Ann: A Love Story Ch. 83


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"No...and that was fine. I loved how it worked out. He thanked me, and I told him that I'd see him again the next week."

"Oh my God...really?"

"Last night was the first Friday since that first time that I didn't order a pizza. When I just called, he actually got on the phone. He said he was worried about me. He didn't want anything...he didn't even care about the sex. He genuinely cared. He wanted to know if I was okay. He even said he almost called me, but he thought that would seem too weird, like he was needy."

"So...have you fucked him yet?"

"Oh GOD no. He just brings me my order and I suck him off. BUT, every week I wear less and less. That's another reason why I wore that bikini's the skimpiest one I own and he'll pretty much get to see all of me. I told him I was having company, so he knows I'm not blowing him tonight. I'll make it up to him, though."

" don't want to fuck him?" I asked.

"I know it's hard to believe, but I love what I'm doing. I think about him fucking me all the time. But for whatever reason I haven't gotten around to going any further...and he hasn't pressed me. I think he's happy with what I'm doing, and he doesn't want to ruin it."

"How would it ruin it?"

"I'm not saying it would. But if you were a college kid delivering pizzas and you were getting a blowjob once a week from one of your regulars, would you do anything to screw it up?"

"Well, you've got a point there," I conceded. "Still, do you like him?"

"Like him...I barely know him. I like his cock. I like the way he looks at me when I'm kneeling in front of him, holding it in my hands. I like the thrill of what we've been doing."

"What about him, though. Do you like him?"

Carol nodded, realizing I wasn't going to let the subject go. "I like what I the few conversations we've had we seem to have a lot in common. But he's young."

"So what?"

"God, you sound like I should start dating him."

"No...but I told you before, there's no harm in finding a friend to fuck to help you keep healing. And I'm a firm believe in liking the person you have sex with. I don't know how you can do that and not like them. Do you think he's friend material?"

"I never thought about him like that. He must be a friend. Otherwise, why would he have been so worried about me?"

"You right," Ann said, "he wouldn't. He didn't have to say that. And if you believe he was concerned...really concerned...from the heart, then he's a friend."

"Wow...that's a little...that's amazing."

"You know, just because you're having a little fun, I'm sure he can tell you like him. Seriously, I'm sure there was the thrill of it the first time. But now, you're doing it because it's him, not the act."

"Oh my GOD...I AM, AREN'T I!"

"So, tell me, how much time is Barry giving himself when he comes out tonight?" Ann asked sexily.

"Well, he says he takes his lunch hour when I call, so, he's got about an hour. In fact, the last time he stayed a little afterwards and we just talked. That's when I learned we had so much in common. He was here the whole hour. I even gave him some of my pizza."

"Is he taking an hour tonight?"

"Yeah. He said he'd already put off his lunch hour, even though it's not Friday. I guess he was hoping I might call tonight instead. But then I told him that I had company, and...well."

That's when Ann got that naughty look in her eye, a wry smile slowly appearing on her face. "What time did you say he's going to be here?"


Carol was standing on the patio, trying not to shiver as the beads of water ran down her sexy, tan body. Ann was standing behind her, acting as if it was 90 degrees outside. The combination of the cool temperature and the water from the hot tub on her skin didn't seem to affect her, other than her nipples being harder than normal. Of course, that was saying something, since they were always hard.

Ann had taken off the collar around her neck, and she moved up against Carol's back, rubbing her naked body against it. Leaning forward a little, she looked at Carol, smiling softly as she held the leather strap for her to see.

"Are you sure about this? Once you put on the collar, you're mine for an hour. You'll do everything I say, and you'll only be able to stop if you say your word...but if you say it, we're done, at least as far as you being 'Sunshine'. We're still going to have our threesome tonight if you want."

"Okay," Carol said softly.

"Do you trust me?"


"So, are you sure you want to do this?"

Carol closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Yes...I'm sure," she nodded.

Ann slipped the leather collar on Carol's and fastened the buckle, making it snug; the silver ring prominently in the front for all to see. Carol shivered again. It had nothing to do with the coolness of the fall air, or the water dripping on her skin. Her hand went to the leather strap now hugging her neck, feeling it her fingers; knowing what it meant. She shivered in reaction to Ann, knowing now that she 'belonged' to her, at least for a little while.

"Oh God," she whispered under her breath. "OH...FUCK!" she snapped when Ann reached between her legs, fingering her for a moment.

"You're excited, Sunshine," Ann giggled as she licked her fingers.

"Nervous is more like it."

"Try to relax. You're going to love letting go like this."

"What do you want me to do?"

"For now, dry off," Ann said as she got back into the water, moving over next to me. Taking my semi hard cock in her hand, she started stroking me, trying to get me fully hard. "Baby, you don't have a problem with this, do you?"

"It's a little late to be asking that now, don't you think?" I smirked.

"I'll stop if you want me to. I'm sure Carol would understand." I shook my head, my reassuring smile letting her know I was okay with whatever she had in mind. Still, that didn't stop her from wanting to hear me say it. "So, you're okay with this?"

"I don't know...I'm not sure what you have in mind. But I know you know the rules, and I trust you."

Ann leaned in close to me, whispering as she said, "I'm not going to do anything sexual with Barry, if that's what you're asking...well, I might touch him. Is that okay?"

I nodded, and Ann squeezed my cock. "Can he see me naked, or do you want me to cover up?"

I laughed and whispered, "You don't have anything to cover up with. Your clothes are in the car."

"I can use a towel."

"Do you want him to see you naked?"

Ann looked at me like I'd just asked her the stupidest question ever. It might have been just that. Of course she wanted Barry to see her naked. That was all part of the turn on; the thrill of exhibitionism. We both loved exposing her that way. Ann's smile softened, and I saw the love in her eyes. I found myself wanting her to feel the same feeling she wanted to give Carol; that exhilarating feeling of letting go. As long as we both agreed that there wasn't going to be anything sexual happening between Ann and Barry, other than perhaps a handjob, then I really didn't mind. If Ann was going to get more turned on than she already was, I was going to be the beneficiary of it.

"I think you know the answer to that," Ann said, squeezing my cock a little harder.

"I don't mind...but make it more subtle that just introducing yourself to him naked, okay?"

"Like you had me do with Carol," Ann said with an arched eyebrow.

"You were Annabelle then. Now you're Anna."

"I can do that. Just go with me on this, okay?"

"Are you asking me to trust you?" I winked.

"Do I need to?" she asked as she stood up.

" You don't," I smiled, feeling good in my heart that she didn't.

Ann bent over and kissed me, her arms wrapping around my neck. "You never have to ask me either, lover. I just hope Carol feels the same way after today," she giggled quietly.

As Ann stepped out of the hot tub, the doorbell rang. Carol's head snapped toward the house. Nervous fear crossed her face, knowing that whatever Ann had in mind, it was about to happen.

Ann picked up the cover up Carol had discarded on the table, slipping it on over her wet sexy body. She buttoned the bottom button, leaving the blond strip of pubic hair above her beautifully bald pussy in view. Pressing her hands against her breasts, she made the material cling to her skin, her nipples and areolas showing through like it was a wet T-shirt.

"Subtle enough?" she asked with a naughty smirk on her face.

"Perfect," I nodded.

"Good," Ann said as she grabbed the leash off the table, handing it to Carol. "It's still up to you, Sunshine. If you put it on, you belong to me, and you'll do as I say. If you don't, I'll go get the pizza and give Barry a little show in the process and send him on his way. Then the three of us can eat, and then we'll all do what we came here to do. Either way, Neil and I are going to have a threesome with you if you want. The only question you want to have a little fun as Sunshine first?"

Carol looked at the cold metal chain in her hand, the black leather handle on one end. She was playing with the metal clasp on the other end, opening and closing it as she thought about what Ann said. Ann had given her an out, leaving it up to her to decide her own fate. I don't think she expected that, but I did.

I knew Ann wanted to make her do things, but she also wanted her to be on board totally. She didn't want to ruin whatever she was doing with Barry.

Carol took a deep breath and opened the clasp one last time, hooking it onto the loop on her collar. "I'm all yours, Anna," she offered as she held out the leather handle in her first act of submission.

Ann stepped in close, using her finger to lift Carol's chin. "For the next hour, I'm Mistress Anna...and you'll call me Mistress, okay?"

Carol smiled and nodded. Ann grabbed her by the back of her hair as she leaned in, forcing a long, almost desperate kiss that made my cock spasm underneath the surface of the water.

Carol was breathless when they parted, which made Ann giggle. "Okay, Sunshine. Wrap yourself up in a towel and lie on that chase lounge and wait for me. Keep your legs together and your arms at your side. I'll be back in a minute with Barry."

Ann slipped her heels back on and opened up the French door to the house, leaving it open as she walked into the breakfast nook, heading to answer the door. I heard another knock, along with Ann's shoes clicking on the hardwood floor. Closing my eyes, I pictured her hard ass swaying as she walked. Part of me wanted to go watch what she did at the front door, but I knew I couldn't. Not without spoiling whatever plans that she had. Besides, my clothes were in the house, and I figured if Barry saw a naked man strolling around he might bolt. So, I sat in the steaming water of the Jacuzzi and waited, watching Carol fidget in anticipation on the lounger.

It took more than a minute for Ann to return. In fact, it was closer to ten. Finally, I heard her walking back through the house, and I could tell that Barry was with her. She told him to stay put while she put the pizza in the oven to keep warm. It was just like Ann to be practical in a moment of sexual intensity...but she was taking total control of the situation, letting Barry know she was truly in charge.

Ann eventually asked Barry if he was ready, and he responded that he was, his deep voice coming through the open doors so we could hear. At least, he said yes. The way he said it didn't sound as positive. He sounded nervous.

"Don't worry Barry. It's going to be fun. I promise, you're going to love every minute of what I'm going to do for you," she said, encouraging him. Seconds later they emerged from the house, Ann leading him out onto the patio by his hand. "Barry, that's Neil. He's my fiancé, and I belong to him," she said proudly as she pointed lovingly toward me. He stood there next to her, still holding her hand, his face showing he was unsure of what to make of what was going on.

I gave him a little wave, not bothering to say anything. I just smiled, more about what Ann had said than anything else. I never imagined that she would say that she belonged to me, at least in the way she insinuated it. I knew she said it for a reason, and I was smart enough to play along until I figured out what it was. But I'd be lying if I didn't admit her comment made me tingle.

Barry nodded back to me, a disarming smile on his rugged, chiseled face. I don't mind saying that he was a very handsome young man, and I could see why Carol was drawn to him. She'd said he was a former football player, yet he wasn't huge, maybe my height at 6 foot, weighing around 200 pounds. But he was certainly well built. His chest and arms were sculpted from hours spent in the weight room; his narrow making him look even bigger up top. He also had powerful legs, made obvious from the shorts he was wearing even though it was cool outside. Of course, the rest of us were naked or barely covered, so it was pretty stupid to judge his attire.

His medium length, dark brown hair was wavy and tousled. His dark eyes piercing as he looked at Ann's hard naked body through the transparent cover up that wasn't covering anything. He was leering at her, and she was reveling in the attention.

Ann was standing in front of him, using her amazing body to shield Carol, who was lying on the lounger twenty feet or so behind her. Grabbing the rope she'd left on the table, the same place she'd put the leash earlier, and she led Barry over to where Carol was waiting...nervously.

Barry looked down at Carol, wrapped seductively in big white terrycloth towel, making her tan look even darker. He eyed the collar around her neck; the long silver chain running down her lithe body, the handle resting on her covered mound.

"Barry...this is my love slave...Sunshine. That's what I want you to call her, because that's the only name she's answering to right now. Say hello to Barry, Sunshine."

"Hi Barry," Carol responded in a shaky voice.

Barry winked and said, "Hello Sunshine."

Ann walked behind Carol's head, and said, "Please put your hands over your head and put your wrists together, Sunshine." Carol lifted her arms and clasped her hands, letting Ann first bind her wrists tightly together, before tying the end of the rope to the lounge. When she had Carol secured, she leaned down and gave her a quick, sexy kiss before turning her attention back to Barry.

She walked over to him, pulling down the zipper to his shorts, making him flinch for a second. "Calm down, big boy. I'm just getting you ready," she said as she fished his hard dick out of his open fly. "Hmm...your cock is exactly like Sunshine described it."

"That's a good thing, I hope?" he said shyly.

"Very," Ann hummed happily as she started to stroke it. "I understand that Carol has been teasing you."

"Pardon me," Barry said, tearing his eyes away from Carol for a second to look at Ann.

"She's been teasing you with her hot little body, but she won't let you have it. She's just been blowing this beautiful cock of yours."

"Hey...I'm not complaining. She's amazing."

"Are you saying that you haven't thought about fucking her?"

"Well no...I think about it all the time. But..."

"But you know she won't put out, because she's a tease."

"I never said that. I just..."

"I know, I know. You just don't want to push it because she might stop giving you head. Right?" Ann had taken my logic, and used it to her advantage. Actually, she probably knew that was how Barry was thinking without me saying it before. Regardless, she had Barry backpedaling.


"So...she was teasing you. Did you ever notice how every time you stop by, she's wearing less and less clothes?"

Barry snapped his head toward Carol...a shit-eating grin on his face as he slowly nodded. "Now that you mention it...yeah."

"See...she's been showing you more and more of what she isn't going to let you have. She's been teasing you."

"Still, I have no right to complain."

"Maybe," she said as she let go of Barry's cock, letting it bob up and down in the open air as she moved to Carol. Reaching down, she grabbed Carol's leash while she untied the little fold in the top of the towel between Carol's breasts. She flipped open the towel, letting the ends dangle over the sides of the chair, exposing Carol's naked body...making Barry grin wider. "Then again, maybe not. See what you've been missing?"

"Hmm...why, yes I do."

"Well, the good thing is, Sunshine isn't a tease. She's a slut, aren't you Sunshine?"

"Yes...Mistress Anna."

Ann reached down and pulled one of Carol's nipples, twisting it and making her scream out. "My name is Mistress. You haven't earned the right to use my given name yet!"

"Yes Mistress! Sorry!"

"That's better," Ann said, letting go. "How did that feel?"

Carol looked back over her head and grinned. "It hurt."

"Good. I'll let Barry do the other one...if he agrees."

"Agrees...agrees to what?" he asked.

Ann took his cock back in her hand, stroking it slowly. "What do you want, Sunshine? Tell Barry what you want."

"I...I want him to fuck me Mistress."

"Don't tell me...tell him."

"I want you to fuck me Barry."

Ann grinned and said, "There. My slave wants you to fuck her. Do you want to?"

"Why do I have the feeling this is going to cost me something," he laughed.

"Because it will."

"What do you soul?" he laughed again.

"I don't want anything Barry. I have someone I belong to. He's right over there waiting for me."

"Then what do you...what does she...what am I supposed to do?" he asked, thoroughly confused.

"If you want to fuck Sunshine, you can. All you have to do is agree that next Friday, after you get off of work, you're going to come back here...and you're going to let Carol do whatever she wants to you, like I'm doing to her."

"What? Do you mean tie me up and stuff?"

"Uh huh, if that what she wants," Ann winked.

"Yeah, right. Uh, I don't think so."


Ann was slowly riding my cock, her back to me as I sat still in the hot tub. She was moving up and down, grinding her tight pussy over my rock hard shaft, and it felt incredible.

I hadn't realized just how much I'd missed fucking Ann's pussy, even though it had really only been a little over a day. It wasn't like I hadn't fucked her. I'd fucked her several times. But I'd avoided her cunt, concentrating on her ass because she was being Annabelle during that time. I just didn't fathom that by denying her the privilege of fucking my cock I'd also been punishing myself in the process.

"God this feels good," I whispered into her ear as she bobbed up and down in the water.

"Mmm...yes it does, lover," she cooed as she held my hands against her tits with hers, wanting me to squeeze them lovingly. I could feel her hard nipples nestled between my fingers. She moaned and leaned back into me, her wet hair clinging against my neck. "I love how you make me feel, Neil."

"How's that?"

"Loved...always," she sighed.

I sighed with along with her, feeling the same love back. Yet that made me wonder about what she'd said earlier. "Why did you tell Barry that you belong to me?" I asked.

"Because I do," she answered matter of factly. "Besides, I didn't want him getting any ideas that he was going to be with me. I thought if I told him that, he'd think that you're in charge of all this, and that I only doing what you making me do."

"I'm not sure he thought that."

"Maybe...maybe not. Either way, I belong to you, lover. And now he knows it."

"I still can't believe you got him to commit to being Carol's love slave next week. I have to admit, I didn't see that coming. He seemed so dead set against it at first."

Ann moaned, her eyes shut as she humped me, her left hand holding the back of my neck; her fingers playing with my hair. "Hmm...It wasn't that hard."