An Epic Dinner

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Revenge served hot!
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Natalie glanced up at the clock on her was quarter to five and she hadn't set the table yet. Richard would not be happy. He'd called at half past three and told her that he was bringing home two of the new associates he had hired. They would be starting next week, as soon as the law school commencement was finished.

She had met both young men last year along with the other seven interns that had worked at the firm during the summer break, and liked them. These two were almost carbon copies of Richard, both jocks, both Phi Beta Kappa, both Law Review. Adding two more for dinner hadn't created too much of a problem for her, Richard had pulled this trick so many times in their seven years of marriage she had learned to keep spare steaks in the freezer.

She finished applying her make up and gave herself a quick once over in the mirror and hurried downstairs to set the table. Richard would be in a real snit if she didn't use the "corporate" china when he had guests home from the office.

She had set the table and mixed a pitcher of martinis, very dry, just the way he liked them, and served the pitcher on a silver tray with three glasses and a crystal bowl of crushed ice on the side. Richard didn't like for her to drink with the guests, he thought she was too easily affected by alcohol, and he always wanted her full attention on him and his guests.

"You can drink after everyone goes home" he always said. She set the tray inside their huge walk in freezer so that the ice wouldn't melt and give Richard something to complain about later that night. She checked everything over just once more to make certain all was in good order. It was always better when Richard found nothing to complain about later in the evening.

When they all arrived about an hour later, Richard stepped quickly to her and gave her a peck on the cheek. Then, with his arm around her waist, like a man displaying his new Corvette, he reintroduced her to Wade and Harrison. Both young men smiled and murmered some bland politeness that she didn't catch. Richard led them all to their formal living room and gestured for the young men to be seated.

He raised an enquiring eyebrow at Natalie and she excused herself, scurrying to the freezer for the martini tray. She served all three men, noticing in passing that Wade was paying rather more attention to the cleavage showing in her low cut dress than in the martini. She felt herself flush with embarrassment, and maybe just a teeny bit of pure female pleasure.

"Do you boys prefer olives or cocktail onions?" Richard asked. "Darling, there are no cocktail onions!" he said, that damned eyebrow raised up high enough to make it look like a question mark. She smiled sweetly and moved lightly and quickly back to the kitchen, returning in moments with a small silver dish of cocktail onions. Richard beamed at her from his favorite wing backed leather chair. It was four inches taller than any other chair in the room, and he invariably sat in it when they had guests over.

" Just give us a call when dinner is ready dear, and we'll be right in. We still have some office things to discuss." With that, she seemed simply to become invisible to him. She saw Wade's embarrassed glance, and, shamed, she turned and made as graceful an exit as she could manage.

Hot tears rose to her eyes as she quietly made her way to the kitchen to make the last minute preparations for dinner.

She'd spoken with Richard many times over the years about the way he treated her, and he simply didn't understand how it made her feel. He'd responded by pointing out how well she lived, how she drove a new BMW convertible every year. He thought she'd be happy that she didn't have to work like most of her sorority sisters did. Didn't she enjoy the Country Club membership? He often droned on and on about how good and how easy her life was, and he usually left her feeling like a petty bitch for even bringing up the subject.

Rarely did the thought occur to her to ask him if he'd ever wondered what she wanted until much later at night, when she slept alone in their giant bed because Richard wanted her to be certain that his feelings were hurt. Early on in their marriage she had tried to go get him out of his recliner and come to bed with her, but she soon learned that when the mood was on him, he seemed to enjoy his self imposed exile.

She heard a small noise from the door to the dining room and turned to see Wade leaning against the doorframe, martini in hand, and staring a bit disturbingly at the back of her dress, which at the time was pulled tight across her shapely ass. Just a little flustered, she regained her composure by standing up straight, smiling at him, and asking "Can I help you something?"

"Does he always treat you like this?" Wade asked.

She tried to make light of the question. "You better watch out, he should be in here looking for you any minute!" She knew her face was as flushed as any schoolgirl's, thinking Wade was a little naive to be so openly inquisitive about his new boss's married life.

Wade seemed totally at ease as he came closer to her and said "What, a swinger like Richard gets jealous if a guest pays attention to his beautiful wife?"

"Swinger?" The word popped out of her mouth abruptly, the implications of the word not quite striking home.

"Sure," said Wade, "The 'open' marriage, the trips to Swinger resorts and Cruises?" She leaned back against her kitchen counter, struck completely dumb at this revelation.

"You're not talking about my Richard," she said. "He's entirely too busy for that kind of thing!"

Richard was a Senior Vice President at the firm, and very young to be one as well. His rapid advancement had been a great source of pride to Richard and Natalie, and he had explained often about how he worked harder than the other associates. His work ethic, he had said, forced him to travel frequently to take on dirty or difficult jobs no one else in the firm could handle.

Shockingly, Wade reached out and slipped his hand inside her low cut dress, cupping her breast. "Richard told us all about that wild cruise you two took last month, and told us the funny story about Harvey's wife blowing the waiter at the buffet breakfast bar. Even Sandra wouldn't deny that story...she just looked kind of embarrassed and left the room."

Natalie had been too surprised to the smooth motion of Wade's hand to react, but his words had stunned her. Sandra was Richard's executive secretary, a slim pale, subdued blonde who had never said more than three words at a time to Natalie. Instant fury transformed her, it swallowed her whole and spit out a wicked, vengeful woman.

Richard had taken Sandra on all those business trips he had taken because no one else would take those jobs. While she had stayed home being Suzy Homemaker and volunteering for Richard's favorite charities, Richard had been out fucking Sandra and apparently everything else in sight.

Natalie pushed her ass invitingly up against Wade's crotch, and began to massage his cock between the cheeks of her ass. "He told you all about us did he?" she replied with a sultry voice.

"Yes" Wade grinned, "You must be a pretty wild child to go for that sort of thing."

"You have absolutely no idea..." she told him as she grabbed his tie and pulled him close to her face for a long, wet kiss. "But I'm gonna show you." She reached for the gin bottle she had used for the martini pitcher and took a long, deep drink from it. She set it back on the counter and led Wade towards the pantry by his tie. "Right now!"

"But the steaks..." Wade muttered.

"Fuck 'em" she said. She pressed him against the pantry wall and tugged his suit coat down off his shoulders, Without completely removing his coat, she opened the front of his dress shirt and began to bite the skin of Wade's chest, leaving welts in her path. Her hands busied themselves unfastening his belt, unzipping his trousers, and grasping a surprisingly enormous cock.

When it finished growing hard, it would be longer than both her hands were wide. Reluctantly she released the huge cock as her hands went to the top of her dress and ripped it from top to bottom. In seconds she was leaning against Wade, kissing him deeply, seeking his tongue with hers as she devoured his mouth. She ground her now hard nipples against the hair on his chest, revelling in a world of wildness and freedom she had never known existed.

Her hips hunched at his crotch, trapping his engorged penis against her pussy, her legs twining around his legs to make the pressure against her clit more delightful. Wade could say nothing, he simply put his hands on her ass cheeks and pulled her closer.

When you're a young man, and things escalate beyond your control and experience, you have two choices. You either go with it, or you run for the hills. Wade was a go with it kind of guy.

He felt the tip of his cock at the entrance of her hungry pussy, and almost had the head inside when she hoarsely whispered "No!" and stepped back from him. She stared at him, and the disappointment raged through him like electricity.

Natalie reached out and grabbed his cock, kneeling before him almost reverently. She slid two fingers along the length of his erect organ, and then back to the head. She gently kissed the underside of the head... and then she attacked him like a demon gone berserk. She opened her mouth and throat, plunging as much of his length into her open mouth as possible. She snarled around his throbbing dick, saliva dripping from the corners of her mouth.

Years of pent up anger raged in her, they would not wash away in a simple fuck. Grabbing his ass cheeks in both hands, she forced her mouth further down over his cock, milking the shaft with the muscles of her throat. She had never sucked anyone but Richard, never had anything this far into her throat. She'd never tasted cum before, but she knew she would soon, and the thought thrilled her.

Wade's knees buckled helplessly, but Natalie had pinned him to the wall. He felt the burning sensation start to build in the pit of his stomach, relentlessly it approached him. His hips jerked forward as he spewed cum like a geyser. Natalie never moved, she froze in place and felt her body shake with her own cataclysmic peek.

"He's cumming in my mouth!" her mind registered suddenly. The realization triggered an orgasm on top of the one she was in the middle of, interrupting the first and leaving her shaken. Wade slid down the wall to the floor in front of her. Her eyes were glassy and heated, her nude body shining with sweat.

He smiled weakly, and started to reach for his pants, intending to pull them up. Her knees plunked down on either side of him, pinning his hands, "Oh no, you can't just run away like a little boy now that you've had your jollies" she rasped. "Never again," she said, "from now on, I'm the taker." She stood and brought his head between her legs, guiding him to the spot where she needed attention immediately.

"Straighten yourself up" she said. "You are going to go back in there and keep Richard occupied for a while...and send Harrison back here to me." Wade looked unbelievingly at the nude woman. Any other person he knew would be somehow diminished standing naked before another person fully dressed, but this woman was commanding. He shrugged and did as he was told.

"Wade said you needed..." Harrison's mouth dropped open.

"What did he say I needed Harrison?" she asked, martini in hand, padding over nude to rub the front of his shirt with her free hand. She sipped her drink while eyeing him up and down. It felt odd to her to mentally undress a man, as so many of them had done to her. It wasn't nearly as pleasant as she thought it might be.

Her hand moved idly down and caressed his cock through his pants. She licked her lips and kissed him suddenly, then pulled his unresisting head to her breasts. He started to protest, but she shoved one hard nipple in his mouth, stopping all thought in Harrison's head. She put her drink on a shelf in the pantry, and began to unbuckle his belt, murmuring into his ear.

"I'm going to fuck you Harrison" she breathed, "I'm going to do things to your body you've never dreamed of." He trembled, moving his sucking mouth from her nipple.

"But..." she shut him up by shoving her nipple back into his mouth.

"Never mind the 'but'" she said, "when I'm done with what I want to do, you are going to tell me what your wildest fantasy is, and I'm going to do that for you." His pants dropped to the floor and she had his naked cock in her hands, stroking him slowly up and down. He jerked in her hand as he realized she meant what she said, and his deepest unfulfilled fantasy leapt into his head.

Natalie let go his swollen dick and walked behind him, pulling his coat and shirt from him and tossing them to the pantry floor. Reaching from behind him she grasped his cock once more, nibbling on his ear and whispering to him. "Tell me Harrison, what is it you want your wife to do to you that you are afraid to ask her?" she whispered. "What is it you've always wanted that you've been afraid to ask any of your women friends to do?"

Harrison reddened, but refused to answer her. Natalie rubbed his naked back with the tips of her rock hard nipples, enjoying the feel, and feeling sexual power for the first time in her life. She slipped back in front of him, pinning his shoulders to the pantry wall with her hands, licking his neck and ears as if she would devour him. Kissing and licking her way down his chest, she knew she could make him talk.

She knelt before him, gently licking the glans of his erect cock, staring up into his eyes. She licked down the length of it, down to his balls. She took a deep breath, then sucked one of his balls inside her mouth, sucking gently. Natalie lifted the other ball, fondling it, pulling him softly towards her head. Releasing the ball from the hot, wet warmth of her mouth, she put her lips just around the tip of his cock, flicking the underside with her darting tongue. His hips wrenched forward, trying to put the head of his cock into the furnace that was her mouth.

Her hands pushed his hips back against the wall, he could feel her breath against his cock as she spoke "Tell me...tell me what you dream about and I'll swallow it." Her eyes were locked onto his as he struggled to keep control, but he was losing it.

"Ass" he croaked.

"You want to fuck your little wifey in the ass?" she asked.

"Yes" he said, shoving forward with his hips. She knew she owned his soul as she opened her mouth wide, relishing the taste of strange cock after all these years as much as she relished the absolute power over men she never knew she had. His excitement was too great to contain. She opened her eyes wide again as she took as much of his cock into her mouth as would fit. Even as he spurted jet after jet of the warm salty cum into the back of her mouth, she never let go his eyes.

She swallowed. She rose and pirouetted before him, holding his still spurting cock in her hand, guiding it between the cheeks of her ass. She bent forward at the waist, feeling his cum covered glans against the pucker of her asshole. She eased the head just inside, letting her sphincter muscle relax. He stayed hard, perhaps even harder than before.

She could hear him blubbering deliriously "I can't believe it!" Natalie smiled, then shoved back against his cock firmly, seating it deeply in her ass. It hurt her, but it hurt good. She felt her own orgasm welling up, probably more from her thoughts than the penetration, but it was real for all that. Harrison began to cum again, and she smiled in triumph.

Harrison walked slowly back into the living room soaking with sweat. His tie was off, his shirt was torn, and his fly was not fully zipped. His puffy eyes met those of Wade and those of Richard. He was unable to speak. Padding out behind him with an utter feline walk came Natalie. She was moving slowly, stealthy like some big jungle cat, and she was nude.

Glistening in the dimmer light of the living room, her nipples still hard and rosy from her encounter with Harrison, she walked directly to Wade and grabbed his tie. Richard was on his feet instantly, face red and comprehending. "How dare you..." was all she allowed out of his mouth.

He was in shock...the demure, obedient wife he had sent to the kitchen such a short time before had been replaced by this unbelievably feline Fury of a woman. He didn't even recognize her. His glance at Harrison did no good, as he stared fixedly at the floor between his feet.

"I will never again take orders from any man again...swinger," she stormed at him, least of all from a miserable, lying, cheating scum like yourself. If you want your dinner, it's burning, you'll have to take it from the oven!" She dragged Wade off the couch towards the stairway leading to the bedroom. "I'll be back down when I'm done with this one again. He has the biggest dick of the three of you. You," she said, pointing to Richard, "can sleep on the couch!"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I knew this was going to be a cuckold story within the first paragraph. It just telegraphed that way. I found the story very lacking in any emotion from either the wife or the husband.

Tony Kiwi from 6 years ago wrote the perfect end for this story. I hope his wife likes being broke and divorced. The adultery video should get him everything he needs from his ex-wife.

iammweaseliammweaselabout 2 years ago

Once I saw he was bringing home "Two other men" it was clear this was another dumb assed cuck story.

She fucked them both I assume? Im not dumb enough to continue the usual by the numbers horse shit barely talented writers toss at us.

So if she didnt get the shit fucked out of her by someone, or someones, other than her husband, I'll gladly apologize. Likewise I expect the readers to get one from you if I am right.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

3 or 4 paragraphs was enough to see that the husband was a total jerk. I refused to read further.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
For revenge she fucks other men in front of her husband?

How did that work out for her? Since you left the story unfinished we don't see him filing for divorce and using her "revenge" men to testify against her in Court. She would have left the marriage with her clothes, her maiden name and her car and nothing else. Is she really THAT stupid?

1 star

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Pathetic, stupid, booooring, laughable

you take your pick.

Nuff said

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Great story

Even if submissives rarely turn into raving doms.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
works for me

I have always maintained, the cheated on spouse has the right to balance the scales. For their entire marriage the husband has been condescending, controlling, and abusive. Not only has he serially cheated, but he has slandered his wife, destroying her reputation with false public stories of her lascivious behavior.

Hopefully she does not ruin her future by continuing to act in this manner.

For that night, her actions were justified. I respect her for taking them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

The story was bad enough but TonyKiwi's "conclusion" was absolutely pathetic!

TonyKiwiTonyKiwiover 7 years ago

didn't bother with his dinner but did take time to go to the kitchen and turned off the oven. The steaks where already ruined so he finished his drink and opened the utility draw removing a screw driver. Richard was a hard ass, he was known for his hard headed stubbornness but he was fast on his feet and quick thinking when a crisis arose. Harrison's body language told him all he needed to know about what caused Natalie's change in nature and he was taking his time to formulate a response. You see Harrison was a nephew of the Chairman of the Board and was deemed untouchable, at least that is what he thought. Richard walked up the stairs to the bedroom door, finding it locked he used the screw driver to release the privacy lock and entered the room, phone in hand, camera function on video. The wall light was giving a dim but adequate illumination, Richard placed the phone on the dresser facing the bed while listening to Natalie rant. He ignore the barrage of words but noted with a quick glance that the two bodies on the bed where naked and hard at it, Harrison paused for a moment to cast a smirk over his shoulder but by this time Richard was removing a travel case from the closet and loading a few items into it. A couple of suits, shoes and the case in hand, Richard pick up his phone and pulled the door shut on the way out. He took his time in the bathroom loading his personal effects and calmly walked down to the garage. Wade had cleared out, fearing a violent scene upstairs. Richard knew he had time to make the contacts he needed to, he had removed both Natalie and Harrison's mobiles and he pulled out the exterior land line cable, before he drove off to call on the Chairman and then Harrison's wife, you see there was no swingers club and Natalie was feed and believed a load of horseshit. Richard had all he needed for the pre-nup to be enforced and have Harrison transferred to a far away place. Richard knew his career in this corporation was over but he would extract a nice reference and large golden handshake in return for his silence and a revealing video. Life goes on. TK

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
This seems like a really dumb woman

Making a snap judgement based on heresay and deciding to trash her marriage. Sleep on the couch? More likely she'd be sleeping on the front lawn after he throws the slut out. Hubby has the men's lives in his hands. They wouldn't want to jeopardize their careers so they would have been testifying against the slut in Court. So she's toast. There was simply nothing clever about the writing and the overall story wasn't erotic or fun to read. No stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

for a great erotic story!! Loved it..

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
re: terrible

did you read the story you fucking cum sucker. The only prick was you for that dumb ass comment

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Ok Richard was sort of a prick for somethings but he did give her everything for a comfortable life. All she had to do is stand up for her self when he was being a prick. But, she was just a stupid woman who turned into a hateful slut in the blink of an eye. It appears that she was just looking for an excuse to be a slut. I agree with most of the negative comments as they are dead on in pointing out the flaws of the story. And there is no one to root for in this terrible disaster.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 12 years ago

She based her now cheating lifestyle on the word of a subordinate of her husband who was looking to get fucked. When Richard divorces her ass and she gets nothing she'll realize what a mistake she made.

And I ramble on...


Scorpio44Scorpio44over 12 years ago

If the story had included some evidence that what she was told about Richard was true, this would have gotten a five. As it is she based her reaction to the word of a man she barely knew, making her stupid.

You were so close, and missed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Women Are Not That Stupid Are They?

The author must have a low opinion of women. First to think that a woman would put up with the shit she did to begin with. Then to believe that she would accept rumors with no proof. Finally, if she had been smart, she could have gotten proof, divorced her husband and lived quite comfortably on the settlement and/or alimony. Instead, for a quick bit of revenge, she will be thrown out on the street without a pot to piss in. All in all, a very stupid woman. Perhaps the author is female, naive and projecting.

HeadguyHeadguyover 12 years ago

Very compact, but compelling. There are sufficient hints to Natalie's reservoir of resentment so that her transformation into a sexually predatory Medea seemed quite believable to me. Let narcissistic pricks like Richard beware!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
why angry femenist dykes shouldn't write lw stories

This was nothing but a male bashing collection of shit written by a man hating lesbian. I'm stupid for having read it.

rjordanrjordanover 12 years ago
Very unrealistic...

...just like Star Wars, Star Trek, The Lord of the Rings, all of Shakespeare and shelves upon shelves of stories written in almost every language on Earth. So what? It doesn't pretend to be literature, but it was well written and most of all fun to read. That means 5* to me.

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