Androshorts - The Perfect Jezebel


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I was now softly groaning, calling out his name not because I wanted to upset his sister in the rooms above. To be honest I didn't even know if she was in, nor at that moment did I care, I was so fucking horny I wasn't sure how much longer I could put up with it.

"Rob, please," I gasped.

"Please what gorgeous Andrea," he said, sliding fingertips into the front of my panties at last and teasing.

I gave him my very best puppy-dog eyes,

"You're turning me on sooooooo much Rob, I need to come soooooooo badly!"

"Oh, is THAT all," suddenly his hand was inside the waist band of my panties and his finger was at my clit and pussy and I was being wanked to perfection.

"Oh yeah... Oh fuck yeah... don't stop, don't stop!"

He didn't and I rolled into what was undoubtedly the finest orgasm I'd had that I hadn't given myself, and that bad bastard Rob held me all the way through it, and I still had my panties on.

I lay there on my bed, gasping and giggling at that wonderful moment, as he rested up against the headboard with a smile of self-satisfaction, taking a sip of water from the glass that normally sat on my bedside table.

"So Rob, I need to repay you for that most amazing come," I rolled to my side and ran fingers through the hair on his chest.

"I'd very much like to make love to you, if that's OK?"

"Despite what I might have told Tony, and what he might have told Anna-Louisa and she told you, I am on the pill. I just wanted him to wear a condom so HE was the one that had to get up in the night."

"You're still waaay to defensive gorgeous Andrea, but it is a most splendid plan!" He kissed me, "I'll make love to you then if that's OK?"

In response I pushed down my white panties, kicking them almost across the room in my excitement, exposing the pussy I'd shaved the previous evening.

I rolled over him, bringing it to his groin, still covered with his stretchy boxers, so I shuffled back a bit and pulled them down so his equipment could spring up. I moved back to where I'd been, not before I bent down for a few moments and took him in my mouth and blew him, smelling my own wetness where I'd been pressed down on him.

"Oh Baby," he sighed, "now don't you start something like THAT!"

I sat up, leaning forward so I could take him inside me. He was big, but not porn star big, and I proceeded to ride up and down on him, thrilling to the fullness and excitement of riding him, wanting to give him all of the pleasure he'd given me. In doing so I was giving the same to myself; ah well, couldn't be helped...

Feeling the freest I ever had when making love, I arched my spine and flipped my hair back in delight, running my fingers through it like a movie Diva, grinding down harder on him, all for Rob to see and appreciate. He reached out and cupped my proud tits, gently holding them and slowly moved his hand around and down my body.

"Hey wow!" said Rob, reaching my sides, "the famous stretch marks Anna told me that Tony told her about!" He sat up straighter and pulled me closer to him.

"Yeah," I said with some reservation, putting my hands on his, "I..."

"You had a child for your sister who couldn't? That's the most loving thing a sister could ever do for her sibling!" He slipped his hands around my waist again, "Once I would have walked over broken glass for my sister, but I don't think she'd turn a page for me, and you," he hugged me so tight to him, "you HAD A CHILD for yours. That has to be the most compassionate thing I've ever come across in another human being," holding me, he pulled me close and we kissed, "you're amazing Andrea," he kissed me, "you're the nicest, kindest, sweetest girl and while I know you might not believe me," he kissed me again, "I've been crazy about you since I met you out there in the hallway less than a week ago."

"Oh Rob," I said feeling happy and weepy at the same time, "thank you," still feeling him hot inside me, "make love to me Rob," I whispered in his ear.

I moved my legs slightly so I could bounce up and down on him, enjoying our closeness and our faces mashing together as we kissed. It felt lovely, definitely the nicest lovemaking I could remember.

With a manful surge and a growl he rolled over me so he was on top in the classic missionary. Without even withdrawing he was back pushing up into me, holding me tight, loving me. I ground my boobs against his chest hair and it felt great, and with the stimulation, both physical and emotional, I felt my orgasm growing inside me.

"Oh Christ, Rob!" I gasped, "don't stop, please don't stop!"

He didn't, fucking me through my third ever penetrative sex orgasm, the first two were almost three years before, in this bed, in this room with my brother-in-law and had resulted in Emma.

All of that leapt from my brain to my groin and I came, hard and long, holding my lover to me as if he might leave, still feeling him push up and into me, the orgasmic spasming in my pussy evidently having the right effect on him, and I felt him thrust hard then splash around inside me, groaning with his release.

"Wow, Andi!" he said, resting down on to his elbows, his hands brushing my sweaty fringe from my forehead, "Baby, that was amazing."

"A joint effort Rob," I said with a giggle, "definitely a joint effort," I pulled his face to mine and kissed him, "that was the best... EVER! Seriously, you were amazing Rob, thank you."

"I mean this Andi," he said with a tired smirk, "Anytime, absolutely ANYTIME!"

That was the first time, and there were plenty more.

Each night Rob would come to my place then I would go to his the next. I had a reasonably sized, one bedroom, ground floor flat that I was terribly proud of, while Rob had a semi-detached suburban house that backed on to a park, three bedrooms and the most amazing kitchen that was full of gadgets. I love to cook, always have, and just the number of things he had in his kitchen just fired my imagination. I did dinners, I baked cakes, I made pies, his kitchen was like mine but bigger and with more gadgets.

We went out to a party on a Friday with a mess of his medical mates and I volunteered to be the designated driver. He got slightly tipsy, but it was a Friday night and while I fancied him like hell, we were both end-of-the-week-wasted, so it was strip naked and into bed to hold each other.

The next morning, I woke early, rolling naked and silently from his bed (sadly NOT a king-size like mine) and made for the bathroom. After that I headed down to his kitchen to make tea just in time to see a Tesco delivery truck reverse onto his wide drive.

Pulling on and buttoning a long black raincoat from a coat rack to cover my nakedness, I opened the door and took in the bags to the slight shock of the older guy driver. He left with a smile, the result of the sight of my cleavage and obvious 'young naked woman' beneath Rob's coat that I saw in the mirror on the coat stand as the truck pulled away.

I actually felt quite chuffed about that and hung his coat back up. As the kettle started to boil, I unpacked his delivery into his fridge then his cupboards, finding a whole mess of food, most of the packaging untouched and unopened.

Packing away his groceries was the perfect chance to snoop and see what cool gear he had. He had a kitchen device for everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. There was a large Kenwood mixer, the big expensive one, still wrapped in cellophane. An air fryer still with the cable tied up. Next it was a slow cooker, such a handy gadget for a busy medical professional but, you guessed it, still in the box.

He had a mincer, a fucking mincer! Why would a single man, one that obviously was not great shakes in the kitchen have a fucking mincer? He didn't really strike me as a man that would make his own sausages or burgers.

Then there was the same waffle maker that I had so I took it out of the box, wiped it down, switched it on then mixed some batter while it heated and made a quite reasonable stack, grilling some bacon on his George Foreman grill that HAD been used, typical bloke I thought.

Putting the oldest of his three bottles of maple syrup on the tray with two mugs of just-brewed tea and two glasses of OJ. I walked upstairs and into his bedroom just as the scent of food had woken my lover. He looked across at me,


"Good morning Rob," I said lowering the tray onto his lap as he sat up against the padded head board.

He looked down at the feast before him,

"Did you..." he looked stunned, "Did you get this... delivered?"

I put my hands on my naked hips,

"Delivered?" I folded my arms, bring my boobs and nipples up and into his sight, "Fuck off! Delivered my shapely arse." I chimed, dropping my weight onto one leg and brushing where my hair would have been had it not been in a ponytail, "I cooked all of this Robert, in YOUR kitchen!" I sat on the bed next to him and picked up a glass,


"Your waffle maker," I said.

"I have a waffle maker?"

"In the cupboard," I said, "Next to your mincer, your blender and your meat slicer. Sorry to snoop but I was packing your groceries away while making the tea."

"Oh yeah, forgot that was coming this morning."

"It's all packed away," I said, "Do you KNOW just how much flour you have?" He leaned over and kissed me, picking up a corner of hot waffle dipped in syrup.

"Slightly less than I had before I guess! You'll have to show me some recipes, naked of course."

"Pace yourself tiger," I said feeling his hand on the upper curve of my bottom, "Eat up, before it gets cold."

We sat and ate, we giggled, the whole 'sweet and sour' bacon and maple syrup waffles thing having passed him by. It instantly became a favourite.

Despite having eaten a nice breakfast and a further mug of tea, Rob couldn't keep his hands off me and we made love again, not having gotten down to it the night before.

It was wonderful starting with some nice missionary, then as our temperatures raised, I got onto my hands and knees. As the passion increased it was back to missionary again with another shared, mutual orgasm, leaving us temporarily spent.

We chatted some sweet nothings until he took the tray downstairs and loaded the dishwasher while I used his shower.

I pulled on my tight jeggings from the night before and a nice new figure-hugging T-shirt, my usual look-good-feel-good gear. I finished by brushing out my hair free of clips, bands or any other adornment.


Because I loved it when Rob ran his fingers through it!

We went out for a late lunch, and he held my hand the whole time, strolling through the town centre and enjoying each other's company as the spring tried to fight its way through the last of the wet winter's gloom.

The last thing I could call myself was gloomy because that afternoon sat in the coffee shop we had our very first date, at the very same table he told me that I was so beautiful and that he was in love with me! I admitted the same of course, had been for a while in fact, and the sun came out in celebration.

I stayed at his place that night of course but had run out of clean clothes, eventually going home on Sunday afternoon wearing one of his white short-sleeved shirts, buttoned then tucked in tight at the sides to show some chest and some cleavage and looking so sexy, and feeling great.

He was really appreciative, and thanks to what we'd admitted to each other and ourselves the previous lunchtime, we made out on his huge sofa for most of that afternoon, dragging myself away because I knew he had some reading and research to do for the next morning and I had work clothes to prepare, some of them still in the rucksack over my shoulder.

I opened the front door, stepped in and took my post from my pigeonhole and unlocked my front door.

"Andi!" shouted a familiar male voice, as I swung my own front door open.

I turned,

"Hi Tony," I said, it was my turn to be friendly-ish, to avoid the happy greeting I would have added when we were shagging.


Yes, definitely that. I'd shared the most amazing lovemaking with an amazing man I was in love with, I could never call what Tony and I did anything other than that.

To be honest, WE never made love, HE fucked me and while it was nice, it was nothing compared to what Rob and I did.

This was the first time I'd seen him in a few weeks, having rushed home or to Rob's place, and spending all my time with him.

"So..." said Tony with an overlong pause and obviously checking me out, "you been away for the weekend?"

"Yes," I said, knowing that whatever I said to Tony would get back to Anna-Louisa. If I didn't say what Tony wanted to hear, he'd go straight up to her and tell her what I'd said, I knew he had a good line in getting a pity-fuck.

I didn't want to mention anything about my weekend at all; not by name, not by description, not anything. I knew that should word get back to A-L T-G, she would instantly resume hostilities and shouting abuse through my bedroom ceiling and I really couldn't be arsed with more of that, not while things were going so well with her brother.

"Soooo..." said Tony, looking me up and down, especially the cleavage I was showing in my man's shirt, "You... err... all dressed up for someone special?"

"Yeah," I said, then gave a bit of pause, "Me!"

"So Andi," he said looking down at my feet, "I haven't eaten this evening, and I was thinking that if you hadn't, then... well... perhaps..."

"Oh, I've already eaten Tony," I said laying a hand on his arm with a bright-eyed smile, and I had, with my boyfriend, "but why don't you pop up and see Anna-Louisa..." I stopped myself, "Oh, but you'd have to pay for it then wouldn't you, in more ways than one; not have it cooked for you by a chef you can screw afterwards..." I patted his arm again, "Bon Appetit!" I pulled my door shut behind me. Score another one for the good guys.

I loaded my washing machine, pulled on my soft, snuggly PJ's and sat on my bed with a mug of hot chocolate, sending the occasional rude message to Rob, and telling him about my opportunist neighbour that had thought he might have been in with a chance.

I was buzzing, a new sense of confidence and understanding, in love with a wonderful man. Then next morning I headed out for work, and Anna was there.

"No boyfriend this morning then ANDREA?"

I made a point of looking around to see if Rob was behind me. I smiled a very flat and sarcastic smile to her.

"Do you know, he was JUST here, he's a slippery bugger and no mistake..." I said with little interest, picking up a card statement, and stepped outside. She followed,

"You know where he goes after he's fucked you Andrea... Home, TO HIS GIRLFRIEND! Not that silly three bed he's renting to fuck you in."

I'd been expecting this from her and hit straight back,

"Well, I hope he took some vitamin pills because by the time I'd finished with him, Jeeeez, the poor boy could barely stand." I leaned against our front garden wall and looked at her, "So is it a thing with ALL you Gray's, you find someone attractive and bring them home for a fuck? Or is it just you and pilots?" I gave her a wink, "I mean you only moved in nine months ago and I've counted four different performance cars parked in Tony's space. You go girl!?!"

That was a lie, I'd only counted three, but she didn't seem to want to argue that fact, maybe I'd missed one. I could see some rapid flexing of her bottom lip, perhaps my continued relationship with her brother was beginning to get her down.

"My brother is waaay to good for a tart like you; a doctor, a consultant surgeon? With a fucking travel agent? His girlfriend... no, his FIANCEE is a doctor as well." I didn't bite, and I could see her brain working, "they've set a date you know; Mummy is just sorting the final arrangements before the invitations go out." She grinned evilly, "Don't worry ANDI," she chuckled, "I'll make sure YOU get an invite to watch another man you loved moving on!"

"You wish him congratulations from me. Oh, and tell him there'll always be space for him in MY Kingsize Anna-Louisa, Wow, what a guy!" I moved closer. looked around cautiously and gave her my all-time favourite line from the teen movie 'Weird Science', "Hurts so good!"

I walked to my car, waved to her still open-mouthed and astonished face and drove to work.

With my earbuds in I commanded Google to 'Call Rob'. In moments his phone was ringing, and was answered quickly,

"Andrea," he breathed with the hint of sexy in his voice.

"Good morning Robert," I said, "Anna just told me about your girlfriend, apparently you've all but set the date, and share a house with her."

"Can't say I've ever seen her knocking about the place, did the princess say she was quite small perhaps?"

"She didn't mention that, perhaps she was stood behind the sofa and I couldn't see her all those times I was there," I heard a perk in my voice, just talking to him.

"My bloody sister," he sighed, "look Andi, I'm in the clinic all morning and my afternoon surgery has been cancelled, how about lunch. Come here, meet me in the coffee shop at one?"

"I'll see you then Doctor Gray!"

"Don't be late!"

And I wasn't; sat in the corner booth of the hospital's own Costa, just as the lunchtime rush started to ease, I sipped my latte as the tall, dark and outrageously handsome Orthopaedic surgeon walked in, looking hot even in the deep red scrubs he was wearing.

He ordered a coffee for himself, and picked up a variety off plastic wrapped savouries and sandwiches until he reached the bacon and brie panini that was my favourite and I nodded.

He came towards me, stopped by a couple of similarly dressed medics and they chatted momentarily. Once free of distractions, he was there, sitting, taking my hand then kissing me; it was lovely.

"Well my gorgeous Andi," he said, "You're looking pretty fucking devastating this lunchtime."

'MY Andi'! I was sooo in love with this guy!

"What? In all this?" I pointed down at my company uniform. OK, I had sat in the staffroom for twenty minutes getting my make-up just right, but still.

"You just have to wake up and smile to look gorgeous Andi, I can personally attest to that!" he said and squeezed my hand, "but I do have a confession to make." He took a bite from his wrap and put it back on his plate.

"Right?" I said.

"It's about my girlfriend; Anna hyphen Louisa Tyrwhitt hyphen frickin' Gray, WAS partially right," I stopped chewing for a moment, what? "You see, while my girlfriend doesn't live with me YET, I really want her to, and I do want to settle down with her." I sat still and stupid for a moment, feeling a chill of... something in his voice. What it was I couldn't...

"My gorgeous Andi," he slid from his chair to one knee holding out a ring, "Will you marry me?"

We'd only been seeing each other for three months.

Of course I said yes.

We had a rather sweet registry office ceremony with everyone there (including Anna) and my gorgeous niece Emma as my bridesmaid with her Mum as maid of honour. His parents are lovely and spookily like mine, and everyone got on, with all of them falling under Emma's spell, made only more captivating when I told them I'd carried and given birth to her.

I moved in with Rob before we were married, putting my ground floor flat on the market. It went quite quickly, and I moved all my bits and pieces out over a weekend, not seeing Tony or my fiancés sister, but finding out from Jane that they were moving on as well seeing as she was now expecting twins.

I still manage my little travel agency, Rob still works his magic with bones, muscles saws and scalpels and I'm pregnant again, it's so much nicer because this little person we'll get to keep.

And Anna-Louisa Tyrwhitt-Gray? A few years after ours we were invited to her wedding to one Mr Peter Conroy, following which the starry-eyed, perfectly attired, elegantly coiffured and now self-confessed broody bride announced herself simply as Mrs Anna Conroy.
