Aunt Sandi Ch. 17

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With Sandi's guidance, Amy gets closer to her parents.
26.1k words

Part 17 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/07/2013
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This story is part of a series. If you haven't read the previous chapters, click my username above. All characters are 18 or older. Thank you for reading.

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Aunt Sandi - PART 17

Around 8pm on the Monday following my first visit to the Patterson home, Sandi and I were finishing up with dinner and cleaning up the kitchen when suddenly my phone started buzzing in my pocket.

When I answered, Amy's voice was slightly upset-sounding. "We need to go back to talk to Daddy tonight. Sandi needs to come too."

"Is he upset?" I asked with more than a hint of trepidation.

"It sounds like he just needs to talk everything over. Mom did most of the work to calm him down."

"You sound pretty upset. Are you okay?"

There was silence for a moment. "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just really nervous. I try to not make a habit of disappointing my father. He can be a real bear."

"We'll get through it as long as we stick together."

"I know. Meet you there after I get off work?"

"We'll be there."

We said our goodbyes and ended the call. Sandi had been watching me intently the whole time. "So, now he knows. How did he take it?"

"He wants to talk everything over, and he wants you there too."

An extremely concerned look took over Sandi's expression as she contemplated that. "Oh great, well I'm not sure I'm ready for that. What if he asks how I met you, or about our age difference? Are you prepared to tell the truth? There's only so much a person can take at a time, and springing that on him might be over his limit. I don't want to tell him a bunch of lies that I'll have to revise later on, but that may be the only short-term solution."

"I know. I don't want to have to lie about anything to them either. My impression is they're pretty laid back people. I think we'll be okay."

Sandi shook her head. "I'm not so sure. Someone can be laid back but still have all kinds of ingrained negative thoughts when it comes to a taboo subject like incest. We need to be very careful. I suggest letting me do most of the talking."

I shrugged but agreed. "Well, you're the psychologist. I know if there's a way to tell them without them flipping out, you'll come up with it."

She nodded and went off to get changed into different clothes and I finished wiping down the sink.

When we arrived, Amy's car was already in the driveway next to Lisa's, so we parked out on the street. Sandi took a really long, deep breath and let it out in a sigh. "I've never seen you this nervous," I remarked.

"I don't think I've ever been this nervous. Do you understand what might happen here tonight? We're potentially exposing our secret to more strangers. People that, while I'm sure are perfectly nice, could get us into very serious trouble if they chose to. This is not something to be taken lightly."

Her mood was starting to rub off on me and I said seriously, "Whatever happens, we're going to be okay. I just know it." I reached across the seat and squeezed her hand, a gesture she returned with a reassuring smile.

Sandi reluctantly opened the car door and stepped out. A few seconds after the car doors were closed, Amy rushed out to meet us on the walkway. She looked back and forth at our solemn expressions and asked Sandi, "Are you okay with doing this?"

We saw Lisa come into view and stand in the doorway. Sandi just nodded and squeezed Amy's hand and whispered, "I think so. I'm pretty nervous. How's your dad doing?"

"He's not very happy at the moment, but it's better than when I first got here. I've been talking to him and he's calmed down some."

Sandi nodded again and as we got to the door, we saw that Tom was waiting just behind Lisa and had a vaguely annoyed expression on his face.

Amy spoke first. "Mom, this is Sandi. Sandi, this is my mom, Lisa."

Sandi immediately stepped forward and said formally, "Hi Lisa, I'm Sandra Whitman, but everyone calls me Sandi. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Lisa looked a little flustered as she shook Sandi's extended hand. "Nice to meet you too." She was obviously trying to sound calm and friendly, but there was a definite undertone of tenseness in her voice.

Purposely ignoring Lisa's hesitation and not waiting for Amy to introduce her, Sandi stepped forward again and said, "Tom? Hi, it's nice to meet you as well."

Tom cleared his throat uncomfortably and robotically offered his hand for Sandi to shake. In a decidedly nervous voice he mumbled, "You too. Come on in."

Lisa somewhat recovered her composure as the door was closed and everyone moved to the living room. "Would you all care for some ice water?"

Sandi answered immediately. "I think that would be lovely. Can I help you?"

It was obvious that Sandi had quickly sized up the situation and was going to take charge of this confrontation, even though it was decidedly in enemy territory.

Lisa thought it over for a second and said, "Oh no, that's not necessary. I can handle it."

"Nonsense, I'd be glad to help," Sandi said with confidence.

Without waiting for Lisa to answer, Sandi started walking toward the kitchen with Lisa softly muttering, "Okaaay." Lisa quickly looked at Tom with a slightly confused expression that he mirrored back to her with a shrug and proceeded to follow Sandi.

For the couple of moments they were gone, Tom, Amy, and I were silent. Tom was glaring at me like he wanted to rip me at least two new assholes and I was starting to feel really uncomfortable and even a little queasy.

When they returned, Sandi fell easily into the role of moderator. "So, Amy tells us that you know about our relationship and wanted to discuss it."

Lisa nodded and Tom followed suit, but neither of them spoke. Sandi took a slightly different approach and directed her next statement at Tom, meeting his gaze with the most confident expression I've ever seen. "Tom, I know this must be a lot for you to handle, and I do apologize for making you uncomfortable. What questions do you have for me?"

Tom looked at Amy and then back to Sandi and cleared his throat again. Finally, he said, "I... I uh..."

Sandi waited patiently as Tom gathered his thoughts. After another pause he said very slowly, "I guess my main concern here is for our daughter."

Sandi nodded as he went on. "And, I guess I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this open relationship business. How did you and Danny get together?"

Sandi took a sip of her water and evaded the question for now. "Well, I know that open relationships aren't the norm here in the United States, but they are quite common in other countries. And, I understand your concern for Amy and want to assure you that Danny and I would never do anything to hurt her."

Sandi's statement hung in the air for a moment and then she turned her attention to Lisa. "I'm sure Amy's told you how happy she is with our arrangement, hasn't she?"

Lisa looked at Amy who nodded vigorously. Lisa said, "Yes, she's told us how happy she is and she obviously thinks very highly of you. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"

Sandi smiled knowingly. "I don't mind at all. I'm 40."

Lisa nodded and said, "And so how did you and Danny meet?"

Sandi was ready for the question this time. "We met at a dance that we both happened to be at. I actually approached him and asked him to dance and we just clicked, right from the start. Since my husband passed away, I hadn't really bothered with dating, but Danny really caught my attention for some reason. He was nice and respectful, and he wasn't afraid of talking to a woman my age, which is pretty unusual. Most young men his age would be too afraid to approach someone like me, but it wasn't too long before he was flirting with me and I flirted back. I actually surprised myself when I gave him my number." She giggled and Amy laughed too, causing Lisa to smile hesitantly. Tom's expression remained unchanged, however.

Lisa and Tom both nodded as Sandi went on. "I guess I wasn't too surprised when he called me the next morning to ask if I would see him again, and I said why not. So that's how it started with us, and when he found out I was bisexual, of course the talk of threesomes quickly came up." Sandi was obviously in the zone now. I sat and watched her in awe.

Tom's mouth could have been picked up from the floor at that moment, and Lisa gasped openly, putting her hand over her mouth.

Sandi smiled and continued. "Oh, I know, it's all a lot to take in, and I do apologize if my language is making you uncomfortable. It's really not something usually discussed in polite company, but I felt it was necessary to move things along to help you to understand how this happened. When Danny met Amy at work, it was pretty obvious that he was taken with her, and I suggested that if he wanted to, he could approach her and see if she felt the same way."

All eyes went to Amy who quietly nodded, affirming Sandi's slightly manufactured tale. Sandi said, "As it turned out, Amy had been building a strong friendship with him, knowing that he was with someone else so not being too overt with her feelings. When they got comfortable enough to talk about more personal matters, Danny explained how I felt and Amy was intrigued, to say the least."

Once again, Amy nodded quietly as everyone looked at her. This time, she said, "I knew it was really different than a normal relationship, but I really liked him and it was just so exciting that I thought, why not?"

Tom laughed sardonically and said, "Why not? Because it's not normal, that's why not. What were you thinking?"

Amy shrunk down into her seat and looked down for just a moment and then somehow found her strength and looked her father right in the eyes and said with confidence, "Normal has nothing to do with it, Daddy. What we have is very special."

Tom was stunned into silence. He looked at Lisa with widened eyes and took his own turn at shrinking back into his seat a bit. Finally, he asked, "Are you really happy with this situation? What about marriage and kids?"

Amy continued with her laser-like focus. "I'm happier now than I've ever been in my life. And marriage and kids are still possibilities." She looked at me and I could feel everyone's eyes staring a hole into me as they waited for me to respond.

I took a deep breath and looked at her and reached out and took her hand. I looked back at everyone and as confidently as I could, said, "I want those things too."

Tom leaned forward in his chair and clasped his hands together and sighed. He looked around at everyone in turn and said, "I can't believe I'm going to say this, but... okay. If Amy is happy with this, and it's obvious she is, then who am I to judge? I've made one of the guiding principles of my life to always have an open mind. She's an adult and can make her own choices. And Sandi, I have to tell you, you're nothing at all like what I expected. What do you do for a living?"

Sandi visibly relaxed and said, "I'm a clinical psychologist."

Lisa laughed softly and said, "Oh, really? I think I could use some therapy right about now!"

Everyone laughed loudly at that and the tension in the room that could have been cut with a knife a moment prior was now melting away. I sat in my chair and marveled at Sandi and her ability to take us from point A to point B so smoothly and effortlessly and with supreme confidence the whole way.

Tom looked over at me and smirked. "You're getting off pretty easy in all this. I bet you thought you were about to walk straight into a beat down, didn't you?"

I blinked and took in a breath. "Actually, when we drove up, I was wishing I'd brought an extra pair of underwear."

Tom smiled widely and put his head back and laughed heartily, as did everyone else.

We stayed and talked for about another 20 minutes about different mundane topics and then decided to start heading home. We said our goodbyes and once the door was closed, Sandi walked to Amy's car and pulled us together for a quick talk and said, "I think that went much better than expected. But now that they've met me, it's only a matter of time before we'll have to tell them the truth. And that's not going to go like this just did, I bet."

Amy was nodding and said, "You're right. I've never lied to my parents about anything important, and this is by far the biggest secret I've ever had."

"I know. We're going to have to be very delicate in how we reveal it to them. I'm thinking perhaps one way to do it is to at least partially go through with our original plan." Sandi looked at Amy and let her words sink in. Amy slowly nodded in agreement and then looked at me questioningly. I knew that Sandi knew best and simply shrugged and said softly to Amy, "I think she's right."

To myself, I wondered how much of the original plan Sandi thought we would need to carry out. Did this mean that Amy was going to have sex with her father now? Just the thought of that made me feel uneasy and unsure, but at the same time there was a tingle in my cock and I could feel myself squeezing and starting to get a bit erect. I laughed to myself and thought, "Well, at least one part of me likes the idea. "

Sandi continued, looking at Amy. "But, let's not get into it out here in the driveway. I'll ride back with you and we can talk it over while we drive." To me, she added, "I'll call you so you can hear too."

Everyone nodded and we headed to our respective cars. Within a minute I had answered Sandi's call and could hear her talking to Amy. What she said was nearly unbelievable.

"If there's one thing I'm good at, it's judging people's character. And, it's pretty clear that with the right approach, telling them our secret is going to work out. And, I have to say, your dad is gorgeous. I wouldn't mind going a few rounds in the ring with him myself."

Amy laughed loudly. "Oh my God, first Danny wants my mom, and now you want my dad?!"

Sandi laughed and said, "Oh, well, I wouldn't leave her out of the fun. She's pretty hot too."

This even got me laughing. I imagined Amy just sitting there in the driver's seat stunned and shaking her head.

Sandi went on. "But seriously, I really like them both. When you and Danny visit this weekend, I want you to ask your mom what her opinion is on incest and get her reaction. I already know she can handle it. There was a very in-depth article that Dee had found that discussed incest between parents and their adult children and I think you should have her read it."

Amy was incredulous. "What, like, just out of the blue? That sounds insane! How am I supposed to do that?"

"I realize the way it sounds. Trust me on this, your mother is a lot more open-minded than you think. She's had quite a few years to accept that her daughter is bisexual, and the way she and your dad handled the news about the open relationship was very accepting. I was expecting a lot more pushback than that. Once the initial ice was broken and they knew we weren't out to hurt you or take advantage somehow, they were at ease with the situation."

Amy was still not convinced. "What if she's not as open-minded as you think?"

"I'm almost certain that as long as you are happy and they know you're not somehow in an abusive relationship or being taken advantage of, they will be okay with it."

A moment of silence went by before Amy's next question came. "So, do I tell her about my secret crush on her and Daddy?"

"Depending on how the initial reaction goes, yes, you're going to tell them your secret. Remember, my dear, confidence and directness is the best approach in situations like this. In this life, you only get what you ask for, and when you ask in a confident manner, people respond positively in a large percentage of cases. Were you paying attention to the way I spoke to your parents?"

I finally broke my silence and said, "I don't know about Amy, but I sure was. You were doing some kind of Jedi mind trick on them or something. It was amazing."

I could hear both of them laughing and Amy said to Sandi, "Oh yeah, I saw you do that."

"When the time comes, you will be able to speak in the same way."

Over the phone speaker I suddenly heard both of them laughing hysterically.

"What happened?!" I asked, confused.

Amy shouted through her laughter. "Sandi just waved her hand in the air like Obi-Wan!"

For the rest of the drive home, we continued talking about the new plan. The more I thought about it, the more my initial reaction of jealousy seemed to melt away. I knew that as long as we talked about everything openly and with complete honesty that we would be okay. I remembered what Mom had told me: "Let it go." Somewhere deep in the back of my mind, I started to ponder the possibility that maybe I would be able to be with Lisa after all, and that realization sent a thrill through my body and straight into my cock.

Once we got home and were in bed, Amy, who was in the middle tonight, looked at Sandi quietly for several moments until Sandi smiled. "What is it? You have something to say."

Amy looked down and looked like she was gathering herself. Sandi said, "No, not like that. Look me in the eyes and do it the way I taught you."

Amy smiled and looked at the ceiling and shook her head. She looked at Sandi directly and said, "Sorry, I still need practice. Okay, here goes."

At that moment, even though she was trying incredibly hard to maintain her confident tone, her voice broke and tears appeared in her eyes. She took one more quick breath and said quietly, "Sandi, I love you. I've never been so happy." Amy let out a huge gasp of air as her words finally left her mouth and tears streamed down her cheeks. She sniffled and quickly wiped the tears away.

Sandi gasped softly and took Amy in her arms. "Oh, my sweet girl, I love you too. I've been waiting for the right moment to tell you and I wanted to make certain that love was what I was feeling. There's no longer any doubt in my mind. I well and truly love you."

Sandi and Amy's embrace quickly turned into passionate kissing. From behind Amy, I leaned forward and kissed the back of her neck as she kissed Sandi. When she felt my touch, she broke the kiss for a moment and turned to me and said, "I love you too, so very much."

She lightly kissed me and then quickly turned back and resumed kissing Sandi. I felt it was best to let them share this special moment together without interruption, so I remained silent, resuming the soft kisses on her neck and back. Sandi's arms were wrapped around Amy and she momentarily put her hand on my face and caressed my cheek.

In another moment Sandi pushed Amy down on the bed and climbed on top of her and began very passionately kissing her. Amy naturally spread her legs open and Sandi melted into her, pressing against her tightly.

It happened that both of their nipples on my side were basically pressed together so I moved down and pulled both of them toward me and licked and sucked on both of them at the same time.

I decided to move down and see if I could lick their pussies while they kissed and Sandi felt me moving. She repositioned herself slightly and put her legs outside of Amy's so that now they were both completely open.

Sandi arched her back and raised herself up slightly as she anticipated what was coming. I buried my head between their legs and began first licking Amy's pussy and then Sandi's. I stretched my tongue out as far as I could and was able to lick both of their clits at the same time. I couldn't do it for very long because my head was twisted sideways and I wasn't able to breathe, so I kept pulling back a bit to take a breath and then went right back in for more. The smell of both of their aroused pussies was incredibly intoxicating. I also put two fingers inside both of them and firmly massaged their g-spots, resulting in pleasurable moans.