been thinking a lot about that lately, noticing the physically attractive attributes of women in Fairhaven, admiring them, kinda obsessively admiring them, and you're the most physically attractive woman I know, and now you're standing right in front of me, like, totally naked."

I took two steps closer to her, placed one hand on her left shoulder and then gently caressed the smooth skin of her left arm, and said, "And you now have this strong compulsion to reach out, grab my naked body and see if it feels as good as it looks?"

Natasha cleared her throat again and her eyes went wide. She nodded her head in affirmation and weakly replied, "Yeah, kinda."

"You can, you know," I said, watching her eyes go even wider and her jaw go slack, "You'd actually be doing me a favor. It's all part of the psychological experiment that I'm doing. I need to collect more data on different kinds of sexual stimulae, and if I could find a female that was willing to have sex with me that would help me an awful lot in collecting raw data."

Natasha didn't even seem to notice when I took the coffee mug from her hand. The look on her face reminded me of a deer caught in the headlights. For a few seconds I was concerned that she was deep in shock and that she wouldn't be able to perform, however when I moved in close and tried to kiss her, her body seemed to respond to my touch automatically.

Natasha's soft lips molded to mine, and she melted into my arms. The much-needed physical contact caused my body to be overcome with tingling sensations and I moaned into her mouth. The teenager took advantage of my open-mouthed moaning and slid her tongue deep into Allison territory. Our tongues met and caressed each other, dancing back and forth in each other's mouths. Natasha made a sighing sound, followed by something that might have been an enthusiastic moan.

Natasha wrapped her arms around my naked body as we kissed, stroking her hands up and down my spine, caressing my shoulders, the small of my back and eventually cupping my buttocks and enthusiastically fondling them.

Eventually, when I was so feverish with desire that I couldn't even remember my own name, Natasha pushed me away and said, "Wait, before we go any further, there's something I need."

I whimpered and leaned against the kitchen counter for support as Natasha ran out of my apartment and sprinted down the hall.

I continued to whimper and pant. My body was throbbing intensely with libidinous need. I was ravenous for Natasha's touch. What was she doing running out of the apartment in my hour of need?

While Natasha was gone I drank the last of my ice water and impatiently waited for her return. I wanted someone to touch me. My entire body felt needy. My nipples and my clit felt especially needy, however my entire body was stricken with need, and desperate for the impassioned touch of another human being.

I continued to whimper and feel sorry for myself. I thought about texting Chloe and telling her that I had seduced Natasha, and that she ran out on me before our sexual adventures could be concluded. I'm not sure what I thought I'd accomplish by texting her that, but I was thinking about it anyway.

My thinking was all jumbled and fragmented. I was feverish and needed sexual relief. I wasn't really thinking straight. My libido had already been cranked up to eleven before Natasha and I kissed. Then Natasha drove it up even higher before she ran out of my apartment.

What if Natasha wasn't coming back? What if lesbian sex with her neighbor was more than she could handle? What if this was some sort of line that she just couldn't cross? What if I'd traumatized her when I'd tried to seduce her? She was young and maybe too inexperienced to have pieced together her sexual identity yet. If I had made things too awkward and difficult for her, she might not ever want to see me again.

I was naked, and the air conditioning was on, however, I was so overheated that I was beginning to sweat. The throbbing in my clit is was intense that it was painful. Without even noticing it my hips were swaying in slow, erratic circles. I let out a moan and swabbed my sweaty forehead with the back of my hand just as I heard somebody turning the key in the lock of my apartment door.

"I'm back," I heard Natasha call out with youthful enthusiasm as she burst inside and then pushed the door shut behind her.

I was grateful that Natasha came back, although my curiosity demanded to know why she had to leave in this first place. What did she need so desperately, that she had to leave right after getting me so hot and bothered?

I pushed myself up off the kitchen counter and tried not to look needy and pathetic. I turned to face Natasha and asked her, "So, what was it that you needed?"

Much to my surprise, Natasha reached into her purse and pulled a pair of shiny, stainless-steel handcuffs.

"What?" I exclaimed, "You need handcuffs to have sex?"

Natasha shrugged and allowed the handcuffs to dangle off one finger and said, "Well, I kinda got the idea from my brother."

My eyes widened in disbelief and I took a step forward. "Nathan told you that you needed handcuffs to have sex?"

Natasha sighed with theatrical resonance and responded, "No, I could never talk about sex with my brother. That would just be weird. I got the idea from looking at the porn on my brother's computer."

Despite my weakened and sexually-needy state, I still had enough energy to roll my eyes and say, "Oh yeah, because there's nothing weird about looking at your brother's porn. That's totally normal."

Natasha set the handcuffs down on the kitchen counter, grabbed me by both shoulders and said, "Allie, you didn't grow up with any brothers or sisters. I did. And I'm here to tell you that it is normal for brothers and sisters to violate each other's privacy and to spy on each other. Nathan used to read my diary all the time. That's why I created a decoy diary, to feed him false information. I've also got a decoy Facebook account for the same reason. Me looking at Nathan's porn is just another victory in the war of two siblings violating each other's privacy."