Bathing With Mike


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"Oh what a treat that will be! Out on the arm of a handsome Marine!" she said. "It fairly gives me the shivers." Then she stood off from him a bit and twirled, after she put her heels on. "How do I look?"

"First answer is the polite answer," he said. "Lovely beyond lovely."

"And the not so polite answer?" she inquired, putting her arms around his neck.

"Like eating stuff!" he said, and she squealed and hid her face in his neck saying:

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

She got serious again then and said: "Oh, Mike, I know that I'm a lot older than you are, honey; I don't forget that!"

"Enough," he said to her; "We're together here and that's what is important. It's time for our night out. Ready?"

"Ready, Marine!" she said leading him out of the bedroom.

Dinner was an unqualified success. The place they ate was one where she was known. They made a fuss over Mike and she was asked to stand and introduce him to the room full of people. She did so with tears on her cheeks and in her eyes, mentioning that he had lost his legs in combat in the same incident that had killed her Kenny. The patrons stood and applauded for him, and many of them, as they left passed the table to greet both of them.

They drove home and she left him off in front of the house, as she pulled the car in. Once inside, she asked him if he wanted a drink before retiring, and he said it would be nice. She went and fetched him a brandy and one for herself. She was gone for a few minutes to get the drinks but took a detour into her bedroom also.

When she came back down, he'd removed his uniform jacket and was in his shirt sleeves; she entered the room with the brandies. She had changed and he looked at her with his face enwreathed in a smile. She now had on black mules on her feet and a long black nightgown. It had alternating panels, which radiated downward from her shoulders, where it was held on by spaghetti straps. There was a dark black panel directly down the front of the gown, which covered her pubic hair. On either side of it there were opaque panels that showed her large tits and excited nipples. The pattern in the back was reversed so that the center panel was the opaque one, and displayed her naked ass cheeks.

Mike shook his head and said:

"This is what we talked about on the dark nights, watching and waiting."

"What?" she asked softly.

"Being in the presence of a big titted woman!" he said with a smile.

She blushed.

"You blush," he said then happily. "I love that."

She gave him his brandy and then she told him that she'd moved his bags to the master bedroom.

"I want you sleeping with me," she said simply. "When the night terrors come creeping for me, I want to feel the strong naked body of my Marine next to me."

He got up then and said: "How about some music, lady? Want to dance with a crippled Marine?"

Her answer was quick: "No, but I want to dance with you, my lovely one."

She put on music and, though hesitant, and shuffling, he danced with her, holding her tight. She took his hand and slid it down to her ass cheeks, as they danced.

He let out a sigh, and whispered to her:

"I know it's crude to say it but you have a magnificent ass!"

She licked his ear, and said: "Be crude, if you want, this big titted woman loves it!"

He laughed then.

Her head was on his shoulder, as they danced and she whispered to him:

"Can I be crude now and ask you a favor?"

"Anything for the lady!" was his quick answer.

"I can ask this because my face is hidden in your shoulder, otherwise I don't think that I'd have the courage," she explained.

"Yes?" he asked. "Now you're intriguing me."

"Will you, later . . .uh . . .will you take me in the ass?" she finally got out.

"What?" he said, smiling but knowing enough not to look at her directly in the face.

He nibbled her ear then and whispered back: "My lady is going to be a walk on the wild side! I like that."

"Oh, thank you," she said, bringing her face out then and kissing her.

She sighed and greeted his lips and tongue with an open mouth, losing herself in the kiss.

"I can't understand the quickness of this at all," she said to him next. "But I don't regret it at all. Mike it's just wonderful to be here like this with you, and I think that everyone we loved would have approved."

She stopped and hesitated for a few second, and said then:

"And I promise not to cry."

"You cry if you need to, lovely lady," was his answer.

"At least not too much," she said then, smiling at him.

"You'll cry, when I stick my cock up your ass," he said to her, a twinkle in his eye and a grin on his face.

She whooped! And grabbed hold of him and held on until the song was over. She moved away from him then, and stood off a few paces.

"Ready?" she asked.

"As I'll ever be," he answered.

She pushed first one spaghetti strap down and then the other. Then the gown rustled its way down to her waist. Then she shook her hips and the gown floated to the floor, leaving her wearing only her mules. She stretched out a hand and he went to her.

He held her, his hands roaming down her back, across her thighs, around and around her ass cheeks.

"Know this, Marine," she said. "If you've ever had a sexual fantasy; ever wanted to do anything. I'm here and I'll do it."

"Wow!" he said. "What a homecoming that is."

"The girl said 'anything' soldier!" she reminded him.

"I'll certainly remember that," were his next words.

Then he sighed and said: "Sue, Sue, you are such a wonderful homecoming for me."

"It's what I wanted to be," she said, and took him by the hand, leading him upstairs to the bedroom.

When they got to the bedroom, she sat him on the edge of the bed, saying:

"I want to strip you naked; help me out with advice. I don't want to hurt you."

"It's not easy to hurt me any more; I've gotten well used to these by now."

She had his shirt and undershirt off first, stopping to kiss each nipple and lick each of his armpits. It made him smile.

Then she knelt and got the buckle of his belt undone and got his pants taken off. He explained to her how to take the metal legs off. She did so and put them off to the side by the wall. Then she tugged off his underwear, and was faced with his erection, which she kissed.

"I'd blow you again," she said, "But you know what I want and I want to be selfish now and get it."

She went to the bathroom and came back with some k-y and gave it to him. Then she lay down on the bed on her stomach.

What came next was memorable for her. He began by kissing her ass cheeks, and continued his progress by slowly kissing and licking his way all the way into the rose bud of her asshole. He had her squirming and crying out by that time.

He began to use the k-y and lathered her up and his cock. Then he moved around and lay got in between her spread thighs.

" I ,. . .Help!" she said, it was all that she could manage due to being turned on. But she reached around and spread her ass cheeks to admit him.

He pushed his way to the entrance to her asshole and then softly pushed it in.

She squealed into the bed covers.

"Okay?" he asked.

"Divine!" was her answer. "Fuck me, Marine! Fuck me, Mike! Fuck me, my own!"

He did. The initial pain for her melded into a general heat in her body and made her buck and sway with his fucking.

"This is like being on a prime bronco!" he laughed in mid stream.

"This is like nothing I've ever felt before," she wailed in a strained voice.

When they both came, they lay there and panted for a while. He moved and lay on his back, and she went to the bathroom to get a wash cloth and a towel to clean him.

She held out her arms then to him saying:

"Come to me now, honey; sleeping with you is going to be one of the great pleasures of my life."

It turned out exactly that way.

As they lay, heads on the pillows, she said to him:

"For anything, wake me at any time."

He kissed her then. She blinked back the tears and said:

"Mike, I think I'm going to love you!" Then she added hastily:

"That's not intended as any effort to tie you down; it's just where I sense that I am here. I needed you to know."

"Lovely to know," he said. Kissing her again.

The terrors of the night crept up on her that night; they often did in those months after she'd gotten the news about Kenny's death. But he was there, and she was pulled into the circle of his strong arms and calmed.

"No bad guys here," he said to her, as her eyes fluttered open.

She smiled as he added: "The U.S. Marines are on the job."

"Oh, yes!" was her answer.

She woke before he did, and enjoyed looking down at the strength of his naked body. Then, giving in to her naughty desire, she took his cock in her hand and licked the head. He woke in the middle of a morning blow job.

"Ohhhhhh, the Corps was never like this."

"Morning, Marine!" she said.

"Morning yourself, pretty lady; I'd kiss you but you seemed to be occupied."

"Be done here in a little bit," she said, going back to the blow job.


Mike moved on in a few days, after getting around and talking to some people. He had to finish his mustering out.

It was a sunny day about a month later that she was home and heard a door slam. She looked and saw Mike getting out of a taxi again in front of the house. She was out and grabbing him immediately.

They sat for coffee and he told her that his contacts from the previous visit had paid off. He'd been offered a job as assistant football coach on the staff of the local college. He'd decided to stay.

Sue's joy was unbounded. She offered him a place to stay, while he got himself set up. He accepted and moved in.

Mike never left. It was shortly after that, when he asked Sue to marry him. Her protests about her age were simply swept away. They live there still.

The End

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