Aunt May


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Watching her mash her tits, finger her pussy at warp speed, and her moaning and thrashing about with me in her mouth was just too much to take.

"I'm going to…" is all I was able to say.

She didn't pull off as I expected. Instead she rammed my cock as far down her throat as it would go while she started to shudder. I released a load deep in her throat. She opened her eyes a second and without moving her head she glanced at her watch.

I was already getting soft when she finally let my cock go with a plop from her mouth.

"Told yah." She said pointing to her watch. "A minute, 50," she said triumphantly.

She laid down next to me. "I never tried that before," she said. "I know guys like to watch so I figured I had a good chance of beating you."

"That was incredible, May."

"You know what, nephew?" she asked. "I'm tired. How about we call it a night?"

She kissed me and rolled over and closed her eyes. I finished the open beer and turned off the light. I put my arm around her and she smiled. I slept better that night than I had ever before.

* * *

We spent Saturday walking the boardwalk, swimming in the hotel pool and eating at the gourmet restaurants. After dinner we went back to the room to have a couple of beers.

"So what do we do for an encore tonight, nephew?

"I was hoping you would have something in mind," I answered.

"Leaving it up to me, huh? You go ahead and make yourself comfortable. I'm going downstairs to the lobby a minute."

I got undressed and got in the bed wondering what she was up to. I thought about what she said yesterday about having a loaded pistol, so I started to play with myself. Soon I was having a grand time wanking away.

"What's this? Started the party without me? Well, I can tell when I'm not wanted," she said, as she huffed back out of the room.

"Wait May." I jumped out of bed and went after her.

I caught her and turned her around saw that she was laughing.

"I know I told you about relieving yourself if you wanted to last, but shit, Jack. Go on. Get back in bed. I'll be there in a minute."

I got back in and sure enough she came back in a few seconds, stripped, and hopped in the bed.

"I've got a surprise. Close your eyes. No peeking." I closed my eyes and felt her hand caress me into an erection. She then started doing something to me that I couldn't figure out.

"All done!" she said proudly. "You can open your eyes now."

I looked down at myself. "You are now a proud owner of your very own…condom!" she exclaimed.

She had me confused again and her face had grown serious.

"If I'm going to truly make love with someone, I can't imagine it being anyone but you," she said, gently brushing my hair with her fingers.

We held each other and kissed passionately for several minutes.

"I don't know how to do this without hurting you," I said.

"No matter how we do it it's going to hurt. Just stop if I ask." she said.

She reached down for me and found that I had started to go soft.

"Jack, don't worry about it. It has to hurt the first time, that's natural. Come on. Please, honey. I'll be alright."

She never called me honey before. I was always Jack or nephew.

Her hand worked me back up to full rigor. She then rolled me on top of her and positioned me just outside of her.

"Just push in slowly. I'll guide you. I may stiffen up if it hurts. Just stop until I say it's alright."

I started to push in. She gasped. I stopped and pulled out immediately.

"No, no. You didn't hurt me. It felt good."

Encouraged, I tried again. This time I encountered the barrier.

"This is it, honey," she said. "You can't stop now. I'll be OK."

I pushed in. I suddenly felt a pop and I slid the rest of the way in. She froze up.

"Are you alright?" I asked. For the first time in 10 years I felt like I wanted to cry.

She was breathing hard but seemed to be slowing down. "I told you I'd be OK. Just give me a minute here."

She was holding me close to her. She began running her hands up and down my back.

"God you're big. I'm filled up. OK, let's try it."

It was kind of clumsy at first. We eventually found a rhythm that we both liked. Even with the pain she was experiencing, she soon was digging her nails in my back and shuddering with a climax.

Actually, an orgasm was the furthest thing from my mind. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't hurting her. After her orgasm, I realized that she really was doing OK, and I started anew with another rhythm we both seemed to like.

"Oh, honey. Oh. Oh. Don't stop. Oh. Oh. Oh God, you feel good," she whispered in my ear, as I kept up the pace.

She began to shudder again. Her pussy muscles contracted on me, and she pulled me tight to her, as her orgasm pulsed through her. That was all I could take, and I moaned with my own orgasm, and filled the condom.

We laid together for a long time, trying to catch our breath, and savoring the feeling. Finally I climbed off of her, and laid on my side facing her.

She looked at me. "Do you remember playing at Nana's house?" I nodded. "I always had more fun playing with you than any of my friends. Even when we got older, I enjoyed coming over to your Mom's house to baby-sit you, even though it was more like goofing around time. I really liked being with you. You were always so considerate. You even took the trash down for me at Nana's even though I never asked you to."

I started to say something. She put her finger on my lips and said, "Just listen. If I stop I may not be able to finish this."

"As I got into high school, most of my friends had boyfriends. I didn't want a relationship with any of the boys. So I made it a game of conquering their boyfriends, just so I wouldn't have to get involved with any single guy. I didn't know why I felt that way, I just did."

"The night we bumped in the hallway was no accident. I did it to mess with your mind just like I was doing to the other guys. The next day when you apologized to me for it, I knew I was wrong to do it. Here I was messing with you and were worried about me. I realized then that you were a very special person. So I made it a point not to mess with you anymore. When you caught me with the guy on the couch it really was an accident. I wasn't trying to mess with your head anymore. That's why I came to your room. I wanted to do as much damage control as I could. I didn't want you to hate me. When you asked to see me naked I was actually going to do it. Then I realized, that by doing so would screw everything up between us even more, possibly beyond repair. I had to somehow find a way out of it. If you had been any other guy it would have been no big deal. But it was you, and I had a soft spot in my heart for you. That's why I offered the alternative. At least it bought time, and maybe I never would have to go through with it."

"During the course of the next few days, I stopped seeing all of the guys in my life. I didn't know why. I just had no interest. Last weekend when your mother told me that you had no interest in girls, I got scared that I had screwed with you beyond repair. When you walked on that porch, my heart went up in my throat. I've never had that feeling before. I assumed that it was apprehension about seeing you again, not knowing if we were still friends. That first night in the pool, I thought you were skinny-dipping. Who goes swimming in dark with their suit on? So I decided to join you. At least that would seem normal. I questioned you about the girls because I wanted to make sure your head was screwed on right and that you still liked me. When you wouldn't hug me, my feelings were hurt badly. That's why I went back to the house. I went up to my room and cried my eyes out."

Again I tried to say something and she shushed me.

"The following night I decided that I had to know the truth. When I climbed into that water and you didn't run I knew that you still liked me. I couldn't control myself after that. The relief of knowing that you didn't hate me, and this feeling that was building inside of me was too much to handle. That's when I jumped you. When you said I was the first to touch you it dawned on me that I had been waiting for you too. Driving here yesterday gave me time to think. I started to realize what that feeling was that I had experienced on the porch when you came home."

As she was explaining I was beginning to realize something too. Something that suddenly made a tremendous amount of sense.

"When we got here yesterday, I was almost sure. By the time you got into the shower, I knew."

"Jack, nephew, honey, I'm sorry. I'm hopelessly in love with you."

Tears started to fill her eyes.

"I have been waiting for you, May. I didn't know it till today, but I've always been in love with you."

That did it. The floodgates opened. I had never seen May cry before. In front of people she is always a strong person. She was really letting it all out. I knew they were tears of happiness but I could also tell that there was a lot of sorrow as well.

It didn't matter how much we loved each other, it was never going to be accepted anywhere even if we had no children.

We slept the night, checked out by 11:00 and headed home.

"There has to be a way out of this, May."

"Only if we do it behind everyone's back or they repeal the incest laws."

* * *

Later that week, May's apartment was finally ready. She moved in by that Thursday, and I was back to being alone. She called every few days and we told each other how much we loved each other, not that anything could be done about it. My mother had noticed my depression. "Why don't you take my car and go over and see May? You two always seem to have a good time together."

"Maybe some other time, Mom."

By the last weekend in July she had had enough.

I came home from the "Y" and noticed Mom sitting on the porch waiting for me.

"Jack, I want you to tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing," I lied.

"Well this 'nothing' is driving me nuts. Not going to tell me? OK, maybe you could tell me what's wrong with May. She won't talk to me about anything anymore either."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Mom." I looked at the ground when I answered her.

"Did something happen when you two were at the shore? That seems to be when this all started. Did you two have a fight?"

"No, Mom."

"That's good because she's always liked you a lot and I'd hate to think a dumb argument would stop you two from seeing each other."

"I like her a lot too, Mom," I said, as I told the truth for the first time.

The silence between us was deafening.

Finally she asked the question. "Did you two sleep together?" She looked at me with stern eyes, the type that say "don't lie to me".

I couldn't answer her.

"Well this explains a lot. So, you two are now so ashamed of yourselves that you're having trouble facing the world?"

"No. We're furious with the world because we can't be together. May and I have always loved each other, we just never realized it until that weekend. Now we can't see each other because it's 'forbidden'. Do you know how hard it is to love someone and not be able to tell anyone or even express your love with that person?"

My mother said nothing.

"I feel worse for May than myself. I think she's close to a break down."

My mother stared off to the distance for a while. I had no idea what was in store for May and me. All I knew was I had just ruined the relationship I had with my mother as well as my mother and her sister.

She got up and went into the house. A few minutes later she returned holding a few pictures.

"Have you seen this before?" she asked, as she handed me a photo.

It was an old picture, but recognized I it was my grandparents. "Sure, that's Nana and Grand Pop," I replied.

She took the photo back and handed me another one. "Did you ever see this one?"

I had to think for a minute. I didn't remember seeing it before and the woman was definitely my grandmother but she was probably in her late teens at the time. I had no clue who the guy was. "No, I don't think I've seen this before, but that's Nana, right?"

"Yes it is. Do you know who the guy is standing next to her?" she asked.

"No I don't," I replied, shaking my head.

"That man is your Grandfather, Jack. He died in a car accident around 20 years ago. After a short time Nana met another man. He was a good man. He had been widowed as well. They married around the time you were born. To you he was 'grand pop'. He was my stepfather. When he was widowed, his first wife had just given birth to a baby. Nana raised her just as if she was her own. My brothers and sisters didn't know she wasn't blood related. They were too young to know the difference. I knew, and Nana swore me to secrecy. There has never been a reason to tell anyone until now."

There was silence.

"In case you're a little slow on the uptake here, May isn't related to you in any way other than through marriage."

I looked at her, a smile growing on my face.

"I'm afraid you have a big decision to make here, Jack. If you tell her, you may gain a girlfriend, but it could disrupt things in other ways. What if she doesn't take the news that she's not related to her brothers and sisters very well? How will they react when they find out? Believe me, if you're seeing May, they'll find out."

She waited long enough to see the smile fade from my face.

"Lastly, what happens if after finding out the truth she decides that she doesn't love you enough to bring things out into the open?"

That had never occurred to me.

"What should I do, Mom?"

"I can't tell you that. What I can tell you is that if you both love each other as much as you say, then the truth should be told and the hell with the rest of the family. As they say, 'Love conquers all', son."

We both stood.

"I want her to know the truth, Mom. She should have the opportunity to make up her own mind. I also think the truth should come from you. She trusts you, Mom. She's told me so."

She nodded her head at me and went in the house to call May and ask her over for dinner the following evening. She tried to get out of it, but my Mother refused to take no for an answer. She came back out on the porch.

"Well, she says she'll be here, but there's always a chance she won't show up. Hang in there, son."

* * *

The next day I left the "Y" early and was home by 4:00. My mother decided to have me grill steaks again. She was going to break the news after dinner, and wanted to soften the blow with a good meal.

At 5:30, May's car pulled up to the house. My heart was in my throat as I went out back and lit the grill. May helped my mother get the side dishes ready and it was soon time to eat.

It was a very quiet meal. My parents tried to make small talk but May said little. We finished dinner and cleared the table. My Dad got a couple of beers, went out to the porch, and listened to the ball game with his cast propped up on a footrest. I went in the pool. Mom and May stayed inside.

A few minutes later I herd somebody crying.


I looked toward the porch and saw May come running out of the house, crying all the way. She ran past my Dad, through the yard, climbed the pool ladder, and jumped into pool clothes and all. She swam to me, put me in a bear hug, and started repeating between sobs, "I love you, I love you, I love you." I held her close as I turned to look back at the porch. My Mom was leaning on the doorway into the house with her arms crossed and a huge smile on her face. My Dad lifted his beer up in salute in one hand and gave me a thumbs-up with the other. I guess Mom had told him about it too.

We dated the whole time I went to college. Sometimes she would come to campus to visit and she always brought me home on school breaks. The summer I graduated we got married. I can't imagine myself with anyone else.

Our whole family was there. People couldn't figure out which side of the aisle to sit on. My Dad gave May away and doubled as my best man.

At least when we watch the wedding video 10 years from now we won't have to ask each other "Who was that?"

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AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

Close family members will still look at them as aunt and nephew. They are not by blood but through tradition and history....they are aunt and nephew. They would have to pack up their stuff and move away to live a happy life together.

In 1966 I had an incestuous relationship with a cousin who was three years older than me. I was about to ship out to Vietnam and about three weeks before I left, I got together with Carmen my cousin. We lied to our families, and we met secretly in Hawaii. For an entire we made sweet, wet love. I found out later when I was in Vietnam that Carmen was pregnant with my baby. I told her that we had to tell our families because I wanted a life with her and our baby. Because of cultural customs and family traditions Carmen said she could never tell our families that I was the father to her baby. She did end up having the child at 22 years of age telling her family that the father wasn't ready to be a father and he left. The family accepted her explanation and that was that.

One couple were not related by blood, but customs and tradition would make it hard for them to start a life as man and wife. And the other couple, Carmen and I, were related by blood. Her mother and my mother were sisters. And tradition and custom kept us from living as man and wife.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Absolutely wonderful, can't imagine a stronger love story. Now I have to check if you have more stories this good. Lol

Hardcowboy169Hardcowboy1696 months ago

wow never saw that coming the story one o the best ive ever read .im a grown man and a biker at that and the ending had me with a tear in my eye , im glad it worked out the way it did . great story keep it up

LegallySaneLegallySaneabout 2 years ago

Sorry, but the ending of the story couldn't fix the teasing and the condom at the beginning. 1*

KinkCuriousInNJUSKinkCuriousInNJUSover 2 years ago

Ahh, loved this story. To be fair, I kinda saw where this was going as soon as the mom started the talk with the son and wasn't immediately mortified. That said, this was a piece about love, not just about sex and lust. The fact that May was saving herself for Jack (and vice versa) without even realizing it at first was something special. The fact that they were close enough in age to make it sorta realistic was cool too. Nice job

Kpick96205Kpick96205over 4 years ago
I Loved It

Great story. I loved it. I love a story with body and a happy ending. Keep up the good work. I look forward to reading more of your stuff!!!!!! Again keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

It was a great story one of the best I have read on here it had a happy ending keep them coming you r a great writer thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Aunt May

one of the nicest incest story i have read please write more like this

amsterdamamsterdamover 6 years ago

Fine storytelling in the coming of age genre. If I was being ultra critical (aka I AM going to be ultra critical - sorry!), the ‘sex scenes’ were too brief in my opinion, but otherwise great story

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Simply Incredible

This story has captured my heart in ways I didn't think a story could. This is simply incredible

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