Autumn on Cape Cod


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"First let's see what Chelsea does but don't coax her; I'd like the thought of her wanting me at the table rather than finding me there."

"Good thinking. What painting did she give you -- the nude of her I suppose?"

"I had the choice and there were three possibilities but I chose the outstanding painting in my opinion."

"Ruffled Dunes?"


"You certainly have impressed her -- she was going to enter it in the autumn art contest next month."

"Well she still can and she can send it on to me."

"Where to?"

"At this moment I'm undecided. I might do some papers and register as a financial consultant in this state. I took my BA and then MA in finance extramurally so I've had nine years' accountancy-financial consultancy experience so easily meet the minimum practical experience requirements in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and perhaps in all other states. I'll be required to have my academic qualifications verified for acceptability and my experience confirmed before what add-ons are required for registration. I may be able to do that work extramurally while working in a non-consultancy role for a stockbroker or bank in say research."

"It sounds a bit too highbrow for me darling -- Debra has a computer and left the passwords for you; log in somewhere suitable and make an application to be assessed."

Danny had a nap and was at the computer when there was a knock at the door. It was Chelsea.

"Hi, have a good day?"

"Excellent -- went for a long bike ride in the morning to reconnect with pedal power."

"Good. What about the afternoon?"

"Just fooled around."

"That sounds interesting. Would you like me to ask mom if you can come to dinner?"

"Only if you want me there."

"I do," she said, not looking away.

"Fine -- tell your mom to call me. I'd like very much to join you guys again."

A very happy-looking Charlotte yelled to him through the open windows drinks at 7:00 followed by dinner. Danny had a long bath in scented water -- hoping every trace of Charlotte on him was thoroughly soaked away. He felt he had to avoid any chance of alerting the sensitive noses of daughter and husband -- Charlotte wore strong perfume -- and that made him ashamed of his behavior. There had been no need for the seduction really; he's gone longer than ten days without a fuck before this, much longer.

Hours later Danny left the house well pleased. Charlotte had made no effort to touch him or give horny little looks and John certainly didn't treat him any differently than to the previous evening; in fact John became quite emotional when the two women went out to serve dinner and he said to Danny, hand on his arm, "Thank you, thank you buddy; in just a few hours you've achieved far more with Chelsea than Charlotte and I, our friends and the psychologist have achieved in a year."

"Bonza mate, do the same thing for my mutt," responded Danny as if speaking a foreign language. For an uneasy moment Danny thought John was going to cry.

"I'll see you to the door," Charlotte said, when Danny was ready to leave.

"I'll do that mom, Chelsea said all but taking Danny's arm. He looked back to say the final goodnight but instead waved to John and witnessed a moving sight -- Charlotte sobbing into John's shoulder because their daughter had just taken another huge step into her recovery.

"What do you want to do in the morning Chelsea?" Danny said at the door.

"I'll bring coffee and you buy food on the way. I want you to cycle with me to Herring Cove Beach for early breakfast and then I'll sketch. The beach will still be well populated because it's rated as one of the best in America so we'll need bathing suits -- although you can go down to the gay or lesbian sections and sunbath nude if you wish."

"Right, I'll skip that; anything else?"

"Be at your gate at 7:00." She offered a cheek so Danny kissed it lightly.

* * *

They set off just before 7:00. A girl in the French bread and pastries section of a store recognized Chelsea and made quite a fuss of her. Chelsea looked uncomfortably but coped and when Danny was introduced Michelle was astonished that Chelsea knew someone as handsome as Danny -- her words -- who was all the way from New Zealand. Outside the store as she packed the rolls into her saddle bags Chelsea said, "I'm sorry if that was embarrassing for you."

"It's okay," Danny said carefully. "I'm still surprised at how full-on American females can become on over trivia but I'm dealing with it."

After riding west and skirting the isolated municipal airfield they arrived at the sand hills above Herring Cove and locked their bikes to the so-called 'Fence of a Hundred Bicycles' alongside another three bikes. "It's such a beautiful day by mid-morning this rack will be filled," she said.

They rambled along to the family section of the beach, Danny carrying the saddlebags, and they prepared to have breakfast. He removed his shirt and shorts to stand in just a brief pair of Speedos.

"God, I'd love to paint you," Chelsea said coloring, looking at the tanned body with wide shoulders and narrow hips and strong looking thighs.

"Am I to see you in your bathers?"


He looked away to tear open the paper bags and received the call: "What do you think -- you've seen the side-on painting of me fully nude?"

He looked and saw the rather full breasts, thought smaller than her mother's, straining against the bikini top. The bottom piece in the same material was cut in the style of frilly high-cut boy's shorts."

He turned to appraise her, raised an eyebrow and said "Very nice" and turned to pull out the coffee mugs."

"Well -- do I get dressed again?" she asked nervously.

"Please yourself."

"I mean, what do you want me to do?"

"Eat breakfast and then sketch on the beach dressed for the beach; I rather like the look of your body and expect one day to see it fully nude. But if you want to bundle up like an Old Maid..."

"I don't; I'll stay as I am thank you."

"Good, so smack your ivories around this piece of fattener and say you enjoy life."

Chelsea bit into the pain au chocolat, closed her eyes and whispered, "I enjoy life."


"I enjoy life."

"Much louder."

"I enjoy life!" she yelled.

Danny patted her shoulder and said good girl. She barked and they laughed.

They ate briefly in silence and then, licking her fingers Chelsea asked, "Why would you want to see me nude?"

"As part of mounting passion -- you would be wanting me to mount you to have sex."


"Keep calm."

"No! How could you think that?"

"Are we here on the beach for breakfast or to have a senseless argument? The past is always behind us -- your period of feeling shamed is over and you know it and I know it."

Chelsea's shoulders slumped -- "You knew it from the moment you saw me; I could feel it. At first I was alarmed and then became curious -- I wanted to find out what made you so different."

Danny explained he's grown up on a farm and loved animals. He's cared for birds with a broken wing, lambs without mothers and learned to approach colts and fillies and calves when they'd flee from most other people -- "Except my mother."

She asked, "You liken me to an animal?"

"In a way -- a young critter that had been injured and remains frightened."

Chelsea took another pain au chocolat and said she meant only to have one. "You know, what you've just said is not far removed from the truth -- I was mentally injured and felt the shame. Those three guys were arrested and the court sentenced them to community work. I fear seeing them again even though dad says they've left the county."

"Then we must try to get them back here or take you to each of them to allow you to face your fear."

"Is that what you believe?"

"No, I've said the past cannot be brought back. You need to let go."

"That's exactly what my psychologist says -- don't you see, you are agreeing with him?"

"I'm just saying what I think. Do you really know what I think about you?"

"No -- tell me."

"What's wrong with you lies in your head, just like a virus in computer memory; it just needs to be exorcised and you control that. I suggest you do it and start by canceling all future appointments with your psychologist. You don't need him or her because you are no wimp -- you are an able-bodied personal able to haul herself out of trouble. You resume contact with your old girl friends and then go and find yourself a decent boyfriend."

She grinned, "Well I won't have to do that this month if you agree to stick around me."

"I said a decent guy. I don't commit and play around with females in a wide range of ages."

"Like my mother for instance?"

Danny's gut appeared to knot but he knew not to falter while he had her attention like this. "If you like, she is still damn attractive."

"Yes, and a slut although she remains the mom I love. I know she plays around and try to convince myself that dad doesn't know."

"Does he?"

"I really don't know. All you have to do is give my mom the eye and she'll come knocking of you door."

"Will you ever come knocking on my door?"

It was a risk but also a diversion and seemed to work.

Arms around her knees Chelsea looked at the slow wheeling seagulls beyond the line of tiny breakers. "I don't find the prospect unappealing."


Thank you, she said, staring out to sea, now lost in thought.

Danny went off at an angle to avoid disturbing Chelsea and waded out into the sea that was rather a little cool but dove under and swam powerfully. As he returned to the beach there was a scream and a slash and Chelsea landed beside them. She shouted -- "I'm out of here," so he followed. She'd brought both towels down. They stood, towels over their shoulders and warming up again as she pointed to faint splash out in the distance and said, "Whales, probably humpbacks." They were too far out to see detail but the sight of the splashing made Danny think of fishing. He asked Chelsea would she like to go out fishing in the morning and without hesitation she said yes.

She spent the next three hours sketching and then they were off back home. As Danny was pushing his cycle through the gate he called, "Want to join me here for lunch?"

"No thanks, mom will be waiting for me," she waved cheerfully.

Danny had expected that knock-back so was not disappointed. They were beginning to bond, and despite a couple of hiccups, were doing so warmly.

Two minutes later there was a knock on the front door.

"I've come knocking," Chelsea said, blushing. "Mom left a note saying she was out for lunch with the girls -- her friends."

"Right -- come in. I had decided to take a nap and have late lunch though that can be changed."

"No don't -- I feel like a nap -- it's been a big day for me. Can I lie beside you?"

"Of course -- I'm in the big bed."

As they went into the bedroom Chelsea bent over and picked up an earring; Danny who was following only just missed colliding with her. His heart sank when he saw what she was holding."

"Oh look -- mom's ear-ring, I'm sure. It must have dropped off when she was cleaning."

"Or when she was in bed with me," Danny said, fatalistically.

"She'd drop more than an ear-ring if she were in bed with you," Chelsea laughed. "Gawd, what a coarse remark to make. I'll go this side, okay?"

"That's fine."

"Are we going to undress?"

"Er, just down to our briefs."

"Okay but keep your hands to yourself, young man."

Danny turned on his side, facing the window, and she bounced around a bit, unsettled. Finally she came right in against him and folded an arm across his belly. "Is this acceptable?"

He croaked yes. Her restlessness ceased and soon he was hearing the measured breathing rate of a young woman asleep. He closed his eyes and the next minute -- actually two hours later -- she stirred him awake and he rolled on to his back. She was leaning on an elbow, chin on her palm.

"Nice tits," he murmured.

She giggled and said he was naughty and should call them breasts. "Play with my tits if you wish."


"Er what?"

"Are you ready for this?"

She smiled and said it was part of her cure. She looked down as he played with the swinging breast and then with a little cry collapsed on to him and they began kissing.

After a while Danny pushed away gently and said, "I'll prepare lunch." His kissed her forehead and noticed she looked happy and remained calm, although breathing a little heavily. He figured she'd been pushed and pulled herself far enough for today -- it was a matter of timing. Pussy and cock touching would have to wait.

On Sunday Danny took the Blake's to a restaurant for lunch. Danny and Chelsea walked hand-in-hand in front of the Blades along Commercial Street; the parents noted the number of younger women who called out "Hi Chelsea" as if she'd not been out of circulation for almost fourteen months; even more noticeable was some called "Hi Chelsea and Danny". Some of the later even stopped to talk and were introduced to Charlotte and John.

At the restaurant when walking to respective toilets, John said to his wife, "It's remarkable just how far Danny has drawn her out of her shell in just a week. Are they having an affair?"

"Miraculous I'd call it," Charlotte said. "No, although she's now spending a lot of time next-door with him including two late nights, she is not quite into that kind of relationship."

"How do you know?"

"Because I asked her -- she said we kiss and I bare my breasts to him but he won't touch me anywhere else yet. She thought he was taking her along gently."

"Christ, she talks that intimately with you?"

"Yes, of course. We are mother and daughter."

The next day Danny took Chelsea and five of her best paintings by rented car to Boston. They failed to excite any interest until the third gallery. The owner talked to Chelsea at length and said, "Okay, here's the deal: I'd like to represent you exclusively in Greater Boston; I'll take four of these and sell them on behalf at the commission specified in that contract in front of you but will pay you $3500 dollars for this nude of yourself right now and with no commission deducted. I have someone I know I can on-sell it to and recover that amount plus a good margin; it's up to you to decide."

Chelsea left the shop in a daze. "She said if what I say about the quality of 'Ruffled Dunes' is correct, she'll easily sell my paintings to average $3500 net each. Of course she'd have to sight them first."

"Yes, it's a wonderful moment for you. What will you do with the money?"

"What do you think I should do with it?"

"It's not my business."

"Come on, no whimping out -- the truth."

Danny looked uncomfortable. "Give every cent to your parents as a token of what they've done to you and present that nude painting of your mom to your father."

Chelsea looked at him open-mouthed and managed, "What a wonderful idea -- yes, they have been so wonderful and patient with me; the will be over the moon that's I'm thinking like this. Actually I had decided to give them $2500 but your suggestions are a far better act of love. Speaking of act of love, when are we going to do it?"

"When you're ready."

"I'm ready."

"Right, drop your knickers."

"We're in the middle of Newbury Street you idiot," she shrilled, overcome with laughter and almost wringing his arm off his shoulder.

They arrived home at dusk just before 7:00 after dropping off the vehicle, and on the walk to the house were colored by a beautiful sunset over the Atlantic. They bought some wine and went inside very happy.

"Hi mum, hi dad -- I'm staying the night with Danny. Okay?"

"Oh darling, how wonderful for you."

In contrast, her father coughed nervously and asked if she were sure that's what she wanted.

Danny poured the quality Californian sparkling wine and handed it around. "Chelsea has some exciting news."

"Mom, dad, thanks to the urgings of this lovely man I am now tied in with an art dealer in Boston. She likes my work and has actually purchased the self-nude. Here is the cash check which I am giving you two -- all $3500."

"What, all that just for one painting?" boggled her father.

Her mother said how wonderfully generous she was but they couldn't take the money.

"Mom, it's pittance compared with what you two must have spent on me in cash, time, energy and worry; it's yours, take it or I'll scream blue murder."

"Very well, thank you dear -- where are you going, I was about to kiss you?"

"Won't be a moment."

John asked Danny to talk Chelsea out of 'being so willfully generous'.

"No, it's not the right think to do." Danny slammed his fist into the heavy and very old wood table and winced in pain.

Chelsea bounced back into the room, her face looking golden as it caught the last of the setting sun. "Dad, this is for you -- it will be worth several thousand dollars if I become really known -- perhaps even ten grand. I hope you never sell it."

John, who'd never been shown the painting looked at it, stunned. "Er, I don't think you should look at this Danny."

The other three laughed so John said sheepishly, "Okay -- but no touching."

They had a lovely evening and more toasting when Chelsea announced she would not be trying to find employment: that she would paint fulltime.

Her parents hugged her and said they would love occupying the house below the studio of a very famous artist from P-Town.

"Wait," Chelsea said excitedly, not that anyone was going anywhere. She raced away again and returned with another painting. Before turning it she said, "I started this a year ago and put it away because technically I felt it was a little beyond me. Well, in the past week I have worked on it a great deal and finished it late last night."

She spun it around.

Danny was first to react. "A collector will want this. Leah's contract is only for those of your works sold in Boston so you should place it in a shop window here late next spring to catch the pre-summer building up."

"It's what I thought but I will put my price of $8000 net and send it to Leah to try to sell over the next seven months, indicating the date I want it returned if it hasn't sold."

"It's beautiful painting Chelsea," her mother said. "I adore it."

"Yeah, great -- really great," John said and he went "Wow" when Chelsea went out into the passage and returned with a quarter size version, the only difference being there was no thundercloud and there was a figure of a woman in the foreground who clearly was Charlotte.

"Here you are mom -- find a place for it by your bed."

Charlotte burst into tears.

The painting was a modernistic partial view of a distinctive part of Commercial Street with the buildings painted much brighter colors than reality with some of the chimney pots and aerials leaning over at angles. Above the row of buildings was an angry looking thundercloud sending a fork of lightening into a chimney pot. The look of P-Town was unmistakable.

"This painting will sell within days if Leah doesn't already have some collectors in mind," Danny predicted. "Young lady, tomorrow morning your first job is to enter my painting into the autumn art contest. We need to get you better known around here before we mount a small exhibition of your latest works in Leah's gallery in the spring."

"Yes master," she gurgled.

Everyone said goodnight in a very happy mood.

Danny then took Chelsea next-door to bed.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Reply to 'Great Account of P-Town'

Sorry to have disappointed about not locating specific hangouts or more features but my problem is I have never been to P-town or Ma - the closest I'be been is New York.

Egmont Grigor

subgentsubgentabout 17 years ago
Great recount of P'Town

Loved the story, especially as I am one of those that spend part of each summer in P'town each year since i was born.

I do admit the story went abit fast, in reality there would have been more trauma on her part the first tiem being touched after being raped, i believe. But bedding the mother so quickly, been there, done that, under slightly different circumstances.

Would have prefered some identifiers within P'town such as maybe a visit to Good Scents, or the Monument.

But enough quibling, for the length of it i think you did a commendable job of telling a good story.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 17 years ago
Good Romantic Story

A very nice read. Interesting twist with mum.

ProfWriterProfWriterabout 17 years ago
Thank you!

A nicely done, easy reading, sensitive story that has more truth to it than fiction. I like a story with plausible characters and scenes instead of the – “She screamed with pleasure as four giant cocks pummeled her body fifteen minutes after her newlywed husband dropped her off at the self-service laundry.”

Mom is a hoot and the overprotective dad reminds me of me. Danny was upfront with her the whole time, there was no deception intended or practiced.

Once again, two of our impotent, anonymous critics have misused Literotica’s rating system. Any story that is more than one hundred words long always seems to throw them for a loop. Premature ejaculation?

Too bad! Don’t be afraid to delete their comments. They don’t deserve to be here.


DesertPirateDesertPirateabout 17 years ago
Someone has to

I guess I will be the first non-anonymous coward to post a comment. A really good story. Brining her out of her shell is not an easy feat. There are many free and open people on the Cape so we shouldn't judge the characters, I've met several that fit the descriptions. Mom is free and easy, but don't think Dad might not be doing the same thing. EG a continuation would be nice but it's your story. Thanks for a very good one!

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