Becky: What Comes Next Ch. 03 - The Party

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Becky is forced to attend a very nasty block party.
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Authors note: Welcome back readers. I am pleased that so many of you continue to take this journey with Becky and myself, and, if you are new to our tale, I highly recommend reading the Becky stories from the beginning. They make far more sense that way as each builds upon the next.

This particular story delves into darker and more perilous waters than previous chapters. There will be bondage, rape, toys, and all manner of deviant fetishes. Again, I cannot stress enough that all of this is written with the knowledge and permission of Becky who has final approval over everything I put in her stories. These are our shared fantasies and a way to share them with you as well (in literary form of course.) If these subjects don't appeal to you, we completely understand and will not be offended if you turn elsewhere. For those of you ho are still with us...let's get this party started!

* * *

Becky's mind was buzzing. Fear, anxiety, need, confusion, all were dancing about in a miasma of broken and jumbled thoughts. Her body was riding on autopilot, raging with sensations that were bringing her towards the peak of orgasm, and yet even as she pleaded silently to reach that nirvana, a part of her knew it would be taken from her before she could achieve that much needed release. Her body shook and she wriggled and twisted against her bonds, trying as best she could not to pull against the bindings on her arms, because that just yanked on the awful ass hook that was imbedded deep in her abused back door hole. She wanted to cry, needed to scream but the hood almost smothering her face and the large ball gag shoved deep between her jaws made both of those things almost impossible. The most she could do was drool and grunt as her body was teased, pinched, and rocketed towards another ruined orgasm. She knew it would be ruined because that was what had been happening over and over again for the last however long she had been here at this vile party. She was almost there, could feel the power of her climax rising. Her body was shaking with need and she did what she could to will herself over the edge before...

"NNNNUUUUUU-OOOOO!" She managed to gargle out around her gag. The egg, deep in her pussy and held there had once again been turned off right before she could reach climax. She whimpered and moaned through her gag and tried desperately to clench her pussy against the thick, round intruder. Anything to make herself cum.

"Oh look at her writhe, she must really need to cum by now!" said a voice from the crowd that Becky knew was standing around and watching her degradation.

""How much more do you think she can take?" another voice asked.

"Look at her nipples, so red and swollen, they must be horribly sensitive by now!" A third voice quipped. Everyone laughed and then yet another person spoke up.

"When do we get to start playing with her...I mean, actually using our little fuck toy? That's what she's here for isn't it?" Becky didn't know who had said that, the blinders over her hoods eye sockets kept her from seeing anything, a fact that seemed to make all of this more intense. Then she heard someone answer him and that voice she knew. It cut through her pain and need and filled her with cold rage. It was Peter. The one responsible for her predicament.

"Just be patient. We're just getting her warmed up. You'll have all night to do whatever you want!" Peter chuckled and everyone began laughing again. Becky wanted to spit and curse at Peter and his disgusting friend David. She hated the two of them but her anger couldn't hold in the face of everything that was happening to her body. She groaned aloud and half slumped against the wall as a spasm wracked through her and the egg started to vibrate once again.

"Oh please god not again" she whined silently to herself. How much more could she take?

* * *

It was only about two hours ago that Peter and David had come to Becky's house. Barging in, they had shown her the updated website that Peter had built at his moms request. A website dedicated to the abuse and debauchery of Becky, detailing in pictures and video all the sexually depraved adventures that Charlotte had taken Becky on.

Becky had known about the website, it was one of the tools that Charlotte used to make Becky do as she demanded. However, Charlotte, for all her nasty, deviant ideas, had a strange code of honor and she had promised Becky that as long as she did whatever Charlotte told her to do, the website would never be shown to anyone.

Apparently though, Peter didn't feel the same way. Now he and his friend David were forcing Becky to dress up like an S&M slut and go to a wild party held by the neighborhood perverts, The Newell's. If she didn't do what they said, Peter swore he would make the site go live immediately and worse yet, send invites out to view the site to the entire neighborhood as well as her husband and all of the people he worked with.

The real trouble lay in the reason Peter was doing all of this. Becky was originally horrified at what Charlotte had made her do when she had started blackmailing her, but as the weeks went on, she had come to realize that this wasn't just about Charlotte, it was about making Becky realize who she really was. What was first abhorrent and almost unimaginable to her was now something that Becky had found a way to accept and, even in an odd way, embrace.

It had opened new sexual horizons for her and even though she would have never chosen to explore these various aspects of herself on her own, having Charlotte guiding her through it all gave her a sense of freedom and empowerment. It allowed her to accept everything that happened to her because it was something deep inside she knew she wanted and needed.

What Peter was doing, however, had nothing to do with Becky's needs or learning about herself. Peter was only interested in satisfying his own dark twisted desires and his friend David was just as bad if not worse. All either of them cared about was their wants and needs. So, Becky had found herself wrapped tight in a leather corset that exposed and lifted her petite breasts and that left her pussy open as well. They had slipped her arms into a straight jacket like sleeve that held her arms straight back behind her and tightly bound. Then they had slid that full hood over her head. There were holes for her eyes and mouth but nothing else and they had slipped Velcro attached blinders over the eye sockets so she was essentially blind.

Then, they had shoved a large round ball gag into her mouth. It barely fit and pried her jaws open as wide as it could. They buckled that behind her head. Then, dressed, bound and helpless, they had taken her out to the car, making her walk from her house to the vehicle in plain site of anyone who happened to be passing by. They shoved her unceremoniously into the back seat and drove her to the party.

It wasn't a very far drive. The Newell's lived in the biggest house in the neighborhood at the far end of the block. Peter and David had driven to the house and up the wide curved driveway that was already crowded with cars. Once they stopped, Becky heard them open their doors and felt the car lurch slightly as they got out. A moment later she heard and felt the door to the backseat open and then felt Peter and Davids hands on her as they helped her sit up and get out of the car. The evening was warm and there was barely any breeze but still, Becky felt a chill at being so exposed and out in the open like this. They hadn't put any shoes on her so she was forced to walk barefoot across the warm driveway and up to the front door. She couldn't see anything but she could hear several other voices in low conversation. Some sounded closer than others. Then, as she was led up to the door, she heard a couple of gasps and a titter of laughter and she knew that people were watching her. Strangers, neighbors, maybe even close friends. Inside her hood Becky's face burned crimson. She was ashamed as she felt her nipples harden and grow stiff from embarrassment and excitement.

The boys knock on the door was answered almost immediately. Becky couldn't see who it was that answered but she heard a woman's voice.

"Peter! David! How wonderful to see you." The voice paused for a moment and Becky had the distinct impression she was being evaluated. Then the voice continued with a soft and throaty purr. "Ooohh mmyyy... You have outdone yourselves. Brian said you were bringing the entertainment but I hadn't realized how perfect she would be! Come in and lets get her set up!" Becky shivered at that but at the same time, unwilled and unwanted, she couldn't suppress a tiny ember of satisfaction at the woman's praise.

Becky had been led into the house where immediately the sound of a dozen low conversations washed over her. As she was taken deeper into the house she could hear conversations stop as people saw her. Several made catty comments and there was even a wolf-whistle heard. She couldn't tell where she was led but it didn't seem all that far. She felt some sort of a rug as she first walked in, then onto tile, most likely an entry way of some sort. Then, the flooring under her feet changed once more as she was carefully made to step down onto what felt like hardwood. She could definitely sense many people around her and on occasion felt a stray hand reach out and pat her firm ass or grab a quick feel of one of her breasts. No one stopped these touches and as she was taken further into the room, others became bolder seeing that no one was stopping them.

A hand actually slapped her ass. A warm hand that definitely felt feminine slid quickly between her legs and drew a finger shallowly through her exposed pussy causing a shiver to run through Becky's body. Someone came up in front of them and stopped their momentum for a moment.

"May I?" she heard a deep masculine voice ask.

"Of course! She's here for everyone tonight" came Peter's response, though Becky could detect a small tone of reluctance in his voice. Becky guessed that Peter hadn't been good at sharing his toys as a child.

Then Becky felt a firm strong hand sliding up her leather corset and up onto her breast. Thick fingers pinched her nipple and pulled it. That brought a gasp from Becky which was instantly smothered as whoever this man was leaned in and still twisting her tit, kissed her on her lower lip, deftly sliding his tongue around the ball gag. He caught her lower lip between his teeth and tugged and getting a muffled cry from Becky for his effort. Then he dropped his hand from her breast and she could sense him stepping aside.

"Delicious! Thank you" the man said. Peter and David laughed and began to move her forward again. They only went a few steps further when they apparently reached their destination.

"Just have her kneel right here. We have some things ready for her!" Becky was tugged to the side and then felt pressure on her back and shoulders indicating that she was to kneel. For a moment, Becky's stubbornness and anger at Peter and David flared up. She growled through her gag and locked her legs, refusing to go down. Then there was a hard stinging slap on her ass and a pair of fingers grabbed her tit and twisted hard. Becky let out a groan and a hiss of breath as she acquiesced and sunk to her knees.

"It does look like she could use a bit more training," the females voice said. "But don't worry...we enjoy a little bit of spirit in our playthings!"

Allow me my love!" a new male voice spoke up. " I have something that will help!" There was a slight rustle and then several people laughed and a small scattering of applause was heard from around the room. Becky heard David speak up.

"That's great! We should have thought of that!"

"You were the one in charge of her dress code!" Peter spoke up, bitterness tinging his voice. But just knowing that whatever it was made Peter even a little unhappy gave Becky a tiny amount of satisfaction. That, however, only lasted a minute.

She felt hands grasp her leather clad head and lift it up, as if she were being told to raise her chin and look upwards. Something wide and stiff with a slight flexibility was being put around her throat and neck. She was confused for only a second and then realized they were putting a collar on her. It was almost as wide as her neck and as she felt it tighten and buckles being pulled she realized it made her keep her head and neck very straight.

"Actually," she heard Peter muse, "that looks pretty nice on her. I think it's just what she was missing! After all, every pet needs to have a collar!" again laughter and words of agreement came from all around and inwardly, Becky burned with humiliation. David spoke up now and as he did, Becky could hear something like a chain rattling.

"I think this might add to the overall ensemble!" He said. There were sounds of clapping and the deep male voice that had apparently brought the collar chimed in.

"Oh well done! Yes, that's wonderful! Go ahead!" Becky's thoughts whirled as she wondered what exactly they were talking about. Then she felt someone, she assumed was David, doing something on the back of her collar. She heard chain clinking and it felt as if he was attaching something to it. That was verified a moment later when she felt something tugging her head back. Then she felt a length of slim chain draped down her back and laid between her hands at the end of her sleeve. She couldn't figure out what he was doing. She whimpered through her ball gag trying to get David's attention, hoping whatever it was he would just stop.

Then someone was gripping her under the arm and making her rise up on her knees. She heard Peters voice right next to her ear and realized it was him.

"You're really going to love this next part, since I know what an ass slut you are!" Becky's blood ran cold hearing that and she tried to shake her head and plead with them. A brief second later she felt David slap her ass cheek hard and grip her firm round ass. She could feel the chain he held in his other hand pulling ever so slightly back making her arch herself backwards. Then something cold, hard, and metallic pressed against her exposed tight brown asshole. It felt a little greasy, as if it were coated with something. It began to press harder, forcing its way into her hole. She whimpered and tried to squeal around the hated gag but just a few squeaks and more drool escaped.

It was met with equilibrium for a moment or two, then whatever the hard object was 'popped' past her tight sphincter and she felt it slide in. David continued to press it deeper and she could feel a curve to the metal as the rounded, thicker head shoved deeper into her anal cavity, squeezing its way deep inside her.

Becky squirmed and mewled and whined, trying to beg them to stop. She felt the full curvature of the hook come up flush against her ass, nestling right between her cheeks. She twisted ands tried to dislodge it but that's when she realized that it was trapped right between her two arms and with it being attached to her collar, if she bent her head forward or too much to either side or if she tried to shift her arms, it pulled ion the chain and sank the hook deeper. She did start to cry then, tears welling up in and around her eyes and filling any tiny gaps within her hood as they trickled down her face.

"So beautiful" sighed David as he looked at the tortured Becky, moaning and trying to stay as still as possible."

"Well done!" said that female voice Becky was coming to hate. "All right, whose next?" She seemed to be speaking to the crowd and between laughter and several calls of "me." A new voice spoke up.

"Will this do?" he asked and many of the onlookers cheered. Becky's heart sank. What now she wondered with dread filling her heart.

"Oh my heavens, yes! Splendid! Lets get those on right away!"

Becky's heart was starting to hammer in her chest. Her ass was aching terribly and her neck and back stretched straight were starting to cause other pains throughout her body but any shift of movement either choked her or pulled at her ass and sent spine-shivering trembles throughout her body. She couldn't imagine what else they had in store for her.

Then she felt fingers and hands grabbing at her breasts, pinching her nipples, and tugging on them. She moaned through her gag but didn't dare move or twist away.

"Try this first!" someone called and she heard feet shuffling through the crowd. She heard Peter begin to laugh.

"Oh yes, allow me!" Then the hands on her breasts pulled a way and Peter's hands grabbed at her nipple.

She felt a thick, slimy substance like a cold cream or something similar pushed onto her breast and smeared around. Peter didn't even try to be gentle, twisting and pulling on both her nipples with that greasy substance till her hard nipples and areolas were completely coated. The substance felt cool and almost refreshing...for a moment. Then slowly, she could feel it beginning to heat up. It started with a warmth but steadily grew hotter. Becky groaned and tried to shake her breasts as the heat rose to greater temperatures. She began to whine through her gag and try to plead with them to please stop it!

Every time she shook or moved her ass was tugged at and her nipples swelled and burned hatter. Then Something else was being pressed onto her breast. It felt like the circular rim of a small cup. It completely encircled her nipple and pressed tight against her breast. For a moment she had no idea what this was then she heard a small clicking, like a key turning and she began to feel suction on her nipple. Whatever they had put over her tit was sucking her sensitive nub into it. With each turn she could feel the pressure mounting as her burning nipple was pulled and stretched more and more. Then another one was set over her other breast and that nipple began to get sucked into the device. Now both her tits were being drawn in, sucked deeper and pumped till they felt as if they were filling the monstrous devices. Her nipples burned hot and ached from being pulled so hard but the suction kept the two nipple pumps tight on her tits.

But this wasn't the end, not even close. Now, even as she strained to get even just a little relief in her ass and her tits were pulled and overheated, fingers began to slide over and between her pussy lips. She was almost certain they were a woman's hands but they were long and strong and they stroked and rubbed between her lips, slowly penetrating into her pussy. They brushed across her clit and stopped to give it several quick, long strokes then continued to slide in and back and forth. Becky began to pant, her body was already feeling overwhelmed and she was starting to shake all over.

Suddenly the fingers in her pussy grasped her pussy lips and pulled them apart, keeping the warm, pink, and dripping insides of her most sensitive area open for anyone to see, or touch. But it wasn't just for looks. Something big and oval shaped was being pressed against her pussy's very wet opening It felt about the size and shape of a large egg but it had small knobs on it all over and felt like it was made of plastic or silicone. The egg-shaped object was placed tight against her open cunt and then slowly began to be rotated, back and forth inch by inch inserting it into her pussy. It stretched her wide and filled her up. She felt it press right up against her engorged clit. The fingers made certain it was pushed in all the way. Then, she felt fingers pulling at the crotch straps of her corset. The fingers deftly pulled and stretched them till they both actually ran into and along her slit. Becky realized that this was intended to keep that egg-thing firmly up in her pussy.

"Since you brought the entertainment Peter, you should have the honor of first use of the remote!" Becky's heart almost stopped as she realized what this must be and a moment later her worst suspicions were confirmed as the egg nestled in her pussy and rubbing up against her clit began to vibrate and shudder. Becky immediately began to shudder and groan. She made plaintive whines and whimpers, trying to beg these people to stop this. She wasn't a willing participant! She didn't want this. But the vibrations increased and Becky could feel them rise and fall and then rise higher in some sort of horrific pattern.