Best of Intentions Ch. 01

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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/04/2022
Created 09/30/2010
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Starting a new story line while working on the next installment of A Teacher's Story. Hope that you all like it. Please comment, I really want to know how you feel about my stories.

Hell is paved with good intentions (Samuel Johnson 1709 -- 1784)


I had just graduated from Grant High School in Baltimore and was getting ready to go to the local university. It was a great school, but I had really wanted to go away. However, real life stepped in, we couldn't afford it. In fact the only reason I could attend this school was the academic scholarship I had received.

My name is John Coleridge and I turned 18 two days before graduation. I'm 5'11" and 180 pounds. I am in good shape from playing baseball and football in high school. Never a star, but a good solid player. The grocery store I worked at also helped keep me in shape. Moving a hundred boxes of canned goods is a real work out.

My dad had died about a year after my little sister, Becky was born, about 12 years ago. Although he did leave some insurance money, it wasn't all that much and Mom put it away for our education. Mom was working full time as a cook so things weren't too bad. At times money would get tight, but things would always seem to work out.

I was working at a small local supermarket. I had been working here since I was about three years old...well not really, but since the time I could get working papers. I had every job from floor sweeper, bagger, shelf stocker, delivery boy, cashier, and lately even night manager (only when the night manager was sick...or too drunk to show up)

The money I was paid for working at the supermarket went to Mom. She would give me some but there were times when that money was really needed. Mom would tell me that she felt bad about using the money I made for the house. I told her that I was glad that I could help and that she didn't have to give as much as she did. She wouldn't hear of that, "You work hard for that and you should enjoy some of it."

Peter was my boss. He was also the owner. A great boss, if there ever was one. Sure he would take advantage of me; often he would have me make deliveries on my way home, not on the clock.

But, and it is a big BUT, every three months, after the quarterly taxes were paid, he would give me an envelope, and depending on how well we did would be reflected by what was in the envelope.

Once on April 20th he gave me an envelope with $250.00 cash in it. I felt like a millionaire. $250.00 cash in my pocket, I was in heaven...until I got home and gave it to my mom. She was ecstatic, this was a godsend, things had been a bit tight. Now, she could pay a bunch of bills and she even gave me something for myself.

Now that school was out, I had graduated with honors, in the top 1% of my class, I was working full time. One Monday evening in the middle of June, my boss, Peter came to me, as I was getting ready to leave.

"Johnny, do you think you could make a delivery on the way home?"

He knew what the answer would be and of course I said, "Sure Peter, where is it?"

"We got a delivery to YOUR GIRLFRIEND." He yelled.

Everyone began to snicker.

I moaned, "Oh god, Peter did you have to do that?"

"Well she called and asked for a delivery; who else could I send. I don't want to disappoint her. Wouldn't want to lose that good of a customer." He laughed

My "girlfriend" was Phyllis Dumont; she was an older woman, in her late twenties. Very pretty, and really nice. I had been delivering her groceries for years. Many times when I would make a delivery, we would sit and talk. She would make tea and we would talk, she would give advice but most importantly, just listen to a teenage boy. I could tell her anything, as she would never judge or criticize. And I found that I could trust her.

She had an apartment in a building that was sort of on my way home. We would sit in her living room and have our tea and talk. We were friends, nothing more. There was never anything sexual between us. Not that I didn't think and dream about it, but I never acted on my feelings.

Believe me there was a lot to dream about. Phyllis stood about 5' 8" with shoulder length red hair and light blue eyes. She was rather well endowed, probably 36C, a slim waist with hips and an ass that were well rounded. Her legs were to die for, shapely and athletic. She would workout at the corporate gym a couple times a week.

I had made the mistake of telling Peter about the tea and talking, thus whenever she called, Peter would have me make the delivery to MY GIRLFRIEND. One benefit of the teasing was that he never had anyone else deliver her groceries.

I would go to Phyllis' and sit and drink tea (yea, I really got to like it). And talk about anything, usually it was about girls.

Phyllis would never tell me what to do; rather she would ask questions, the answers to which would answer my questions.

I was so shy and timid around girls, that I had real problem asking them out. The few times I did, I would follow Phyllis' guidance and would have a wonderful time.

I never asked a girl out a second time. Years later, I found out that I had broken a number of hearts. I never knew, I never even suspected. I was really clueless.

When I first started to have tea with Phyllis, Mom didn't approve. But, after meeting Phyllis and talking with her, Mom was fine with it.

But, this day I was once again making a delivery to Phyllis'. When I got there, I knocked and before she could have answered I said, "Sure, I know that you don't want to answer, but if you want to eat for the next week you better open up."

This was my normal opening and I expected Phyllis to answer the door laughingly saying, "Well then, I guess I better let you in, if I want to eat."

But, today Phyllis didn't answer. The door opened and the most beautiful girl in the world was standing there.

I gaped...completely tongue tied and stuttering, "AW...AW...AW...IMA...IMA...IMA, here to bring this st, st, stufffff."

This vision of loveliness smiled and opened the door wider, "You must be Johnnie, come in. You can put the STUFFF on the kitchen table," she teased.

I walked into the apartment as if in a trance, completely enraptured by her beauty. I was in love...or at least in lust.

As I walked toward the kitchen, I heard Phyllis' voice come from another part of the apartment. "Maggie, tell the young man, who you are, before he walks into a wall." She said laughing.

Maggie smiled and said, "Oh, Johnnie, I'm sorry. I'm Margaret, Phyllis' sister, her YOUNGER sister."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Margaret," I said as I shook her hand.

I had touched her was electric. I had touched a goddess, the goddess, the goddess of beauty, Venus de Milo pales in comparison. I was getting a hard on.

"Please call me Maggie, I'm not old enough to be a Margaret, yet." She said.

"Okay, Maggie.'

Phyllis came into the kitchen saying, "Sure, make sure that everyone knows that I am older than you. Yes, Johnnie, this is my BABY sister."

We all laughed.

Now that I saw them together, I could see the resemblance. Not that they looked like each other but you could see that they were related.

Maggie was a smaller than her sister, about my age. She had green eyes, light brown hair was about 5' 7", slender, not as well endowed as Phyllis, about a 28B, slender waist, well-rounded hips and ass and wonderful shapely legs. But, there was something about her face that set her apart from her sister.

She had a quiet beauty, a warm wonderful smile and a twinkle in her eyes that hinted at a wry sense of humor. To me she was absolutely beautiful.

I was there for about an hour, drinking tea and talking. I found it very comfortable to be with these two lovely women.

Phyllis told me to stop by after work the next day and have dinner. So I did and had a wonderful time. For the next two weeks I would look for any excuse to stop by Phyllis' apartment as often as I could.

Maggie had come east to visit her sister, but a week from Saturday; Phyllis would be leaving on a business trip for about two months. Thus, Maggie would be apartment sitting, for Phyllis.

Phyllis was a director of something or other for some large corporation, downtown. Every once in a while, she would have to travel. Most of the time it would be short trips, but there were times that she would be away for a month or so. At these times she would give me a key to her apartment and I would check on it, get her mail and make sure that everything was okay. I always returned the key when she got home.

Phyllis had wanted to give me money for taking care of the place, but I refused. I told her that she was a friend, a good friend. I couldn't take money from a friend. Besides who else would listen to all of my problems. She had hugged me and said, "If that's the way you feel, then thank you."

One Christmas, she gave my family an Apple personal computer. Mom didn't want to keep it but Phyllis insisted, saying that my help was worth far more to her than the cost of the computer. We kept it.

Mom and Becky were the only ones who knew about this.

Phyllis was leaving, but, this time, since Maggie was here, I wouldn't have to do anything.

The day Phyllis left, Maggie and I took her to the airport. She gave the two of us more instructions than my mom would. We just laughed and said that everything would be all right.

As she went to get on the plane she hugged me and whispered, "Watch out for Maggie, will ya?"

"Of course." I quietly answered.

She then gave Maggie a hug and left.

Maggie and I drove back. I dropped her off at the apartment and went to work; I was night manager that evening.

Before she left, Phyllis had told me that the real reason that Maggie was here was that she and her husband were having major problems. It seems that Maggie was a bit older than she looked. Maggie needed time to think and work things out before making a decision about whether she wanted to stay in the marriage. Phyllis though that this was the end for them. I got the impression that Maggie's husband was not one of Phyllis' favorite people. She asked me to watch out for Maggie while she was away.

That night at about 10:45 pm I got a call from Maggie, she sounded upset. She asked me to stop by after we closed. She needed someone to talk to. I told her that I would be there in about a half hour.

We would close the doors at 10:30 pm and would try to lock up at 11:00 pm. Usually, I would meet up with some of my friends and we would go out and party until around 1:00 am. So going over to Phyllis' would be no problem.

When I got there, Maggie opened the door. She looked like hell, she was dressed in a robe and slippers, her eyes were red from crying. Her hair was a mess and she was so pale, like she was washed out.

She looked at me and gave a small smile and said, "Thank you for coming, Johnnie. I really need someone to talk to." Then she started to cry.

I stepped into the apartment and closed the door. I took her in my arms and held her. We stood there in each other's arms and she wept. Crying her heart out.

I don't know how long we stood there, but eventually the sobbing eased and stopped. I brought her into the living room and sat her down on the couch. I went into the kitchen and made tea for us.

When I brought it in, we sat and sipped our tea. She reached out and took my hand and held it.

She started to talk, slowly at first, then as she told her story, she became more and more emotional.

When she was eighteen, she fell love with a man much older than her. He was suave, charming and could bring her the greatest pleasure she ever experienced. They married and she was happy for a while. He wanted children and so did she. They really tried for a year or two, without success. He was convinced that it was her fault, because it couldn't have been him.

Slowly over the next few years things went down hill. Her husband became less interested in her. He had given up trying to get her pregnant, because she was barren.

She suspected that he was having affairs but refused to face it, until she found him in their bed with a young woman. That was when she came east to Phyllis'.

He had called her tonight to talk and it did not go well.

By this time, she had her arms around me and my arms were around her, she was sobbing. Holding onto me and sobbing. Slowly the sobbing slowed and stopped. I looked at her, she was beautiful, she was asleep on my shoulder.

I ever so slowly moved away and laid her on the couch. I put a pillow under her head and covered her with an afghan. I stood and looked at her. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I couldn't understand how any man having her, could ever want any other woman.

I took the key that Phyllis kept for me and locked the door when I left.

It was quarter after twelve, still early. I went and found where my friends were partying. I had a beer, but I really wasn't in a party mood. So I left and went home.

The next day being Sunday, Mom, Becky and I went to Sunday services. The store was closed so I was free.

Around noon, I went to Phyllis' apartment and knocked on the door. I could have let myself in with the key, but I knocked.

Maggie answered. She looked great. She was in blouse and a pair of jeans and had her hair in a ponytail. I was amazed, she looked much younger than twenty-three, in fact she looked younger than me.

She smiled when she saw me and said, "Oh, Johnnie, please come in, I was hoping that you would stop by."

When I came in she took my hands in hers and said, "Johnnie, I want to apologize for last night, I was out of line to burden you with my problems..."

I slightly squeezed her hands and said, "Maggie, you have nothing to apologize for. If sitting here and listening to you makes you feel better then I will listen forever."

Maggie put her arms around my neck, hugging me and said, "Oh god, John, where were you five years ago?"

"In the eighth grade," I answered.

She laughed, "You really know how to make a woman feel young, don't you?"

I realized what I said and started to stammer.

She laughed and hugged me.

"John, John, John, you are so wonderful, so so wonderful."

I hugged her close and said, "You have been cooped up in this apartment for almost two weeks; you have to get out. I'll tell you what; we are going out. First to the movies, we can catch a matinee and then out to dinner. And it's on me."

"John, you don't have to..."

"I know, but I want to. Please don't say no."

"How could I ever say no to you, my sweet John?"

We went to see Burt Reynolds in a comedy about him trying to commit suicide. I loved it. Maggie laughed at the silliness. After the movie we went to a small Italian Restaurant. I had been there a couple of times and really liked it.

Maggie really loved the place and the food. We had a wonderful time, talking and laughing.

We got back to the apartment at around six thirty.

We sat on the couch. Maggie on one side and me on the other. We tried to talk, but it seemed forced. We had been talking all afternoon and it was so natural, now in the apartment, we couldn't talk.

I looked over at her and saw that she was looking at me with a smile on her face.

She laughed softly and said, "We have been together all day, at the movies, at the restaurant and we talked joked and laughed. Now, we are here alone and we are both tongue-tied."

I said, "I just don't know what to say."

Maggie moved close to me and said, "That's just the way I feel. Why, do you think?"

"Don't know, it's just different here."

"I know."

I looked her in the eyes and moved toward her. I lightly kissed her lips. She returned the kiss. I looked at her and said, "Oh Maggie."

I kissed her again, but this kiss was not light. Our lips mashed together, our arms wrapped around each other. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close, as she crushed me to her.

Maggie's lips opened and her tongue pushed into my mouth. I met her tongue with mine. Our tongues caressed. I pulled her into me more and she responded holding me closer.

She took my hand in hers and placed it on her breast. I was in shock. I had only touched a girls breast once before and got slapped for my efforts. But now, Maggie wanted my touch and I wanted to touch her.

I softly and tenderly caressed her. As I did, she reached down and began to rub by dick through my jeans. I was hard as a rock.

Our lips parted and I started to kiss her face then her jaw and down to her neck and shoulder. My hand explored her back from her shoulders to her wonderfully firm ass.

Maggie was crushing me into her body, she was moaning. Saying my name over and over.

As I began to unbutton her blouse, she pulled back from me a little. At first, I thought I had gone too far but Maggie looked at me and said, "John, make love to me, take me into the bedroom and love me. Please, John."

She was so beautiful, I held her close and kissed her lips. I then scooped her up and carried her into the smaller of the two bedrooms.

She had her arms wrapped around my neck and nuzzled her face into my shoulder.

I stood her next to the bed. She began to unbutton my shirt as I finished unbuttoning her blouse. She dropped her arms as I slid the blouse off of her shoulders. She was standing in front of me in her bra and jeans. I had never been this close to a woman, who was only wearing a bra.

This was ecstasy, I was in heaven, as Maggie removed my shirt, and began to unbuckle my belt. I fumbled with her jeans and she quickly undid them for me. I slowly pushed them over her hips and they fell to the floor.

Seconds later my jeans were on the floor and I stepped out of them.

We were standing there looking at each other, Maggie in her bra and panties and me in my briefs. She took me in her arms and we kissed. I unhooked her bra without too much trouble. And she shucked it off. Her naked breasts were pressing into my chest. I was running my hands up and down her back. I slipped my hand into her panties and softly squeezed her ass.

I pushed her panties down and she stepped out of them. Maggie bent down and pulled my briefs off. My erection sprang free and she rubbed her cheek against my dick. She quickly kissed the tip and then stood up and kissed my lips. I had almost shot my load onto her face when she kissed my dick, but somehow I was able to hold back.

Maggie lay back on the bed, pulling me onto her. As I lowered myself onto her she spread her legs and grabbed my dick. As she guided me to her vagina, a look of concern crossed her face.

"John," she whispered, "You have never been with a woman, have you?"

I didn't say anything, I just shook my head.

"What am I doing, what am I doing to you, John?"

As I lowered my face to kiss her I said, "You're loving me, Maggie."

I kissed her and I pushed my hips forward. I felt the tip of my dick slip between the lips of her labia. She was very hot and very wet. I continued pushing, easing my dick into her vagina, until I was completely inside of her. We were joined at the hips, our bodies connected.

The feeling of my dick surrounded by her soft, hot, wet sheath was mind blowing. I never had such a pleasurable experience before.

We both held still for a moment. Looking into each other's eyes.

Then it was like she went wild. Maggie wrapped her arms around me pulling me to her. Her legs closed around my hips in a vice like grip. She began to buck under me, pushing her hips up into me trying to get me deeper and deeper into her.

For a moment, I was surprised by the violence of her attack. She was thrashing beneath me. She was calling my name, screaming out her passion.

I was immediately infected with her passion and began to slam my dick into her again and again. As soon as I started to fuck her I felt the wave of release coming fast. I knew that I was going to cum.