Assassins MC Pt. 03

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Nicole and Julie Saved.
7.3k words

Part 3 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/14/2020
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This work is for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. This contains substantial sexually explicit scenes with multiple partners and graphic language which may be offensive by some readers. All characters in this story are over the age of 18, and any non-consensual, BDSM, dominant/submissive, violence, or other similarly described activity is purely for entertainment only.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents in this story are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

If you've reached the end of this disclaimer and are still interested in reading my work, Enjoy!

Part 3 Nicole and Julie Saved

At school, I tried to concentrate, but it was a losing effort. I anticipated what the afternoon would bring, and I relished in what the previous day had already brought. When I saw Julie at lunch, I could hardly keep myself calm. This girl, no woman, who I cared for, didn't know what was in store for her. When I walked up to her and sat down, I could tell she was worried.

"What's wrong, Julie?" I asked, "Did you fail a test?"

"No, nothing like that." Julie answered, "Remember when I told you we may have to move? Well, we do. My mom just called and told me she lost her job. We won't be able to continue living in the house. The company she worked for paid for it as part of her employment."

"Can't she find another job?" I asked, "There are plenty of houses and apartments in town that you guys can move me into."

I was playing along. I had a good idea what their futures held, and I was sure the Assassins would provide them with a place to live, maybe even stay in the same house. I also watched her try to come up with an answer. I'm sure she knew that she and her mother were being sold and would probably require them to move with their new owner.

"Well, maybe." Julie surmised, "My Mom's is a secretary, but before that, she was a chemist. I think she would want to go back to that since it earns more money. I think she has an interview this afternoon with a prospective employer."

"Really?" I responded, "I hope it works out that she can find a job here. I would love it if you could stay. Would you like to hang out at your place after school, or maybe we can hang out at the mall?"

Let's see what she comes up with this time for an answer.

"I'm sorry, not today." Julie looked nervous when she answered, obviously hiding something. "The interviewer is coming to our house and I have to be there."

"Why do you have to be there?" I pushed her. "You're not getting a job with them, are you?"

"Oh no, nothing like that." She answered, "My Mom just thinks it would be nice for him to meet both of us. You know, maybe she can negotiate for money if they see she's a single parent. With me there it would put a face to the fact and would be harder to ignore."

She was trying to hide the fact that she will meet her new owner and would probably spend the day and night being abused. When I thought about it like that, I felt bad, especially considering that their new owner would be me. At least I knew I wouldn't abuse them.

"Well, that sucks." I said, feigning concern, "I hope everything works out. I'll call you tonight to see how everything went."

"Oh, don't do that." Julie shot back quickly.

She jumped right on that. She looked nervous about it, as if she would get in trouble if I called.

"I mean, I'll call you." She offered, "I just don't want you to waste your time if I'm not able to answer."

"Sure, no problem." I replied, "I'll wait for your call."

Was she worried I would call, and her new owner would pick up? That would be awkward. I told her goodbye, gave her a quick kiss, and headed to my next class.

After school I drove home, Roger was waiting for me in the driveway. Beth normally wouldn't be home for another hour, but with the shopping list I gave her, she would be much later. I hopped in his car and we drove off.

"We're going to make a quick stop at my place before we head over." Roger informed me, "When I introduce myself to a new property of the club, I always bring another Assassin. A show of strength always helps when new women are being informed of their status; it helps smooth the process." He almost made all this sound normal.

After a short drive, we pulled into Roger's driveway. I followed him into the house, not expecting to see what was waiting for me behind the door. As I entered, Susan and Penny greeted me. That was not unusual. What was unusual was their attire. Instead of their normal clothes, they both wore black corsets and heels, and that was it. The corset came up to the bottom of their breasts, lifting them and pushing them forward as if offering them to anyone in front. The bottom of the corset came to just above their vaginas, ending and separating into an upside-down V which drew your attention right to it. Both of their vaginas looked beautiful, each sporting a neatly trimmed bush. In the past 24 hours, I had seen more pussy than I had in my previous 18 years. I still had had none, but hey, a guy must start somewhere.

Susan stood about 5'5, had blonde hair, a gorgeous face. She was in her late 30s, and for her age, her body had held up well. She took care of herself, and her arms and legs had some definition. Her breasts were a C cup, with enough flesh to show some nice cleavage in her corset. Her legs looked beautiful in her heels.

Penny stood head and shoulders above her mother at 5'11. She and Benjamin had gotten their Dad's height. She was blonde like her mother, but her breasts were a B cup, smaller and firmer. Where her mother's arms and legs had some definition, Penny showed some muscle. She played sports in school and kept herself fit. Her legs went on for miles, and with her heels, they seemed like they just wouldn't end. Her ass was tight as a drum, rounded, and had the most gorgeous dimples. Penny was a beauty that guys would die for.

"Oh Rich, sorry man, I forgot to warn you." Roger explained, "Since you know all about the Assassins now, we didn't see a reason to hide anything from you. What you see in front of you is courtesy of Ben. I have put him in charge of the running of the house and keeping these women on task. Right, ladies?"

"Yes, Sir.... Yes, Sir" Both women answered.

They both answered immediately, attempting to avert their gaze away from me. I'm sure they have spent considerable time naked, but this was the first time I've seen them, and their embarrassment was clear.

"Hello, ladies." I said, "How are you two today?"

I didn't know what else to say. I was still in awe, openly gazing upon the female flesh in front of me. I know I sounded like an idiot.

"We're good, sir." Susan answered, "Thank you for asking. Can we get you anything?"

"No, I'm good." I replied, "Thank you."

Benjamin walked around the corner with a huge grin on his face. He walked up to me, stopped for a second, looked back at his mother and sister, then turned back and laughed.

"Damn, Rich, you look like you've seen a ghost!" Ben announced, "Put your tongue back in your mouth; you're embarrassing yourself."

He was right. I was just in shock. I quickly snapped out of it.

"Well, what do you expect, Ben?" I asked, "I haven't seen your mother and sister in all their glory before. I'm impressed."

"I bet you are, dude." Ben said, "Hey Penny, go grab Rich a drink."

As she turned around, he smacked her on the ass, drawing out a quick yelp as she hop-skipped a step and hurried into the kitchen. I followed Roger and Ben into the living room where we sat down.

"Paul will be here in a few minutes." Roger said, "When he gets here, we'll head over to the ladies and get this business started."

Penny walked back in with a soda and handed it to me. She then walked back over to Benjamin, turned around facing away, and stood there with her hands behind her back and legs spread shoulder length apart. I had spent my childhood with Ben and Penny, playing around the neighborhood and getting into trouble. Now, she was standing in front of me showing everything she had. Susan and Roger left the room and Ben started talking.

"Rich, I want to say I hope there are no hard feelings about Beth." Ben said, "I'm sure she's told you everything that happened between us. Don't get offended, but she's one sexy woman. I like her, and I will miss spending time together now that you're her guardian."

"Yeah, Ben, I bet you will." I responded, "I should kick your ass for some things she's told me, but honestly, I can't be too mad. It seems we have the same tastes. These outfits you have Susan and Penny in look great. Do they have to wear them all the time?"

"Yes, unless I don't let them wear anything at all." Ben bragged, "This way they're constantly reminded of their position in the house. They are here to serve us. Besides, I like to have some ass to look at when I'm at home."

"I guess it doesn't bother you she's your sister?" I asked.

"It's just tits and ass, Rich." Ben tried to explain, "It's not like I have sex with them. Sure, I get to punish them, that comprises spanking, standing in the corner, or loss of privileges. I just enjoy keeping my sister in line. I don't order Mom to do much, that's Dad's job. Penny, however, must do whatever I tell her. I love it! My Dad says it teaches her to not question when she's told to do something by a man. By the time they assign her a guardian, she will be used to it and accept her new life easier."

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense." I answered, even though I didn't exactly agree with him.

"Hey, how about I come over to your place and show you how to handle Beth?" Ben asked.

"I don't think so." I quickly answered. "You've had your fun; I'll handle her myself."

"Ok, fair enough." Ben said disappointedly. "How about Penny, you want to play with her sometime? You're not related. I think she may enjoy it."

I looked at Penny and she blushed. She gave up a small smile as she looked down at her feet. Maybe she wanted to. I would have to investigate that at another time.

"Ben, besides Beth, are there any other women you've had sex with?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah!" He excitedly said, "When I turned 18, the floodgates opened. Dad, occasionally, will bring home a woman for me. He says it teaches me to control women and sets me up for when I join the Assassins. He says the club will assign me a woman when I do, but I won't know exactly who. Some women he brings need new guardians. They're daughters of club members and they will need one when they graduate."

A knock on the door interrupted us. That must be Paul. I had more questions for Ben, but they would have to wait. Roger answered the door and told me it was time to leave. We got up, and I told Ben I would see him soon.

Roger told me we would make another stop; this time at a tattoo place to get my Assassins ink. On the way, he introduced me to Paul. He seemed a good guy, but not someone you wanted to mess with. He was as tall as I was, but he was built. You could tell he lifted weights and quite a few of them.

It took us about 15 minutes to get there. The storefront was plain, and I had passed by multiple times not paying it any attention. When we entered, another member of the Assassins, Reuben, greeted us. He was your quintessential biker; long hair, long beard, and didn't look like he kept himself up very well. They introduced me as Brian's kid, and Reuben came right over and shook my hand. He told me he was good friends with my father, and he was sorry for my loss. He said he had some stories of my Dad and told me some of his drunken adventures while he prepped the instruments. I took my seat.

Roger instructed Reuben to put the tattoo high on my arm where it could be hidden easily. He explained to me I had to fly under the radar for the time being, as I was still in school. I asked where Ben had his tattoo and Roger told me he didn't. Roger explained I was a special exception considering my father's position and Roger's desire to assign me as Beth's guardian. No one could be a guardian unless they were a member of the Assassins, and all members had to have a tattoo. It was our badge. To tell us from any imposters, the ink had special fluorescent added to it that glowed under black light. Also, in the middle of the A, invisible unless you held it under black light, was a target reticle with our name under it. This was the only place to get the tattoo, and Reuben was the only one that knew how to mix the ink. Well, Reuben, his wife, and their son. That way, if something happened to Reuben, they could pass the information on.

The tattoo took a little over an hour. I was told it was the first sitting, that I would need to come back in a week to finish it, but it would do for now. Reuben covered it up with some gauze and we were on our way.

When we arrived at Julie's house, I became nervous. It suddenly occurred to me that Julie might not be the same as me. I enjoyed having her as a girlfriend. She was someone who liked me as much as I liked her. What would happen now? Would she see this as a betrayal? I would be her guardian, so she would have to do whatever I said, but would that cause her to hate me? Was I any better than the guy that blackmailed her and her Mom for years and forced them to have sex? They were only replacing one tormentor for another. I thought about everything that had transpired, and I suddenly felt guilty for putting Beth through what I had this morning. This wasn't fair to her, and this would not be fair to Julie or her mother. Roger must have picked up on my uneasiness and told Paul to give us a minute. He pulled me behind the car and spoke to me.

"Are you having second thoughts, Rich?" Roger asked.

"Yes, I believe so." I answered, "Is what we're doing any better than the guy that abused them before? Aren't we just as bad as he is?"

"I don't believe so." Roger explained, "If we had not stepped in, these ladies would have been sold, or worse, endured many more years at the hands of that asshole. Where we differ is, we give these ladies a chance at life. I'm not saying it's ideal. Sure, they're the property of the Assassins, but we take care of them. For trading their right to make their own decisions, The club gives them a life where there is always a safety net. They will always have a place to live, for themselves and their kids. They will always have food to eat, and they never have to worry about being harmed. They are always protected, as long as they follow the rules."

Roger added, "As you may have noticed, Beth and Sarah have a small tattoo of our logo on the inside of their thigh. Penny will get one when she passes training when she graduates."

"Damn, I must have missed that." I answered, "I must check that out later."

"The tattoo identifies them as Assassin property." He explained, "People in the business, slave traders, and black-market vendors know this brand. They understand not to mess with them, not to touch them. If they do, they are as good as dead. This gives the women a sort of notoriety. Not everyone becomes Assassin property. Some women don't cut it; we sell them off to other slavers around the world. Once a woman has that logo, she's set for life, if she keeps up her end of the bargain. Your women are getting it early. Even if they don't pass the tests, they are still in. We're making this consideration for you because of who your father was."

"So, they are owned by the Assassins and work for the company the club owns." I asked, "What's the difference?"

"The male members of the club are the owners." Roger explained, "There are only 50 of us. We have employees that run the company, most being women. That's why women are owned by the club. It started as a sex slave thing; we loved having control over the women. Honestly, we just love fucking women. It has grown to something much more important. These women are loyal to the club and we can trust them with running the company. The men oversee it, the women run it. We couldn't survive without the women, and in return we take care of them."

Roger continued, "We keep them obedient so they do what they are told, and they know if they make a mistake, they will be punished but will remain with us. The only things that will cause anyone to be retired from the Assassins are if they try to leave, they steal, kill another member, sell another member, or extreme abuse of another member, including anyone that is owned by us. This gives them peace of mind. They don't have to worry about being fired or being killed for making a mistake. Believe me, many clubs and black-market businesses would do just that. If someone missed a shipment or made a mistake in the books and cost the company money, they would be killed. That's not what we do."

"So, yes, these women will become our property tonight and you will be their guardian." Roger added, "They will also get a lifetime of security, safety, and in some circles, notoriety if they accept. They must do as we tell them, but outside the club, people do as they say because we stand behind them. That's a tradeoff most women will accept. Those that don't we make other arrangements."

"So, what happens if Julie and her Mom resist and don't want to become our property?" I inquired.

"That's on you, kid." Roger answered, "You're their guardian, you're responsible for them. Convince them to accept it, otherwise, I'll have you arrange your own girlfriend's sale."

"Damn Roger, that's harsh." I replied.

"I never told you this life was easy, Rich, and you will have to make some hard decisions." Roger explained, "I can only tell you not to let your feelings get involved too much. It's impossible to keep feelings out of it totally, but when push comes to shove, do what's right for the club. If you don't, then you're in trouble, and selling your girlfriend will be the least of your worries."

This made me understand things better, but now I wasn't worried about the women as much as I was worried about me being able to handle everything. This puts an entirely new light on what I must do. I took a deep breath and told Roger I'm ready. We walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. I noticed both Roger and Paul had put on their Assassin's Motorcycle Club vests. A moment later the door opened, and my girlfriend's life changed forever.

Julie's mother, Nicole, stood there, with Julie standing behind her. When Nicole saw me, her face lost all its color.

"Rich, what are you doing here?" Nicole asked, "Julie wasn't expecting you. You can't be here."

She looked both nervous and confused. When Paul walked from behind Roger, Nicole and Julie recognized him right away. Their eyes widened and their look of confusion changed to one best described as fright mixed with trepidation.

"Don't you want to invite us in ladies?" Roger asked, "It's not polite to let guests stand outside your door waiting to come in."

Nicole almost tripped over herself backing up and nearly took Julie with her.

"Please, please come in." Nicole stammered, "I'm sorry."

She was full-on terrified at this point. She was visibly shaking, and she looked everywhere except right at us. Julie, while also looking scared, didn't take her eyes off me. She had a look of confusion on her face and just looked stunned. She then looked at Roger, then at Paul, then back to me, trying to figure out exactly what was going on.

"Ladies, let's all have a seat in the living room." Roger said, "I'm sure you have plenty of questions."

We were all seated, with the ladies on the couch, Roger in one chair facing them, and Paul in another. I had to grab a chair from the kitchen and sat between Roger and Paul. Nicole and Julie sat as close to each other as they physically could.