An Unconventional Beginning


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"You can push me away in a minute," he mumbled into her hair. "Just let me hold you right now so that I know you're okay."

"I'm okay," she said. But her voice and body trembled. "I swear Trevor, I'm okay."

She felt okay. Hell, she felt great pressed up against him like this, her soft breasts crushed against his chest, the curves of her body settling easy into his arms, and all that soft, sweet-smelling hair that he was dying her pull out of its ponytail. Her skin was silky soft against his hands, tempting him to touch her more, to run his hands up and down her back and sides and front... okay he needed to get control of himself before he did something absolutely unforgivable. Just because he was lusting after her right now, and had been for some weeks, didn't mean that she felt the same way.

Then she shifted against him and suddenly their lower bodies were pressed together as well. Immediately, Avery froze against him, her soft stomach pressed against the rigid length of his erection, which had sprung up all too quickly once he'd gotten his arms around her. Trevor cursed and pulled away, not wanting to frighten her.

"I'm sorry," he said immediately, releasing her enough that he could look down into her face. A beautiful face that was devoid of tears and fear, but filled with questions and something else. Something he couldn't quite put his finger on. She tilted her head back, her lips parting as her little pink tongue flicked out to swipe along her bottom lip, as if she was begging to be kissed.

"What for?" she asked, her voice breathy and low. Almost husky. Trevor suddenly realized that her palms were still pressed against his chest but she wasn't pushing him away. In fact, she was actually swaying towards him a little bit, as if their bodies were magnets and she couldn't help herself. Hope rose up in him and experimentally he tightened his hold on her again. Her sudden intake of breath might have been fear, but the way her pupils dilated and her cheeks flushed told him that she wasn't afraid.

So he took a chance.

"Because this isn't how I pictured doing this for the first time." And then he kissed her.

Just that quickly her nightmare was turning into the best dream of her life. Never mind that she was humiliated, half-naked and had just had the most terrifying experience of her entire life, being in Trevor's arms had made her feel safe (among other things) and his kiss... dear god his kiss... Her lips parted automatically, inviting him in and his tongue immediately complied. The hard arms around her pulled her against him, crushing her softness against the hard planes of his muscles. Avery made soft mewling sounds in her throat as her fingers caressed his broad pecs, curving upwards to try and pull him even further against her, so that there wouldn't be even a millimeter of space between their bodies.

The kiss deepened, as if he was hungry for her, as if he couldn't get enough of her, and she twined her arms around his neck, practically crawling up him. She was too aroused, too excited to feel embarrassed by her all too revealing reaction to him. Something tugged at her hair and then it was loose, out of her practically pony tail, and she might have pulled away in panic as the unusual sensation drove home to her that the situation was getting out of control, but then his hand was in her hair, massaging her scalp and she melted against him.

Heat was blazing through her body, the ache between her legs becoming unbearable. She rubbed the front of her body against him, feeling rather than hearing his answering groan, and feeling almost gleeful with the knowledge that she effected him in that way. With one hand still tangled in her hair, the other skated down her back and cupped her buttocks to pull her tightly against him, his impressive length digging into the softness of her stomach. Eagerly she wriggled, trying to find a position that would relieve some of that unrelenting pressure between her legs.

Then his mouth was gone from hers and she gasped for hair, her fingers tightening around his neck as he began to kiss down the sensitive skin of her throat and back up to her ear. The soft sounds she'd been making were no longer soft now that his lips and tongue weren't there to muffle them; her moans were all too loud in the small space and yet she couldn't quiet herself. She'd been dreaming of being in Trevor's arms for so long that she was completely out of control.

When his lips reached her ear he took the sensitive lobe between his teeth and tugged on it. Avery cried out as the sensuous jolt of lightning went straight to her groin.

"Avery..." he ground out her name in a tone she'd never heard, full of smoldering heat and need, almost painfully controlled. "If you want me to stop you need to do it soon. I've wanted this for too long..."

He'd wanted this?

"Don't stop," she said, before she could think. Before she could question. Before she could ruin the moment. "Please Trevor, don't stop."

Suddenly she was being dragged down to the floor, his heavy weight feeling incredibly good on top of her. And somehow he'd managed to get the afghans on the floor ahead of them, now in an untidy heap that cushioned her. No longer needing to hold her up, Trevor's hands were now completely free to roam her body and she gasped as he took immediate advantage of that fact, easily unhooking and pulling the bra from her body before cupping her breasts with both hands as he kissed his way across her collar bone. Avery's legs wrapped around his waist as he caressed her breasts, the stroke of his fingers over her engorged and sensitive nipples sparking a reaction like fireworks deep inside of her.

"Trevor... Oh God Trevor... please..." Avery thought she might spontaneously combust as his mouth wrapped around one rosy nipple, sucking it between his teeth and biting down gently on the tender bud. She was on fire for him, writhing shamelessly, all of her fears and shyness completely gone in the surreality of their situation and the glorious sensations that he was creating in her body.

"So beautiful," he muttered before latching onto her other nipple and Avery practically sobbed her response, her legs pulling on his body, needing him to press against that aching spot at the apex of her thighs.

"Touch me... Please... Trevor... touch me..." Her hips lifted, indicating where she was craving his touch, pressing the front of her lower body against the top of his stomach as he slavishly worshiped her breasts.

He'd thought that Avery was gorgeous with her ponytail, street clothes and studious ways, but seeing her with her beautiful chestnut hair spread out across a red patterned afghan, all creamy skin, rosy pink nipples and soaked panties, wanton and begging for him was beyond glorious. Trevor couldn't get enough of her satiny skin, her sweet smell, the feel of her nipple between his lips. Part of him had worried that he was taking advantage of her, taking advantage of the situation, but when she begged him to touch her and tilted her hips like that, he found that he couldn't resist.

Gliding fingers over the smooth skin of her stomach, Trevor groaned as he found her core, slick and ready for him. Avery's soft gasps and moans were music to his ears as he suckled at her nipple, luxuriating in the feel of his fingers exploring those sensitive feminine folds. She clutched at him, flushed and aroused. He'd never been so hard, so ready in his life.

But he wasn't going to waste his chance either. He'd wanted Avery in his arms for so long that he didn't want to push them past the boundaries into anything that she would regret. Right now they were locked in a closet and she'd had a gun to her head, he was smart enough and just barely in control enough to realize that she might be reacting to that rather than to him. So he was going to satisfy her and pray that she didn't change her mind once she'd had a release. Even if she did, he knew that he would treasure this memory of her, so wonderfully responsive as she moved against him in complete sensual abandon.

Every touch of Trevor's fingers, every rasp of his tongue, was better than Avery had ever dreamed. Maybe it was the brush with possible death that she'd faced today or maybe it was just because she'd been fantasizing about Trevor for so long, but there was no comparison between her previous experiences and the passion that Trevor raised in her. She was on fire for him, and the sensation of his finger entering her body had her crying out for relief, her muscles tightening around the intruder as she gloried in the intimacy.

When his mouth settled on her core, licking and nibbling around his thrusting finger, she entwined her fingers through his hair and sobbed out her climax, his name echoing around the room as he suckled on her. Her hips rose and fell, her body arching with the wonderful release of tension, the burning pleasure that ripped through her in response to his able ministrations.

"Trevor..." she murmured, her body relaxing as he released the suction, his tongue drinking in the excess of her juices. She almost wanted to protest when his finger slid from her body, but she was hoping that he would replace it with something harder and longer. Despite her orgasm she was almost quivering with the need to complete their sensual journey. "Come here."

She pulled at his shoulders, up to her mouth so that she could kiss him deeply, tasting herself on his lips as the rigid length of his erection rubbed through the center of her folds. Both of them moaned at the contact.

"I don't have a condom," he said, his voice showing his obvious regret.

"I'm on the pill," she proffered immediately. "I'm clean."

Looking at her with utter reverence in his eyes, Trevor brushed the hair out of her face. "I'm clean too, if you trust me."

Avery nodded. "I want you," she said, the boldness of her confession making her cringe. But she wanted him to know that this wasn't just a reaction to the gunman earlier. "I've been wanting you."

"Oh God Avery, I want you too." His lips claimed her roughly, possessively, as if all his pent-up passion was slipping past his control. "I didn't think you'd ever notice me."

"Not notice you?!" Avery practically choked on the words. "Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are?"

The lazy, self-satisfied smile that he gave her was its own reward. "Do you have any idea how beautiful you are? Or what you do to me?"

She shook her head, almost as if denying his words. Trevor pushed upwards and she gasped as his mushroom head penetrated her body, fitting itself into the tightness of her core.

"This is what you do to me," he said, his voice rough with the effort of moving slowly. She was so exquisitely tight, her muscles rippling over his length as he pushed deeper inside of her. Avery gasped and arched beneath him, her hands pulling at his back as she shuddered in reaction. The sensation of flesh on flesh was incredibly intense for both of them, the ultimate intimacy. "I can't look at you without wanting you."

"Trevor..." The soft sexy noises she was making in her throat as she murmured his name nearly undid him. "Trevor, please... More..."

Yes, he wanted to give her more. She was so incredibly wet that even the tightness of her body couldn't slow him down and he sank into her fully, holding himself still against her to enjoy the wonderful play of her inner muscles along his shaft, the tight squeezing that massaged him so fantastically. Avery writhed beneath him, hot and needy for more.

"Trevor, please," she begged.

Then he began to move and Avery's pleas melted into moans and small cries of pleasure as he took her. The wonderful sensation of being filled with him was like a warm glow, the friction of his thrusting shaft against her most sensitive parts stoked the fires higher, and she clutched at him, reveling in the long, hard thrusts of his body. They moved together in a carnal dance, her legs wrapping around the backs of his thighs, urging him onwards. Their mouths met, his tongue thrusting into hers with the same demand for response as his body.

Avery shuddered beneath him, meeting every thrust with a lift of her hips, moving against him and with him, their mutual pleasure blinding them to everything else around them. Her nails dug into his shoulders as he released her lips and kissed down her neck, dragging his teeth over her collarbone. The long awaited consummation of their passion for each other made the flames burn brighter and higher, his hands hard on her hips as he plunged into her depths and danced in her eager body.

Wild cries came from her throat as she climaxed, the shuddering spasms of her inner muscles massaging him wonderfully. Trevor couldn't hold back and he let out a bellow as he spilled his seed, filling her and marking her in the most primal way possible. They clung to each other, holding on tightly as the waves of ecstasy washed over and through them, completing their utter satiation.

As their breathing slowed, Avery buried her head in his muscular shoulder, feeling shy once again as doubts assailed her. Their lovemaking had rocked the foundations of her world, but she had no idea if Trevor felt the same way. She didn't want this moment, this aftermath of intimacy to end, so she just silently held him and stroked the silky skin of his back, luxuriating in the touch.

"Avery?" he murmured as he pulled away from her slightly. "Look at me sweetheart."

Reluctantly she met his eyes. He looked concerned, but not like he was about to reject her out of hand. That was a relief. And he called her 'sweetheart;' that had to be a good sign, right?

"Are you okay?"

A small burble of laughter escaped her.

"I'm wonderful," she said, bravely putting her heart on the line. Not wanting to say something as trite as 'fine' or 'good.' Because the truth was, she was better than she'd ever been in her entire life. Trevor smiled, that wonderfully sexy smile that seemed somehow so much more intimate than it had before.

"Me too. You're wonderful," he said, pressing a small kiss to her lips. She parted them, inviting him into her mouth and his tongue delved in, deepening the kiss before he pulled away again. Her lips clung to his as they reluctantly parted ways. "Um... it might be a little late for this, but would you like to go out to dinner with me sometime? Soon?"

"Really?" Avery laughed as he rolled his eyes at her obvious surprise and delight. Okay, so maybe being surprised that he wanted to go out with her wasn't the most flattering emotion in this situation, but she just hadn't expected her dreams to come true in such a startling way.

"Really," he said firmly. "Please. This is uh... not how I wanted things to go with us. I'd always planned on dinner first. A sweet first kiss. Maybe a couple of movies."

She giggled and cradled his face in her hands, bringing him down for a kiss. "That's more how I pictured things too, except I never dreamed it could really happen."

"So is that a yes?"

"That's definitely a yes. Although if you want to do this again after dinner, without the whole robbery and bad guy thing, I'd be more than happy to oblige."

Trevor laughed and leaned down to kiss her again.


Later Avery and Trevor would be rescued from the closet by the next shift, wrapped up in afghans and sleeping cradled together. They gave their statements to the police and went their separate ways, but only until that evening when they finally went on their first official date.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, they did live happily ever after. Although they tended to edit the story of how they got together when people asked. Just a little.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A very good story. A twist I have. Ever read before & I read a lot. Obviously a 5 star story

With a great ending. So many authors quit writing and never finish their stories.

I really enjoyed this.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Really really really good

You're an amazing writer, thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Erotic, sweet, and well-written story

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Super hot story!!!

WOW!!!!! You outdid every other author I've ever read here on this one! My pecker became erect early on and stayed that way until the end when I "cummed" about the same time the subjects of the story did. I guess I'll have to consider your writing more in the future - if my poor tired old pecker can take it!!!!! You should get a genuine "attababe" for the erotic manner you put this one together - with sexual innuendos leaking out all the ay through!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Thank you

Thank you for a wonderful romantic happily ever after story. One of these every now and then does my heart good. Now, I just have to find a wonderful man to fall for and find a criminal to force us together. A girl can dream...

mitchawamitchawaalmost 11 years ago
erotic minds

The inner voices of Avery and Trevor are a nice lead in to the criminal intrusion. Having the bad guy have them strip to their underwear is unconventional as is the bad guys not taking advantage of Avery. The sex scene in the closet was also unconventional but well done especially since they were in close proximity and nearly naked. I liked the premise and the execution;it could have taken a number of different directions. Please encourage readers give you off-the-wall suggestions.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I was waiting to find out that the robber was one of their friends pushing them past the barriers they let control them.

Good Story


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Awwww!!! This story is so romantic.

mb0400smilesmb0400smilesover 11 years ago

when I coild have used one when i was working with lovely Stella?

Alice_ReidAlice_Reidalmost 12 years ago
Browncoat for life!!!!

Nice, sweet little story. Wish there had been more to it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Very sweet

I thought this was a very sweet romance. I love the way you write, Angel.

I didn't find it odd that Avery would blame herself for causing the robbery, at least briefly. She cares for Trevor and is scared that he will get hurt trying to help her. Seems to me that could bring about some guilt for causing the situation even thought there wasn't anything she could have done to prevent it.

LoneStarRiderLoneStarRideralmost 12 years ago
Nice work!

You're right. "unconventional".

But I liked the story. Excellent writing.

Sidney43Sidney43almost 12 years ago

Nice story and I love a happy ending, so all is good. My only negative is that a man with a gun, intent on robbery would not need the convenience of Avery walking outside the store to make his move. He has control, so would just walk in and get the money. I only say that because it seems artificial to have Avery blame herself for causing the robbery, as in all likelihood she didn't.

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