Aphrodite's Box

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A sexy voice teases a man in a prison of one way mirrors.
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Aphrodite's Box

His head felt funny, he tried to move and suddenly realized that he couldn't. He was restrained in some kind of metal harness. He was in a crouching position on his knees with his arms restrained up and next to him. He was bent forward with his midsection restrained in a harness of sorts that was suspended from the ceiling. His legs were spread open enough to expose his private parts. His head was free to move around, but he could feel that his head was placed in some kind of metal helmet. He opened his eyes and saw that he was in a park in some city. Sunny skies, palm trees, he might have been in Los Angeles but he had no way of knowing for sure. There were people everywhere. He tried to scream for help but nobody responded, he tried for several minutes, but to no avail. Suddenly he realized that his bowels felt funny, they felt rather full. He looked down and realized that he was naked! He quickly looked around trying to see if anyone noticed his nudeness. There were hundreds if not thousands of people walking about, minding their own business. None of them seemed to notice him. He felt movement in his ass and he quickly looked down and noticed what was moving within his most private of spots. He looked down between his legs and saw a 12-inch long 1½-inch wide rubber dildo attached to a metal pole that went into the floor beneath him. It was slowly pumping in and out of him; an inch or so would go in then pull back out. There was a rubber tube attached to the base of the dildo that seemed to go into the bass of the dildo and ran up the length of the dildo from inside of it. He had no idea what that tube did, but he had a sneaking suspicion that he'd find out soon. As the dildo slowly fucked his ass, he looked out what must have been a box with 1-way mirrors for walls. As he felt the dildo fuck his ass slowly he was overcome with shame and embarrassment as he saw all of the people around him and imagined that they could all see him.

"Hello there my pet, how are you feeling this afternoon?" asked a feminine voice that seemed to come from above him. He looked up as far as he could and saw a tiny speaker. The voice continued. "I hope you're enjoying my present." With that he felt the dildo go farther into his bowels 1 time and then pull out and return to its normal depth and speed.

"Where am I? What day is it? Why am I naked? What do you want with me?" He asked frantically the voice replied calmly

"I just want to have some fun that's all, you aren't in any danger. You are currently in a box of one-way mirrors in the middle of a crowded park. The people all around you can't see you as long as light is reflecting off of the exterior of the box of mirrors. They can't hear you either so feel free to express yourself however you feel fit during the coming activities." The female voice cooed.

"Why can't I remember anything?" he asked nervously, the feminine voice replied.

"You had an accident and now have amnesia, every time you fall asleep you forget the previous days activities." Replied the female voice caringly, this reply led to even more question from the man in the box of mirrors.

"Why am I here?" he asked as he watched all of the people mill about all around him.

"Well you actually signed up for this, you came to us." Replied the female voice matter-of-factly, he was confused by that last statement but didn't have any time to dwell on it before he heard her speaking once again.

"Are you ready to have some fun?" she asked cheerfully as he heard a deep humming sound emanate from below and behind him. He felt an anger rise within him.

"Fuck you! Do you have any idea who I am?" he screamed at the voice that tormented him.

"Actually I'm about to fuck you, and yes I do know who you are, you're my little play thing to fuck and tease to my hearts content." The female voice said happily. He felt the dildo squirt a liquid into the deepest parts of his bowels with one long powerful jet. That must have been what the tube was for, he mused to himself. He felt the dildo squirt two more powerful jets of liquid and then he heard the female voice again.

"Let's start off with some basic questions shall we? Firstly, do you know what the word ejaculation means?" The female voice asked him as he struggled to get a firm grasp on his situation. He replied with a hint of snark in his tone.

"Of course I know what that means, do you think I'm stupid?"

"Okay no need to be rude, I was just asking. Next question, have you ever felt what it is like to be milked? That is to be forcibly made to ejaculate by someone or something else." That worried him slightly, but he didn't dwell on it long as a strong urge welled up from deep within him. He actually had to admit that he felt pretty good all things considered.

"No I have not." He answered calmly as he glanced around him, he noticed off in the distance a woman walking with a group of people. He was wearing a nice pair of form fitting jeans that accentuated her curves nicely. He felt the hint of a feeling deep within him, a primal urge to satisfy his baser urges. Watching this woman walk by made him feel different, he felt a kind of tingle in his groin, which he thought was strange. He wasn't paying attention much to what the female voice was saying at the moment, but one phrase did catch his attention.

"Now that you're all lubed up let's begin." He jumped when the dildo began to move at a faster pace about 1 thrust every second. He tried to act like he didn't feel the mildly pleasant sensation from the dildo inside him, but the female voice new better.

"Oh come now don't act like you don't enjoy the feelings in your ass. The semi erection that you're sporting tells me that you're enjoying this at least a little bit." The female voice chided him. He looked down at his penis and saw that he was indeed starting to become erect; he felt his cock twitch and saw a small bead of clear fluid leak from the tip.

"It's okay if you are starting to feel urges baby, just let those urges take you my pet. All men feel these urges when I do this to them." She cooed as he became more and more erect with every thrust. He began to notice people were starting to walk over to the box of mirrors, they were all looking at the box and a creeping suspicion that they could see him and his growing arousal floated through his mind.

"Can they see you? Was I lying? They are looking at you but they don't look like they can see you. You're so aroused and you feel so needy at the moment. How does it feel being so intimately exposed?" The female voice said mischievously. He felt his cock twitch again and looked back down to his groin only to see his now full erection leak another clear strand of fluid. There was a small pool of fluid gathering beneath his cock on the floor between his legs that was maybe ¾ of an inch wide.

"Why are you doing this too me? Why can't I remember anything?" he asked again, his confusion getting the best of him. She replied dismissively.

"Sweetie, I've already answered that, you signed up for this remember?" she said as his cock continued to twitch.

"I don't believe you, mysterious female voice, that doesn't sound like something that I would do." She sighed and replied.

"It will come back to you as soon as you start spraying all of that hot goo." He raised an eyebrow in confusion but was suddenly overcome by an aching lust deep within him; his cock felt like it was made of granite it was so hard.

"My goodness you are so hard already? I've only got the tip in and your leaking so much! What a naughty boy you are." The fact that this mysterious female voice completely ignored his concerns and the almost motherly tone with which she spoke to him made him feel an overwhelming sense of embarrassment. The female voice continued, "I think you're ready for a little more of my dildo. What do you think, are you ready for me?" He looked down between his legs at the imposing dildo and gulped. With that he felt the dildo start pumping in and out of him much deeper than before. He instantly let out a moan, much to his surprise. His best guess was that about 4 inches of rubber dildo were currently pumping in and out of his ass. He felt his cock twitch and throb more rapidly and saw that he had an almost constant flow of clear fluid leaking from his now rock hard cock.

"Oh my look at the hot jogger to your left." He felt his head get forcefully turned to the left as he female voice spoke; he tried to move his head away, but found that he couldn't. "Look at the chest on her! I bet you'd like to see those titties bounce while she rides that hard cock of yours wouldn't you?" The girl that the female voice was referring to was a curvy girl with crimson red hair who looked like she was in her early 20's. She looked to be out jogging. Her sports bra looked like it was barely able to handle her impressive bust. He looked down and laid eyes on her amazing curvy hips and her pubic area. The dildo sped up its tempo a little bit causing more moans to escape from his mouth.

Her scandalously sheer yoga pants gave him a great view, as she pulled up her yoga pants giving him a look at her camel tow. Her yoga pants were almost see through now that she had pulled them up, exposing the fact that she wasn't wearing any panties. What he could see of her pussy was shaved bald, with only a small stripe left behind on her pubic mound. He looked back up at her and saw her adjusting her sports bra; he could see her nipples poking through the fabric as she readjusted her bust. He saw her impressive cleavage shake back and forth as she adjusted herself. The joggers ample chest and amazing cleavage glistened in the mid day sun. He let out another moan as a growing need built up within him. He saw the jogger turn and start jogging away, her ass and curvy thighs bounced and jiggled lewdly as she jogged away. The lusty need within him became too much and he let out a moan as he approached that point of no return.

"Uh oh is somebody getting close? Was the slutty jogger too much for you to handle?" The female voice inquired as he got closer and closer. He had never orgasmed without something stimulating his cock, so the orgasm that was approaching was going to be interesting.

"Fuck." He moaned as his iron like cock bounced and quivered obscenely. Suddenly as the jogger left his sight he could move his head again so he took the time to look down at his cock. He had never seen his cock so hard before; it was a shade of red that he had never seen before and the throbbing, quivering head was leaking an almost constant flow of clear fluid. He was mere moments away from what was shaping up to be a massive climax when the dildo stopped pumping.

"Ah, ah, ah, no squirting yet, that means it's not time for all of that hot cream to explode out of your cock in one amazingly powerful ejaculation. We aren't done playing yet, we have so much more fun ahead of us for you to ruin it and prematurely ejaculate now." The female voice cooed soothingly as he felt the dildo pull out of his ass all of the way. He felt empty without the dildo inside of him. He moaned as the dildo left his bowels. He was breathing hard as his cock twitched and jumped having been seconds from tipping over the edge.

"Aw does baby miss my cock? It's going to be okay; once you calm down a little bit, we'll begin again. We've got so much juicy cum that we need to get out of you. Don't you worry baby by the end of this you'll be so satisfied that you'll never want to leave." The female voice said reassuringly. He felt the dildo begin to poke and prod at his rectum again. It was teasing him, slowly inserting about an inch before slowly pulling back out. His cock had calmed down a little bit, but he was still frustratingly on the edge.

"Were you close to cumming for the slutty jogger? You got so close to squirting for her, but I didn't let you. It isn't time for ejaculating just yet, we've got so much more fun ahead of us before we can think about how amazing it is going to feel when you begin ejaculating. While we do need to get all of that hot gooey cum out of you I think it's best if we delay that as long as possible and just tease you a little bit. The mess that you're going to make for me is going to feel so good when it is finally time to make a mess. Having said all of that I will tell you that it is time to take things up a notch. It's time to test that tight little asshole of yours with full penetration!" She announced as he felt the dildo slowly almost painfully slowly push its way deep into his bowels. He felt the dildo squirt hot jets of liquid deep into his bowels as it pushed further and further inside of him. With every squirt inside his ass, he let out a lusty moan, his cock quivered and throbbed frantically, and another strand of clear fluid leaked from his sensitive tip onto the floor below. The pool of fluid beneath his cock had grown since the slutty jogger had unknowingly teased him and left him in such a needy state. He watched all the passers by and onlookers gaze at what he assumed was a box of one-way mirrors. They all took a moment to look at themselves in the mirror before going back to what they were doing. He let out a moan as he felt the dildo bottom out inside of him. He had never felt so full before in his life. The dildo buried inside of him pulled out about 4 inches and then slowly, teasingly, pushed back inside of him. The dildo began pumping slowly in and out 1 thrust every 2 seconds. 4 inches slowly teasing him back towards that edge.

"You're such a naughty boy, taking all 12 inches like a champ. Usually naughty boys like you don't take to my cock so fast. I have a feeling that part of it is that need to just spray your hot load everywhere is back isn't it? That desire to just relax and make a big mess for me all over the floor between your knees. How does it feel having all 12 inches of my cock inside you, teasing your tight asshole?" He moaned as his cock twitched and throbbed in lust.

"Fuck, it, it... feels... so..." he trailed off as his cock began to pulsate hard once again. The female voice spoke up again.

"Aw is it getting hard to focus? Does it feel good inside of your ass? You've been pre-cumming so much, there's a pool between your knees." He looked down at the growing pool of fluid between his knees, just then his cock twitched and out came another bead of precum. He felt like an animal on display in a zoo with all of these people looking at him, though they actually couldn't see him. Suddenly his head was forcefully turned to the right.

"Ooh another jogger, be careful we know how much that turned you on the last time." The female voice admonished as a curvy brunette jogged up to the box. He could barely form coherent thoughts as the dildo fucking his ass made him feel things so good that he had never thought it to be possible. But as this new jogger approached him he saw her stop a few yards away from the box. She was standing in the grass taking a breather; he could see that she was wearing a form fitting pair of dark grey sports shorts and a dark grey sports bra. This brunette wasn't as busty as the blonde but she had amazingly long, athletic legs and a nice curvy ass.

"Your throbbing cock just aches to be touched, to be caressed, to be relived of all of that pent up lust doesn't it? You long for that moment, that throbbing, pulsing, toe curling release of a hot, thick, load. My cock is doing things to you that you've never experienced before, making you feel things that you've never felt before." The female voice said only truth at that moment. All he could think about was his uncontrollable desire to cum, to just explode in one long blissful moment.

"Fuck, oh my god it's so good!" He cried out as his breathing became labored. He wanted to just grab a hold of his cock and stroke it until he ejaculated, but he was powerless to do so, all he could do was stare at the sexy brunette and get fucked in his most private of regions. He could only moan and stare at her as she walked up to the mirror and inspected it inquisitively. He saw most of the onlookers walk away leaving only him and the brunette.

"I know that it feels good baby, but it isn't time for you to make a mess yet. I know that it feels like you can't possibly be more aroused than this, but I know that if we want to get all of that creamy cum out of you we have to keep teasing you. Don't worry about anything, I'll tell you when it is time to squirt your load." She said as his needy cock slowly approached that point of no return. He could feel that cliff fast approaching. She continued to tease his senses with her sexual words of encouragement.

"On another note just look at the legs on her; those shorts don't leave much to the imagination do they?" As the female voice continued to verbally tease him he felt the dildo in his ass change. He could feel all 12 inches pull almost all of the way out before pushing all the way back in. As the dildo increased its speed to 2 thrusts every second, he was overcome by a new sensation. Every time the dildo was about ¾ of the way out he would experience a jolt of pleasure. He felt this same jolt of pleasure in the same spot whenever the dildo pushed back inside of him. It was like the dildo was pressing a button, every time that spot was hit he felt his cock twitch and release another bead of precum. He continued to stare at the gorgeous brunette as his eyes widened and his heart rate quickened. His cock was jumping and pulsating like it was getting ready to spray its pent up contents.

"Uh oh did I find somebodies prostate, from how your hard cock is jumping around I'll assume that I've found that little button inside of you. That magical button, that if I manipulate properly will force any man to release the contents of his balls? If I press that button men just seem to melt in my hands you know? I think it's because if I press that little button enough times you'll ejaculate whether you're ready too or not. The true way to a mans heart is through the careful manipulation of his prostate gland." He gazed up at the brunettes face and for a moment she looked right at his eyes, their eyes met though she didn't know it. As their eyes met he could hold back no longer. His pelvis thrusted lewdly as his cock prepared to burst.

"No no no, don't you cum, don't you do it, you better hold back that load. Hold it in baby." The female voice chastised as he prepared to go over the edge. His cock jolted once twice three times and then he could stand it no more. The dildo stopped moving inside of him just as he went over the edge. His cock continued to pulsate, trying to ejaculate but failing. In the end he felt his cock squirt just one powerful strand of cum. He let out a primal grunt as his cock pulsated from ejaculation though nothing more came forth from his cock. He had just prematurely ejaculated which was a first for him, but sadly he didn't even get to enjoy it. He didn't feel any real pleasure from the ruined orgasm that he had just experienced. He heard the female voice sigh.