Be Reasonable. Do It My Way Ch. 13

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The final chapter. Harry springs the trap.
6.4k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/14/2014
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Chapter 13: Endgame

Ed and Harry spent another hour and a half mapping out what Harry should do the following day to expose Olivia Freemont. Ed laid out a very detailed game plan. While Ed was sure that Harry had the strength, stamina, and intelligence to pull it off, he knew that Harry didn't have the training. The hour and a half mainly boiled down to a crash course in interrogation techniques.

Ed left Harry with a written description of the plan. At home Harry read and reread the document until he was certain that he had it branded onto his brain. Then he went to bed early. He was going to need plenty of rest and all of his strength if he was going to pull this off.

He arrived at his office at eight o'clock sharp the next morning. It was one of the few times that he got there at the same time as Gloria.

"Are you sure about this?" Gloria asked him apprehensively.

"Hell, no," Harry answered grimly, "But, we don't have any alternatives. I've got to make this work."

Gloria nodded glumly and said, "I've set up what you need on your laptop. The icon is clearly marked so that you can find it easily when you need it."

"Thank you," he said as he took her in his arms and gave her a deep, searing kiss.

"What was that for?" she asked breathlessly.

"Luck," he said with a sheepish grin, "sort of."

Gloria kissed him again and said, "That was just in case the other one didn't take."

Harry let go of his beautiful secretary and began walking toward his office as he asked, "When is Ms. Freemont due?"

"At nine-thirty," Gloria answered.

Harry went into his office to boot up his laptop. The file he needed had, indeed, been clearly marked. It was a jpeg file marked, "Ugly Duckling".

He got up from his desk to prepare one or two more things before Olivia Freemont arrived. He needed to have everything in place and at the ready when she arrived. He wasn't going to have time to look for things once she got there.

Olivia arrived at 9:20am, ten minutes early for her appointment with Harry. As per the "advice" that Gloria had given her the last time she had been there, Olivia was dressed much more conservatively. She wore a tailored business suit with a blouse that buttoned all the way up to her throat. Even so, her low-key attire could do little to hide the generous female curves beneath it.

Gloria smiled as she saw Olivia enter the outer office.

"Good morning, Ms. Freemont," she said brightly, "You're a bit early, but I'll let Mr. Brinkton know that you're here." Gesturing toward one of the plush chairs across the room she added, "Please, have a seat. I'll be right back."

With that she rose from her desk and walked into Harry's office.

"She's here," she said pensively after she had closed the door behind her, "Is there anything else that you need me to do?"

"No," said Harry, "Just keep everybody away from here for the rest of the day. Remember that no matter what you hear, or think you hear from in here don't come in. I can't be interrupted if I'm going to pull this off. Understood?"

Gloria nodded.

"Good," said Harry grimly, "Send her in. I might as well get started."

"I have a better idea," Gloria said, "She's a little early. Why not just let her stew for the next ten minutes or so. I might set her up better."

"Good thought," said Harry, "Let's do that. At nine thirty sharp I'll call on the intercom."

"Right," said Gloria, "Be careful, Harry."

"I will," Harry answered.

Gloria gave him a quick kiss then went back to the outer office.

"Mr. Brinkton will be ready to see you shortly," she said to Olivia, "Can I get you anything?"

"No, thank you," said Olivia nervously, "I'm good."

Olivia fidgeted in her seat. She hadn't been this nervous about a business appointment since the first time she had run a scam. Part of it, she knew, was the fact that things hadn't gone as planned from the start. But, she also knew that most of her anxiety was because of Harry Brinkton.

Just the thought of him was making her nipples harden.

"Get a grip, girl," she thought, "He's just a man. You'll take control of him just like you do any other man."

Deep down, she knew that she was lying to herself. She had jilled herself to completion three times the night before, fantasizing about Harry. That and her anxiety over this meeting had prevented her from getting much sleep. She'd slept for a total of around four hours, and that was in small half-hour to forty-five minute bursts. On top of that she had been too nervous to have any breakfast. It was going to take all her strength just to get through the morning.

She was shaken from her thoughts when Gloria said, "Mr. Brinkton will see you now. Just go right in."

As Olivia walked into the inner office she was greeted by a very different Harry Brinkton than the one with whom she had met several days earlier. That Harry Brinkton had been curt and business-like. This one was warm and welcoming.

He rose from his chair, as she entered the office, with a big grin saying, "Ms. Freemont, thank you for coming. You're looking well."

The last time Olivia had seen Harry he had put his hand firmly on the small of her back and guided her to a small chair in front of his desk. This time Harry strode across the room to greet her, putting his arm around her waist and letting his hand slowly caress her hip. He pulled her close to himself as he guided her to the couch at the far end of the room.

Even through their clothing Olivia could feel the heat of his hard, masculine body. Her nipples hardened into little diamonds.

In front of the couch was a small coffee table upon which was set an open laptop between two mugs of hot coffee.

As they arrived at the couch Harry stepped away from her and said, "Please, sit down. Relax a little."

"Thank you," Olivia said, looking a bit puzzled.

"I realize," Harry said, sitting down beside her, "that our last meeting was a bit terse. But, as I'm sure you know, that's not entirely unusual with first meetings in business."

"Certainly," Olivia responded, trying to sound calmer than she felt, "I understand."

He sat down on the couch beside her, very close beside her, and continued, "I ran your spread sheet by our accountants." He placed his hand firmly on her waist to pull her a bit closer. "They've made one or two small changes that we'll want to discuss."

Olivia leaned into him. His strong hand felt good on her waist. She was sure that it would feel just as good anywhere else he wanted to put it.

Harry manipulated the mouse pad with his right hand. Meanwhile, his left hand was caressing its way slowly up her body toward her massive left breast.

The anticipation was making the stacked con artist crazy. She knew exactly what he was doing and she wanted it badly. She tried gamely to focus on the spread sheet or what Harry was saying, but to no avail. Her entire being was focused on his hand.

"We've also added a few items to the debit column," Harry droned on as his hand crawled up her ribcage, "There are a few expenses which are specific to our business which your people hadn't factored in."

Olivia had no idea what the man had just said. She wanted that hand on her tit and she wanted it there immediately.

"It changes the game a little," Harry said as his hand reached the bottom of Olivia's ponderous left jug, "If you'll look at this column you'll see what I mean."

"I hope this works," he thought nervously.

Keeping his hand in place, he began to slowly move his index finger back and forth on the underside of her left tit. Olivia shuddered at the contact.

"Are you cold," Harry asked with feigned concern, "I can turn up the heat if you like."

Olivia thought that the last thing that he needed to do was to "turn up the heat". She was hotter than she could ever remember being.

"No," she said, he voice quivering, "But, could you please move your hand?"

"Shit!" he thought, "She's not going for it. It's time to shift to plan B."

"My apologies," he said, "I didn't mean to be so forward or presumptuous."

As he started to withdraw his hand she grabbed his wrist and purred, "No. You misunderstand." She placed his hand firmly on her fleshy mountain. "I meant move it the other way."

Harry smiled as he squeezed her boob. It was considerably firmer than he thought it would be given its size. His fingers sank into the pliant torpedo through her blouse and bra. Olivia moaned and leaned into his hand. Her hard nipple poked Harry's palm.

"That's nice," she murmured.

Olivia put her hand on Harry's thigh and began feeling her way up until she brushed the tip of his stiff pole. Slowly she began to run her fingers back and forth over the length of his cloth covered staff. Harry suppressed a shudder of pleasure at the contact.

"Rein it in, cowboy," he thought, "You've got a long way to go yet. It's time to shift gears."

Harry abruptly stood up.

"These coffees have been sitting here for a bit," he said as he grabbed a cup in each hand, "I'll get us some that's fresh and hot."

Olivia, disconcerted by the sudden change of mood and the loss of physical contact, simply nodded.

Striding purposefully toward the credenza, where the coffee maker was dripping its last into a fresh pot, Harry thought, "Good start, Harry. Now just keep her off balance and you'll get her where you want her to go."

That was the main thrust of Ed's plan was to keep her guessing and distracted. That was easy for Harry. That was his normal method of seduction. It was part of what kept women coming back for more.

As he poured the coffee he said, "The difficulty here is that I'm not thrilled with the idea of outsourcing the entire accounting department. They do a bang up job at tax time and I'm disinclined to jettison that out of hand."

Olivia shook her head in confusion. He was suddenly talking business? Other men, once they got their hands on her tits dove right in and had her stripped to the waist within five minutes. This man had given her a good fondle through her clothing then, just as it was getting interesting, walked away to refill their coffee. Coffee? Really?

Olivia pulled herself together and responded, "I can understand resistance to change. It's not always easy."

In the corner of the office, next to the credenza, was a small sink. Harry poured the old coffee down the drain then refilled each cup about three quarters of the way.

Still holding the pot, Harry turned toward the stacked con artist. "It's not so much resistance to change," he said, "as it is the old adage, 'If it ain't broke don't fix it'. We have a team of highly trained, not to mention highly motivated, tax specialists. They do a very good job each year."

"Shit!" thought Olivia despairingly, "It isn't bad enough that I'm not going to get my hands on that big cock, but now the deal's going south."

She sat up straight and tried to look calm as she said, "Well, then perhaps..."

Harry held up his hand.

"Please, let me finish," he said, his voice betraying no emotion.

He turned away from Olivia to set the pot back in the coffee maker. Olivia was fit to be tied. How had it all gone so wrong? She'd had a bad feeling about this since the second meeting had been arranged. She almost never had to do that. One good meeting, which usually meant one good fuck, and she would have the whole thing signed, sealed, and delivered.

She had to think of some way of regaining control of the situation. She started fiddling with the top button of her blouse.

Turning back to face, by that time, the clearly nervous woman Harry said, "On the other hand, Accounting has been after me for quite some time to outsource the payroll."

Olivia's hand froze on her blouse button and her eyes widened in astonishment. This was suddenly working out better than she could have hoped. A phony contract to do the payroll would give Aggie exactly what she wanted, access to the company's bank account. This was perfect.

"So," Harry continued, "what would you say to the idea of your firm taking on just that much?"

Despite her relief, the emotional roller coaster she had been on in the last ten minutes still had her a bit rattled. It took her a moment to regain her presence of mind.

Taking a deep breath, which made her ponderous breasts rise enticingly, she said, "I'm certain that it could be arranged." She paused for a moment then added, "Of course, I will have to consult with the firm before anything can be finalized. I doubt that they'll turn down the opportunity, though."

"Good," said Harry with a big grin, "That's very good. Then maybe we can relax a little while we negotiate the price."

"Certainly," said Olivia, unable to hide a sigh of relief.

"I realize that it's kind of early in the day," Harry said, "but, would you object to a little Irish in your coffee?"

"That would be very nice," Olivia answered with a smile, "and it's never too early."

The blonde charlatan's sexual arousal had diminished considerably in her moment of panic. But, now it was returning. Closing a deal always did that to her. Her nipples were beginning to harden again, and her pussy was moistening. She was relaxing enough to think that it wasn't going to be such a bad day after all.

"A woman after my own heart," Harry said with a chuckle as he opened the credenza's cabinet to get the whiskey.

It wasn't Harry's heart she was interested in at that point. It was his cock. She needed to be fucked. Toward that end she unfastened the top four buttons of her blouse to reveal her deep, cavernous cleavage. She was so preoccupied with that thought that she failed to notice that Harry was pouring one shot of whiskey into his own coffee, but two into hers.

He turned and strode back to the couch, coffee mug in each hand, and said with a smile, "Here. This should get your day started right," as he handed her the full mug.

The beautiful woman took a long sip from the mug. Her eyes went suddenly wide as she lowered the mug and said, "That's either very strong coffee or very good whiskey," with a flirtatious smirk.

"A little of both," said Harry, "That's a very rare, imported Irish whiskey. I save it for special occasions."

"Is this a 'special occasion'?" she asked, leaning forward to show off the soft, erotic chasm that her unfastened buttons revealed.

"I would say so," Harry said, staring down into the deep crevasse between her massive, fleshy mountains. Lifting gaze back up to meet her eyes he added, "It's the beginning of a new venture, a new business relationship."

"Only business?" she asked, licking her plush lips.

"Not necessarily," Harry said as he leaned over to kiss her.

As their tongues danced and weaved around each other Olivia managed to put her mug on the coffee table without spilling it, then threw her arms around Harry's neck. Then she reached down to fondle his already stiff rod through his trousers. She marveled at its apparent length and thickness.

"It's about fucking time," she thought as she became wet with need, "I want this thing in me now!"

She couldn't explain it, but she knew it was true. She had never wanted a man as badly or as desperately as she wanted Harry Brinkton.

Harry began to undo the rest of the buttons of her overstuffed blouse. As he parted it and pulled it from her skirt her huge tits bounced into view, barely encased in a thin lacy bra. Olivia moaned into the man's mouth as her began to firmly fondle the copious flesh of her breasts. Her diamond-hard nipples press into his palms as her squeezed them.

Harry broke the kiss and leaned to one side to lick her ear. She shuddered at the contact.

"We should probably finish our negotiations first," he whispered, "Business before pleasure."

With that he released her breasts and sat up straight again.

"No!" she screamed inside her head, "Not when I'm so close."

She took a deep breath then nodded weakly, "You're right, business first." Her hand never left the cloth covered bulge in Harry's pants.

"I need a drink," she thought. Then she remembered the coffee. She reached out for the coffee mug with her free hand, lifted it to her lips, and downed it in one gulp. The double shot hit her like a ton of bricks.

She momentarily swooned. The movement wasn't lost on Harry.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

Recovering quickly, Olivia answered, "I'm fine. I'm just a little tired. That's all."

"Maybe we should work out the details another time," Harry said.

He knew instantly what must have been happening to her. He didn't know why the whiskey had hit her so hard, but he couldn't afford to care. There was too much at stake. All he knew was that her sudden intoxication just might speed things up a bit.

He cupped her face in his hands and pulled her head up until they were nearly nose to nose.

He looked sternly into her eyes and said, "You didn't come here to talk business anyway. Did you?"

"No," she said weakly, her voice almost a squeak.

"Why did you come here?" he asked harshly.

"I want..." she whispered. She almost couldn't finish the sentence. Such was her exhaustion, anxiety, and need. "I want this," she moaned softly as she squeezed Harry's steely bulge.

"Tell me what you want," he demanded, "Say it out loud!"

"I want your cock!" she cried, "I want you to fuck me!" After a long pause she added quietly, "Please."

Harry was sorely tempted to knock her off balance one more time by standing up and shouting, "No!" But, he thought better of it. He wasn't entirely sure how far he could push her. So he opted to move the game to the next level.

Harry reached into the cups of her overstuffed bra to firmly fondle the bare flesh of her prodigious breasts as he said, "Are you absolutely certain that's what you want?"

She nodded meekly.

"Are you willing to do exactly as you're told, immediately, and without question?" he asked sternly.

Again, she nodded.

"Then strip," he ordered, "It doesn't have to be sexy. I just want you naked right now!"

As he released his grip on her tits she stood up to remove her clothing as quickly as she could.

When she finished she stood awaiting further instructions and watching Harry as he slowly removed his clothing. He was hard muscled and his cock was every bit as long and thick as she had hoped.

When Harry was completely stripped he turned to face the buxom con artists and with a stern expression simply pointed to the floor. Olivia understood immediately and dropped to her knees to worship the man's powerful staff.

Harry Walked up to the kneeling charlatan, grasped his stiff pole, and began to rub it over her surgically enhanced face.

When she reached out to grab the object of her burning desire Harry bellowed, "Hands behind your back!"

She complied immediately. It caused her huge tits to thrust out, making them ride even higher on her chest.

Harry walked up to her and pulled her face into his crotch. He began rubbing his bloated, cum-filled balls all over her face. The musky, manly smell combined with the physical contact with this masterful male, and her meek, subservient posture was driving her wild with desire. Deep in her bones Olivia knew that he could do anything he wanted with her. He could tie her up and beat her. He could lick and nibble every inch of her. He could make her do the same to him. He could fuck her mouth, her tits, her pussy, or her ass. He could just beat off and splatter his juice all over her face and tits. She wouldn't and couldn't tell him not to. From the moment that he had touched her bare flesh she knew that he owned her. She was his fuck toy, his cum bucket. In that moment, she existed to drain his jizz laden gonads and to give him maximum pleasure. She had never felt so free. What to do next and how to do it were no longer her concerns. She didn't have to worry about them. Harry would take care of those decisions.