Beth & Michael: Challenges


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When they arrived, Therese pulled into her garage. Karen started leading Beth toward the Barrett patio and pool.

"Mom, I don't want to see anyone or talk, okay. I just want to go to my bedroom," Beth said with her red swollen eyes staring at Karen.

"Honey, the Dads and your grandmother have taken your sister and Callie to the movies. You won't have to say a word if you don't want to."

"Daddy? He never goes to the movies. What are they seeing?" Beth asked.

"That new Hannah Montana movie," Karen replied. Beth started giggling as she wiped her nose. "He threatened to leave me if I made him go, but I told him if he did that he'd have to do his own laundry, so he decided it would be easier to put up with Hannah."

Beth laughed. "I can't see Daddy or Mr. Barrett at Hannah Montana."

"I think Dan took his iPod," Therese added, and Beth burst out laughing. They led her to the door to the pool and let her go through first. She walked out onto the patio and didn't notice that the mothers stayed behind and went through the other door into the kitchen. She was still wiping her nose when she turned and saw Michael, who looked, possibly, more miserable than she did.

She started to turn, but Michael grabbed her arm and said in the voice of a scared little boy, "Beth, please don't go." Even in her current state, his voice melted her heart. She turned and stared at him. "Beth, I swear -- I swear nothing happened! If you had walked in two seconds later you would have seen me throw Sam across the room. I didn't plan that. I didn't know anything about it. I was as shocked as you were."

"I doubt it," she replied.

"You're probably right, but Beth, you're the only thing I care about in this whole world. I will never love anyone like I love you ... I" and Michael slumped on the chair sobbing. For the first time since the incident, Beth felt worse for someone else than she did for herself. She sat next to Michael, and he buried his head on her shoulder and continued wailing. They sat there for a long time saying nothing. As Michael's tears flowed down his cheeks, Beth's anger and hurt seemed to flow out of her body.

"Michael, what was that all about? What happened?" Michael explained everything that took place as he struggled to regain enough composure to talk. Beth sighed and brushed his sweaty hair away from his eyes. She now felt bad that she reacted so rashly and put him through all of this. "Just one of life's peculiar lessons, huh?"

"I guess." She kissed his salty puffy eyes. Both mothers, who had been watching the whole thing through the window in the dark kitchen, smiled at each other and hugged.

"Beth, I ..."

"Michael," she said as she put her fingers to his lips. "I know. You don't have to prove you love me. I actually feel stupid now for doubting you. It's just that you were doing these amazing things and meeting these amazing people, and Sam is so beautiful, I was afraid you were falling for her," she said.

He looked at her with his puppy-dog eyes and said, "Not me."

"I know. I know that now. I'm sorry, Michael. I should have let you explain, but my heart was breaking, and I just reacted." Beth gave him a sweet, gentle kiss.

Michael reached into his pocket and pulled out a blue Tiffany box. He opened it, and as their lips parted, he held it up to Beth. "I don't ever want to lose you. I was planning on doing this on some tropical island, but maybe this is actually the best place after all. Elizabeth Rachel Anderson, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Beth's hands covered her mouth and her eyes were flooded with tears. After all they had been through over the last ten hours, she never expected this. "Yes," she tried to say but her throat was too tight. She cleared her throat and said, "Yes, Michael Daniel Barrett. I can't think of anything in this world I want more than becoming your wife." Michael slipped the white gold solitaire diamond ring on her finger. They hugged and cried; and kissed and cried. When they were finished crying, they walked into the house. Both Mothers were sitting in the den with glasses of white wine talking when they entered with their arms around each other.

"I guess this means we can take the suicide hotline off speed dial?" Therese asked, smiling.

"I think so," Beth said, smiling from ear-to-ear. As they got closer, Karen saw the glinty object on her daughter's hand. "Sweetie, do you have some news for us?" Beth held up her hand so they could see the ring.

"Does this mean that if you have enough money you can even buy brains?" shouted Dan as he, Bill, Amy and Grandma Carrie entered the house from the movie theatre.

"Did we miss something?" asked Bill with a deadpan expression.

"Daddy, I love you, but you're such a loser!" remarked Amy, which brought down the house. Grandma Carrie had to sit down she was laughing so hard.

Amy turned to Michael and asked, "So, I guess this means I now have a brother, right?"

He held out his arms for her and said, "Yes, and I have a sister!" Amy ran up and hugged him.

"Well, hell, it IS Saturday night. I say we get this party started!" shouted Bill. Champagne was poured, dessert was cut, and Beth and Michael never left each others arms all night long. The party went well past midnight, when Bill and Karen finally said their last congratulations. Bill carried Amy, who was sound asleep, and coaxed a tired but happy Grandma Carrie back across the street to their house.

As Karen was leaving, Beth grabbed her and said, "Mom, I have a huge favor to ask."

"What dear?" Karen asked innocently, even though she was pretty sure what was about to be asked.

"I want to respect you and Daddy, but I don't want to be apart from Michael, not tonight. If it's okay with Mr. and Mrs. Barrett, can I sleep here?"

Therese heard the question and interrupted. "Absolutely not, young lady," she said with a straight face, "Unless you do one very important thing."

"What's that?" Beth asked with wide eyes.

"Call me Therese and call him Dan. The next time I hear Mr. and Mrs. I want it to be when they introduce Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Beth Barrett or Anderson-Barrett or whatever you kids decide to do." Then, she broke into a wide smile and hugged Beth. "Of course, I think we need to respect the wishes of your Mom."

"Sweetie, every mother and father wishes we lived in an Ozzie-and-Harriet kind of world, but we don't. I understand, and you have my blessing. You may have doubted Michael briefly today, but I can tell you, I never, ever did. Not once. I know that young man would run through a brick wall for you."

"What about Daddy and Grandma?"

"You leave them to me. I can be pretty persuasive," she said with a wink.

"Will Mr. Bar—Dan be okay?" Beth asked Therese.

"Honey, a Marine soldier has nothing on a Marine wife!" Beth and Karen laughed.

"I believe you," Beth said.

Karen hugged her daughter and gave her a big kiss. "We'll see you in the morning for brunch. This party hasn't even come close to stopping."

"I love you, Mom."

"Darling girl, I happen to love you too," Karen replied as she left.

"Dan, we are going to have a boarder for the evening," Karen announced.

"Well, Bill's gonna have to sleep in the garage. I can only imagine what his snoring is like!"

"Beth, that's his attempt at being funny. I'll try to let you know when such outbursts happen because otherwise you'd never know." Michael burst out laughing at the insult. "Beth will be staying with us for the evening, Mr. Comedian."

Dan looked at her with his meanest Marine face and said, "Only on one condition. You have got to start calling me Dan or Dad. Either one will do."

"That's such old news. We've already taken care of that. You need to get your keester up to bed and give these kids some privacy. They've had an ... unusual day."

"The party is gonna pick up ..."

"That's old news too," Therese interjected. "You're so behind the times, it's not funny. Now get upstairs before I have to kick your rear end!"

"Okay," he said with a little pout. "You two ... don't do anything I wouldn't ..."

Therese put her hand over his mouth and said, "Goodnight, you two. I love you both. And, Beth, with the possible exception of when this one here (indicating Michael) came into this world, this is the happiest day of my life. I am so glad you are officially part of our family," Therese said.

Dan pried her hand off his mouth and asked, "What about our wedding day?"

"We all have our crosses to bear," she said, putting one hand back on Dan's mouth and pushing his butt toward their bedroom.

"Goodnight, Therese and Dan! I love you too!" Beth called after them.

"This has been a hell of a day!" Michael exclaimed.

"At least we're not boring," Beth said, staring up into his eyes. "I was thinking about something."


"The first time you told me you loved me and I told you I loved you was on that patio. The first time we made love was in your bedroom in this house. You just asked me to marry you on that same patio, and we're about to spend our first official night together in that same bedroom. When we get married, it has to be on your patio."

Michael broke into a giant smile. "I can't think of anything I'd like more."

They walked arm in arm into Michael's bedroom. They closed the door and began silently undressing each other. When they were naked, Beth climbed under the covers. Michael raised them and stared at her perfect breasts. Needless to say, he was standing at full attention.

"I hope THAT isn't because of Stephen Spielberg," she said.

"Who?" Michael asked as he climbed into bed.

This was going to be a long, slow lovemaking session. They kissed and rubbed each other for an eternity. Beth massaged his balls and ran her hand up and down his warm, hard, pulsing length. Michael attacked her tongue with his and wrapped his hand around her soft, firm breast. He alternated rubbing her nipple between his fingers and bending down to suck and nip her. Every time he returned to her mouth, they devoured each other with a hunger neither had felt before. The thought of losing each other made their passion even more intense, and committing to each other magnified those feelings.

Michael felt his heart pounding as he worked to ignite all of Beth's erogenous zones. He licked her belly button while he stroked her inner thighs with his fingertips. He took her whole sex into his mouth and tongued her sweet, slippery parts. He burrowed as far as he could into her sweet channel with his tongue and continued stroking her inner thighs. He attacked her clit with his mouth and rubbed her G-spot with his fingers. Beth was on sensory overload and put the pillow over her mouth because she didn't know if she could contain her squeals. When Beth began to writhe, Michael curled his tongue around her clit and sucked while he ravished her vaginal ridges. He was rewarded with a small tidal wave of carnal juices washing over his face. Beth kept the pillow over her face for a few minutes after her orgasm, unable to move.

At last, she sat up and grinned devilishly at Michael and covered his cock with saliva. She plunged his hard, slightly curved dick into her mouth and sucked with wild abandon. She had gotten very good at taking Michael's entire length into her mouth, and she assaulted the sensitive underside of his beautiful penis with her hot tongue. She kept one hand on his balls to gauge when he was getting ready to burst. Michael now had the pillow over his face.

Beth pumped his cock in and out of her wet mouth and tickled the hair on his sack. Michael began involuntarily pushing himself further into her mouth. Beth smiled. She felt his balls begin to tighten, so she maneuvered his massive organ into her throat. Beth quickly immersed a finger in her mouth to get it wet and plunged that finger into Michael's anus to massage his prostate. Michael screamed into the pillow and pumped a river of sperm into Beth's belly. Beth kissed him when she felt him begin to soften. She knew that even horny Michael would take a little time to recover after that orgasm.

"Fuck me," he said as he lowered the pillow.

"I plan on it, Mr. Barrett. Every night in every way until we are too old to bear human contact."

"I'll never be that old. As long as I have blood flowing into my pecker, it's going to want contact with you." He finally had the strength to sit up. He looked at her and added, "How could you possibly think I'd ever jeopardize THAT for someone else?!"

"I know. I was stupid ..."


"And ignorant ..."


"And a moron ..."


"And, how long am I going to have to hear about this?"

"For a hell of a long time!"

She slumped back on the bed, smirking, and said, "Well, now you're making my libido dry up and shrivel into nothing."

"You know, I'm gonna meet tons of gorgeous women ..."

"Oh, well, that's helping," she said, arching an eyebrow. "Now I feel better."

"They're gonna be smart and pretty and ..."

"Stop! You're making me hot!"

"And not one of them will ever mean a damned thing to me, Mrs. Barrett!"

"How do you know?"

"Are you kidding me?!" he said loudly.

"Shhhh. You're going to wake your parents."

"I don't care! How do I know the sun's going to come up tomorrow?"

Beth sat up, pointed a finger at him and said in mock seriousness, "Some day the sun's going to puff up and explode, and it won't come up the next day."

"And some day my balls might explode because they can't believe they get to empty themselves into you, but I think I'll take my chances!" he shot back. Beth fell back on the bed laughing. Michael pounced on top of her, and she felt his newly tumescent member slap her in the belly.

"Already?" she said giggling.

"And the next day and the next day and the next day ..."

"What about when the Sun explodes?"

"Okay, we'll take that day off," he answered. She howled. "But that's it, so you better make sure your pussy can handle all the attention it's going to be getting."

"Do they have Bowflex for pussies?" she asked between giggles.

"Yeah, right here," Michael answered, waving his erection at her.

She turned her face into the pillow and heaved in laughter. "It is slightly bowed ..." she managed to get out.

"And, it most definitely is flexed!"

She turned over, spread her legs wide around Michael and said with a terrible British accent, "Then, fuck me you fool!"

Michael felt Beth's vagina to see how wet she still was. He decided to heat her up a little by licking her clit. When she was wet enough, he plunged himself into her silky sex. Michael didn't say a word, but he stared into her eyes so she could feel the love flowing into her. Beth kept his eye contact and felt so overwhelmed that tears ran down her cheeks. She had never felt so loved in her entire life. Even the night Michael saved her life, Beth didn't feel so completely awash in another person's love. She knew in her heart she would never doubt Michael again.

When Michael felt himself getting close, he gently rubbed Beth's clit with his finger to make sure they climaxed together. Beth managed to maintain eye contact until she felt him begin to spurt inside her. That had always been her favorite part, and she closed her eyes and bit her lower lip, relishing the feeling of accepting his seed.

Afterwards, Beth rolled over on her side with Michael wrapping his arms around her. She put the hand with the ring over his hand and placed them both over her heart, and they fell deeply and contentedly asleep.

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