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How we started sharing.
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When I look back at the anthology of my relationship with my wife Lexi, there has been a metamorphosis of sorts. I think every couple in love starts with the same exclusively monogamous, 'till death do you part' scenario. I remember I used to get fits of jealousy if a guy even checked Lexi out. If she flirted, I would go ballistic. How times have changed, as we are now invested in an open life style. I know this is not for everyone, and at times wonder if I would choose this if I could do it all over again. For us, it broke all the moral and social barriers we believed in. This is an account of how it all started with us.

We were married ten years ago, and for the most part, we were a normal couple making our way through life a day at a time. When we first met, our life was crazy and exciting, and we thought it always would be, but we got stuck in the rut of daily living. I think for most people, there is a certain amount of security in developing a routine in your life. Unfortunately for us, that boring list of chores also included our sex life. Love making had lost its spontaneity, and became a scheduled event, kind of like doing the laundry.

This certainly didn't come about because my wife let herself go, or is undesirable. Far from it. Lexi is a stunning woman by any standard. She has all the right curves in all the right places, and turns heads wherever she goes. There's a lot more to her than a hot bod and pretty face. She is also smart, articulate and formidable as a business woman.

However, like a lot of couples, our lack of creativity and over-familiarity with each other led to reduced passion. Don't get me wrong, always tried to be attentive and she's always has been a wonderful lover. I think it's that 'been there, done that' syndrome that led us into a ho-hum sexual life. Ultimately, this fueled our desire for variety and change. I believe many people become boring by choice, but it can be overcome, if you're willing to push the parameters a bit. In our case, more than a bit.

We are both professionals that have to meet the public daily, so our appearance is important. Part of our plan is to maintain a healthy life-style of diet and fitness, so we usually meet at the gym four days a week. I normally do heavy lifting, while Lexi does cardio.

I remember back to about a year and a half ago; I was watching Lexi work out at our local gym. It was fascinating how she captivated the attention of almost all the men within view. Not knowing she was my wife, a guy using the squat machine next to me, randomly pointed out how hot she was. Initially, that kind of made me feel proud, but it also prompted me to take a long look at her.

She truly is a beauty. That skintight outfit showed off her fit figure, displaying her large, pert breasts, firm, round butt, and strong, shapely legs. As she pumped hard on the stair-climber, the fabric became wet, and clung to her like a second skin. Her prominent nipples poked out the thin fabric of her top noticeably. As I watched, she flirted with the guy next to her. He was so enamored with her, he seemed oblivious to all else. Instead of being jealous, I found it a turn on, and I think that was the first time I ever considered her being with another man.

This became a fantasy that started that day with a casual passing glance, and rooted itself in my brain, like a seed that continued to grow. I began to cultivate this vision of her with different men a bit at a time. It was actually becoming more of a full-blown obsession than just a passing fancy. However, I did manage to keep it to myself for the time being.

After some time, I started reading forum testimonials of guys that shared their wives, and I discovered that I was not the only one with this predisposition. Many men fantasized about sharing their wives. Looking back, I'm not sure if this predilection was naturally found within me, or if I had cultivated it into a full-blown obsession. I did manage to keep it from Lexi, not letting it interfere with our relationship.

One night, we were cuddling in bed talking. Lexi was telling me about this guy named Henry, a new employee hired at her firm. She went on to say how all the girls were enamored with him. She described him as a really hot commodity, confident and sexy. It was then I asked, "Do you find him a hot commodity too?"

"Hmmm," she thought. "Sure, I suppose so. Why?" she replied, wiggling her butt against me.

"Could you see yourself with him?" My erection grew with just asking the question.

"Of course not! I'm a married woman!" She stated abruptly.

"I know you're the hottest woman in that whole firm. Are you telling me he hasn't flirted, or hit on you?" I asked, pushing my hardness between her cheeks.

"Of course he has, but he knows I'm married. Why would you even ask?"

"Are you aware of how men lust after you?"

"I suppose, but I don't pay much attention to it. What is it you are saying?"

"Well... have you ever thought what it would be like to be with another guy?"

"Never! I love you, and am faithful to you alone."

"I know that. I know you're faithful, but that did not answer my question. Do you ever fantasize about being with other men?"

"Is that what you want? For me to be with another man, so you can be with another woman?"

"Hell no! I don't desire another woman other than you. I was just thinking about you with other men - a passing fantasy."

"What? Are you crazy? How could you imagine me with another man?"

"I dunno. It has been crossing my mind lately. I know you've only been with a couple men in your life, but doesn't it ever cross your mind how it would be like to fuck another man?"

"I can't believe you just said that! I'm your wife. Why would you even think such a thing?"

"Forget it. It was just a passing thought. Sorry I brought it up."


About two weeks later, we were out to dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant, when Lexi said, "I have something I want to tell you."


"I was working in the file room today, and Henry asked me to have dinner or lunch with him."

"Who's Henry?" I asked, taking her hands in mine.

"You remember. The new guy at work. I told you about him."

"Oh yeah, I remember - the hot guy that was causing wet panties at your firm. Is that why you've been dressing a bit more provocatively for work lately?"

"Well... Maybe. I didn't know you noticed," she grinned.

"Kinda hard to miss, when you go from high collars to cleavage. So... Do you want to go out with him?"

"I would never do that to you! I just told you he asked."

"Technically, you wouldn't be doing it to me. You'd be doing it to him." I chuckled.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"I am saying it is your choice. Do whatever you desire. I'm okay with it," I said, taking her hand and looking into her eyes, so she'd know I was serious.

"Including... you know what?"

"Especially you know what." I squeezed her hand.

"This is crazy. I think your actually serious." She look puzzled and pulled her hand away.

"I am serious, but I'm just saying it is your choice. I'm not pushing."

"I can't believe we are even discussing this, Alan! This is all so confusing."


A few days later, I picked her up at work because her car was in the shop. Lexi was unusually quiet. We drove and listened to the radio. I watched her fidgeting, as if she was uncomfortable. She was in her own world, staring out the side window, as if in a trance, deep in thought.

To break the silence, I shut off the radio and asked, "Sweetheart, is everything alright? You look troubled."

"Alan, I want to discuss something with you. It's really important," she said nervously, after a pause.

"Sure, go ahead. What's on your mind?"

"I have something to confess."

"What do you have to confess?" I paused, raising an eyebrow.

"I went to lunch today with Henry. We took his car, because I didn't have mine. It was uncomfortable, as I could sense his attraction to me the whole time. At lunch, he asked several rather intimate questions about us."

"Questions like what?" The car behind honked because I didn't go on green.

"Things like, if we are happy. He pried about our sex life. Have I considered a lover? I was shocked. I told him it was not appropriate for him to ask those personal things. I told him I wanted to go back to the office. Then... on the way back, he... he kissed me."

My mouth dropped open and gasped, not quite believing what she shared. Then I said in a raised voice, "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"No. I'm not kidding. Ever since you planted that thought into my mind, it has been nagging at me. You had asked me before if I ever considered being with another man. I truthfully said no, but... since you brought it up, I think about it quite a lot now."

"Damn! This was just some delusion I shared with you, Lexi. I never thought it would actually become a reality. Tell me the truth. Was that all that happened?"

"Well, not quite... I... I kissed him back, and he... felt my breasts too," Lexi said softly.

"Shit! I can't believe this is happening," I said, pulling off the road before we got into an accident.

"Forgive me?" she asked, in a barely audible voice.

"Nothing to forgive. It was my idea, if you remember? So I guess I'm as responsible as you are. My question is... do you want to continue this?"

"Would it make you mad if I did?"

"I can't believe I'm sitting here discussing my wife having sex with some other guy. It's kinda nuts. I'm happy you told me, rather than have an affair. And... if I was mad about it, I wouldn't be sitting here sporting a huge erection."

"Then... you think I should continue?"

"I told you before, it is your decision. It appears you've already made your decision, but if you're going through with this, then I guess we need to establish some rules."

"Rules? What rules?"

"Well, to begin with, this is a shared fantasy between us, so whoever you're with must know that I know. You have to make it clear that you're not seeking a relationship. I want no chance of romantic entanglement, and... I have veto power. If I say no, it's no."

"That seems fair I guess, since this started as your fantasy," she replied with a smile.

"Then... any guy you're with must also have a current blood test for STD's. Too risky for us without it."

"I'm not quite sure how I'd ask something like that. I mean, doesn't that seem a bit... Ummm... Calculated?"

"It might seem like a mood kill, but diseases are rampant and deadly."

"Okay. I'll agree, even though it seems impractical. Anything else?"

"Yeah, one last thing. I don't want any condoms. You're on the pill."

"Wow! You've given this some thought, haven't you? But why no condoms? You want a blood test, but no condom protection? Why?"

"Because, my dear, part of my fantasy is getting sloppy-seconds," I grinned.


The very next day, Lexi called from work.

"How are you doing, hun?" Lexi spoke softly.

"Okay I suppose, kinda busy. What's up?"

"Henry just asked me out again."

"Hmmm, What did you say?"

"Well... I told him I wanted to, but had to ask you first. He was stunned that I was telling you. Then I told him all the things we talked about. I told him about the rules. He smiled, and handed me a current card from the health service, showing he was free of STD's. I didn't expect that. I think he's kinda anxious to get into this, if you'll pardon the pun."

"So, when is this happening?" I asked, not believing how fast this was progressing.

"He wants it... uhhh... me... tonight."

"Damn! What time? I have a partners meeting at five-thirty."

"Sweetie, he said he wants our first time to be just the two of us... and I agreed, but it's up to you. Pleeeeese?"

"And if I said no, would that make a difference?"

"Hun... Henry already made dinner reservations... and booked a room."

"Well, I guess it is not truly up to me, as the room is already booked. So you're really going through with this?"

"Yes! And I'm on my way to the house to change. I'll be gone by the time you get home. We're going to the Hilton Inn Hotel restaurant and lounge. I'll send you texts and updates throughout the evening."

"Well, I guess all that's left is for me to say, have fun. If anything happens, and you need me, I'll be there in ten minutes."

"I love you. Stay up and wait for me. I promise we'll have fun when I get home."


This was not exactly going as I had planned. When I first envisioned this fantasy, I pictured seeing his cock slide into her pussy, but now I'm resigned to just waiting at home, like a faithful puppy dog.

After setting my briefcase in the credenza, I saw there was a sign on the kitchen bar, taped to the coffee pot. It said, "Thank you, Sweetheart. I love you ❤xxx."

She had said she would text me throughout the progress of the date. I reheated some leftovers, and sat there in my easy chair, trying to occupy myself watching the news, but my mind was elsewhere. I was being torn up inside. I was questioning the wisdom of this decision. My imagination was operating in overdrive. What were they talking about? Did they just skip dinner and go for the main course? Was he rough or gentle? Was he hung? A million thoughts flooded my brain. Regret was certainly on my mind. How could I be so stupid to risk the most important thing in my life?

About six-thirty, I received her first text. "At restaurant. Waiting to be seated. He's a real gentleman."

I was watching some mindless sitcom, when just after eight, she texted, "Dinner was wonderful, he's so witty and handsome. Going to dance awhile and have a couple drinks. I think you would like him. Talk soon. xxx."

I sat there, just staring at the screen on my phone with total anticipation. At eight-forty-five, I received another text, "I'm soooo damn hot. My pussy is dripping wet. We're going to room now."

At ten after nine, I get a text with a picture of a giant black cock, saying: "He's fucking huge. He's going to fuck me now. See you at home. Wait up for me, love. Xxx."

I stared at the photo. She didn't say he was black. That dick looked like it belonged on a porn star. It made my seven inches look like a cocktail weenie. It was ripping me up, thinking of her being pounded by that enormous cock. I was feeling every emotion in the book, all at one time - anger, lust, rage, jealousy, envy, all coursed through my veins at the same time.

Just before two in the morning, I heard a car pull up in the drive way. The headlights were glowing through the curtains. I turned out all the lights and peered out the kitchen window. He was kissing her goodnight. Henry was much younger than me, and built like a linebacker, big and muscular. Lexi lifted up on her toes, slid her hand in his unbuttoned dress-shirt, and kissed him deep. I rushed back to my recliner as she fiddled with the lock to open the door. I pretended to be asleep. I heard the door open and shut, and the click of her heels on the tile.

"Honey? You awake?" She said softly, and shook me lightly.

"Oh, yeah. I'm awake. How'd it go?" I asked, looking at her through squinted eyes.

Without saying a word, Lexi took my hand by the wrist and put it on her soaked panties, then said, "Come on, stud. It's your turn! Let's go to bed."

She lead me by the hand toward the bedroom. I followed her up the stairs, watching her butt sway confidently. She tossed her jacket on the chair, and then stood in front of the bed, waiting.

"Undress me!" She commanded.

The shimmering light cascaded through the window, highlighting her glowing beauty. I don't think I've ever seen her prettier. I was now seeing what he saw. That elegant black dress that showed off her cleavage looked new to me. I wondered if she bought it just for tonight.

I unzipped the back and peeled it down, exposing her braless full globes of perfection. She stepped out of the dress, and I carefully placed it on the back of the dressing-chair. Then I pulled her to me, and kissed her with a passion we haven't felt in years. She tasted of him, and I could smell his cologne on her. It only heightened my desire.

Then, I hooked my fingers in her cum-soaked panties and slid them down, with her stepping out of them, and off her feet. She was breathtaking, standing there wearing only her garter belt, nylons, and high-heels. The alabaster glimmer of her skin was enhanced by the moonlight. She laid back on the bed and spread her legs, exposing her well-fucked, cum-loaded pussy. I was soon to find out he had really pumped her full.

"Alan, come here and lick me!" She pleaded.

I just stared at her pussy, with his cum seeping out, and could not believe she could ask me to even consider such a gross thing. She placed her fingers on her labia and spread them.

"Alan! Lick it now!" She forcefully stated.

I quickly pulled off my clothes, discarding them wherever they fell, and then knelt on the floor in front of her waiting pussy. I cupped her butt cheeks and hesitated. Her vagina was becoming clearer in the darkened room as I came closer. I could see the oozing fluid seeping out. She impatiently grabbed me by the hair, and pulled me in. The smell of his sex was strong. The tip of my tongue tasted the cum. It was salty, and made me partly gag. I wanted to fuck sloppy seconds, not eat it.

"Ohhhh. Lick me. Make me come. Please! That's it!" She yanked me harder.

I flicked her clit and she moaned some more. Her pussy opened like a flower, and more cum was released. Lexi cried out her pleasure loudly, bucking her hips and gripping my hair tightly, pulling me in, as she jerked with an orgasm. It was not something I ever considered, but her heightened arousal induced me to vigorously lap her to multiple climaxes.

"Fuck me... Now!" She gasped, pushing me up.

Not needing any further coaxing, I crawled between her legs to claim my long-awaited prize. I normally enter her slowly, because of her tightness, but she was so well-gaped, I slid into her soaked pussy with no resistance at all. Her pussy was so stretched, I wondered if she'd ever go back to normal. The remnant of his seed made a squishing sound as I pumped. I was delirious, with my mind spinning in pleasure. This was the most unbelievable sex we've ever had.

"Ohhhh, that is incredible. Fuck me! Fuck me harder. Don't stop. Ahhhh, keep going!" Lexi cried out in a lustful, unfamiliar pleading voice.

"Let me put my legs together. It'll be tighter for you," she suggested.

I couldn't believe she was indicating I was too small. She always said how big I was. I did as she asked, rolling her on her stomach, and straddling the outside of her legs. I was caught up in the moment, fucking her like a mad man, repossessing what was mine. The sounds of sex filled the room. Our skin slapped with every thrust. The bed squeaked and hammered against the wall. I was uncontrollably slamming into her like never before.

"Ohhhh my God! Fuck me! Fuck your whore wife! Ahhhhh, I'm coming!" She screamed out.

Trying to hold back was useless, as I felt that familiar wave of intensity wash over me. I was trying to stop the inevitable, but that was as impossible as stopping a hurricane. Every nerve in my being was engaged into one unified purpose - releasing my hours of built-up anticipation.

"Ahhhh, I'm coming!" I cried out, as I ejaculated into her womb. Spurt after spurt, I emptied my balls. It seeped out, puddling on the bed-spread. Spent, and breathless, I collapsed on her, recovering from the most intense love-making of my entire life.

"That was unbelievable!" I panted.

"It was wonderful. You were incredible, Alan!"

"This was quite a day for you, hun. How do you feel?

"How do I feel? I feel... I feel... really, really fucked!" She giggled.