Band Control Pt. 2


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"Yes sir." Her face turned red and her head was hanging low.

"Slut will be around a lot and will do your bidding as well as mine. She enjoys being humiliated and you are both free to use her as you wish when she is not taking care of my needs. Cool?"

"That's awesome!" was Dan's reply.

"I could enjoy that myself." Was the rather unexpected answer from Pam.

"Dan you probably need to be getting to work soon, don't you?"

"Yeah, I should get going. But I will imagine using Slut while I'm there."

"Pam, why don't you call in sick to work today? I am planning a fun day for us."

"Sounds fun. I don't want to be at work anyway today."

Dan got ready and left for work. In the meantime, I walked with Pam and the nude girls back to Denise's house. Once there we had to wake up Denise and Jim. I had Amanda lean down and kiss her mother. Denise's eyes flew open and she looked at the scene before her. Here was her daughter bound, tortured, with come all over her face, kissing her deeply. She also saw Carol standing naked in her bedroom and had a nude man on the bed next to her. Pam and I were also looking on at her nude in bed with a man who could be her son. Denise and Jim both recoiled from Amanda when they saw her. Poor Amanda was even more embarrassed than before. She started breathing heavy and shaking with the pending orgasm.

"Not yet slut." I barked at Amanda. She looked frustrated when she looked back at me to plead with her eyes. I ignored her look and to the others I said, "Denise, Jim, Carol, I have changed this girl's name. She is now to be known only as 'Slut' when in any of our houses or in the surrounding neighborhood. Denise, you will still recognize this girl as your daughter, but she will still be 'Slut' to you. Amanda, from now on you will respond to the name 'Slut' as your name. You will still realize the negative connotations of the word, and that will eat away at you and humiliate you."

"Then Denise looked at the clock and said, "Oh crap, I am so late for work. I was supposed to be there at eight." It was 10:15 already.

That is when Jim and Carol realized they were late for work also. It was Monday morning and they were all supposed to be at work already. I am the manager of a retail clothing store and have some flexibility in my schedule. Slut worked part time at a local hospital and went to school.

"You all want to play hokey today. Don't call in to work. You can deal with it tomorrow."

"Now that you mention it, playing hokey does sound fun. It will let them know how important I am to the office." Denise said. "Maybe I can even get a little more respect when they realize what I do for them."

There was general agreement on this sentiment. So now the topic of conversation became what to do on the unplanned holiday. I thought a fashion show and then maybe some shopping sounded like fun. Jim didn't appear to be into that idea at all. "Jim, why don't you make breakfast for all of us? Eggs, bacon or sausage, hashbrowns, toast and coffee would be in order I think."

Jim went to the kitchen to get together the meal. In the meantime, I told all the girls to get a shower and get fixed up to look nice. Casual but nice. Carol and Pam went back to their respective houses and were to return in about 30 minutes. Denise went off to the shower in her house. Slut, however, I stopped by grabbing the chain joining the nipple clamps. I did not allow her a shower yet. Denise had the shower tied up then any way, so I played with my toy. I would loosen a nipple clamp and watch the fresh pain in her face. When it subsided, I would tighten it back and start with the other. I only did this about three times. I finally removed the clamps and the ropes. Slut sighed in relief. When Denise was done with her shower I went to the bathroom with Slut. I still had not taken a shower so I had Slut wash me. Once I got out then Slut was allowed to clean herself.

Breakfast was on the table when we returned. All the girls had opted for either a blouse/skirt or blouse/jeans combination. Breakfast was not that great and Jim told me that he did not normally cook. I could tell. I told Jim to go back home and clean up. Then he would relax around the house, as I did not really want him around today. He was also instructed to put on the disc that I had given Carol last night. He had to go by my house to pick it up but I wasn't concerned. He was only going to do what I told him anyway.

I had the four girls clean off the table after breakfast and leave the dishes for later. I decided that I wanted to do the fashion show at my house. So I had the girls gather all their clothes, dirty or clean, correct size or not, and bring them to my house. Carol went to her house to get hers and Denise and Slut went to their rooms to get theirs. Pam accompanied me to my house and proceeded to get all of hers.

Twenty minutes later we were all gathered back at my house in the family room. Each of the girls had stacks of clothing around them. This would take forever if we went through it all. Remembering my disappointment the night before with Denise's undergarments, I decided to get rid of some of the junk first. Each girl was instructed pull out all the bras and panties they had. Once done, I had the girls hold up each item and then I told them if they could keep the item or if they had to get rid of it.

This eliminated most of Denise's undergarments and removed several from each of the other girls also. I had the girls do this for each type of clothing they had. Bathing suits, dresses, skirts, suits, shorts, pants, blouses, t-shirts, other lingerie etc. We managed to get rid of about a third of the clothes by doing this. They went into a trash bag ready to be thrown out. Then I had the girls go item by item and put on each remaining piece of clothing. We got rid of some more this way. Another large trashbag was produced to get rid of this stuff. We had reduced the wardrobes of these girls by anywhere from about 25% (Carol) to nearly 75% (Denise).

After seeing the girls wiggle around into and out of the different items, I was getting turned on again. I hadn't used Pam the night before or that morning so I called her over and had her bend over the back of the chair I was sitting in. I started running my manhood up and down her slit. As I reached it, I would kind of swirl around her clit. This attention was enough to get her motor running. Once she was properly self lubricated; I started pumping in and out of her cunt. I was a beautiful sight seeing my pole splitting this gorgeous pussy. I didn't play around very much but instead got down to some serious fucking. I came buried hilt deep in just a couple of minutes.

After relieving the sexual tension for myself, I thought it would be good to go shopping with the girls to augment their now reduced wardrobes. I had the girls get dressed in shorts, light T-shirts, and sandals. No bras or panties. Then had them each go get their purses with all credit cards, checkbooks, ATM cards and cash. I thought we were probably going to need the funding.

While the girls got dressed and got their stuff, I made up a list of the items they were going to need to buy. I also grabbed a several of the tapes I had made so they could listen to them in their cars. Denise and Slut rode together in Denise's car, and Carol, Pam, and I rode in Carol's car. As we started driving I had a thought so the first stop I was at an electronics store. Inside the store I suggested to each of the girls that they wanted a new walkman. I was getting a little tired of hearing the music I had created for this. With those purchased, I handed out tapes to each of the girls. I had Denise buy me a nice walkman also since she wanted to buy me a gift after I suggested that it would be a nice gesture. Also I still had a couple tapes left over for use later in the day if I wanted. We got back in the cars and headed to the local mall. Once there we started shopping with the first stop being Victoria's Secret. The girls seemed to have a great time and enjoyed my suggestions. We also went to several other clothing shops and some shoe stores to round out most of the normal wardrobe. It was a lot of fun watching the girls prance around the mall with tits and asses bouncing and jiggling around.

I saw several men looking the girls over and liking what they saw. I also noticed sever mainly younger guys looking at me with envy or contempt as I was with four girls ranging from all right looking to really, really hot. I did not let the girls wear any of their purchases after they had tried them on in the stores. So it was pretty quickly that they started to have quite a pile of purchases. Slut ran out of money first just the way I expected her to, so I had her beg from her mother each time she had to buy a new item. I told Denise that she could work out a re-payment plan later but to make Slut sweat it a little bit each time. As we walked out to the cars to load up the latest purchases, I wanted to leave the mall. I had seen just a couple of girls I might have wanted to talk to later, but did nothing about it just yet.

We left the mall and went up the road a bit to the next large town where a large university campus was located. This was the town with the more adult shopping experiences. We went to one of the adult book and lingerie shops for our first stop in town. I had each of the girls grab a basket as we went in and then we started browsing. I recommended that the girls each get a videotape that they thought would be a turn on. Slut went with one of the compilation tapes that had a bunch of come scenes from other movies. Pam went for a tape of home movies made by amateurs.

Carol went for one of the classic adult titles. Denise grabbed a bestiality flick. I was amazed. I did not think she had it in her. Well I was just going to have to see what I could get in her. I pointed out items that I thought one girl or another would enjoy. We ranged from some impressive toys to some extremely hot clothes and under garments. I took special care with Slut to make sure she had plenty of bondage gear in her basket. Whips, blindfolds, gags, cuffs, hoods, and specialized clothing along with the assorted toys.

The last items I made sure each girl had was a vibrating anal plug and some lubricant. With everything we had, the clerks were very happy to see us come through. Man that stuff can get expensive in a hurry; glad I wasn't paying for it all.

I recognized the clerk who rang up our purchases as one of the stars of a locally produced porn tape that was being sold in the store. She looked good in the store with her clothes on and very good on the cover of her movie with cock apparently up her ass. I let the girls relax a little bit and talked to the woman behind the counter. This early in the day, there were no other customers so she had some time. I asked her if she would like to hear some of my band's music to which she agreed. I pulled out the walkman and a copy of the tape. She listened to it and got that now familiar expression on her face in about 30 seconds.

I allowed her to listen to about ten minutes and get into a good trance before asking her to give me a copy of her tape, which she did happily. I also asked her for a quick look at her body. She shed her clothes right there at the counter and displayed herself. She had huge breasts that were obviously surgically enhanced. She had a small waist and nice round ass and a bald pussy. She had gotten rid of all her pubic hair and I thought it was beautiful. I had her put her clothes back on, gave her a copy of the tape, told her to listen to it later as it would soon be her favorite tape and after listening to it at least three times trough to call the number I put in the case. With that done, I asked her to let me have the girls use the dressing rooms. Which, of course, was "No problem."

I had the girls each take a pair of tight thong panties they had just bought, the anal plugs, batteries, and lube into the dressing rooms. Each of them was to put in the anal plug with it turned on, put on the panties to hold it in place, and then re-dress and join me. I watched as Slut struggled to get hers up her ass. I had intentionally made her get one a little larger than anyone else's. I was really enjoying making this poor girl suffer my demented fantasies. With a lot of help from the lube, she was able to finally shove it up her butt. The new toys made each of the girls walk a little strangely but they could manage. At least I had not put them in spike heels for the day!

The next stop I had planned was at a local tattoo and piercing studio. I reminded Denise that she was to pay for a belly button piercing for Slut. I also decided that Slut would like to have some nipple rings, which she thought was a great idea, when I told her. I told Slut to get small hoops and to buy a chain that could connect all three rings. I stood back and watched with the other girls while the piercing were done. It looked very inviting when all the rings were in and chained together. Since we were done with what I had planned we headed back to home.

The butt plugs were really having an effect on the girls and they found it hard to walk when we got home. I didn't care though. I had the girls unload all the new purchases they had made for the day. I had Carol and Denise take their purchases back to their own houses and then return to get the rest of their clothing from my house. I had Slut and Pam take their stuff into my house.

It was close to 7 by the time we returned and I was starving. I asked Carol if she and Jim had enough food in the house to feed seven people a good dinner. She said, "I believe we do."

"Good. Make us all dinner. If there is anything you need have Jim go get it from the store. Be ready for dinner at 8. I will expect you to be looking and acting like the perfect maid. Do not disappoint me."

With that she was off to make dinner. Denise went home to change as I told her to be prepared for a semi-formal dinner. None of the girls were given permission to remove the butt plugs yet. Denise left us then also. That left Pam, Dan, Slut, and myself at my house. I was feeling horny again and decided to take care of that. But I also decided to give Dan some relief. "Dan, would you like to fuck Pam or Slut before dinner?"

"I want to do Pam again. She gives great head and I feel like a blowjob."

"She is yours, don't let her take out the butt plug. Slut come to my room."

Dan and Pam walked to their room and Slut walked to mine.

"Strip!" just one quick, angry order.

Slut did not even hesitate to question it. She complied as fast as she could. Unfortunately for her, in her haste the anal plug fell out of her ass too. I guess now that she had adjusted to it all the lube worked against her. She knew she was in trouble before it even hit the floor. She tried to grab it and shove it back in her but it was to late. I stopped her. I looked at her and let her see my anger and revulsion just by my look. Quietly I said, "I thought I told you to keep that in your ass. Did I give you permission to take it out? Maybe you really aren't the inexperienced whore you claim to be. Is your ass so loose that it would fall out that easily? You lied to me didn't you? Come on, tell me the truth, you are a come soaked whore who takes dick any way you can get it, aren't you!?

"Crawl out to your pile of stuff. Bring me some handcuffs, a paddle, and a gag. NOW!" I was yelling by this time and she was looking scared.

"But Tim, sir…"

"SHUT UP!" I screamed. "I don't want to hear any excuse, just get me what I told you to and get back in here."

She dropped to her hands and knees, dropping the butt plug in the process and started to crawl past me. As she got even with me I reached out and spanked her ass hard with my hand. Immediately a red handprint formed on her butt cheek. "Move faster!" I walked with her as she scrambled to meet my demands. It was fun to watch her flopping back and forth as she crawled. They were swinging so violently that the chain connecting them would reach its limit and then pull the tits together or yank them towards her belly ring. Looked like that hurt badly too because she winced and moaned every time a nipple was pulled this way or that.

She picked up the requested items and started to stand up to give them to me. "Back on the floor. You carry them back to my room. Move."

We made it back to the room without me having to touch her again or say any more to her. When she was there she did not even try to get up. It looked like she was not going to do anything without me telling her to. Right then I heard Dan apparently filling Pam's stomach with his seed. He was calling out and Pam sounded kind of, well, muffled would be the best description. I looked down at Slut. "You hear that? We could be at about that point right now too. But noooooo, someone had to go and disobey me, didn't they? I wonder why I even put up with your stupid ass. I have no idea how your mother dealt with you all these years."

Slut was sweating and panting still from her forced crawl. And the red mark was still clearly visible on her ass. I told her to set all the items she brought in on my bed. Then, "Now go pick up the butt plug. Clean it off with your mouth. Anything nasty on there came from your body anyway. Do it."

A tear came from her eye when she bent her head down and opened her mouth. As she took the probe in her mouth, I decided to see just how excited she was. This was pretty humiliating after all. I got behind her and roughly forced my hand between her legs. She opened up quickly so as not to offend me again. She was soaking wet. I stopped her sucking briefly and asked her, "Did you come already?"

"Yes." She answered. "Twice, once while you were yelling at me and again while I was crawling for you."

"You are not to come again until I tell you to do so. If you do, I will subject you to severe punishment. You need to learn self-control.

"Put that on the floor and keep sucking it clean. Put your hands behind your back."

She did as I instructed which exposed her ass nicely. I cuffed her hands behind her back and picked up the paddle. Without warning, I brought it down on her ass hard. She jumped and screamed out. Her tits lid across the carpeting and this brought new pain to her freshly pierced nipples. I swatted her butt again hard enough to make ass bounce around. "Get back up into position. We are not done yet. Is that butt plug clean?"

"Sniff, yes, sniff, sniff, sir."

"Then open your mouth for me."

She apparently thought I wanted to fuck her mouth because she sat up and turned toward my crotch. "I didn't tell you to get up. You must learn to listen."

With that I grabbed the gag and forced it into her mouth. I tightened it cruelly stopping any protest from her. I forced her head back down in position and proceeded to mete out her punishment. I spanked both ass cheeks and her upper thighs until they glowed red and were hot to the touch. Then I took the anal plug and pushed it into her pussy. I told her not to let it fall and she clinched her legs tight. She was soaking wet with sweat and pussy juice and her ass was stretched from the butt plug so I had no problems releasing my rod from my pants and pushing it into her ass. Her muscles clamped down on me and I started to stroke slowly. I could hear sniffles coming from her as I slid it to her. Her ass was sore from the spanking and the thin membrane transmitted the vibrations from the makeshift dildo. I had always wanted a completely humiliated woman so all this combined to bring out a orgasm that started somewhere deep in my soul. I was rocked by the power like I had never been before. I would definitely keep her around for just such experiences.

After I completed sending stream after stream of hot spunk into her bowels, I pulled out. I was sweating and almost as bad a mess as Slut was. I took the anal plug out of her cunt and slid it back into her ass. My come came out around it as I shoved it in. Then I put her panties back on her. I had her sit up and removed the gag from her mouth. Before she could say anything I told her to clean off my cock. She did this dutifully if a bit forlorn. Done with that, I took off her cuffs and stood her up. She wobbled badly but did not fall down. I told her that I wanted her to dress for dinner and to wear a particular outfit we had bought earlier that day that had a very short silk skirt and a loose low cut blouse that showed a lot of cleavage. She was also to wear a particular bra that I knew was very tight because it was a size to small. I was sure it would feel agonizing against her nipples.