An Officer and a Gentleman-1777

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Meet Major Jeffrey Tremaine.
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"Oh, oh!" Caroline, Lady Dunsmore, moaned as the feeling swept over her. "No more, please. Let me breathe."

Her lover rolled off of her.

"My dear Jeffrey, you are insatiable."

"No more than you, my dear," replied Jeffrey Tremaine, Major in the King's Household Light Cavalry and first son of Edmund Tremaine, Lord Dunsmore. "You want it as much as I."

Caroline threw her naked leg across his. "Yes, yes I do but not all at once. We must take a break at times."

"Yes, mother. Whatever you say."

Caroline was indeed Jeffrey's mother. More correctly his step mother. She was only twenty-five and had married his Lordship four years ago. Lord Dunsmore had turned sixty last week and had long since realized that he couldn't keep up with the demands of a young woman like Caroline. Little did he know that she would turn to his own son.

The marriage was one based on power and wealth. Caroline was a dark eyed raven haired beauty who any man would welcome to his bed. Instead her family married her off to a much older man who truly could not appreciate her latent talents. In return, her father was granted a seat in Parliament from a rotten borough and given a government position that proved to be quite lucrative. His Lordship gained a spy in the government, one that was very useful. So she came to the Dunsmore manor a naïve young girl not sure what to expect or what was expected of her.

And it was there that she met Jeffrey.

Jeffrey Tremaine, Lord Dunsmore's first born was only a few years older than Charlotte but he had seen so much more. During the Seven Years' War he had seen action on the Continent as a fourteen year old volunteer aide with the first British units committed there since Marlborough. He was mentioned in dispatches numerous times and through his Lordship's and others help was able to rise quite quickly to his present rank. His reputation in the Army was only matched by his reputation with the ladies.

His initial trial into the pleasures of the flesh was with the wife of a German officer. She was almost 3 times his age at 40 when he met her. She still possessed her beauty and though her husband was German, the lady herself was French and wise in the ways of love. Jeffrey was a blank canvas at fifhteen but she took him as her own personal student. She taught him that loving a woman was not a game of pursue and capture but should be savored like a fine meal. It should be taken slowly with each bite appreciated and enjoyed. She taught him more, manners, correct behavior, and numerous languages. He became a polished and refined young gentleman, presentable in the finest homes of Europe. When she felt he could learn no more, she turned him out. When he refused to go, saying he loved her, she explained it was not love he felt but gratitude and he must look elsewhere for his true love.

He had grown into a fine young man who carefully and discreetly used what he had been taught but more than that. He moved gracefully through society, finding friends easy to come by, male or female. He was blessed with the looks, grace, and wit of his mother and the intelligence and cunning of his father. He was a man who enjoyed life to the fullest but took no chances without weighing the results.

So it was with Caroline. He worked his charms on her and within the first year, she came to him willingly. Remembering his lessons, he took his time until it was she who could take no more and came to his room. Since that night, he had molded Caroline into loving woman.

"It is true, my love, I can't stay away from you," Caroline said. "But it is your fault. It is you that taught me. Before I came to you, I never knew such pleasures."

"But you came willingly."

"Yes, I did but now I am afraid." She said burying her face in his chest.

Jeffrey lifted her chin. "Afraid of what?"

"Afraid of loving you too much. What if you make me with child?"

He pushed Caroline onto her back and moved on top of her. Effortlessly he entered her and felt her respond. "Then his Lordship will be the envy of all England."

Lord Dunsmore sat the table, scanning the day's papers. With his close set eyes, hooked nose and bald palate, he resembled that great bird of the America's, the bald eagle. He resembled it more than just in looks. His Lordship was wise and cunning with decisions measured for their results. His most recent marriage was one such decision. His first wife had brought him more wealth as she came from a titled family. But she brought much more. She brought love, laughter to the great house and a smoothing to his rough edges. She also gave him children and a lasting legacy. When she died, something died within him. Jeffrey thought his father would never marry again but when fate came his way in the wondrous form of Caroline and power, his Lordship quickly did.

"So son, did you sleep well?" his Lordship asked without looking up.

"Yes Father, I did." Jeffrey replied. He stood at the sideboard, filling his plate with cold meats and bread.

"Where are you off to today?"

"To London, Father," he said as he sat down. "I'm meeting with General Burgoyne to discuss the upcoming campaign. This may be it and then I will be off."

"Yes, quite right." His Lordship put down the paper, now quite interested in the conversation. Lord Dunsmore had served with the General in Spain and rode with him in the 16th Dragoons. The two were fast friends and it was his Lordship who helped Burgoyne elope with the daughter of Lord Derby and then helped repair the damages it caused. It was through this friendship that Jeffrey was able to secure a place on the General's staff for this campaign in the colonies. "Awful stuff this tiff in the colonies. Should have ended it long ago."

"General Burgoyne has put forth a bold plan, Father. If North and Germain let him do it and properly support him, I don't see how it can fail."

"That's the rub, son," his father said. "If they support him. We shall see."

At that moment Caroline entered the room.

"Good morning, my dear. You look absolutely radiant. Mornings seem to agree with you."

She kissed his Lordship's forehead. "Yes, they do. I feel so alive today."

"Well, you should. Jeffrey says he leaving us today. Hush, hush and all that. We don't have time to give him a proper send off."

She gave Jeffrey a harsh look. "I didn't know. When were you going to tell your mother?"

He tried to apologize. "It's not until this afternoon. Please forgive me."

Caroline pouted as she sat down. "I will think about it."

Lord Dunsmore was oblivious to the action between the two.

"Terrible thing this Danbury affair. Ruinous! Jeffrey, I understand you are somehow involved." Dunsmore said slamming the paper down. "Disgraceful!"

"Yes it is, Father. My only connection is that I'm Wormsley's second. He is my friend and he asked me. It is now a point of honor."

"Honor!" he roared. "I understand Lady Danbury is heavy with child and has fled to the Continent. Your friend Wormsley has cuckolded his Lordship and is now being called out by his son. Where is the honor in that?"

"He claims he is innocent, Father," Jeffrey replied.

Caroline spoke up. "Yes, my dear husband, Jeffrey is only backing a friend. I find nothing wrong in that."

"Please be quiet and don't worry your pretty head on such matters, my dear. What do you know of such affairs?" His Lordship shook his head. "Why can't you young men find a wife for yourself, one your own age, and settle down? Instead of spoiling the married bed?"

"I'm reminded of Dr. Franklin's advise on older women," Jeffrey answered.

"I will not allow the mention of that rebel's name or any discussion of his ideas in this house. Understood?"

"Yes, Father."

"So when did you plan on telling me, Jeffrey or did you just plan on slipping away?" Caroline asked grabbing him and pulling him into the library.

"Really, mother, lower your voice. You shouldn't act like this. What will the servants say?" Jeffrey replied with an air of smugness.

"Damn you," she said walking to the center of the room. "You were just going to leave."

"No, I would leave as any proper son would." He moved to her and put his arms around her.

She struggled to break free. "Let me go!"

"A moment ago you acted as if you wanted me to stay, now this? I'm confused."

"Oh Jeffrey, so am I." She clung tightly to him. "What am I to do when you go? I can't bear to be with him. How can I live with someone who is so cold?"

"You will do very well. You will find someone who is warm to take my place."

She tried to push herself away from him but he held her. "How can you say that?" She said angrily. "It is you who has ruined me. I knew nothing of lovemaking now I crave you each night. Now you intend to leave me with him. And you insinuate that I will simply find another. How dare you?"

He pushed her up against the wall and kissed her hard. His hand flew beneath her dress and found her wet and willing. Caroline spread her legs, encouraging him to go further. Her hands undid his buttons and reached inside. She sighed as she found his enlarged manhood. "Take me, Jeffrey. Make me scream," she moaned into his ear.

He needed no urging and he slammed himself into her.

"Oh yes, my love!" Caroline groaned.

Jeffrey moved quickly, thrusting in and out. The sounds of their lovemaking filled the room. Her body pressed against the wall, Caroline wrapped her legs around his waist, taking him deeper.

She gave off a long deep moan as the intense feeling swept over her. "Oh, God!" she cried out.

Jeffrey gave one final thrust. "Yes, yes!" he moaned.

They remained in an embrace for many minutes. Regaining his breathe, Jeffrey withdrew from her.

"Jeffrey, you can't leave me. What will become of me?" Caroline said, tears running down her cheeks.

"You play your part well, Caroline, the wronged lover, the neglected wife. You knew full well what you were selling yourself for. You made your bed, now you must lie in it." Jeffrey laughed. "For me, I am off to London then on to America where fame and glory awaits. Until we meet again, Adieu, fair Caroline."

"Another game!" Fairbrother slammed his remaining cards down. "How do you manage it?"

Jeffrey smiled. "Because whist is a thinking man's game. You, my dear Fairbrother, are too impulsive. Jackson could care less and Williams tries hard but..."

The four officers laughed. Seated together in a gaming room in one of London's tavern, the four men had been friends for many years. Tremaine and Jackson had known each other all their lives. Both men were now majors with Jackson in a foot regiment. Williams was a captain in the same regiment but Fairbrother had out shown them all. He was a Lt. Colonel now.

His 3 friends were very different. Fairbrother was a few years older than Jeffrey but looked much older. He was leaning towards being overweight and his ruddy complexion showed he loved good food and drink. The second son of a minor lord his only choices were the Navy, the Army, or the cloth. Since he hated water and loved the good life only the Army would do. Lt. William was as thin as Fairbrother was fat. His family was poor and without the sponsorship of the local squire, it was unlikely he could even gather enough money for his lieutenant rank. Jeffrey liked him because he was honest to a fault.

Of the three Jeffrey considered Major Lucien Jackson his best friend. Of similar backgrounds, Jackson was the opposite of Jeffrey. Loud, boisterous, his approach to life and fighting was like a bull in a china shop. Where Jeffrey was sure with the fairer sex, Jackson was clumsy and ill at ease yet he had married a fine woman who accepted and loved him. Jeffrey found himself jealous of Jackson because he had found love and good woman.

"Another game?" Jeffrey asked.

"You've taken too much of my money," Williams grumbled.

"How about another round of drinks then?" Jackson had already called for the girl. She entered carrying 4 tankards of ale.

Dotty was a full figured girl with dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She fairly spilled out of her top as she set the tankards down. She lingered as she bent over giving them a good view. Looking directly at Jeffrey, she smiled. "Anything else, sir?"

He returned her smile. "Not right now, Dotty. Thank you."

The other officers watched her go.

"Damn, Tremaine. I don't know how you do it." Jackson said, slapping his knee. "Old or young, married or not, fat or skinny, they all lift their skirts for you!"

Jeffrey just smiled and quickly changed the subject. "Is everything set for tomorrow, Jackson? You have a doctor ready?"

"Everything is ready. I will meet you with Dr. Longacre and then we will go to the spot."

"Damn dirty business, this dual," snorted Williams. "You know Wormsley won't show. His battalion is leaving on the 1st tide for New York, reinforcements for Lord Howe."

"May have left already," Jackson added.

"Makes no difference. As his second, I have to be there," replied Jeffrey. "He gave me two letters to hand over. One is an apology and the other is sealed. I'm supposed to give the second if the apology is refused."

"Faversham will turn it down. He means to kill Wormsley."

"It seems likely but I need to go through with it."

"Interested to see what happens when he fails to show," Jackson said and they all nodded.

No one spoke for a few minutes then Jackson broke the silence. "So Wormsley's going to New York. It seems this war should have been over long ago."

"Damn rebels! A little cold steel and they'll run. Right, Tremaine, you have been there," Fairbrother snorted.

"Yes I was and don't underestimate them. I was at Breed's Hill and that was a bloody affair if there ever was one. Lost too many good men there, Fairbrother."

"Yes," replied Fairbrother warming to the argument. "What about Long Island? They won't stand, I say."

"Trenton?" Jackson asked.

"Damn Germans! What do you expect from mercenaries?" Fairbrother pounded the table.

"Now gentlemen, we'll disturb the others," Jeffrey calmly said. "I agree. They won't stand in line of battle and they are as sensitive as a virgin about their flanks but give them time and let them build works, they will stand."

"Does General Burgoyne have an answer?" Williams asked.

"I'm afraid I can't answer that. It is getting late and some of us have an early morning. So until we meet again..." Jeffrey said ushering them to the door.

"We will meet again, Tremaine," Williams said. "I want to win my money back."

They all had a good laugh at that.

Jeffrey could feel the cold morning air on his bare shoulder. He pulled the quilt over himself and snuggled down under it. He could feel Dotty's warm soft body against his and she moved closer. As he relived the pleasures of last night in his mind, he wished he could stay longer and linger in her warmth. Instead he slid from the covers, his bare feet touching the cold floor. "Damn," he muttered to himself. He looked back at the form in the bed. He could easily return to her.

Dotty reached out from under the covers. "Come back to bed, my love, where it is warm," she said softly.

He took her hand. For the first time he noticed how red and raw it was, definitely a working woman's hand. "No, I must go but I will return to you." It was a lie but what else could he say. He dressed quickly, threw on his watch coat, and left the room, quietly closing the door.

Jackson and Dr. Longacre were waiting in a coach outside the tavern. Dr. Longacre, an older, smallish man, shivered in the cold. "Why must these things be so damn early?" he asked.

Jeffrey smiled as he got in and sat across from them. "So they can be done before breakfast. Why spoil a perfectly good day."

"Where's Wormsley?" he asked.

"There's a problem. His ship has sailed," Jackson answered.

"Are you sure?" Jeffrey asked.

"Left on the first tide."

"Damn," Jeffrey said looking out the window as the coach hurried on his way. "Faversham isn't going to like this. He'll demand some sort of satisfaction."

"Perhaps the letter will be enough," Jackson said hopefully.

Jeffrey gave no reply and the three lapsed into silence for the rest of the ride.

The site for the duel was an old stone barn on the edge of an immense estate. Even though it was off the beaten path, numerous duels had been fought here. The authorities knew of the spot but seemed to be helpless in doing any thing about it. It seemed that all of London knew about this one but still they continued to act in utmost secrecy. It was impossible as Lord Danbury was a court favorite and Lady Danbury, before this, was a pillar of society, despite rumors to the contrary.

Sir Phillip Faversham, the Lord's youngest son, was standing off to one side. He was a well built man who seemed larger than he was. Younger than Jeffrey, he had already made a name for himself in the India trade. He was going places. Faversham's second and their doctor were already there waiting when the coach arrived. One of men walked over to greet them

"Major Tremaine, I am Randolph Booth, Sir Phillip's second. We have all ready met."

"Yes, we have." Jeffrey introduced Major Jackson and the good doctor.

Booth looked around. "I'm confused. Where is Captain Wormsley?"

"He is not here," Jeffrey explained. "Perhaps this letter will clear up the matter."

"This is most unusual." Booth took the letter. "I thought things were all arraigned."

Jeffrey, Jackson, and Longacre stood off to one side, rubbing their hands and stomping their feet to warm themselves. Even though they couldn't make out the words, they could tell by the gestures and volume that the letter solved nothing.

Booth returned to the group. "I'm sorry but the apology contained in the letter is unacceptable. Sir Phillip still demands satisfaction."

"I have a second letter. Please give this to Sir Phillip."

Booth took it and returned to Sir Phillip.

Sir Phillip took the envelope, opened it and began to read it. After a few moments, he bellowed. "God damn him! I will have satisfaction." He pushed Booth aside and strode over to Jeffrey. Sir Phillip was slightly taller than Jeffrey but in his rage he seemed much larger. "Where is the bastard?" he yelled in his face.

Jeffrey remained calm. "His regiment has left for New York. He is not coming, Sir."

Sir Phillip spun on his heels and began to walk away. He stopped and turned back. "You are his second and you are responsible for him. Have you read this letter?"

"Only the first one, Sir," Jeffrey replied, not sure where this was going. "As you could see and Booth can verify, the second one was sealed."

"I don't believe you, Major. I believe you know what this letter says." He waved it in Jeffrey's face. "I believe you are lying and have no more honor than that gutter snipe, Wormsley!"

"Sir, believe me when I say I know not the content of the letter. I want no quarrel with you."

Both Booth and Jackson tried to push their way between the two men but Sir Phillip shoved Booth aside. He screamed over Jackson's shoulder. "So now you are a coward too. Like your friend. Without honor and the scum of the earth." Sir Phillip looked skyward, "All of England will know that Major Jeffrey Tremaine is a lying son of a bitch, a coward, and without a speck of honor when I'm though."

Jeffrey knew now where this was going and how it was going to end. Sir Phillip was not going to let this go until someone was dead. Sir Phillip Faversham had crossed the line. Jeffrey could take what was said about him but by calling him 'a son of bitch' Sir Phillip had insulted his mother. It was something he would never take. He surprised himself as to how calm he was. "Sir Phillip, if it is satisfaction you want, then satisfaction you will have." He removed his watch coat and red uniform coat. He handed them to Jackson.