Aunt Eva


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"Don't fucking do that!" I exclaimed, feeling my legs give out just as I managed to locate one of the kitchen chairs, sitting down hard in it. My heart was beating wildly, pounding against my chest. My face flushed crimson, burning awareness into my mind as Eva simply stood there laughing at me.

"Well that should teach you to at least be a little more careful," she told me warningly. "What if I really had been your mother? What then?" She asked. She was right of course, and her harsh lesson had just reminded me of that fact.

"I'm sorry, you're right Eva. I shouldn't have done that." Her smile eased my fear however.

"Not that I minded it," she began. "But as long as I'm staying here Mark, we can't let things get out of hand. I'm having problems enough as it is. The last thing I want is to do anything to cause problems between your mother and I. As much as I enjoyed everything we did, IF in fact we continue to do anything, we'll need to be careful. Very, very careful."

"Again...I'm sorry Sis. It won't happen again." I watched as Sis began unbuttoning the long sleeved dress shirt she'd been wearing. It was all she was wearing in fact.

"As a safety precaution, in the future, let me be the one to approach you," she offered. "That way, there won't be any risk...any danger of you doing something like this by accident. Agreed?" Pulling her shirt off, I watched as it fell to the floor once again revealing her nakedness.

"Agreed," I said still feeling a little sheepish.

" hungry?" She asked. "Want something to eat?" Pulling out another of the kitchen chairs, Eva placed one leg upon it bent at the knee, spreading herself.

"Famished!" I said, leaning over to lick her. Breakfast could wait.


I arrived home from work early that evening. My parent's car parked in the driveway as I pulled in next to them. "Well at least I know they're home," I thought, getting out heading down the walk towards the front door. The door opened suddenly, unexpectedly. As it did, dad stepped out carrying a suitcase. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"I got that promotion. They made the announcement last night at the dinner," he said proudly. "Unfortunately, it also means I have to fly out this evening in order to be at the new plant tomorrow and address the employee's. I'll be gone for a few days. So behave yourself while I'm gone." He smiled at me. "You get to be the man of the house for a few days."

"Well, congratulations dad!" I took his hand, shaking it. We'd never been exactly close, not like a lot of family's. He shook it, smiling. Still taller than I was he reached over and ruffled my hair. "Take care of your mother and aunt Eva while I'm gone." Images of Eva nude suddenly swam through my head.

"I...I will," I said a little uneasily. Turning, I bounded into the house, hearing almost immediately the sound of mom and Aunt Sis conversing in the living room. The moment I entered they quit talking. I hated that; it meant they were discussing things they didn't want me to hear. I glanced briefly at them both, focusing my attention primarily towards my aunt, but her expression gave nothing away.

"Hi Mark, how was work?" Mom asked. And I noticed that she had a slight blush in her cheeks when she'd spoken to me. Suddenly I got the distinct feeling they'd been talking about me. But once again, looking towards my aunt, she merely smiled in the same friendly way that she always did.

"Work was fine. I need to shower though. Ok if I use my bedroom?" I glanced towards my aunt, feeling a little irritated at the moment without any real reason for being so. I saw her "look" almost the same one she'd given me in the kitchen when I'd nearly mistaken her for my mother.

"Go ahead, we're just sitting here talking," she emphasized, speaking volumes to me in a simple sentence.

"By the way, Mark? I need to go out and pick a few things up for dinner. Is there anything in particular you'd like?" Mother asked.

"Ah, no thanks. I'm really not very hungry. I ate a lot earlier...this morning." Once again I shot a quick glance towards my aunt. She in turn shot an almost angry look my way making me wish I hadn't spoken a single word. Suddenly sorry that I had taken out my anger and frustration against her, once again treading on thin ice though the likelihood of mother's knowing what I had just referred to was an impossibility.

"Oh...before I forget, here's your earrings back," Mother said already reaching up to remove them. "Thanks for letting me borrow them."

I turned, heading down the hallway towards the stairs, taking them two at a time up to my room. I quickly undressed, angrily, "stupidly" I thought, tossing everything I had worn into the corner. I stepped into the bathroom, locking the door, turning on the shower. Sitting down on the toilet, I began masturbating.


When eventually I did come out, I had taken my shower. Stepping out of the bathroom, naked, I saw Eva sitting on the edge of my bed waiting for me. I quickly slipped the towel I'd been using to dry off with around my waste. "Where's mom?" I asked innocently.

"Shopping. Now, you want to explain to me what the fuck that was all about?" Eva said pointedly. I lowered my head, embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. I guess I just don't like being talked about, especially behind my back," I said lamely.

"What the hell do you think we were discussing? How I sucked you off yesterday? How I took your virginity? Is that what you're worried about?" Sis pressed.

" Of course not. That's stupid!" I said, realizing that it was, realizing as I said it that in a small way, I was worried about how much Eva had been telling mom about things I had shared with her.

"Listen Mark. Like any mother, she's simply worried about you. She loves know that. And you also know that all she wants is the best for you."

"Yeah, I know that." I said looking at my feet, unable to raise my head and look her straight in the eye. "So...what did you tell her?" I questioned, still curious as to what they had discussed. I heard Eva laugh.

"Well, I will tell you that she's curious if you ever have been with a woman before. She did ask me that."

"You're kidding? She did? Why?"

"Because she knows you're not really comfortable around women. She's known that for a very long time Mark. And she also knows, that until recently anyway, that you haven't gone out on a lot of dates. So she was hoping that since you and I have had our intimate little conversations in the past, that maybe you would have told me something."

"What did you tell her?" I asked. Eva grinned mischievously.

"Only what I think she wanted to hear. That I didn't think you were a virgin any more for one thing."

"What? You told her that?"

"Oh...nothing concrete mind you. Only that I "suspected" you weren't. I didn't tell her that you had specifically told me anything regarding it. But that I was fairly confident that you wouldn't have any problems in that particular area."

"Why would she be so worried about my love life anyway?"

"Because she doesn't want to see you ending up getting hurt like everyone else," Eva stated. There was a long pause. I could tell there was more. A lot more.

"What else did you talk about?" I asked.

"You already know about my situation Mark. And I don't know if I should really be the one telling you this, but the truth of the matter is, your father's no saint!"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean...your mother's known for well over a year now about Steven's little affair."

"Dad?" Eva nodded her head sadly.

"It's because of that that I came to her Mark. Not because I simply had to get away. True, I needed some time to do some thinking, figure out how I was going to handle this. And because of the way your mother's been doing it, obviously, I wanted to talk to her about it as well."

"But they've always been happy together, especially last night. Don't you remember the way they were acting? All flirty, all amorous?"

"Yes...but according to your mother Mark, it's the first time in nearly a year that they've really been like that. And the first time in recent memory that your father's actually given her something as nice as he did. Your mom thinks that diamond was something of an "I'm sorry" present. Maybe it was. Maybe they'll find the romance and love in their marriage again Mark. But keep in mind. Maybe they won't either. Nobody's perfect, not even your parents. Not you...not me. Not anyone!"

"I realize that," I told her. "But you're telling me that mom and dad haven't even been having sex in nearly a year?"

"That's what she said Mark. And something else too. You also need to remember that your mother is a very sensual, sexy woman. I should know, after all I am her twin sister. We think a lot alike. More than you know, trust me. Your mom has the same needs, wants and desires that I do. She's just put them on hold for a hell of a lot longer than I would have done is all. But I also know...that day is over with. If something happens, if your mother ends up having an affair with someone else, you need to cut her some slack. You hear what I'm telling you?"

I did. But I still couldn't believe what I was hearing. I couldn't envision my mother having an affair with anyone. It just wasn't in her nature, or her character to do that. And I told Eva that. She listened, but reminded me just the same that mom still had unfulfilled wants and desires just like any normal woman had.

"Now, we're wasting a lot of precious time here Mark. Your mother's gone shopping, and I don't have any idea how long she'll be gone. But rather than waste any more time talking, why don't you come over here and let me suck you." Sis was like taking viagara. I might have just finished jerking off in the bathroom a short while ago, but as she bared those magnificent breasts of hers, I sprang up as though I had been taking the "blue wood" as I'd heard dad call it. Something else of which I filed away for future thought.

As Sis sat on the edge of the bed, already running that wonderful erotic tongue of hers over and around the head of my dick, I noticed she was once again wearing her diamond earrings. "Hey...that's something else I can use as a failsafe," I told her.

"What? What are you talking about?" She said with a mouth full of my prick. "Your earrings. As long as you're wearing them, I'll know for certain that its you." Eva laughed around my dick, which felt pretty interesting by the way.

"Got you spooked huh? Well don't worry. I'll be sure to wear them, and you just make sure you don't inadvertently run up and grab your mom's boobs from behind."

"Trust me, I won't," I said confidently. "I certainly won't make that same mistake again."

"Well see that you don't. Now...enough talking. Or don't you want me to finish getting you off?" She asked seductively. I zippered my mouth, reaching down to fondle Sis's tits instead. "Oh yeah", I thought to myself. "Much better than talking. Much, much better!"


Over the course of the next several weeks, Eva and I got together nearly every chance that we got. I might have been inexperienced, but I was an avid, quick learner. Even April my "occasional" girlfriend had taken notice of the change in me. She'd even started to become more "friendly" even flirtatious. And though I still continued to spend a little time with my friends, whenever the situation presented itself, I stayed home just so that Eva and I could spend some quality time together.

I'd gotten home a little later than usual from work. When I did, I noticed the car was gone. Hurriedly I dashed into the house. Hearing no one, I assumed momentarily that they had all perhaps gone out to dinner together or something. Being hungry myself, I headed into the kitchen. I nearly crashed into what I thought was once again my mother as I came in, and as she was heading out. I glanced quickly at her ears. "Eva!" You know where mom and dad are?" I asked. She smiled at me wickedly. "Your dad had another business trip," she said. "Your mom's taking him to the airport. You just missed them."

"How long do you think they'll be gone?" I asked her playfully.

"Long enough," Eva said with a naughty twinkle in her eyes. "Come on, lets go outside to the patio." I followed her out doors. It was dark, only the pool lights were on.

"Where' we going?" I asked.

"Someplace special. I've been thinking about this all day." Eva quickly led me over to a rarely used corner of the yard. It was dark; she had already laid out a large soft comforter on the grass. I noticed there were two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine chilling in a bucket.

"I didn't know you really cared much for wine," I said, pulling out the bottle, beginning to uncork it.

"Not often, except for special occasions," she told me.

"I take it this is a special one?"

"In a way yes. I'm going back in the morning," she told me sadly. "I've agreed to talk to Bob, see if we can work things out."

"Shit." I said aloud, not really meaning to have spoken my real feelings. "I'm going to miss you," I said, pulling out the cork simultaneously. "Guess this really is a special occasion then isn't it?" Eva smiled, but I could see by the expression in her face that she appeared worried, nervous too.

"Don't worry Mark. Things will be ok, for all of us. And I won't stay away as long this time either. You're growing fast enough as it is. Before I know it, you'll be married to someone, have babies. Then they'll be calling me "Aunt sissy" the way you used to do."

"Well us. To this very special night together!" I said holding my wine glass up to hers. We toasted, drank. Then she began undoing the dress she had worn. I wasn't surprised to see she hadn't worn anything beneath it. I quickly removed my own clothing and then joined her down on the blanket.

"Make love to me Mark...long, slow...for a long, long time. I'm going to need it to hold me over for a while," she told me. "Probably a really long while." I knew what she meant; it was going to be difficult enough for her to work through all this. I knew that.

"Well, then lets see if I can show you just how much I've truly learned from you while you've been here," I told her. "Let me eat you for a while," I said lustily.

"Oh Mark...I'd love that," Eva said. "Yes,!" I snuggled up between her legs, and just as though it had been the very first time she'd taught me how to do it, I repeated that moment, remembering the way she'd instructed me to pleasure her pussy. Eva was moaning, groaning with wild abandon. Hotter than even I remembered her being, I quickly brought her to two swift hard-felt orgasms. Switching places, she then proceeded to give me a world-class blowjob. Even better than she had given me before. I was swimming in continuous ecstasy, driven to unimaginable heights of pleasure. When I finally rolled over on top of her, slipping my prick inside her, we moved together as though we'd been doing so for years. Together, we made love in that dark corner of the yard for well over two hours. The appearance of headlights pulling into the drive, and the sound of the garage door opening alerted us both to the fact that our magical time together had ended. We quickly scrambled into our clothing.

"You grab the blanket and the wine. I'll head off your mother and detain her. That should give you plenty of time to head up to your room and pretend that you've been upstairs sleeping all this time," she told me. We did that. After a time, I did come downstairs; Mom and Eva were sitting in the kitchen having a fair-well chat over a cup of coffee.

"Sis has to leave in the morning," Mom said.

"I know, she told me," I said feigning a yawn. "What time are you leaving anyway?" I asked. I had an early class, and reluctantly knew I wouldn't be able to go with her to the airport.

"Early. I'm having a cab pick me up, but if your up. We can say our good-byes then." I walked over, giving Sis an innocent kiss on the cheek.

"I'll miss you," I told her honestly.

"I'll miss you too," she said, and I saw a tear form in the corner of her eye. "But don't worry Mark, I'll be back to visit with you and your mom soon. Real soon," she promised.

Kissing them both good night one last time, I headed upstairs to bed.


In the morning, I woke up in plenty of time to see my aunt off to the airport. We enjoyed one last early morning cup of coffee together before the sound of a car honking in the driveway alerted us to the fact that her cab was there. Mom and I walked her outside, where I helped her with her luggage and getting into the cab.

"Thank you for everything," I whispered. Giving her a bit longer of a kiss than I probably should have before closing the door, standing back. Mom walked over to my side, putting her arm around my waist as we saw the cab back down the drive into the street before pulling away. Turning to face her I saw that she was wearing Eva's diamond earrings.

"Why are you wearing those?" I asked her curiously.

"Oh. Eva wanted me to have them. She said she wanted to give me something special before she left."

"Boy...I'll say. That really was special for her to have given you something like that."

"More than you'll ever know Mark. More than you'll ever know."

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KnightofmindKnightofmind9 months ago

Some of these comments are disturbing boy. Holy shizzle!

Great story. A twist, extremely intimate and direct but not rushed. Great!

a_reader_from_germanya_reader_from_germanyabout 1 year ago

Cute. A bit dense our hero. There's a German saying however: "The dumbest farmer harvests the biggest potatoes."

LegallySaneLegallySaneabout 2 years ago

Both sisters are manipulating whores. No wonder their husbands are cheating on them. Never thought for a minute that Eva wasn't telling his mom everything. Twins... Mark is just an ignorant

toy now.

AlwaystabooAlwaystabooabout 2 years ago
Extraordinary tale of love

Such an erotic natural progression of events. Mom had on the earrings the night before Eva left.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Really LOVE it (❤+): ☆☆☆☆☆+ (5.25%/5=105% "above expectations")!

Aunt Eva is a keeper. Period.

Aunt Eva is a keeper. OK?

* * *

I was a late bloomer both physically and emotionally. I was shy.

I was already 18 when i really had to shave. Intellectually I was excellent.

I was 19 when i first had sex.

HragsHragsabout 4 years ago
Don't leave us hanging????????

Wow. Reading others comments, I figure they are right. Hope u write more chapters & let us in on our assumption.

ROCKY70ROCKY70over 4 years ago
Well!!! Well!!! A twister. !^*!^*!^*!

Well, you must have been around in thed 1960's , you really know to TWIST. That's what you did to this story, who knows who's fucking who??, a chapter 2 would be nice.

Nice story but who's who. THANKS???

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearabout 5 years ago
of course he slept with his mom

Aunt Eva took Steven to Airport, Mom took Mark to the back yard she likes wine Eva don't. Mom tell mark about Steven's Affair and that she has Fantasies (about Mark) and even lays the groundwork for when he finds out tell him to 'cut his mother some slack'. Then it's Mom that goes to see Bob (most likely) leaving Eva and her Diamonds with Steven and (Mark). It's a shit ending if you ask me, it turns what started out as a sweet Aunt teaches Nephew story into twisted manipulative twins toy with the feelings of the only good man in their life. I was feeling sorry for Eva and almost started to feel for Mom before I worked out what bitches they are. Now I only feel for Mark he was used, period. Not Loved like they claim.

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearabout 5 years ago
Color me confused

So is Mom going to see Bob? If that's the case then it means she knows about Eva and Mark! That also means Eva will be sleeping with Steven, Right? Then that makes me think, did Mark sleep with his mother? Why are these twins that 'pretend' to love Mark at the very least as an aunt and mother do him that way? Aunt said the mom was worried about Mark and didn't want to see him hurt, right? Isn't lying to him about all of this going to hurt him when he finds out? This could have been a great story if it was approached properly, but doing Mark the way they are is more likely to make him turn out like Bob and Steven, which you would think they would not want. Not to mention Mark should already mistrust Eva for not holding his confidence to begin with.

RanDog025RanDog025about 6 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Additional chapters

I loved your story but it ended too soon . With a father that is taking more business trips and who has been unfaithful in the past it is a receipe for more of the same . No man knows a women better , and no man strives to see a woman be happier than her son . The mother will find happiness in the arms of her son . The only question is if Aunt Sis (Eva) will return to join them or not .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Five Stars

All the folks who want further chapters don't get it-- you ended the story with us not knowing, and meant to end it there, and were right to do so. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

It was pretty obvious other than the dress they wear that night mark didn't notice when his "mom" take her dad to the airport instead requested by his real mom to switch instead 'coz she wants to know what really happen with her sister and mark doing when she and her husband were out. Another is the change of behavior during the last sex when "eva" was hotter than she used to be. It draws a good twist and creepy as well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I loved​this story and I think you should make a second chapter to where he finds everything out and get's together with Mom and Aunt. After Mom and Aunt get divorced.

GoodhueGoodhueover 7 years ago
A Threesome For a Sequel!

So Mark got to bang each of the twins,even if he didn't realize it!

Since it looks as though Dad's new position will have him taking more business trips,Mom needs to come clean with Mark so that they can get in plenty of practice for Aunt Sis's return!

Great story! 5+

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