Alyssa's Adulterous Adventure

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Wife & mother meets a stranger at a porn store.
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Alyssa was still an attractive woman at the age of 33. Even after two kids and 12 years of marriage, Alyssa had kept her youthful beauty. Standing 5'3" with long auburn hair and large piercing green eyes. Her pale skin was covered with a small spattering of freckles that she hated but her husband found irresistible. Years of exercise and diet had left her slender body trim and well toned. She knew that a good many men found her attractive but she had never strayed from her husband. Alyssa was happy with her life; she had worked hard to put herself through college, getting a good paying job as a teacher in her home town.

Alyssa stood on the barren street looking around shyly. She had come to the city for a luncheon with some old friends from college. After lunch, and a couple of cocktails she had decided to explore the city. Now she was faced with a decision. Across the street was an adult movie theatre and porn shop. Alyssa was curious, having been raised in a small town with a strict catholic upbringing she had never had the opportunity to enter a place like the one across the street. Should she enter? She had the chance, nobody she knew was anywhere around there.

Shrugging her shoulders, Alyssa crossed the street and peered at the darkened windows of the porn shop. She chewed her lip in indecision for a quick minute, then gripped the door handle and entered the dimly lit store. The interior of the small shop was packed with shelves and racks of magazines and videos. The sheltered life she had led had in no way prepared Alyssa for the bombardment of sex and lust that assaulted her as she glanced around the cluttered store. She felt herself blushing furiously as her eye was caught by a rack of vibrators and dildos.

As she averted her gaze from the rack of sex toys Alyssa saw a man glance away from her quickly. 'Had he been watching her?' Alyssa questioned silently, 'And why did he seem so familiar?' Shrugging her shoulders Alyssa forgot about the man as she perused the store. Glancing around the store Alyssa noticed with a certain sinking feeling that she was the only woman in the store. Suddenly feeling out of place and embarrassed she decided to leave when a sign hanging over a small door in the back of the store caught her eye. "Adult Theater" The small hand painted sign said. Alyssa stood there for a few seconds wondering what kind of movie was playing back there.

Working her way through the surprisingly crowded store Alyssa made her way to the counter; aware of the hungry looks her trim figure was drawing from the male patronage. The light skirt and cotton blouse which had seemed so sensible for lunch with friends was now drawing lecherous stares from all directions. Yelling over the loud music, she asked for a ticket to the theater, blushing at the clerk's lustful glance at her chest. The neckline of her blouse was low cut, showing a good expanse of her smooth skin with a hint of cleavage. Paying her money Alyssa took her ticket and proceeded towards the back room.

I can't believe I'm doing this, Alyssa thought to herself as she moved to an empty seat. She still felt slightly light headed from the wine and her entire body was thrilled at the naughty pleasure of viewing her first adult movie. Her husband would die of shock if he ever thought of her, his usually prim and proper wife in an adult movie house. She'd never done anything like this in her life. She settled back into her seat and waited for the show to start, her fingers idly tapping on the armrests of her seat. She scanned the darkened room, noticing that the theater was almost deserted; only a few other people sitting in the front couple of rows. After a few minutes in the darkened room the screen lit up and a grainy image appeared.

Alyssa watched in amazement as a petite blond began to disrobe for an audience of men on the screen. The flickering images slowly focused allowing her to make out more detail of the movie. The blond was of medium height, with impossibly large breasts and heavy make up. The group of men she was stripping for was composed mostly of middle aged men, all dressed in business suits. As the woman in the movie slid out of her last clothes, Alyssa was suddenly aware of a dark figure taking the seat beside her. The entire theaters empty, why is he sitting here? Alyssa asked herself as the man settled into his seat. Forgetting her unwanted neighbor, Alyssa focused her attention back onto the movie screen. The blond as now completely nude, with three of the men caressing her body as she leaned back on a table. One of the men ran his hand up her thigh, his fingers slipping into her pussy as the blond stroked his exposed cock rapidly. Alyssa sensed more then saw the man beside her, his hands moving in his crotch followed a second later by the faint sound of a zipper. Oh my god, Alyssa thought to herself, he's exposing himself! Trying not to pay attention to the stranger sitting beside her, Alyssa stared at the screen as the man started to obvious stroke his cock as he watched the movie.

The blond in the movie was now sucking one man's cock while another knelt between her wide spread thighs, licking her pussy with obvious enthusiasm. My husband is never that eager to eat my pussy, Alyssa thought to herself as her body flushed with arousal. The man beside her was strangely still as the camera zoomed in on the woman's engorged clit as the man sucked and nibbled at it. God, I wish I could have someone do that to me, Alyssa moaned to herself, I'm so aroused. Her thoughts were taken away from her lust a second later as she felt a hand on her thigh. Glancing down she saw the man's hand resting on her shapely thigh, gently squeezing her flesh through her skirt. She knew she should push his hand away or move her leg or do something but she just watched in fascination as the hand moved down and slipped under the hem of her skirt. The man rubbed his hand against her bare thigh, moving it ever so slowly up towards her crotch. Her mind was screaming at her to stop him, to get up and leave, but the sensation of his warm palm on her smooth skin was thrilling her in a way new to her.

The attractive wife and mother sat in a stunned silence as the man's hand brushed against the mound of her pussy, sending a thrill of excitement through her body. Alyssa knew this was wrong, her every moral objected to what she was allowing to be done to her but somehow she remained seated, letting a complete stranger grope her. The man's fingers were sure and experienced, tracing the outline of her pussy through her sheer panties. Thoughts of her husband and children flashed through the woman's head, followed by the images of her students and coworkers at the school. What would happen to her life back home if anyone ever found out about this?

She had to stop the man, Alyssa thought to herself, before things got carried too far. She wouldn't endanger the life she'd built for herself; she wouldn't lose her family for a moment's pleasure. She was just going to stand up and walk out. That would end this, Alyssa thought to herself, steeling her nerve. The next instant her resolve crumbled as the man's fingers slipped through the leg hole of her panties, his fingers tenderly caressing her bare pussy lips. Alyssa found herself biting back a moan of pleasure, her nipples sudden erect within her blouse as the man's fingers toyed briefly with her hard little clit. Her breathing was getting heavier, her thighs seeming to spread wider on their own accord, allowing the groping hand easier access to her suddenly moist pussy. God, it had been so long since a man had touched her in this way. Her husband while being a loving man had never been adventurous in bed, their sex being plain and straight forward. Now a man, a complete stranger to her, was teasing her sexually like no one had since she had married her husband.

Alyssa gasped as the man's fingers dipped between her swollen labia, plunging into her hot pussy. He knew exactly where to touch her to arouse her the most, but not caressing her sensitive flesh enough to give her satisfaction. She wanted to cum, but every time she got close the mysterious man beside her would relax his ministrations, letting her arousal subside before returning to his stroking. She was in a state of sexual arousal unlike anything she had felt in over ten years, all thoughts of her family and the consequences of her actions being pushed aside by the persistent urge in her cunt.

Finally, unable to sit quietly any longer, Alyssa ran her hand down to her lap trying to caress the tender flesh the man was teasing, hoping she could achieve a climax without his withdrawing again. As her hand touched his, she felt his other hand grip her wrist, pulling it from her lap. Alyssa felt her hand moved to the man's lap, the warm smooth flesh of his cock pressed firmly into her palm. Without thinking about it, Alyssa wrapped her fingers around the veined shaft, caressing the smooth skin as his fingers returned to her sensitive pussy. Alyssa stopped thinking then, just mindlessly enjoying the sensation of a stiff pulsing cock in her hand as fingers worked their way in and out of her wet cunt. Her fingers set up the same teasing touch that was doing so much to her own genitals, stroking and massaging enough to arouse but never enough so that the man could achieve climax. Alyssa had become so enraptured with the sexual teasing that without noticing it the movie ended. As the screen went dark, the dim house lights came on and she glanced at the mysterious man in the murky dark. He was the man who had seemed so familiar to her in the porn store; she felt as if she knew his name but couldn't remember it. As the theater began to get lighter, the lights slowly growing in intensity the man gently removed Irene's hand from his cock, stuffing it back into his pants as the other patrons began to walk by their seats.

It can't be over, Alyssa thought to herself, desperate to keep the pleasing contact going. He can't leave now, not after he's got me this aroused. As if reading her thoughts, the man slipped his hand from inside her panties, letting them fall back into place over her suddenly needful pussy. Alyssa found she almost sobbed at the lack of his touch, her desire overriding any logical thought. As he stood up he turned to her and took her hand. "Come with me." He said softly as he helped Alyssa to stand.

"Come with me." He said softly as he began to lead Alyssa out of the theater.

Alyssa let herself be led out of the dark theater, blushing at the looks the patrons of the porn shop gave her as she followed the man. Her nipples were hard and poking through the thin fabric of her blouse, announcing to all the customers her arousal. The man didn't even pay any attention to those around him, moving purposefully towards the exit, dragging an embarrassed Alyssa behind him.

The afternoon sun was blindingly bright after the dim lighting of the porn shop, and Alyssa found herself blinking, trying to get her eyes to adjust to the sudden change. The stranger didn't seem to suffer from the change at all but continued to lead her down the street without hesitation. Several people turned and looked at them as they passed, the sight of a man dragging a woman along behind him causing them to be curious. Alyssa looked around her, realizing that she had somehow surrendered to this silent stranger, allowing him to do what he wanted with her. As he led her towards a large apartment building Alyssa started thinking of her family again, her resistance to his silent dominance growing.

He led her into a large hallway lined with doors, the carpet underfoot thick and clean. It was obviously a very expensive apartment building, the walls were dark stained wood and everything spoke of money. In silence Alyssa followed him obediently to a door on the far end of the hallway and allowed him to lead her into a large spacious apartment. He released her wrist finally as he turned to lock the door behind them and Alyssa looked around her. Despite being large, the apartment was barely furnished, only a single chair and table sat in the middle of the living room. It was stark, looking as if no one lived there but rather kept the apartment just for appearances. Glancing to her right Alyssa saw a large bedroom, dominated by a king sized bed. She was about to say something when she sensed the man stepping up behind her, his breath hot in her hair. He placed his hands on her hips, holding her in place as he stepped closer to her, his body pressed firmly into her back. Alyssa blushed as she realized that she could feel his cock pressed tightly against her ass. A low moan escaped her lips as he pressed his hard manhood tight against her, his hands slowly moving up over her stomach, his touch teasingly light as he traced the contours of her breasts.

"Strip for me," he whispered in her ear, his fingers tracing the outline of her firm nipples sending shots of pleasure through Irene's body. "Show me your body." He demanded as he removed his hands from her, pushing her gently into the center of the room. Alyssa stood there for a second, her mind fighting with her body. Her reason battled with her sexual desires, as she thought of her happy family and career, threatened by her actions.

"Strip for me." He repeated.

Even as she thought of the consequences, Alyssa slowly started unbuttoning her blouse turning to face the stranger who commanded her with such power. His eyes were fixed on her, devouring every inch of her body as she undid the last button on her blouse, letting it fall from her shoulders to the floor. She stood there silently letting him look at her body, her ample breasts encased in a simple white bra. She felt his gaze as if it was a tangible thing, caressing every inch of her as she reached behind her to unhitch her bra, dropping it to lay next to her discarded blouse. Her nipples, already erect, tingled in the cool air of the apartment as they were exposed.

"Beautiful," the man said in a soft voice as he sat in the chair, admiring her body. Alyssa blushed at his words as she unzipped her skirt, pushing it down over her hips to stand before him naked save for a pair of small white panties.

"You're amazing," he said, staring at her in lustful hunger. Alyssa felt his words send shock waves of arousal through her, her already wet pussy convulsing with a sudden need for the man. Not taking her eyes off of the stranger, Alyssa slowly pushed her panties down, letting them fall down her toned thighs to stand before him completely nude. He smiled slightly as she shed the last of her clothing, exposing her auburn haired pussy to him as she modeled her body for his approval.

"Come here," he said, his voice hoarse with his arousal as he motioned her to stand a few inches in front of his chair. Alyssa stood silently in front of him, letting him gaze hungrily at her nude body for a few seconds before he leaned forward, his breath hot on her stomach as he looked up at her through the valley of her breasts. Leaning forward a little more, he kissed the smooth skin of her stomach, sending a shiver through the startled mother's form. His touch did things to her that no man had ever done.

Placing his hands on her waist he brought his head up to kiss and suckle at her heaving breasts, his teeth nibbling gently on her erect nipples. Alyssa moaned as his hands began to caress her thighs, her back arching to allow him easier access to her firm breasts. Her hands went to his head, cradling it as he lavished attention on her breasts, her fingers entwining in his dark hair as his hands slid up her smooth skin to massage her shapely ass. Alyssa felt a need growing within her, its strength surprising her, a deep burning desire to please this man, to do anything he asked of her. He lifted his head from her large breasts, looking up at her as he pulled her into his lap. Without thinking about it, Alyssa straddled his legs; her breasts pressed against his coarse shirt as she bent down and passionately kissed him.

As her tongue darted into his mouth, Alyssa felt his hands moving over her body, causing pleasurable sensations wherever he touched. Alyssa ran her hands down his chest, her fingers quickly undoing the buttons she found there, opening his shirt to caress his muscled chest. Pulling her mouth from his, Alyssa kissed down his neck, leaving a trail of kisses across his tanned chest as she moved down his stomach. Sliding out of his lap, the aroused wife and mother knelt on the floor in front of him, her fingers deftly undoing his pants, allowing his straining cock to jump to freedom. Wrapping her fingers around the thick base, Alyssa started kissing and sucking at his engorged cock, the strength of her desire surprising her. She heard a small moan escape him as she took him into her mouth, letting the large head slide into her throat as she sucked hungrily at his cock. He placed his hand on her head, guiding her head up and down as she pistoned the cock deep into her mouth. She licked and sucked at his cock feverishly, the burning desire between her thighs overriding any thoughts she might have had. As she sensed his orgasm approaching, Alyssa lifted her head from his crotch, spittle and pre-cum dripping down her chin as she looked up at him.

"Fuck me," Alyssa said softly, her eyes begging the silent stranger to fulfill her desires. "I need you inside me; I want to feel your cock deep in my pussy." The formerly prim teacher begged, laying on her back in front of him, spreading her legs wide to wantonly offer her dripping cunt to him. "Please, Fuck me."

He almost jumped out of the chair, quickly kneeling between her wide spread thighs, his cock head rubbing teasingly against her engorged pussy. Alyssa felt him position himself at the entrance to her dripping vagina, pausing as he looked down at her. "Are you sure you want this, Alyssa?" He asked, rubbing the bulbous head of his cock against her labia.

"Yes, please fuck me," Alyssa hissed at him, her desire overpowering her shock at his knowing her name. She hadn't told him who she was, but her curiosity at his knowledge was thrust aside by the sexual needs of her body.

Chuckling to himself, the man thrust deep into Irene's hot pussy, filling her in one thrust. Alyssa let out a low moan as she felt him enter her, her body contentedly filled by his thick, veined cock. Wrapping her legs around his waist, trying to pull him further into her, Alyssa threw her head back in a load gasp as he started thrusting forcefully into her. It was hot, passionate sex, nothing tender about it, just the animalistic act of fucking and yet somehow if gave Alyssa a sense of fulfillment that she lacked whenever her husband made love to her. Alyssa felt her body stiffen, her muscles contracting as she experienced the most powerful orgasm of her life, her pussy gripping his cock firmly as she exploded beneath him. He remained still inside her as her body relaxed slowly, a languid feeling of contentment flowing through her body as she struggled to get her breathing back under control. As she felt herself gaining control over her body she felt the man start to thrust into her again, gentler now but still with the driving need of climax. With one last powerful thrust into her, the man went stiff, his cock seeming to expand inside her as his hot thick cum splashed deep within her womb. As she felt jet after jet of semen shot deep into her, Alyssa felt her body tense as she experienced yet another orgasm, not as powerful as the first but pleasant nonetheless.

With a contented sigh, he slowly lifted himself off of her, letting his cock slip from her wet pussy with a soft slurping sound. Standing up he looked down at the attractive wife and mother, laying on the floor bathed in sweat, her chest heaving as she panted for breath, her legs spread wide as a thick stream of cum dribbled out of her pussy. "Thank you, Alyssa," he said as he sat back down in his chair, "You'd better get cleaned up and headed home now."