Asking for It

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She goes to confront a man from her past. He has other ideas.
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She had stood on the doorway for some time, biting her lip and shuffling, before she felt her right fist knocking at the door. It was too late to turn back now.

She didn't have to wait long. The door creaked open and there he was, older, with eyes squinted in the process of trying to recognise her, but very much him. A sudden impulse told her to run, but a stronger one kept her rooted to exactly where she was.

A strange look was now creeping over his face. 'Bradie?'

She was startled by the response of her whole body to his presence, and his voice seemed to vibrate inside her, sending a twinge of heat from her head to somewhere around her jeans.

'Hi', she said, trying to sound normal. 'I thought maybe we - well, it's been so long, I thought... Well... do you mind if I come in?'

He raised his eyebrows in a move that shifted his whole forehead, and set his eyes piercingly at her, before softening. What could she do, after all? She looked so small and soft, even now.

'Of course. It's lovely to see you.' He smiled, standing back, and she passed cautiously in. He closed the door behind her and locked it.

'So, follow me. Come through here. Come on, don't be shy.' He smiled again as he whisked her through to a back room that looked marginally cleaner and tidier than the ones she'd caught sight of as she walked through. In the top right corner of the room was a beautiful walnut desk, and on the left, a red leather sofa with a wooden chair at a 90 degree angle to it. She took it in quickly before settling her gaze on him again. He sat down on the sofa and motioned her generously to sit on the chair, which she did. He looked so relaxed, now. She'd expected to feel a little more in control.

'So' he said, looking again with the same piercing, curious expression. 'So much must have changed since I last saw you. What have you been up to in all this time?'

What an impertinent question, after everything that had happened. But she ignored that fact, and gave him a few of the more glamorous details. In fact, she'd done very well. She could tell from his face that he was impressed, though he made no obvious show of it in his comments.

'And how about you?' she asked.

His eyes wrinkled laughingly. 'Oh, very much the same.'

She didn't like the way he said it, and perhaps this was why she decided to get right to the point a little earlier than she'd planned.

'Listen', she said, 'there's a reason I came here today. I -'

She was caught by surprise by his face, which continued smiling, with only the faintest flicker of an eyebrow raise. But she carried on.

'I... remember.' She gulped, studying his face, and then looked down. 'I remember everything you did to me. I want you to know what you did - I know I didn't say anything at the time - but what you did was... wrong, and I'm not going to let you get away without knowing just what you did to me. Without knowing - I mean, without you knowing. That what you did was wrong, I mean.' She flushed, her eyes still downward, struggling to hold everything together.

He said her name again, as if he'd only just remembered it. 'This is very interesting.' he said. She looked up at him then, and he was still smiling. 'Well then, why don't you tell me what happened? Mmm?'

With her eyes locked in his, something clicked and felt unexpectedly right. His smile looked kind. She relaxed.

'Well, I think you know what happened, don't you?' she said, quietly.

'All the same.' he encouraged her, gently. 'Go on.'

She should have known that he wasn't taking her quite as she intended to be taken. And she did know. But she started the story.

'Well, it happened for the first time years ago. Do you remember? We were talking, side by side.' She gulped, looking into his eyes and then down again. 'And while we were talking, you lifted up my skirt. And you - you... you moved your hands up my leg and up to my - and you started - started touching me.'

'Shhh' he said, smiling. 'It's okay.'

'You wouldn't stop probing, your fingers kept... And it felt good. And I felt so... Well, you were so much older than me, and so much more powerful.' She looked up into his eyes and was met with the strangest expression. He seemed stronger and totally happy. He had got up from his sofa and moved towards her. This wasn't going at all as she'd planned, but he had a look on his face that melted her.

He crouched down in front of her.

'Shhhhh', he whispered, looking gently into her eyes, but with a strange authority. He kissed her on the cheek, and it felt soft and rugged. 'Now, can you do something for me?'

He looked down at her tenderly as she looked up at him. 'I want you to undo your jeans.'

She couldn't believe it, but he took her right hand and guided it down. She felt her hand undo the button and slowly edge down the zipper.

'Good girl. Now put your hand in there.' He guided it inside the jeans, with her fingers resting midway on her panties. She kept her hand there but looked up at him, half aghast, half entranced.

He looked expectantly at her. She knew what she was meant to do, but it took her a few seconds. Then, slowly, she began rubbing gently against her panties. Her face looked small and her eyes soft. He smiled as though everything was now in its place and sat down again on the sofa.

'Good girl. Now start again. Tell me exactly what happened.'

She opened her mouth, continuing to rub compulsively, and began the story again. 'Well... we were talking together, and sitting... and you - you...' She looked at him, distracted. He was clearly enjoying the spectacle before him. She'd got into a rhythm now with her hand and couldn't seem to stop. 'You lifted up my skirt, and you moved your hand up my leg and... ' Her voice was small. '...under my panties. And you wouldn't stop probing. You had me up against the wall, and you were so much stronger than I am - than I was.'

She looked at him again. He smiled at her, and she instinctively gave a short little smile back, before looking all over the place again, that odd little expression on her face. She carried on rubbing.

'And then you took me for the first time. You - took me so many times.' She wondered whether he noticed that her rubbing had intensified. 'You had me up against the wall... And even that first time, I could tell that you knew that you could just keep using me. That I wouldn't tell anyone. That I would keep coming to you to be... And it felt so - you made me feel so... I felt so dirty, I knew I had to keep coming back, I wasn't good for anything else. I wanted it. I wanted your - your cock. In my throat. Inside me.'

She looked desperate. She stopped rubbing. He looked at her.

'Shhhh. It's okay, keep going.'

Her eyes widened, but she felt her hand betraying her, going back down to obey him. Rubbing herself as she recounted this felt so right. Once he'd told her to do it, she couldn't help it.

He looked so gentle, and amused but touched. He understood. Anger and shame permeated her face but made her hands work even faster.

'You used me. You didn't care what I felt, I know you didn't even see me as a person really. You wanted to mould me, to be someone you could use and keep using over and over till I had no will of my own, till all I wanted was to make you happy, satisfied. You took me again and again, my mouth, my pussy and - ' She saw his eyes light up even more. She blushed.

He looked at her happily, unable to fully believe his eyes. What a sweet thing.

'You wouldn't stop. You put your tongue all the way down my mouth, not because - because' she trembled 'you wanted to kiss me, but because you wanted to fill me up, to not have any orifice that didn't have you inside. You were always there.'

He had already got up, and was moving closer towards her. 'Come with me' he said. 'Come over here'. He took her by the hand and led her to his desk. Then, breathing heavily, he pulled down her jeans and panties, leaving her ass exposed to the air and her pussy shuddering inwards.

'There.' She could hear the smile in his voice. What had she got into? But it was much too late to think about that now. 'Put your hands here', he showed her, putting one of her hands palm down on the desk and the other on her pussy. 'That's right. Now you can start humping the desk. And keep talking.'

The desk was hard and a couple of inches higher than the bottom of her pussy, so that she had to stand on tip-toes to fully reach it. It was humiliating. Somehow even more humiliating than before. She humped up and down against the desk, at first gently, then obsessively. She could almost feel him, even with the air between them, as he stood there behind her, watching her ass hover up and down, in and out.

'You raped me. It was - humiliating. You would come - and then - you would be all over me, your hands wherever you wanted. Your cock wherever you wanted, like I was just some... some thing.'

'Yes?' he said.

She ignored him. 'I hated you. You made me feel like I was nothing, but when I was with you... You... You had me so...' She heard a shuffle and then a squeeze of plastic behind her.

'I even - I even...' She was humping so forcefully now. '...started to like you.' Her voice was small. 'And you made me feel grateful that you'd ever even look at me. That you'd touch me. I didn't deserve to have you inside me. It was like...'

'Shhhhh.' He moved closer, his hand on her ass, his breath quick. His fingers were thick and wet with lube, and they circled her anus for a surprisingly intimate moment.

'It was like...' she carried on, with a very quiet voice, his hand still on her ass. '...I was...'

She paused. '...your slave.'

That last word made him grunt and plunge himself into her, all at once. His cock, feeling massive and full, even bigger than she'd remembered it, was deep inside her ass with no warning and no condom. His hands were under her top, pulling and tearing at her breasts, but somehow also on her lower arms, forcing her to keep humping. She could feel his hot, harsh breath on her neck and she felt like crying as well as screaming with pleasure. He had all his weight on her, forcing her pussy deep into her hands on the desk, and searing his cock into her ass. What did she expect?

She writhed. 'Keep talking', he said into her ear. 'Go on. Go on.' His lips were wet with sticky sounds and hoarse breathing and they crackled in her eardrum, as his mouth lingered there possessively.

'I was your slave.' She said simply. 'You - oh fuck.'

'Shhh. Don't swear.'

'Sorry.' She sounded genuinely ashamed, despite the incongruity of his request. 'You - you owned me.' He was fucking her now with agitated, shallow movements. 'You came for me and I - knew I had to give myself to you. Completely. You owned me' she repeated. 'You helped me realise that the best thing I could do was please you. My feelings didn't matter.'

He said nothing, but moaned softly and his cock seemed to swell even fuller and harder.

'Am I -' her voice grew very soft, and she paused for a long time as he rammed into her. 'Am I pleasing you, master?'

Hearing that sentence sent a strong wave of pleasure all over him. He pulled her close to him as a sort of reward, closing his thighs around her and wrapping her up in his body. His right hand searched the shape of her left breast, and his left fondly traced round her belly.

Then he remembered again why she came, and he let go and came all the way out of her ass, only to ram himself back in again forcefully, as she choked back a little cry. 'Keep talking' he urged gently.

'Sorry. I just - it feels...'


She swallowed. 'I'm - I'm happy to see you again. I was planning to say so many things and I know how stupid I was now. How stupid I've been.'

'Good girl. And what do you say?' He was so hot against her and inside her, and she could feel him listen for her response, almost breathless.

'Sorry master. Sorry. And thank you.' A strong impulse took her. 'I - I like you - raping me.'

'Say that again.'

Her cheeks were flushed and she felt agitated inside. Her body vehemently contradicted and confirmed at once what she was saying. She was collapsing and he, at the same time, seemed reassured, fucking her more freely and excitedly than before, his legs and balls slapping against her and his breath rough and heavy, hitting her back in little patches of warmth. Being underneath him felt exactly where she was meant to be. It made her a strange mixture of confident and shy.

'I like you raping me.' She said quietly, but endearingly. 'You - you own me. So it's okay.'

'That's right.' He said, with a smile now shining through his voice. 'You remember everything, don't you? You're such a clever little girl.'

She realised with more clarity that she was still humping against the desk. Her ass was moving gently, urgently, in and out, rocking against him, inviting him to keep thrusting, which he did. Her cheeks burned.

'Tell me how you're glad I raped you all those years ago', he demanded, in a hard voice.

'I -' He had moved his right hand to sandwich it between her left hand on the desk and her right on her pussy, pressing against her right fingertips with an insistent force. She moaned and felt something like freedom. 'I'm so happy you - raped me... master.'

In that moment, with ecstasy, he felt that she meant it. His cock was throbbing now and pushing as far as possible into her ass, as though he were trying to reach some part of her that had never been reached, and she sighed with the pain. She felt his soft balls close against her. She felt they belonged there, pressed tight against her ass. She belonged to him.

His arms were wrapped fully around her now, her whole upper body folded up in his. She hated herself, but wanted to give in and let go. The pain, warmth, softness, urgency, relentlessness was too much. Her breath was growing short. Her ass was still writhing, her swollen clit sore under all the weight but forced to rock up and down. Her master was inside her, pumping into her, her skin squeezing him closer in her ass so that he was entirely enveloped in her.

'Can I - can I keep coming here?' she asked in the quietest voice.

'You mean you want me to keep using you... forever?'

She burst with pride as she heard the pleasure in his voice. There was a pause, and then he saw her head bob up and down. Nodding. Fuck. She was such a good girl.

Bradie. She was his now. He squeezed her. Then he stopped helping her hump the desk, as he was taken by a sudden urge to concentrate entirely on his cock in her amazing ass. His ass. His grunts seemed to shake the whole body of his slave as she leant submissively over the desk for his enjoyment. Her wishes and pleasures were superfluous to the fact that satisfying him was the most important thing she could do.

'Would you like me to stop rubbing my pussy, master?'

Nice. He was touched that she was so centred on him that she could perceive this. It was like she was a dream. 'Yes, good girl. Just bend over the desk. Let me just use you.'

She was perfectly obedient. She tore her hands away from her cunt, which must have been so close to orgasm, and lay on her chest, arching her back, pulsating her ass instinctively around his cock. She was still on her tip-toes.

He couldn't stop smiling. He had liked her before, rubbing herself desperately, but she looked so cute like this, focused completely on his pleasure. Her obedience drove him wild. He stared down at his hole, moving in and out, mesmerised. He watched the way it puckered up as he pulled out, and listened enraptured to the sharp stifled moan of his slave as he forced himself back in. It was his hole, for him to do what he wanted with, and nothing made him feel so warm as the thought that she knew this and had offered it up to him herself.

'I'm sorry, master. I'm sorry for pretending that my body... belonged to me and not... to you.'

She was turning her head anxiously towards him. It was such a sweet sight.

'Shhhh' he whispered, pressing her upper back down towards the desk. 'You're with me now.'

'Will you help me remember, master? I don't want to be angry with you for - for taking me... ever again.'

He couldn't resist pressing his hand against her pussy then, which was softer and wetter then he could have imagined. He kissed her neck unrestrained, and licked it with his whole tongue over and over, as her ass seemed to open up even further for him, and he marveled at her utterly submissive nature, the perfect fit for his cock.

She felt completely whole. She heard herself say, in the smallest voice, 'I love you, master.'

That was too much. In one movement, he lunged everything into her little ass and finally released the cum that had been building up inside him, until she was full and sticky with the evidence of his pleasure in her. Then, he let go of her body, and moved his cock slowly out of her ass, pressing her cheeks together to help the cum stay all inside. He looked contentedly at his slave. Still leaning against the desk with her ass exposed to the air, she turned her head around to smile shyly at him, before turning back down to focus on the feeling of her new place and the happiness of her master's cum deep inside her.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Well that was just sort of stupid and pathetic, eh? What a waste of time.

merrySMmerrySM2 months ago

What can i add to what has already been said. Nothing. Not only are your themes spot on, your writing is just wonderful. Perfect pace. And deep inside both of their brains. Can't wait to read your other stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

oh so hot

he used her so brutally

he just wants to pound hard her super tight asshole and mouth and permanently avoid her pussu and wants her to give zero pleasure she deserves no pleasure

her beauty nothing for her but to make him hard only to get him in mood to rut her

her pussy no use to him no use to her he will never use her pussy or clit she desrves no direct pleasure

she can only have pleasure when she lets him fuck her dry super tight anal with as much pain as possible all for just his and his pleasure

she sucks his cock in her ass and mouth like a vaccum no matter how much it hurts her

the only pleasure that she can have his from how much her master selfishly enjoyed her

how much she enjoys that letting her ass and mouth fuck gives her no pleasure but all the pleasure and ectasy to her master alone

she has to derive indirect pleasure from her masters blissfull time of using her like a cocksleeve and she has to to remain satisfied with zero pleasure

and grateful that her master even throw a look at her before and after using her like a fucktoy and a nameless unsignificant street whore for free

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I love this entry. I have been coming back to this story over and over. You have a very sexy brain! I would love to see some prequel material for these characters. And I hope your absence from posting is because you are cooking up more delightfully sinful submissions. If you have chosen an alternative to this site, please let us know.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Very, very good

This story is so incredibly good that I keep coming back to it. One of the best erotic stories I’ve ever read (I’ve read a few). The murky stream of her emotions, the entanglement of shame, obedience and horniness. The lazy effectiveness of his manipulations. It’s just spot on.

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