An Affair of the Heart


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"I know, and I will understand if you don't want to see me again, but I really hope that we can still do stuff together, just not that kind of stuff."

Sara nodded and said "I'll have to think about it you know. I shouldn't feel this way about you, but I can't help how I feel." She was crying again, tears once again wetting her cheeks. "I fell for you that first day in the mall, and when you told me that you were married, and happily married, I was just so, so, disappointed. I was torn after that, because I wanted to hear from you again, but I was sure that I was going to be hurt if I did hear from you." She wiped her face, then laughed at herself. "Look at me, I'm so pathetic."

"No no no you're not in the least bit pathetic. You're a beautiful, sexy, intelligent, woman with a great personality. I mean hell, you managed to get a straight, married woman to fall for you. Obviously you have something going for you."

"That's what's so pathetic though, that I got a married straight woman to fall for me. Why can't I get a single woman to fall for me? One that's as pretty as you."

This was my turn to laugh. Here was this twenty year old, stunningly attractive woman who could be a model in any magazine, and she was telling me, a thirty year old woman with stretch marks and breasts that have begun to sag, that I was pretty. Wonders will never cease. "You really know how to turn on the charm, don't you?"

"It's the truth though. You are so pretty, and I am smitten with you. I want to still go out with you, but I don't know if I can. It'll be too hard to look at your face and not want to kiss you again. It might be too painful."

"Well, I don't want you to be in pain," I giggled a little, then said "and I really wouldn't be too sad to kiss you again. I mean, as much as I love my husband, he can't kiss as good as you."

Sara grinned. "I'll think about it okay. I'll text you later, and let you know what I decided."

"Okay hon. I hope to see you again."

Sara opened the door and was about to step out, when I stopped her. "Wait." I said, grabbing her arm and turning her back toward me. I wanted one more taste of her lips before I left. "One more quick kiss please." And we kissed again. Just a short kiss, no tongue, but very sweet just the same. Then she left the car and closed the door. I watched until she opened the front door to her house and turned to wave. I returned the wave, then started the car and backed out onto the road and drove home.

Chapter 8 - At Home Alone

I expected to be mauled by a very randy Derek when I got home, but instead I found a note from him saying that he went to help his friend work on an old car that he was rebuilding. Derek had expressed interest in helping his friend work on a '57 Chevy. This friend lives nearly an hour away, and apparently he had left only twenty minutes ago, so I figured he would be gone for awhile. I was disappointed because I was so horny. My mind kept replaying the kiss.

The only thing to do, was to take matters into my own hands and masturbate. Now let me just say that masturbation isn't something that I do very often. When I was much younger, like in my teens and early twenties, I pleasured myself when the need arose, but ever since I lost my first baby, I pretty much stopped all masturbation. It just didn't feel right after that, but after what happened today, I felt like I needed that release.

I made my way into the bedroom and stripped down, preferring to be naked when I played with my pussy. I propped up my pillows so I could sit up and climbed onto the bed, wondering if I would still be able to get myself off. When I was comfortable, I started by tweaking my nipples, making them swell up. Feeling extra amorous, I lifted my left breast and sucked my nipple into my mouth. My nipples have always been very sensitive and I loved having them sucked. It didn't feel as good when I sucked them versus someone else, but it was still nice.

I played with my nipples for several minutes, alternating between sucking on the left and the right, the whole time my pussy was getting more and more wet. I waited until I smelled my own juices from my pussy, before I slid a hand down between my legs. I bypassed my clitoris which had already become somewhat swollen, and slid two fingers into my well lubricated pussy, moaning slightly as the good feelings intensified.

My fingers emerged slick with clear juices and I slid them up to either side of my swollen clit. It hadn't completely slid out of its protective sheath, and I lightly pinched the sides over and over, drawing more blood to my already excited nub. I was going to cum, and it was going to be a powerful orgasm.

That was when my phone chimed indicating that I had a text. "Shit!" I exclaimed under my hissing breath. I almost ignored it in order to finish myself off, but then I thought that it might be Derek, so I scooped up my phone from where I had left it on the nightstand and read the message. It wasn't from Derek, it was from Sara, and it said...

"Hey girl, I've thought about it, and I really want to keep hanging out with you."

I smiled, and breathed a sigh of relief, then hit the reply button and typed...

"I'm so glad. We'll have to plan something for next weekend."

I hit send, then slid my hand back down my belly and rubbed myself some more. My phone chimed again.

"Yay! Love the sound of that."

Another chime as I finished reading, this one read...

"It's boring here, Deb is still gone. What r u doing?"

I laughed at that, looking down at my nude body and wondered how to answer her. After a brief contemplation, I decided that honesty was the best policy, and that Sara would get a kick out of knowing that I was playing with myself. I typed...

"It's kinda personal... but I'm by myself... and horny..."

There was nothing for a while. Like a whole minute ticked by while I pictured Sara's shocked face while reading my message, then the chime jumped me.

"Are you...jilling off???"

I laughed out loud and typed...


Almost immediately another chime came through...


And a few seconds later, another chime...

"Where is Derek???"

I quickly typed back...

"Gone to help a friend"

The next two messages were from Sara...

"Ohhhh....Wish I was there ;-)" Followed just a few seconds later by "Or you could come back here, I could use some help you know."

I read and reread the text and thought to myself that I wished the same thing, but I couldn't tell her that. Instead I texted.


In between texting her, I was flicking my clitoris, trying to keep myself close to orgasm, but I was slowly losing focus. Her next text was a shock.

"You wanna have phone sex???"

I sat there blinking my eyes and wondering how to answer. Before I could think of a way to answer, my phone chimed again...

"I don't think phone sex is considered cheating"

I took a deep breath, then typed in...

"Never even considered that. How would we do it?"

I had stopped stroking my pussy and waited until the next text came through...

"I can call you, and we can listen to each other masturbate. It'll be funner than doing it alone."

I had to really focus on typing the next text because my fingers had gone numb...

"Okay, let's try."

My phone didn't chime again, instead, my ring tone began to play. I answered it with a "Hi" and Sara replied back with a quiet "Hi" of her own. Then she asked "Are you okay with this?"

"I think so" I replied "I'm scared shitless though, I've never done this before."

"Yeah, same here." She agreed.

"Okay, so how do we do this?" I asked, as if she was the professional.

"Tell me what you are doing."

"I'm talking on the phone." I quipped.

"Har har, such a comedienne." Sara dryly replied, then said "You know what I mean Jessica. Tell me what else you are doing."

I slid my hand back down between my legs and said "Okay, I'm touching myself."

"Mmhm, can you be a little more descriptive? Tell me what you are touching, tell me how it feels."

I felt very uncomfortable, but I tried. "Uhmmm, I'm touching my vagina, and it feels okay, I guess."

I heard a sigh from Sara, then a giggle. "How about if I masturbate and tell you about it first?"

"Yeah, that's a great idea." I quickly agreed. That would take the pressure off me to perform.

"Okay, give me a second, I'm putting you on speaker." I heard a click and then she asked "You still there?"


"Okay, I'm getting undressed now..." I sat there in total silence and listened as she got undressed, part of me wishing I could actually see her. This was so wrong, and I knew we were crossing a line, but the detachment of not being able to see each other made it seem not as bad. "Okay, I'm naked now. I like being naked when I masturbate. What about you Jessica, do you have any clothes on?"

"No" I answered "I'm naked too."

"Good. I'm picturing you now. Are you on your bed?"


"Me too. I'm rubbing my hands slowly over my thighs...mmm my breasts...My nipples are so hard...I'm pinching them...ohhh huh."

'Holy shit' was what I was thinking, 'she's actually doing it and its so hot to listen to'. My own fingers slid down my stomach and through my thin tuft of pubic hair to lightly tug on the skin just above my clitoris.

"My nipples are so sensitive. Do you play with yours too Jessica?"

I thought back to minutes before when I was sucking on my own nipples, and mumbled "Uh huh, yeah I do."

"Tell me how you play with your nipples."

"Uhm, I ah, well sometimes I like to lick and suck them. But it feels better when Derek does that for me."

"Mmmm I would love to see that. I bet it's so hot to watch...I'm sliding a hand down to my pussy now. Are you touching yourself too?"

"Yes." I hissed.

"Good, keep doing that, but don't cum yet...Oh shit my pussy is so wet right now...I'm going to slide two fingers into my pussy, so I can taste my juices. Do you like the taste of your juices Jessica?"

"Uhm, I...I don't know. I..."

"Don't tell me you've never tasted your juices before Jess. Every woman tastes her pussy juices. It's like a rite of passage into womanhood or something."

"Well, I probably did, like years ago or something, but I don't really remember." I said, and it was true.

"Well then, in that case, I want you to get your fingers wet with your pussy juices and then put them in your mouth."

"Okayyyy." I drawled. I slid my hand down lower until my fingers once again entered my wet hole. I was so wet in fact, that my fingers made a squelching sound as they sunk into the soft confines.

"Are your fingers wet yet?" Sara asked "Mine are soaked."

I slid my fingers out and held them up. They were covered in my clear juices. "Yes they're very wet."

"Good. Now hold them under your nose and smell your pussy."

Well to tell the truth, I could already smell my pussy, but following Sara's orders was so erotic, so I held them up and breathed in my scent. It was so much stronger than what I could smell just sitting there, and the odor sent jolts through my body and straight to my pussy. "MMmmm" I moaned, then realized that Sara could hear me and I blushed.

"You like the smell don't you?" She asked.

No use denying it now. "Yes." I answered.

"Good. Now put your fingers in your mouth and suck the juices off."

I was in a trance by then, listening to Sara's sexy voice and picturing her as if she was with me. I slid my fingers into my mouth and was overwhelmed by the tartness. "Uhmmm!" I exclaimed, it was so good and once more my pussy was jolted by a spasm just from the taste of my own pussy juice.

"You love it don't you?" Sara said.

"Uhm hmm" I moaned with my fingers still lodged in my mouth.

"Oh shit, I wish I was there with you Jess." she whispered.

Without thinking about what I was saying, I breathlessly whined "Uhm me too."

"Play with your pussy with me Jess. Put your fingers in your cunt."

Her filthy talk was elevating my excitement into the stratosphere. I slid my fingers back into my pussy, now working towards a climax.

"Are you fingering your pussy Jess?"

"Ohh yessss! Mmmmm fuckhhhh!" I wailed

"Don't cum yet hon, wait for me. I'm playing with my pussy too. Huuummm"

I was close already, so I slowed down, wanting to have an orgasm the same time as Sara. I listened closely and could hear the unmistakable sound of her fingers plunging in and out of her own heated pussy. My inhibitions were gone because I was so turned on.

"Oh that feels so fucking good Jess. You're gonna make me cummmm. Unnhh, want me lick your....your hot pussy baby?" Sara stuttered.

Caught up in the moment, I went along with the fantasy "Mmm yessssss. Oh fuck Sara I want it. Lick my pussy Sara!"

"I'm licking you baby, I'm lickin' your hot, w...wet, p...pussyyy...Oh shit Jess...I'm cummmiiinnnggg! Cum with meeee!"

She didn't need to tell me because my own pussy had already clenched tightly around the fingers I had plunged deep inside my pussy. I was cumming at the same time and my orgasm was extreme. I heard screaming coming from the phone at the same time I was screaming my own pleasure back. It was such an intense orgasm, that my vision went blurry, and I thought I was going to pass out.

Afterward, there was nothing but heavy breathing coming through the receiver and from me. As I came down from the high of my orgasm, I started thinking 'Oh God, what have I done?'. I was supposed to discourage that kind of behavior, but I had lost control and, now I wasn't sure what was going to happen.

"Jess? You still there?"

"Yeah. I'm here." I answered.

"Holy shit Jess. What did we just do?" She sounded just as shocked as I felt.

"I ah, I think we may have crossed a line Sara." I said.

"That's bad. Isn't it?"

I hesitated answering her. "Yeah, probably."

"I'm sorry."



"Stop apologizing. I was doing it too, and you didn't twist my arm either."

"Yeah, I guess. But I shouldn't have asked you."

Another pause as I had to make sure that I really wanted to say this. "I'm glad you did." I replied.

"Me too. That was so fucking hot!"

"My pussy is still twitching." I admitted.

"Mine too." she agreed, then asked "So um, were you like...just playing a role when you said you wanted me know, lick you?"

"I...I don't know Sara. It was in the moment you know. It was like a great fantasy, the moment, I really wished you were here." I admitted. I knew that I had gone too far, but I couldn't deny my feelings anymore. "It's so wrong, and I know that, but..." I trailed off, leaving her to fill in the blanks.

"But you still wanted it."

"I guess so."

"So where does this leave us?"

I had picked up the phone in my sticky, cum covered fingers, not caring that I would have to clean it later. Clicking it off speaker, I held it up to my face and said "I want to see you...soon."

Chapter 9 - At Home with Derek

Derek came home later that evening, tired, hungry and dirty. I didn't know how I was going to react to seeing him after what I had done, but I was fine, and decided that I would give him a nice treat. I put some leftovers in the microwave so he could eat quickly, then I went to the bathroom, and began filling the tub with hot water. Derek didn't often take baths, opting instead for the much quicker shower, but I thought he would enjoy a bath this night.

I left the water running to fill the tub and went back to the kitchen. I sat with Derek while he ate and listened to him describe how they worked on rebuilding the motor of the car. I excused myself after a few minutes, ran to the bathroom to check how full the tub was, and saw that it was nearly full. When I was satisfied with how full it was, I shut the tap and tested the water. It was hot and steamy, and looked so inviting.

Back in the kitchen, Derek was finishing his meal, and I took his hand and led him to the bathroom. "Whoa, a bath?" He said, when he saw the tub full of water.

"Mm-hm, a bath. I had a very relaxing day at the spa, and I'm going to give you some stress relief also."

"Okay. If you insist." He sighed and allowed me to pull his shirt over his head. I tossed it aside, then unbuttoned his jeans. I pulled his jeans down, along with his underwear. His smell, heavy, musky, sweaty, assaulted my nostrils immediately. He had worked hard and it was a warm day, so I wasn't surprised by his odor. It wasn't pleasant, but it still got my juices flowing. His feet were more unpleasant smelling, but I was turned on so I was able to deal with it.

Finally naked, Derek slowly stepped into the hot water and lowered himself down until he was submerged to his neck. "Ahhh, that's kinda nice for a change." He remarked.

I took a bath sponge and some body wash and began to scrub his his body from the top down. I scrubbed his shoulders and arms, his chest and back, each thigh and calf and both feet. I had purposely left his crotch alone. After I finished his feet, I dropped the sponge and said "There, all done. Feel better?"

Derek looked sideways at me and said "Uhh, you forgot a spot."

"Oh? Are you sure? Because I worked my way all the way down your body." I insisted, feigning ignorance.

Knowing that I was playing games, Derek smirked and said "What about this?" and he grabbed his cock, which was under water and only half hard.

"Oh yeah. I forgot." I smiled, took some soap in my hand, and stroked his cock up and down. He expanded quickly in my hand and moaned out loud. I stroked until he laid his head back and closed his eyes, then I let go and pronounced him all clean.

Derek's eyes popped open and he sat up. "Wait!" he nearly yelled as I stood up and turned to leave the bathroom.

I looked back at him. "What?"

"Where are you going?"

"I thought I would give you some quiet time to relax and just soak." I said.

"Well...can't know, help me here?"

" you want a handjob?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, as if I didn't know what he wanted.

"Yes please." He replied with a childish smirk.

"Oh really?" I said, stepping over and sitting on the edge of the tub. I reached down and grabbed hold of his member, giving it a hard squeeze until he hissed in a breath. I held him snug while I looked into his eyes, then loosened up enough to start stroking him. Never taking my eyes off his face, I stroked him steadily, as the water splashed under my palm.

Derek tilted his pelvis upward, exposing more of his cock above the water line. I could tell that my stroking was getting to him as he moaned and his eyelids grew heavy. He looked away from my eyes and I immediately let go.

"Hey!" He said looking back into my eyes.

I grabbed him again and said "Don't look away from me or close your eyes, or I'll stop. Look away three times and I'll stop completely and you'll be on your own. Those are the rules. You've already looked away once, so you will only get one more warning. Keep looking into my eyes and I'll keep stroking."

It was lame, but it was kinda fun to be in control. I stroked and stared into his eyes, into his soul, and I could see that as his pleasure built, he was having more trouble keeping his eyes open and on me. I had been stroking for several minutes and could feel the pulse in his penis and the thrust from his hips as his orgasm approached, when his eyes closed for the second time. Once again I quickly let go.

His cock dropped with a splash onto his belly, and his eyes popped open again, seeking out my face and eyes in desperation. His right hand made a move toward grabbing himself, but I beat him to it as he looked into my eyes once again. "That's number two, three strikes and you're out." I said as I stroked even faster than I had been moments ago. Now he was grunting and really pushing himself up toward my hand.
