Athena Corp Chronicles Ch. 02


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"And you're here to ensure that the old arrangements, currently in place, remain that way."

'Not to mention spying on me.'

"We see it as facilitating a mutually beneficial relationship between the government and the company."

"And what if, after a review of those arrangements, I decide the supposed benefits aren't worth all the data and access we're giving you?"

Brandon's eyebrows rose and he shifted in his chair. "Well, it would be my duty to strongly advise you against that and lay out the many consequences that may result from such a sudden shift in company policy."

Ana's eyes narrowed. She rapped her fingers on the desk as she considered the young man and his words. It wouldn't do to just send him away. Making new enemies wasn't advisable at this early stage, let alone powerful ones. He was a tool, currently being used by those with interests entirely different from her own. Was he a useful tool? Perhaps, if he could be guided by the proper hand. Besides, he was easy on the eyes and there was always room in the kennel for another good little doggy.

"You know what? You're right. This is a new relationship and it's important we start it on the right foot. To that end, we should get to know each other better."

Brandon's eyes lit up, surprised by her sudden shift in tone. "Right. I agree..."

"And since I need to know I can trust you before I give you the same access the former liaison had, it's important we expedite the process."

"That'd be great. What did you have in mind?"

"Dinner. Just the two of us. As soon my schedule allows."

The young man's jaw lulled opened. "Uhhhh, sure. I can make myself available for that."

"You don't mind? I don't mean to rush you out the door, but I have another meeting in ten minutes. As you can imagine, the demands on my time are many now that I find myself at the top of this pyramid."

"Not at all. I completely understand."

"Good. I'll have my assistant handle the arrangements. You'll be picked up at your hotel and limo'd to a restaurant of my choosing. There are so many I want to try now that money isn't an object anymore."

Brandon stood and nodded. "That sounds wonderful. Thank you, Ms. Sins."

"Ana" she reminded him.

He offered a sheepish grin. "Right. Ana."

She stood and reached her hand out once more. They shook again and her stormy gray gaze burrowed into his warm pools of light brown. She was level with his six foot frame thanks to her heeled boots. They were on equal footing, for the moment.

"Until then" she said softly, with the best fake innocence she could muster.

He smiled and nodded again before heading for the door. Anastasia didn't let him get far.

"Oh, and Brandon..."

The young man turned on his heel. The perplexed look on his face indicated he was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"I'll need you to be available for the whole night. We have much to go over."

* * * * *



"Stop mewling you little baby! JUST COUNT!"


"ARRRGGHHHH! Sorry Mistress! Twenty seven!"

Jake cried out as Brandi lashed his ass repeatedly. His wrists and ankles were locked to the spanking bench. His cock and scrotum hung below, double wrapped in bondage. A cruel metal cock cage confined his shriveled penis. Several ropes were tied around the base of his groin and looped around his balls, separating and discoloring them.

Dangling from his painfully stretched scrotum and hanging about a foot above the ground was a ten pound weight plate. Jacob couldn't see the damage she was doing to his ass, but he could feel the red lines being flayed into his exposed rear.

"Stop crying or I'll add more weight!"


Jake bit his bottom lip harshly, muffling his loud groans as three more powerful lashes ripped into his reddened cheeks. How could such a thin piece of rattan cause so much pain?!?

"Twenty eight! Twenty nine! Thirty!"

His face was beet red and his breath labored as he called out the numbers. His almost-naked body shivered and quaked on the immobilizing bench. The only articles he wore in addition to his chastity device were the lacy leggings and silky arm-gloves the dark-skinned Domina had dressed him in. Mistress Brandi had a thing for feminization.

Since moving into the new quarters, Anastasia had demanded he keep his form fully shaved. Full body electrolysis sessions had begun, but it would take many treatments before he no longer needed to shave at all. Anastasia made it clear it was crucial step in his transformation and that he'd thank her for it in the long run. His new wardrobe, an endless assortment of fetish attire and slutty costumes, was better served by bare skin. Regular clothes were a thing of the past for Jake Telos.

"Open up, slut!"

Jake did as he was bade as Brandi stalked around to his front. The mocha Goddess was decked out in a luscious red leather corset and matching thigh-high leather boots. She'd traded in her cane for a web of leather and latex; a head harness with a thick leather bit-gag. She pushed the squishy leather tube into his mouth and the bit settled between his teeth. Brandi strapped the harness securely around his head as his ass continued to burn.

"If you're going to complain, you can wear one of these! I rather enjoy your whimpering when one of you bitch boys is gagging on leather."

The well toned Domina gave his face a shove before stalking off and retrieving her wicked wand. Her boot heels clacked on the hardwood floor as she returned to his backside. She raised the cane anew, ready to complete the sentence. Jacob had earned forty lashes for failing to worship her ass sufficiently.

"No worries about counting the rest. You can scream all you want now."


Jacob wailed and grunted into the gag. His limbs rattled against the thick metal restraints and leather padding of the bench as lash after lash whipped into his already welted ass. With every shake of his body, the heavy weight plate tugged at his scrotum, adding an extra jolt of brutal stretching pain. Mistress Brandi struck without mercy, each blow more forceful than the last as she delighted in tormenting Anastasia's new slave.


Jake whimpered pitifully as the last blow blistered his searing flesh. He huffed and wheezed through the leather horse bit as delicious agony gave way to a pleasant endorphin rush and the high of sub-space. As his heartbeat slowed and he caught his breath, Brandi tossed her cane aside and began releasing his cuffed wrists and ankles from the bench's restraints.

"Get off the bench. On your knees, before me!"

Jake slipped off the now-sweaty leather padding gingerly. The heavy weight pulling on his balls reminded him that each little motion had consequences. Jacob carefully lowered himself down and the weight plate sunk to the wooden floor with a dull thud. He breathed a sigh of relief as he fell to his knees.

The still-gagged slave inched across the floor until he was back at Brandi's feet. She was lounging on a leather sofa and playing with herself. The lustful lady stroked her sex in small circles as she looked down at him disdainfully.

"Did you enjoy that, you little bitch?"

Jake nodded in the affirmative. "Yeff Miffreff Branfi!"

"I know you did. Bet you'd love to lick this pussy too, wouldn't you?"

"Yeff Miffreff."

"Too bad! You're not worthy. Crawl to the kitchen and fetch me a bottle of water from the fridge, you fucking worm!"

As Jake turned and began to skitter off on hands and knees, he realized what an awful journey it was going to be. After only two paces forward, the heavy metal plate began scraping against the hard wood. The weight was being dragged by his already aching scrotum. His palms and knees scraped against the unforgiving floor. He wanted to go faster so the task would end sooner, but with every lurch forward his lower anatomy begged him to stop. As he suffered, he could hear Mistress Brandi moan in the background.

How had it come to this? Jacob Telos, a man whose decisions once shaped the world, now reduced to a play-thing and servant for some arrogant, upscale escorts. Women who didn't even offer sex in most cases. Just pain, degradation and humiliation. He knew the reasons why, of course, somewhere in the depths of his mind, but his well-beaten ass and brutalized balls were pleading for a reminder.

The answers were many and varied. They were found deep in his past, each time assertive women had made an impression on him in childhood and during puberty. And it was nature as much as nurture, no doubt. The cosmic rolling of the dice that had consigned him to arousal by women who wielded whip and crop with perverse pleasure.

On top of all that was his adult life and the knowledge that he'd taken so much from the world while offering so little in return. What had he done to earn billions of dollars? Almost nothing. He'd had a half-baked notion once, gotten a huge loan from his parents and arrived first to the trough. He'd been in the right place at the right time, a combination of luck and privilege.

Until recently, Jake's life consisted of going to dinner parties and back-slapping corporate meet-and-greets with other rich fucks. All the while, millions of people toiled around the world to fill their undeserving coffers. After a while, the bullshit was all you could smell anymore. You either embrace villainy and call it virtue or you drown in self-hate.

All the quaint little lies he'd told himself to justify his actions no longer held water. All the self-loathing that pooled in his soul, like acid, burned his body and mind until he craved nothing but to be free of it. The freedom that only bondage, pain and the affection of brutal women could unleash. To be awash in suffering and sin was the only way Jake Telos could know peace.

Most of all, the answers lay in Anastasia's eyes. That piercing gaze that made him feel like a rodent paralyzed before a hissing snake. The rabbit fleeing from the salivating fox. The anxious zebra stalked by the lioness. To be the hunted. To be sought after. To be her prey. An object to be used. A vessel to be drained. To give everything away to a Goddess on high. That was why he crawled along the floor, a simpering slave to Mistress Anastasia and all her Dominatrix colleagues.

Jacob finally arrived at the fridge. He opened the door, retrieved a bottled water, closed it and began the painful slog back. He grunted into his gag as he resumed towing the hefty weight clamped to the bottom of his manhood. What a perfect metaphor it was. He wondered if Brandi meant it that way or if she simply enjoyed seeing a man's balls weighed down and in pain.

Would he meet every single Domina in the employ of Madam Snow during his long journey into Femdom servitude? It seemed likely. Anastasia was rotating them in every day while she was off restructuring the Athena empire. Many of those women had begun moving into the condo complex he now lived in. Once, this was one of thousands of properties Jacob owned. Now, it all belonged to Ana.

Would he see Madam Snow again? That would be a reckoning, indeed. Jake knew she was most likely the true architect of his downfall. Would he thank her for it?

As he trudged back to the living room on aching hands and knees, Brandi's moans of bliss snapped him from his thoughts. Her fingers strummed her clit rapidly as she spasmed on the sofa. The leather cushioning stretched and rippled against her supple body as the orgasm overtook her.

She watched him with dreamy eyes as the climax hummed through her nervous system and set every pleasure center alight. Brandi was still rubbing herself below when Jacob arrived at her feet. The weight plate scraped to a stop behind him. He reached up and carefully handed her the bottle of cool water.

His own body was drenched in sweat and his throat was parched with thirst. He could taste nothing but musty leather and smell little but the pungent aroma of the young Domina's dripping sex. It glistened right in front of him, a cruel reminder of what he'd never have again.

Brandi uncapped the bottle and downed half its contents in a matter of seconds. She leaned forward and dumped the other half on the floor beside Jacob.

"Lick it up, slave."

* * * * *

"Thomas, send in Ms. Powell at once" Anastasia spoke into the intercom before releasing the button.

"Right away, Ms. Sins."

It was the last meeting of the day and the one Ana was looking forward to the most. She'd spent much of the last few days reviewing the files of the employees at the top and middle of Athena's hierarchy. It was a tree that needed a great deal of pruning, to say the least.

She trusted almost no one at the moment, but Anastasia was slowly identifying the ones who would serve her well and forming bonds with those she planned to keep around. Of all of them, the next woman seemed the most promising.

The door to her cavernous office opened and in walked a fittingly massive woman. She was a bit taller than Anastasia in her classy black heels. The woman was a dirty blonde, her locks flowing down a little past shoulder length and ending in stylish curls. Her bust and hips were thick and curvy. Her extra weight was in all the right places. Amanda wore a close-fitting black top, the sleeves of which terminated just below her elbows. Her tight skirt was a horizontal zebra pattern of black and white lines extending down to just past her knees.

The woman's thighs and calves weren't just big, they were massively strong. Amanda looked like she could crush a watermelon between her legs with ease. She strode to Ana's desk confidently, her heels clicking off the floor and echoing through the giant, half-empty room. A rose gold wristwatch and diamond bracelet added elements of class to the big woman's ensemble. Anastasia liked her instantly.

Ana reached out and shook hands for the umpteenth time that day. She'd grown tired of all the meet and greets, but watching the glorious Amazon stalk into her office had reinvigorated her. They exchanged smiles and Anastasia knew the reasons for Amanda's, instantly. It wasn't just out of formality or politeness. Amanda was delighted to see a fellow woman sitting behind the big desk.

"Ms. Powell, it's a pleasure to meet you. I've been looking forward to this."

"Likewise, President Sins. And let me say I absolutely adore your name. Anastasia Dominique Sins. When I read the announcement, I was instantly jealous."

Ana motioned for her to sit and they both took their seats. "You flatter me. Amanda Powell is a strong name. Perfect for a formidable woman. You have no reason to be jealous."

"Thank you, Madam President. You're too kind."

"Ana, please."

"As you wish" the big woman said with a nod.

Anastasia reached across the desk and picked up a manila folder with Amanda's profile. She opened it and gave it a quick scan before resuming their chat. "So, it says here you've been the Human Resources Manager for seven years now."

"Yes, that's correct."

"And it looks like you've been stuck at that level for a while, despite exemplary job performance. A shame, don't you think?"

Amanda shifted in her chair. "Well, I certainly feel I'm ready to move up, but I understand lack of promotion isn't always due to lack of qualification or performance. Sometimes there are just no spots open in the chain of command."

"The polite answer, but we both know it's nonsense."

The big blonde's eyes opened wide in surprise. Before she could formulate a response, Anastasia continued.

"A company this big can always afford to create new positions and reward good talent and diligent work. It chooses not to only to pinch pennies and to wring its employees dry while paying them as little as possible. It makes the shareholders happy, but it's bad for business in the long term, due to burnout and employee turnover. That ends, starting now."

Amanda's mouth hung open. This was not how a CEO typically spoke.

"Besides, we both know there are other reasons why you haven't been promoted. Old prejudices that have long existed and held back accomplished women like yourself."

"You're right, of course. It's refreshing to hear someone in leadership acknowledge it."

"I knew you'd appreciate that since I see you're a member of..." Ana glanced at her file again. "The National Organization for Women, the Feminist Majority Foundation, the Seattle chapter of the Women's Liberation Union AND, the ones I found most interesting, the International Gynocracy Movement and Femocracy Global."

The longer Ana went on, the more outraged Amanda looked. Her fists balled and her teeth gritted. It was an effort for the big woman not to yell as she reacted to the info dump. "Wha-- How do you know all that?!?"

"I haven't ordered any background checks on you, if that's what you're thinking, but Athena clearly has. This was all in your dossier when I got here." Anastasia turned the folder around and dropped it in front of her. Amanda looked it over in annoyance, shocked by how thoroughly the company had been keeping tabs on her.

"Now you really know why you haven't been promoted. And the expression on your face tells me you had no idea the company was doing this."

Amanda pushed the file across the desk and leaned back in her chair. "This level of employee scrutiny is reserved for Senior level Human Resource officers. It's out of my jurisdiction."

"Not anymore" Anastasia responded cheerfully. "I'm promoting you to Chief Human Resources Officer, effective immediately."

Amanda's eyes went wide and her mouth hung open again, but this time in in pleasant surprise. She offered another slight bow. "Thank you, Ma'am. I will endeavor to serve you and the company well."

"I know you will, and if you help me streamline my new program, you won't just be a Senior Officer for long. You'll be Vice President, in charge of Human Resources."

The buxom BBW looked completely overwhelmed.

Anastasia leaned forward and clasped her hands together on the desk. She stared deep into the other woman's dark blue eyes.

"Amanda, I want you to be my field General. I need someone who will whip this army into shape, keep the troops in line and to help me craft a more woman friendly environment where our sisters can flourish. Furthermore, I'm sure you know the ranks of management better than anyone on the Senior staff. You know where the weak links are. The dead weight. Those who abuse, or simply don't deserve, their current positions. You'll help me filter them out and find suitable replacements."

"I... would be very happy to do that, Madam President." She said with a beaming smile. "Ana!" she corrected herself.

"Excellent. I'm sure you know what I mean by dead weight, and we'll be excising plenty, but we don't necessarily need to fire them all. I have some ideas for how they might be put to good use, but we'll get into that later. I think we should setup a lunch meeting to discuss these plans in detail. I've had this room swept for bugs, but I still don't fully trust the place, yet. Best to get into the nitty-gritty somewhere private where no ears might be listening."

"Very prudent" Amanda nodded in agreement. The grin on her face made it evident this was one of the best days of her life.

* * * * *


Jacob retched as Brandi maintained an iron grip on his head harness, pulling his mouth all the way to the base of her black strapon. He was forced to inhale musty rubber cock to the balls, his lips stretched wide around its fat girth. His throat convulsed in rejection, but could do nothing to dislodge it. Jake sucked in panicked wisps of air through his nose. It was his only means of grasping at barely adequate oxygen each time she plunged her cock into his throat and held it there.