Amanda Ch. 02


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"So I'll assume this is a nonsmoking dungeon," Gregory lay back down on the bunk and crossed him hands behind his neck.

Amanda shook her head and ventured into the kitchen. Mitchell had already returned from disposing of the bags and was once again stirring a huge pot of soup. He glanced up at her and just shook his head.

"Knew that was going to happen," Mitchell carved slices of cheese and apples and placed them nicely on a tray with a vine of grapes and a variety of crackers. He quickly made the table with bowls and the tray.

"Smells wonderful, Mitchell" Amanda said appreciatively.

Mitchell's smile returned. "This is my favorite kind of soup to make. The manufacturer says a chicken noodle. I call it chicken stew."

"Shall I go let Ms. Kathleen knows you're just about ready?" Amanda snuck a grape from the platter.

"Sure Miss Amanda, thanks," Mitchell turned off the heat from the steaming soup and was gathering pot holders to dump it into a tureen.

Amanda went to the den and knocked quietly.

"Come," Ms. Kathleen's sharp reply came.

Amanda opened the door and chanced a smile. "Mitchell has dinner prepared, Ms. Kathleen."

Ms. Kathleen sighed and then smiled in return. "Good to hear. I think what we ALL need is a bit of food and a good night's sleep before facing tomorrow." Ms. Kathleen rose from her desk, shutting down her computer.

"What are your plans for these guests?" Amanda queried.

"Some hard manual labor to begin with, and then we'll see," Ms. Kathleen had a twinkle in her eyes, mischief lurking there.

Somehow, Amanda knew there was a bit more to it than that.

Dinner was mostly quiet, interrupted only by dissatisfied sounds from the naked Gregory. Amanda felt mildly pleased that he had calmed down somewhat, but she felt it wouldn't last for long.

After dinner, Ms. Kathleen ordered the guests to bed, and then demanded Mitchell to join her in the grotto after he had finished cleaning up the kitchen. She smiled to Amanda and walked purposefully down to the bunk room before continuing on to her own room.

Amanda lingered at the table, nibbling on a bit of cheese. She then realized what Ms. Kathleen had said. Manual labor. It was about 40 degrees outside, tops, during the daytime. She let loose a laugh and Mitchell turned around, his arms covered in suds.

"He's going to freeze his ass off," Amanda popped the last bit of cheese in her mouth, kissed Mitchell's cheek gaily and made her way to her room.

Several hours of sleep passed when she was awakened but a soft tapping at her door. She drew the kimono around her and pulled open the door just a bit to see Henry standing there naked.

"Miss Amanda, I don't know if I should bother you about this..." He lowered his eyes and paused.

"Why Henry! Where's your clothes?" Amanda had a feeling she knew where they were, but wanted confirmation.

"That Gregory said that we should share since he didn't have any. I don't think I should have since he was ordered by the Mistress to strip, but he made it so convincing." Henry kept his eyes down.

Amanda could imagine Gregory's forceful personality demanding the clothes from the other guests' backs. She felt her anger drawing tight again. "Thank you Henry, I'll take care of it. For now, go on back to bed. You'll need your rest."

Amanda shut her door and sat down in her chair. Gregory would have to be taught a lesson. But what could she do? She had watched the training from time to time, but had never participated. A slow smile spread across her face. He wanted a private room, hmm? She rifled through one of her dresser's drawers and came up with a silk scarf. This would work. Her mind quickly went over details and she rushed out the door towards the bunk room.

A sound came from the kitchen of cupboards being opened and shut. A mild curse in Gregory's voice drew Amanda's attention and she crept down to the kitchen area to look.

"Where the hell is the liquor? I didn't pay good money to drink carrot crap," Gregory muttered, wearing Henry's clothes and totally unaware that Amanda was watching him from behind.

Amanda gathered all her strength into her voice and said deeply, "KNEEL, NOW!"

Gregory dropped to his knees. "Oh crap, I'm sorry. Shit I was just thirsty. Damn airplane trips do it all the time."

Amanda growled and stepped forward. "QUIET!" She fastened the blindfold tightly over his eyes and grabbed Mitchell's apron, improvising fast. "STAND, HANDS TOGETHER IN FRONT OF YOU." Gregory actually complied. She put the apron on him backwards and used the ties to tie his hands together. Without another word, she led him out of the kitchen, turning off the light and then made her made down the hall, pausing at Ms. Kathleen's door and then flicking the light switch to the basement.

Carefully she turned and helped him down each step until at the bottom he started to struggle. "STOP GREGORY. YOU BROUGHT THIS ON YOURSELF," Amanda didn't recognize her own voice and the power behind it. Surprisingly, he stopped and followed her lead on the ties into the dungeon area.

Amanda drew him into the area with the post, but then compassion overcame her and she took him down to the room with the candles, untying the apron and then putting him face down on the padded bench there before making sure the binders were tightened on his wrists and ankles. She went down to the tack room and found a leather blindfold before eyeing the crops. Gregory would have to be punished for taking Henry's clothes. She grabbed one blindly and went back to the candle room.

Amanda untied her silk scarf and placed the blindfold on Gregory making sure that he didn't catch a glimpse of her. She breathed in deeply and spoke once more, "Who's clothes are these?"

Gregory whimpered slightly and shifted a bit on the bench. No answer though.

"These aren't yours are they?" Amanda continued and eyed the candles as well. She lit one, inhaling the spicy vanilla musk that Ms. Kathleen preferred. She waited for an answer and then a soft whisper came.

"No, Mistress," Gregory was barely heard his voice had become so soft.

Amanda caught her breath. He didn't know it was her. A smile played across her lips, so much the better. Rapid fire her arm struck the crop down five, ten times against his buttocks and thighs. Groans and cries of pain came from Gregory but then a blubbering apology.

"Please Mistress, I'm sorry, really, please no more," Gregory paused and then sighed deeply.

'He thinks I'm done..' Amanda thought to herself. With one of the knives Ms. Kathleen had on the shelf, Amanda cut the top from Gregory's back, letting the fabric fall to his sides. She would have to get Henry a new shirt, but it was necessary. With deliberate slowness, making sure that she could face up to what she planned, her hands grasped the tall candle with the melted wax gathered into the glass container.

The combination of screams coming from Gregory as the wax was poured against his back sent a fire through Amanda, tickling at her passion in a way she never thought. With a flourish, she wrote a signature in wax before blowing out the wick and setting it back on the shelf.

Gregory was panting wildly, moaning. Amanda nodded to herself with an evil chuckle. She fetched a small pillow and stuck it under his head, admiring the "Miss A" in white wax glistening on his back. She then backed away and made her way upstairs.

It wasn't until she went to shut off the basement light that she realized she still gripped the crop in her hand. She smiled, flicked the switch, and brought the crop into her room, setting it on the chair. She could return it in the morning when she released the arrogant little bastard. *~*

Morning came and Amanda did not wake. For some odd reason she had forgotten to set her alarm clock and didn't wake until Mitchell knocked loudly at her door, shouting through, "Miss Amanda!! You're going to be late for your appointment."

"Oh shit!" Amanda bounded out of bed, tearing off her nightclothes and tossing them randomly across the room, effectively covering the crop from her view. She pulled on a warm outfit and ran a quick brush through her hair. She pulled open her door and made her way quickly down to the kitchen. It was still early and the sun had not risen yet. Mitchell thrust a glass of juice at her, grinning.

"Miss Amanda, didn't you know your appointment was the 8:30 one?" Mitchell hurried her to the door and she paused grabbing her huge winter coat and purse, thinking she had forgotten something. She shook her head and ran out to the Bronco.

Mitchell drove competently through the town, heading toward the city where the Doctor's office and the huge wholesale food warehouse was. He talked sporadically, noting the lack of snow, yet the forecast was for any day now, and wasn't it getting cold outside? He talked about the food on the list and several new recipes he wanted to try out. Amanda drank the juice but still tried to recall what she had forgotten. Mitchell took a breath and then said, "So how do you think Gregory will work out?"

"OH SHIT. STOP THE CAR!" Amanda looked rapidly on the horizon for a phone and then grabbed Mitchell's arm. "NO NO, KEEP GOING, WE HAVE TO FIND A PHONE!"

Mitchell looked at her oddly. "But Miss Amanda, you'll be late for your appointment!"

Amanda gulped deeply. "FIND one Mitchell. Shit shit shit!"

Mitchell pulled up to a Denny's restaurant, pointing to the blue phone sign and stopped in front of the doors. "Hurry, Miss Amanda."

Amanda flew through the restaurant, pausing at the front desk and asking breathlessly about the phone. It was located next to the kitchen and restrooms and Amanda shuffled through her purse for change.

The phone rang three times before a very drowsy Ms. Kathleen answered. "Yes?"

Two giggling teenagers made their way down the hall to the restrooms, and Amanda lowered her voice. "Kathleen, the item you are missing is downstairs."

"Huh? Who is this?" Ms. Kathleen sat up in her bed.

The hallway cleared once more. Amanda sighed and spoke rapidly. "Gregory is tied up in the basement, Ms. Kathleen."

"Amanda? Is that you? You are supposed to be at the.. Gregory? What?" Ms. Kathleen flipped the comforter off and nudged her feet into her slippers.

"Gregory is tied up in the basement, and yes, I'm on the way to the Doctor. I forgot about him!" Amanda bit her lower lip, hoping Ms. Kathleen was awake enough to understand.

"Gregory is tied up in the..," Ms. Kathleen let loose a hearty laugh. "Thank you dear, it will be taken care of. Now get to your appointment!"

"I'm so sorry, Ms. Kathleen!" Amanda hung up the phone and ran back out to the Bronco.

She climbed in the car and remained quiet, feeling Mitchell's glances at her.

"Just don't ask right now, ok?" Amanda watched the rural countryside become more congested, and then Mitchell pulled up in front of a large building.

"This is it Miss Amanda. Just go into the receptionist and give your name." Mitchell pulled up to the doors and stopped. "I'll be back most likely before you're done."

"Thank you Mitchell," Amanda got out and waved. She turned around and went into the Medical Plaza and paused before a receptionist's desk. "My name is Amanda .... . I have a doctor's appointment at 8:30."

"Yes Ma'am. If you could fill out these health history forms. I see you are under someone else's insurance coverage, so I don't need those filled out, and we'll be right with you." The cheery voice was way too cheery in a morning without coffee, but Amanda trudged away and started to fill out forms.

Unlike other appointments she had had, at 8:30 on the button a nurse came out and called her name. She was led into a small examination room and the nurse asked her to take her clothes off and put a robe on. As Amanda started to ask who the doctor was coming to see her, the nurse had already slipped out.

The door opened once more and Amanda tore her eyes away from the article she was reading in a magazine to gasp loudly. "SEAN!" And it was Sean, now dressed in a suit with a doctor's coat and stethoscope hanging around his neck. His eyes brightened and his full lips curled into a smile.

Sean laughed and shut the door. "That's Dr. Campbell, Miss Amanda."

"You're a Doctor?" Amanda was totally confused. "But I thought..."

"That's only one part of my life, Amanda," Sean was softly guiding her back against the examination table with his strong hands. "This is my professional side."

Unlike other examinations she had had before, Sean's hands were warm against her skin as he clinically inspected her breasts and then palpitated her abdomen, pushing softly into her here and there.

"Are you embarrassed?" Sean asked quietly as he picked up the medical history she had filled out.

"Not really, just surprised." Amanda let her body relax a bit more, watching his manner as he read through the questions.

Sean asked her a few questions on the history, and made note of her responses. He asked her about daily routine, nodding with satisfaction when she told him of her jogging and diet. He reminded her that with a sedentary job, she needed to get up often and stretch or walk around.

Amanda was pleased with his manner and the thorough professionalism that he displayed. She realized what would be coming next and adjusted herself, grimacing. Sean pulled on a rubber glove and looked at her, smiling.

"Would it help to tell you I've done this before?" Sean's eyes twinkled in amusement as he squirted a bit of lubrication gel into his palm.

"Hell no." Amanda laughed nervously and moved down the table a bit more, opening her legs slowly.

"Hmm. I have a way to make it easier. If I may...?" Sean had noted her discomfort and was willing to break one of his own rules to help her out.

"Anything," Amanda sighed in frustration.

Sean gently drew her legs out of the stirrups and massaged them with his ungloved hand. As she slowly started to relax, he let his other hand find her clit and nudged at the nub with his thumb. Amanda reacted with a sharp intake of air and then a passionate moan. Her legs opened wide in response, urging the fingers to play more. Sean smiled, knowing that a great deal of women would find Doctor appointments easier if he could only publish his findings in medical journals. Amanda twisted and turned, feeling his gentle ministrations to her clit and then felt his fingers slide up into her vagina, doing the normal examination with less tension then she had ever felt before. Sean looked up at Amanda, her eyes closed in pleasure, soft whimpering moans from her mouth and he didn't want to stop pleasuring her. His examination had found nothing out of the ordinary, so he allowed himself a few extra minutes of sliding his fingers deeply into her and then out again, feeling her arch against the table with each thrust. Amanda reached out and grabbed the back of his head, clenching his hair sharply as a cry of pleasure rose unbidden to her lips.

Sean smiled softly and gently toweled off her vagina from the excess fluid that had flowed against his fingers. "Passionate little thing, aren't you?"

Amanda blushed deeply. "No no, it's just been umm awhile since I've had.." She stopped, remembering that this was a Doctor and continued. "I haven't had intercourse in awhile."

"How long?" Sean snapped the glove from his hand, depositing it neatly in a hidden waste bin.

"Four years." Amanda thought that saying it would make it seem trivial, but it wasn't. It spoke of long nights filled with loneliness.

"Why so long?" Sean had picked up her chart again and was writing his findings of the examination. He kept his eyes on the chart, hoping that she would continue.

"It wasn't what I expected it to be, and I wasn't too eager to find bed mate after bed mate to find what I was looking for." Amanda really didn't expect herself to be so open, but Sean had shared with her. "The man that took my virginity said that I was frigid. It kind of stuck with me."

Sean chuckled warmly and then stopped when he saw the pain in Amanda's face. "Amanda. Amanda, you are FAR from being frigid. You are a warm and passionate creature that if you were given the time to be aroused would make most men drool."

Amanda had tears in her eyes at Sean's soft words. "I'm not?"

"No Amanda, you aren't." Sean stood up. "Now, back to this." He pointed to the chart. "You are healthy enough. Ms. Kathleen has indicated that she would like to put you on contraceptive. Is this agreeable with you?"

"Oh yes, of course," Amanda was confused, but didn't find anything wrong with it. "Do I have to take pills?"

"Nope." Sean had pulled out a vial and a syringe. "One shot of this should last you the first time for six months. The subsequent shots will last you three." He drew the liquid carefully through the syringe and then looked at her. "With it being winter, I would also like to see you take a bit more Vitamin A and D and that would be fine in a regular pill form." He stuck the needle into her arm, making her wince. "And with that, we are done. I have a handout about possible side effects with this shot. If anything unpleasant occurs, contact the office immediately and I'll fit you in. In the meantime, if you'll go ahead and get dressed, I'll tell the receptionist to make your next appointment in 6 months." Sean stood up and then paused, bending over to kiss her cheek and whisper softly, "Nice to see you again, Miss Amanda." He slipped out with the chart and Amanda shook her head.

'Well, Ms. Kathleen said that I would like this Doctor,' Amanda thought to herself with a smile. She got dressed once more, slinging her winter coat over her arm and then went back out to the receptionist.

"Six months would make it June.." The receptionist went into specific dates and Amanda nodded quietly, eyeing the parking lot for the Bronco. She tucked the appointment reminder in her purse and made her way to the door, tossing on her coat. There was a definite chill to the air today, in contrast to 'Dr. Campbell's' warm office.

There was a small gift shop next door to Medical Plaza and Amanda went in to browse while waiting for Mitchell. She had handmade presents for the holidays for Ms. Kathleen and Mitchell but she wanted to find a couple more things as well. She had a couple things in mind, but they wouldn't be found here. She decided to prevail upon Mitchell to stop by a couple places before they went home.

Mitchell pulled up just as she exited the gift shop and rather than parking, pulled up to the curb to let her in. "Hi Miss Amanda. How did it go?" Mitchell had a grin on his face.

"You KNEW!" Amanda laughed and hit Mitchell's arm playfully. "Brat! Hey listen, can I ask you a couple of favors?"

"It depends." Mitchell wiggled his eyebrows. "What's up?"

"Where would one find a shop that would have Ms. Kathleen type toys at?" Amanda smiled.

"Oh, ho ho ho...Okay, I won't tell. Let's see, there's a tack shop she likes across town and an exotic shop down the ways a bit. Do you know what you are looking for, Miss Amanda?" Mitchell pulled out of the Medical Plaza and started down the street.

"Not really, Mitchell. Can we stop at both places if I promise to be quick?"Amanda grinned. It had been a long time since she had ventured into an Adult store.

"Sure thing. No need to worry about time. The groceries are done and it's cold enough outside to keep 'em until we get back, Miss Amanda," Mitchell drove down the street and then cut into an alley way. "This shop is open 24 hours. It's a lot nicer in the daytime though. Men with only one hand come in at night." Mitchell shot a quick grin at Amanda which started her laughing. "Do you want me to come in too, Miss Amanda?"

"No. I'll be fine. Besides you can't peek at presents!!" Amanda laughed and got out of the Bronco, tightening her coat around her once more and cursing herself for forgetting her gloves this morning.