Anya Surprised


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Chanli filled her plate a second time. "Lady? I mean, Anya? I am honored by the privilege you have given me. May I ask a personal question? If I'm too forward, tell me and I'll shut up."

Anya narrowed her eyes, nodding cautiously. "Go ahead."

"I heard you were the third child of Duke Thorband and Duchess Dianne. Why are your elder sibs not to inherit?"

Breathing a sigh of relief, Anya rinsed off her shoulders. "My older sister, Talí Theláyna, loves magic. She won't give it up, refusing to have children or even a lover for the time it would take away from her studies. It was all my parents could do to convince her serve as Lord High Wizard for the duchy, to reduce some of the duties from my mother." Anya sat up on her knees, lathering her belly, crotch, and thighs. "My brother, Moril Marcusha is a proud warrior and – well, let's say there were many long discussions with the clan leaders. Moril will become Lord High Marshal when our current one retires or is killed. So that left me. I could have refused, of course, and the House chiefs would have chosen another heir for the Queen to confirm. Like my sister, I love magic and what it can do. We get that from our mother, I suppose. But my father, well, he asked me, and I couldn't tell him no." Anya sat down in the water and began rinsing off. "If you're done, I'm ready for you to do my hair and back."

Chanli wiped her hands, then moved over, pulling up a stool. "Which one do I use?"

Anya pointed to a taller bottle. "That's the shampoo."

As she lathered up the hair, Chanli leaned closer. "You must love your father a lot."

Closing her eyes in pleasure, Anya sighed. "Yes, I suppose I do."

When she was done, Chanli handed Anya a towel for her hair. As Anya stood, the guardswoman took a larger body towel, and began rubbing her dry. Anya gave her a funny smile, reaching for the towel. "Chanli, I can do that myself."

Suddenly embarrassed, the young woman stepped back. "Ahem. Sorry."

"That's all right. I enjoyed the pampering you gave me, but I don't expect you to be my body servant. Mother never really liked the idea, and I guess my grandparents were like that, too. Now that I'm older, I can appreciate their reasons, but at the time, I thought it was a real bother." Anya dried her back and front.

"Did you ever meet your grandparents?"

"A few times, but I was very small. After Grandfather died, Grandmother Charlotte died the next year. They say she pined away from grief. I believe it." Anya stepped out, and dried her legs and thighs. "After that, Grandmother Shara packed up and disappeared. The story is that my aunts, Queen Dorothy and Princess Theodonra, have heard from her over the years, but very little of what has happened to her since has reached me."

"There are rumors that your Grandmother, Saint Shara, has died. If so, I extend to you my condolences."

Anya nodded. "It's true. Killed in battle against the dark elves, beneath the ruined city of Oaken Hill. You remember the earthquakes last spring that shook us here so badly? I recently learned that that was when she died. Destroyed one of their dark elf kingdoms at the cost of her own life." When she saw Chanli's interest, she chuckled. "I only know a bit of it, third hand or worse. My mother knows more. Perhaps when we visit the City of the Suns again, I'll ask and make sure you're around to listen to all the details."

Chanli blinked. "Really? That's very kind of you –"

There was a knock at the door. Anya hurried into underwear, bra, and a discreet sun dress, as Chanli moved to the door, calling out, "Who is it?"

"Pericles, to see Lady Anya."

Chanli leaned close to the door, speaking loudly. "Her Ladyship is just finishing her bath. She asks your forgiveness and to please wait just a moment longer."

Startled, Anya stopped. "Very good, Chanli," she whispered. "Use your initiative, just like you did. Just be sure that when you do speak for me, you don't commit me to anything without my say so. All right?"

The guardswoman bowed her head. "Yes, my Lady."

Anya added a floor-length skirt, slid into some slippers and seated herself back at the table. Taking off the towel in her hair, she looked at a mirror and frowned. With a series of gestures and phrases that Chanli couldn't hear, Anya's hair straightened out and arranged itself in a complicated arrangement of braids and twists. "All right, you can let them in."

Chanli opened the door and stood aside. Their host entered, followed by his two large shadows.

"Pericles! So good of you to come. Please sit down." Anya smiled. Pericles was immaculately dressed, as usual, but Anya suspected he'd had less sleep than she herself. She poured herself a glass of hot tea, and with the rise of her eyebrows and a tilt of her head, asked Pericles if he wanted to join her.

He shook his head. "You requested that I come see you. What may I do for the emissary and heir to the City of the Suns?"

Anya looked at his guards. "You may retire to other room. Chanli, please accompany them."

His guards looked at Pericles. He gave a curt nod, and they quietly exited, Chanli behind them. When the door was closed, Pericles sat down and folded his arms, waiting.

Anya nibbled at a slice of toast and took a drink. "I'd like to speak frankly with you."

"Certainly, my Lady."

"I have taken an interest in the welfare of the young lady you so kindly provided for me. That was nicely done, by the way. I could offer to buy her for an outrageous sum, and the next time I visit, have yet another young slave presented to me. I am very wealthy, but it seems to me there is an alternative. The benefit to you is that it costs you only time and some kindness. I am willing to provide the necessary coin."

Intrigued, Pericles raised an eyebrow. "What sort of arrangement are you talking about?"

"Manumit her. I'll pay the costs for that. The court fees, litigant fees, tattooing. I'll even cover the cost of your purchase plus twenty percent. Have her taught to read, write, and cypher. As much as she is interested in. If you prefer, you may use the curricula of a Hellene courtesan. Philosophy, poetry, drama, whatever you think your customers would enjoy discussing. If she can master it, she should learn accounts as well. I'll pay her wages and her tutoring costs. Whenever I visit, I'll expect to see her. I will also arrange it so that if she becomes ill or injured, she can be taken to my church for healing. In return, you provide her food, lodging, and clothing, and you can expect two-thirds of a day's labor from her. Feed her a good diet, with a good portion of meat at least once a day, with at least one full day off a week, and I'll consider it fairly done. At the end of a year, we'll both decide if we will continue the arrangement."

"Your offer is tantalizing. I value your patronage at my establishment, even if you always seem to leave a little richer, because you attract other wealthy customers. But why should I do this?"

Anya nodded. "Truly a good question. I think she is a gem in the rough. She acted even when she was terrified, and she displayed other characteristics that I prize in my own staff. Treat her with kindness as well as discipline, and encourage her to learn. Don't force her to use her body unless she wants to. I think she will surprise you. If she doesn't make satisfactory progress, or if at the end of two years, if you aren't satisfied with her, I will take her into my household and pay you an additional one thousand royals for your trouble. How can you lose?"

Pericles tapped his finger on the table while he thought over her proposal. A pause, and then he nodded. "I want this in writing. No offense, Lady, but what if something should happen to you? I would need proof for your kinsmen if I were to lay any claim against your estate."

Anya gave a curt nod. With a simple prestidigitation, she waved one hand around another and presented a scroll to him.

Pericles smirked, then reached for it. Scanning quickly through it, he saw the seal in wax at the bottom and nodded in agreement. "Everything you said, already in ink. A man who trusts repayment of a gambling debt is a fool. However, you have always paid your debts and kept your word with me. I will trust this contract will not be altered magically." He got up and went over to a side table. Taking a quill, he opened an inkpot, then scratched his signature on the document, then tossed the quill onto the table. "As a sign of trust on your part, I would like some of the wages and the manumission fees up front."

"That is acceptable. If you can have the coin and gems brought from last night, I will provide the money right now." Anya daintily sipped her tea.

Pericles went to the door and flung it open. "Pythas! Go find Chloe and bring her here. Craterous, come with me. My Lady." A bow to Anya before he exited.

Chanli closed the door to the outer apartment, then entered and closed the door to the inner apartment before making sure everything was all right, an act not lost on Anya.

Anya refilled Chanli's cup and her own. "Drink your tea. In a few hours, we'll be home. When we get there, you can have the rest of the day off. I'll clear it with your officers. That should allow you to rest up after all the running around I've put you through."

"There's no need, Lady. I can do my regular duty when I return."

Anya gazed at her. "It's hard for you to think of me as your friend, isn't it?"

Reluctantly, Chanli nodded. "There is a great gulf between us, Lady. You are born to rule, and I am born to serve. I am content with that."

"I'm not expecting for us to become best friends. This is new for both of us, but I know that I like you. Friendship takes time to properly cultivate. You've seen me when I was terrified and weak, yet you comforted me. Even now, you speak freely, much freer than before we started this adventure. Give it a chance. Givemea chance."

There was a knock at the door. Anya turned. "Come!"

Pythas opened the door. "Lady, here is Chloe." He moved aside for her to pass, then exited.

Chloe bowed, saying nothing, waiting for instruction.

"Chanli, think about what I said." Turning to their guest, Anya said, "Chloe, pull up a chair and have a seat, please."

There was another knock at the door. Chanli got up to answer it, and Pericles entered, followed by his second guard, Craterous, the latter carrying two bags of coins and gems. Anya indicated that Chanli should take the smaller one. From the larger, she counted out two thousand royals, barely impacting the wealth contained therein. Pericles scooped up the money, while Chloe, her head bowed, watched with apprehension.

Anya leaned forward to the girl. "Chloe? Some things in your life are about to change. Please listen carefully to what I'm about to say."

* * * * * * * Chapter 11 * * * * * * *

Outside the inn, a gig pulled up. It was nearly ten bells, but the air was already thick with heat. Despite that, Anya wore a more conservative, burgundy sun dress with a wide, gold belt. Chanli had moved to sit up with the driver, but Anya rapped her own seat firmly, indicating she should ride beside her. When the guardswoman settled into place, Anya called up to the driver, "Ten-ten Snapdragon, please."

As they left the downtown area, Anya stared ahead. Seeing her stiff posture, Chanli sat quietly. Around them swirled scores of festival goers, enjoying the hot summer day and the holiday atmosphere. At nearly every corner, musicians busked and vendors plied their wares. As they exited the boulevard and turned onto Snapdragon Street, Chanli realized Anya was trembling. She took Anya's hand. "Lady?"

Anya held her hand firmly, shaking her head, refusing eye contact.

Soon, the horse and carriage pulled up before a large, three-story corner house. The Whisper Wind manor.

Chanli paid the driver and descended, then helped Anya down. "Shall I have the driver wait?" she inquired. Anya again shook her head. Waving off the gig, Chanli approached the door and rapped the knocker three times.

A guard answered, different than the day before. "Yes?"

Chanli announced, "Lady Anya to see Mother Tia, as soon as possible. It is a matter of some urgency."

He peered at Anya, then nodded, opening the door wide. "Come inside, Lady Anya, and be welcome." Turning to another guard, he said, "Eshan, make sure her Ladyship is comfortable while I go inform Mother Tia."

Eshan offered a chair, food and drink, all of which Anya declined. Like Anya's own house, the air inside the Whisper Wind home was noticeably cooler inside, a bonus to having a mage within the household. Chanli used her arm to wipe her forehead, sweating as much from the change in temperature as from the heat they had just left. They stood in a large room, filled with a line of several tables and long benches. The large room, with its ceiling vaulting up to the third floor, functioned as the main dining hall. To the right was a door to a gymnasium. To the left was the barracks. At the far end of the room, the left hall led to the kitchen while the right led to a large family room. Opposite the main doors was the door to the classroom as well as a staircase leading upstairs.

The classroom door opened, and out came a young woman of average height and bronze-brown coloring, shoulder-length black hair and dark eyes, wearing simple tan robes, and very pregnant. Tia Whisper Wind. To Chanli, she looked to be her own age, but she'd heard from her lieutenant that while the priestess was human, she was much older than she appeared. The guard re-entered the main hall behind Tia, closing the classroom door before returning to his post by the front entrance. Chanli settled on a nearby bench to wait.

Tia smiled expansively, holding out her arms in greeting. "Anya! It has been awhile, hasn't it? Be welcome and tell me how you are!"

Anya fairly flew into her arms, hugging her tightly.

Tia hugged her back, surprised by the intensity of Anya's grip. After a short time, Tia broke the embrace gently, but firmly. Cupping her hands around Anya's face, she searched deeply into her eyes before speaking. "Let's go talk in private, shall we?"

Anya just nodded, tears spilling freely.

Tia guided her toward the staircase. Turning her head, she paused to call out in the direction of the family room. "Reison? Mindal? The children are working on some math assignments right now. Lessa can help with the corrections. When they are done, they can work on their personal projects. If, after a couple of hours, they need something else to do, have the more experienced ones work with the new children on memorizing the different alphabets, reciting them together in small groups, and to practice writing them for at least an hour. After that, they can have some extra gym time. No more school after lunch today. All right?"

Reison stepped from the family room into the archway, looking at Anya with a mixture of interest and concern. Mindal stood behind him, her hand on his shoulder. "Is everything all right?"

"We'll be up in the chapel. Unless it's really urgent, Husband, please don't disturb us. Can you help out in the classroom? Thank you. You are such a dear." Tia gave Anya her handkerchief, then leaned on her arm. "Come on, let's go. That's a girl."

They ascended the stairs to the mezzanine level, then took the first door on the right, entering the house chapel. Once the door was closed, Tia guided Anya to a comfortable couch along the back wall, sitting down beside her. One hand began a regular caressing of Anya's back, stroking gently.

After giving Anya several minutes to calm down, Tia quietly asked, "Do you feel up to talking?"

Anya burst into tears again. "I'm so confused, Tia! I don't want–want him to die, but I don't what else to do!"

"Want who to die, dear? Why don't you start at the beginning? That's usually best. Take your time, and tell me even the smallest details that come to you. All right?"

Slowly, in fits and starts, Anya began. As she talked more, her voice steadied, and by the time she finished her tale, she was composed again.

Tia kissed her cheek, then hugged her tightly. "No wonder you're upset. I'm sorry I wasn't available yesterday for you. Anya, for something like this, it really is an emergency, do you understand? Now I'm going to ask you some questions, and answer as truthfully and completely as you can. Some of these I can guess how you feel, but I need to ask them, for propriety's sake. One has been troubling you already. It's the most important, but let's see if we can defuse it, all right? Good. Anya, do you want to charge Jannon with rape?"

Anya paled, but shook her head vigorously.

"Considering your reaction to the dream about him being cast out and his ritual death, I didn't think so. All right. How long have you known Jannon?"

"Ten years."

"My, my. Just a few years longer than we've known each, isn't it? Ten years. How did he become your captain?"

"My father presented him, and recommended I take him into my service. So I did."

"So your father had a chance to review his character, and no doubt so did your mother."

Anya looked surprised. "Yes, I suppose so. I hadn't thought about it, but you're probably right. But I don't see what difference it would make."

"They would want to make sure he was a good man. After all, he was selected to protect their child. Up until yesterday, have you had any reason to be dissatisfied with him?"

Anya looked away. "His service has been exemplary. More than once, he's saved my life, taking wounds meant for me. He's very good at protecting me. But -- well, lately we haven't been getting along."

"Let's have some chamomile tea." After some effort, Tia got up and pulled a cord by the door. "Or perhaps something else?"

Anya shook her head. "Nothing right now."

Tia tilted her head and looked at her, waiting.

"All right," Anya said at last, a small smile tugging her face. "I'll have some tea with you."

"Good." Tia gave her shoulder a brief squeeze, before carefully sitting down again. "I think trying to get up and down is my least favorite part of being pregnant. That, and the constant pressure on the bladder. I just want to pee all the time! Enough about me. So, you two have been having difficulties. How long has this been going on?"

"I–I'm not sure."

"Think back. There's been a change going on between you two. It might be helpful to know when it began. Also, what kind of problems exactly are you having?"

Anya sat back and rubbed her temples. "I don't know. I guess it's been ... it's been over a year now. What do we fight about? That's what's so odd. They aren't big things. But when we're yelling at each other, they seem important. Afterward, I feel ashamed the fighting got so out of hand. Most of the time, it's just that he wants to be around me wherever I go, or to know where I am all the time. Even when I'm home."

"He is your guard captain. It's his job to know where you are to protect you. If that's what's bothering you, you're in for a lot of misery when you inherit the duchy. After so long in your service, I would have thought you were used to him keeping tabs on you."

Anya shook her head. "I've been around guards all my life. And for most of his service, I didn't have a single complaint. It's in things I can't pin down. Like how he looks at me."

Tia took her hands into her own. "If he was just a new man, I'd say replace him. But he's not. And that's what's troubling you. He's not only your captain, but after so many years and shared hardships, he's become your friend."

Anya nodded.

"Do you trust him?"

She shrugged.

Tia gazed into her eyes. "You're not sure? That says a lot, Anya. If you aren't sure if you can trust him, you really do need to replace him. Do you think he will be dangerous?"
