Assassins MC Pt. 06

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Sharing a Bed and Assassin Sisters.
6.2k words

Part 6 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/14/2020
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This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise showed, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents in this story are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Part 6 Sharing a Bed and Assassin Sisters

I barely remember the alarm going off. As I slowly opened my eyes, I got a rising sensation between my legs. I looked down and saw Beth, her hand wrapped around my cock, slowly bringing it to life. She saw me move, looked up at me, and gave me a little smile. I wasn't in my room, and for a moment I was confused, and heard, "Looks like someone is awake."

Yesterday was coming back to me. I replayed the events in my head. Nicole and Julie, and how they accepted their new status. Julie taking my virginity, her mother laying on my chest after I brought her to climax, and Beth looking up at me with cum in her mouth after sucking me off.

At the end of the night, I walked Beth to our room and got ready for bed. We did our usual routine of brushing our teeth and washing our faces and such. The only difference was we were doing it together. We both completed our tasks in the master bathroom next to each other, naked, like it was a normal thing to do. I returned to my room and grabbed my pillows, laying them down on the king-sized bed, and climbing in.

Beth climbed in next to me, leaned up, and said, "This feels strange, having you with me. I never imagined this happening. While it feels a little awkward, I must admit that it also feels good. It's been a long time since I've been next to a man in bed. I always felt safe sleeping next to your father, felt protected. I also liked to feel his warmth; it helps me relax. I know you're not him, but you remind me a lot of him."

"Didn't you sleep at Ben's before?" I asked.

"Yes, but that wasn't the same." Beth replied. "Ben always had me tied up in bed with him. It was just another way to use me, and I never enjoyed that, never felt a close connection. This is different. Just seeing you lying there is making me happy. I know I shouldn't feel that way. My mind is telling me it's wrong, but my spirit and soul are crying out for that warmth and protection again. Does that make sense?"

"Yes, I think so." I answered. "I know I'm not Dad, and I'm not trying to be. I love him, and I know I can't replace him. What I can do is love you, care for you, and have a relationship with you that is ours. This isn't just about sex, don't make that mistake. Yes, we will have our fair share, but my connection to you now goes beyond that. Our relationship now includes love and caring in a way it did not before."

Beth replied, "I can see what you mean, Rich. You aren't my husband, and after your father, I will probably not have another, but you are taking the role of my protector. I can't tell you how important that is for me. You have been my guardian for only a day, and I already feel safer than I did before. It's like once your father died, I was on my own, even though you lived with me. I still felt alone, but I don't feel like that now. I feel like I am finally connected to another person. Thank you for that and for not being like Ben, only interested in sex and self-absorbed."

"You never have to worry about me being like Ben." I reassured her. "We may like some of the same things, but that's where our similarities end. I have always been a shy kid, and being that way made me spend a lot of time in my head. I have friends, but few, so I watched other people. I studied how my actions affected others and learned what people responded to. That just makes me sound like a creep, doesn't it?"

"No, it doesn't." Beth said, "to me, that sounds like you were more interested in others' feelings than you were your own." I thought for a moment.

"Yes, I guess that's pretty close." I answered. "I still want what I want. After tonight all I can think about is doing it again with all of you. The only thing that I get stuck on is I want you all to also want it. I can force you to do something if I need to, and I can't promise I won't have to in the future, but most of my enjoyment comes when I'm giving that pleasure back and you are willingly enjoying it with me. I loved it when Julie took my virginity, and it felt outstanding, but I liked it more knowing that she also enjoyed it. I loved it when I could make Nicole orgasm, more than if she would have just done me. And I loved seeing you get two."

"I love you are sensitive to others." Beth replied, "you have the rare combination of being dominant and sensitive at the same time. You were quite domineering this morning. When you made me undress and took me over your knee, I thought I was going to die of embarrassment, but you did it in such a dominating fashion that I stopped questioning it. You did it with enough love and sensitivity that I didn't feel used. I must admit that being controlled by a strong man has always turned me on. That's what your father was, but he didn't have as much of your sensitive side as you do. Sometimes I wish he had more of that."

"You ever wonder why you never hear about my side of the family, Rich?" Beth asked.

"You told me you were an orphan and grew up in various foster homes." I answered.

"Well, that's not entirely true," Beth admitted. "My father abused me. Nothing sexual, but he would physically beat me all the time. He was a drunk and would get violent and beat both me and my mother. After taking the abuse for so long, she left us. I never saw her again, and I never forgave her for leaving me with him. The beatings continued, but worse. And since I was the only one, I received all his attention. It got so bad that my teachers noticed it and reported him. They took me away and placed me in the custody of foster homes when I was 11, and that's why I could never let you end up in the foster system."

Beth continued. "Some homes are excellent, but most are not. When you're a kid, you want a safe and stable environment. You also want someone to give you attention. My foster family never abused me, but they never paid much attention to me. I would act out and get in trouble just so they would notice. They arrested me a few times. I did drugs, and I was otherwise wasting my life away. When I turned 18, they removed me from the system but I didn't have anywhere to go. That's when I met your father."

"I was trying to score some drugs in a bar when he approached me." Beth explained, "We talked and spent the entire evening drinking. At the end of the night, he asked if he could give me a ride home. I told him I didn't have anywhere to go, so he took me to his place. He lived with a couple of other guys, all club members, and I crashed there with him. He was a gentleman and didn't pressure me for sex. It was odd considering what I would learn of him later, but he must have seen something in me. After a few days of watching me just waste time, doing drugs, and drinking, he started setting me straight. He took me to a few places in town and helped me get a job. He took me shopping and bought me new clothes. He helped me get sober, taking me to meetings and watching me closely so I wouldn't regress."

"He started controlling me even more," Beth went on. "I had to dress the way he wanted, had to act how he wanted, and I had to get permission to go anywhere unless he was with me. You would think that someone would chafe at that treatment, but I thrived in it. Here was someone who was paying attention to me, that was taking care of me, and best of all, wasn't beating me. We would have sex, in fact, a lot of sex. While he wasn't the most attentive lover, it was the best I ever had. I only had sex twice before your father, and those times were when I was still in High School. We were all young, and fumbled through."

"Your father was the first person I was with that knew what he was doing in bed," Beth admitted. "He instructed me on how he liked things, taught me how to pleasure a man, and showed me various sex acts I never heard of before. I enjoyed every minute, not because of the sex, which was great, but because I had his attention. I soaked it up, every minute. After dating for a year, we got married. They indoctrinated me in the Assassins, and the rest is history."

"Damn, I didn't know about your father," I told her. "I'm not sorry I never met him, and if I did, I would probably kill him."

"You don't have to worry about that," Beth assured me. "He died many years ago. He drank himself to death; died of liver failure. We only received word because the morgue needed someone to take custody of the body. I told them to throw him out in the trash for all I cared and that's the last I heard of it."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, Beth," I said, seeing her a little differently. "You needed Dad's attention and being domineering made you feel safe. He took you, molded you into a woman that he wanted, and fell in love with you. Have you heard of Pygmalion? That was a play based on a Greek mythological character. He created a sculpture so beautiful that he fell in love with it. The Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, felt sorry for him and brought the sculpture to life. That's kind of what happened to Dad. He molded you, improved you, and when he made you into his ideal woman, you came to life in his eyes. He fell in love."

"Yes, I can see that," Beth replied, turning it over in her head. "I never thought about it that way before, but it makes sense."

"And Beth, it's what's happening here. Don't you see it?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Beth replied, unsure.

I smiled and answered. "You raised me, taught me right from wrong. You molded me into the man I am today. My personality, my morals, and my outlook are largely because of your guiding hand. You did exactly what Dad did to you. It does not surprise me that having me here makes you feel secure. You made me for just this purpose. That's why, after only one day, you've connected with me on that level."

"Oh, my God. You're right." Beth replied. "I never raised you with this in mind, but I can see why suddenly I feel so safe around you. You are my ideal man. Oh boy, I both feel good about that and simply wrong. I don't know what to do with this realization. Did I subconsciously have this in mind? I mean, I knew I would have a guardian, and if you joined the Assassins, it was a good chance that it would be you. John, our leader, was always poetic in that way. I can say I didn't want you to join, but looking back, maybe I did. I never let myself fully accept Roger as my guardian, and I was certainly hoping it would not be Ben. Now I think about it. I was probably angling toward you being my guardian. That makes sense. I'm sorry, you don't hate me for that, do you?"

"No Beth, I don't." I assured her. "With your past it was only natural you wanted to again feel secure, be controlled, and get the attention you had with Dad. And if you can't have the father, I guess his son is the next best thing."

I reached over and grabbed Beth, pulling her close to me. She laid down next to me, tucking her face under my chin as if she were using me to hide from the world. I put my arm around her and rested my hand on her ass. I couldn't help it. This was a big moment for us, but her ass is just too good to pass up. She didn't seem to mind, and she moved slightly to give my hand a better feel. We fell asleep in that position. I remembered waking up a few times, and each time, regardless of what position I was in, Beth was right up against me. She must have missed feeling warmth in her bed and was taking advantage of it. I just hope she felt safe.

"Looks like someone is awake." Beth said, looking up at me.

I snapped out of my daze and continued to look down. Beth was working on my cock, stroking and sucking. Occasionally she would lift off, start running her tongue up and down, then glance up with a smile on her face before she would take it back in her mouth and continue. She took her hand and cupped my balls like she had last night, reaching back behind to massage again. She reached a finger back and applied pressure while she continued to massage that area, all the while continuing to suck.

The sensations from her mouth, her hand on my balls, and her finger close to my ass were sending me over the top. I started to cum, but this time I didn't have to push her head down. She dropped her head lower on me and held it there, taking everything. When she finished, she lifted, opened her mouth, and showed me her tongue covered with cum. She closed her mouth, smiled, and swallowed it easily. She took her hand and wiped the corner of her mouth exaggeratedly, and said, "Oh man, that was good! That gets better each time I do that. Now, can I take a shower, or do you have something else in mind for me?"

"No, you can take a shower." I said, still coming down. "And thank you."

"That was my pleasure." Beth replied with a big smile on her face. "I had the best night's sleep that I've had in a long time. Sleeping next to you felt great. You make me feel relaxed, Rich. I love you."

"I love you too Beth." I answered, smiling back. "Now get your shower and don't forget to shave if you need it."

"Yes sir." She replied quickly.

This time, instead of both of us saying 'I love you' as a courtesy, we were meaning it.

She jumped out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I heard the water running and just laid there and thought about everything that transpired. Beth's life was rougher than I could have ever imagined. I wanted so much to make her life happy, to ensure she never felt lonely or unsafe again. I realized that keeping her happy and safe would not be easy, but it's what I wanted to do. I also had to keep her obedient and focused. This will take a lot of attention and time, and I still haven't started my actual job with the Assassins, not to mention Julie and Nicole that deserve just as much. I guess Roger got his wish. I would have little time for video games in my new life, but then again, 3 beautiful women trump Call of Duty any day!

Beth finished and left the bedroom without dressing, but stopped to put on her heels. Good girl. I showered, and as I was stepping out, I could smell breakfast being cooked. I got dressed and walked to the kitchen, and Beth was there just finishing. She had on an apron, and as I approached her from behind, I stopped and admired how sexy she looked with her ass hanging out. Hot breakfast, hot woman; I could get used to this. I sat down, followed by Beth, and we both started eating.

Yesterday Beth didn't want to undress in front of me. Today she was sitting at the table naked in a pair of heels. I loved eating and talking with her and being able to look at her breasts. She is beautiful. I know I keep saying that, but I just love looking at her. What a difference a day can make. I continued talking to her.

"Beth, what is your schedule at work today?" I asked.

"Today we have an audit starting for our security department." She replied.

"Oh, is that for building security?" I wondered.

"No, not just that." Beth explained. "Santana operates a private security department that also specializes in search and recovery. We do business overseas, and some places are hostile to Americans. Our security department steps in if any of our assets are in trouble. From time to time, one of our people gets taken. The ghosts, as we call our special security unit, land in-country and extract them with extreme prejudice; they leave no one alive. That's sending a message not to touch our people. We have plenty of reasons to use our ghosts right here in the U.S., but that's for other purposes. The legal side of our security teams works stadium jobs, private companies, etc. Quarterly we audit their inventory and accounts to ensure they are funded, stocked, and nothing is missing."

"That sounds like a full day." I said. "How long does an audit go on for?"

"It will take about a week to complete." She explained. "The financial department, which I work in, has people that do the legwork. They will travel to all the security properties, around the world, and do the actual counting. My team will monitor the inventories and financials when they're sent back. Each property's financials are kept on-site to avoid leaving a trail. The only trail they have is when we audit. The data is hand-carried back to the home office here, and it gets put together. The Assassins have been hesitant about centralizing everything, but it will save us time and money to have it all in one place. They're moving toward that though, recently standing up a cybersecurity division to ensure we don't get hacked and looking to buy a data farm in a country the U.S. can't touch."

"I see. That makes sense." I replied, trying to wrap my head around all of it, then changed the topic. "Remember, after work, straighten the house, and wait for me to pick you up. We will go shopping with Julie and Nicole, and then head to dinner. You can get dressed after cleaning up and head to work. Love you. Thanks for breakfast; it was fantastic!"

I felt strange giving Beth instructions suddenly. With her describing what her day was like, and finally getting a glimpse of her actual job and responsibilities, I felt wholly inadequate in telling this woman what to do. I knew I had to overcome this insecurity. The club demanded I do this, and Beth deserved me to do it properly.

We both stood up and Beth replied, "Thank you. You have a good day Rich and be safe. Love you too."

I got up, grabbed my backpack and jacket, kissed Beth goodbye, then walked out the door. It took me about 20 minutes to get to Julie's house. I walked up to the door and rang the bell. Why was I ringing the bell? I need to get a key so I can come and go as I please. A moment later, Julie answered the door and stepped back. She was naked, as requested, wearing her white heels from yesterday. We fix that today. Her mother was standing a few feet behind her, also naked, wearing the black heels she wore last night.

"Good morning ladies, it's good to see you." I said, stepping through the door. "I love being greeted by two beautiful women when I arrive. I see you each shaved. Please spread your legs and let me examine you."

Both ladies took a step back, stood side by side, spread their legs a bit more than shoulder length apart, and put their hands behind them. I reached down first to examine Julie. I cupped my hand and positioned it on her vagina. She inhaled quickly and held her breath for a second, then exhaled slowly. She had her eyes closed and was braced for what may come next. I slowly withdrew my hand upward, never losing contact, feeling her smooth vulva and mound as I went. It felt wonderful.

"Great job Julie." I commended her. "Nice and smooth. Now, Nicole, how did you do?"

I stepped over to Nicole and repeated my inspection. When I put my hand on her vagina, she didn't budge. She stood there, staring up into my eyes. I gently pulled my hand upward, but this time my fingers lingered around her clitoris. When I started circling it, she lifted her head and closed her eyes. I did that for a moment, then stopped. She opened her eyes and made eye contact again. "Rich, why did you stop?"

"Oh, you didn't get enough last night?" I asked playfully.

"Actually, no." Nicole answered, looking disappointed. "I only had one orgasm. Everyone else had at least two. I was still horny when I got home."

"Did you play with yourself?" I asked, my look becoming serious.

"No, I didn't know if I could." Nicole answered.

"Good girl." I said, smiling again. "You two are not to orgasm unless I am in the room, or I permit you. There is no good reason for that. I just want you horny for me 24 hours a day."

"Oh Rich, you're so terrible." Nicole said, smiling back. "You are going to drive me crazy."