Beth and Mike


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I must have looked very disappointed and Beth hugged me to her body.

"How bout I make up a sexy story for you, ok?" her voice placating and soothing.

I tightened my embrace as intense feelings poured through me. God! What a woman!

"I love you so much Beth," I breathed in her ear.

"Do you want to be Jennifer Tilly or Gina Gershon?" she asked with a mock serious look, and we both burst out laughing.

I pulled my lovely wife on top of me and kissed her with deep fervor. A compelling desire to eat her scrumptious pussy overwhelmed me and in no time at all we were buck naked, my head buried between her muscular thighs.

During our summer vacations, the ten weeks away from teaching gave us a much needed break and we depended on part time jobs for extra income. Beth worked at various camps and tutored while I enjoyed working construction for an outfit that did home improvements.

Living so close to the beach, many a weekend was spent on the white sand with the sun imparting a golden tan to our bodies. Beth looked stunning in her bikini and many a head both male and female turned to gawk at her as we strode along the shoreline.

However, thanks to my wife's expertise with money, we managed to spend a week in the Caribbean at an island resort each summer. It was the only extravagance we allowed ourselves and on teachers salaries, could afford. Beth managed to find the most incredible deals that would easily be out of reach in the winter, high tourist season.

We eschewed the popular couple's places for seclusion and privacy. One summer Beth found a small resort near Playa Del Carmen on the Yucatan peninsula. No phones, no TV, no electronic distractions and with a small car for sightseeing we traveled up and down the coast finding great beaches, intimate little restaurants and cozy bars serving cold cerveza.

One day we set out early for an excursion to the ruins at Tulum. The owner of the hotel packed us a lunch with plenty of liquid refreshment in a cooler and warned us not to buy any fresh fruit or vegetables from the numerous vendors outside the temple complex. In the car I asked Beth why,

"Montezuma's revenge," she answered and I nodded knowingly.

As we toured the ruins, the ferocious tropical sun beat down on us. In no time at all, I was sweating profusely and when we descended the pyramid, ready for a break. We found some shade on the opposite side of the ruins that sit on a cliff overlooking the Caribbean Sea. The view of the beach below and up the coast for as far as the eye could see was breathtaking.

"Hey babe, you up for a little adventure," my beautiful wife asked.

By now, I was completely familiar with Beth's "little adventures" and I always followed along, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"Ok Beth, I'm willing but just this once tell me what you're thinking,"

"Aw hon, but that'll spoil all the fun,"

After we completed the tour, I drove while Beth gave me directions. The two lane road that ran parallel to the coast gradually narrowed until there was only room for one car. Except for the flora and fauna, civilization was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly on my right a small dirt road appeared and Beth instructed me to take it. We drove for maybe a hundred yards when the sparkling water of the Caribbean loomed before us.

The vegetation, the palm trees in particular, grew right up to the edge of a narrow pure white sand beach, affording plenty of shade from the broiling tropical sun. The setting was dreamlike, something one only sees in travel magazines.

We marveled at the landscape and leisurely ate the lunch prepared by the hotel. Several beers later, I noticed a glint in Beth's eyes. Uh oh, here it comes! I thought to myself.

"Hey babe, wanna skinny dip?" she asked with a wicked smile.

I furtively looked around, guessed that there probably wasn't another living soul for miles and stripped. Beth did likewise and we generously applied sun block to our bodies.

The afternoon assumed a surreal, dreamy quality as we cavorted and splashed in the warm tropical sea. Finally, the sensual atmosphere worked its charm on our libidos and we stood holding each other kissing passionately.

My hands lovingly squeezed and fondled Beth's very firm breasts. They jutted proudly from her chest and overcome with desire, my mouth sought her nipples. Eager lips gently suckled the taut, hard flesh tasting the salty sea residue.

Beth's moans filled the air and she held my head as I lathed and sucked her swollen tips.

"Babe, I want you..." she whispered huskily in my ear.

I picked up my beautiful wife and cradled her in my arms, kissing her with a fervent need. I laid her on the blanket and gorged on her succulent pussy; swallowing generous amounts of her creamy secretions. Gracefully, she humped my face, wet with her juices as my tongue tenderly rasped her sweet clitty.

Beth locked hands with me as her body was rocked by an orgasm. Swiftly, I lifted her butt, devoured her sensitive rose cluster and brought her to another orgasm. When she sufficiently recovered, we dashed into the water for a refreshing dip.

In the gently rolling waves, we embraced, my heart filled to overflowing with love for the wonderful woman in my arms. Beth stroked my straining boner with a look of intense desire in her lovely hazel eyes.

"Can I suck em babe? I want too..." she groaned in my ear.

While I thoroughly enjoyed giving Beth oral pleasure I never asked nor did I feel the need for her to reciprocate but she did anyway. Although she was talented in the art of fellatio, we preferred intercourse and a lot of our lovemaking was spent locked together in a variety of positions. My greatest thrill was watching Beth's athletic body ride my tool to a thunderous orgasm.

Back on the blanket, Beth licked my granite hard cock like a lollipop. With my balls nestled in her fingers, she basted the sensitive underside, lavishing wet sucking kisses to the pulsing nerve ending.

"Gosh babe, its soo hard!" she crowed, and engulfed the head.

Beth hungrily sucked my pole, her lips sliding up and down faster and farther until most of the length disappeared in her wet mouth. At the end of one long upstroke she gazed at me with lust filled eyes; she was obviously enjoying it as much as I was.

By now I was gasping as Beth worked feverishly on my saliva drenched tool. The jism in my nuts seethed mightily, seeking a release point that was just moments away.

"Oh God...Beth...I'm gonna cum..." I wailed.

In one swift movement of extraordinary physicality, my beautiful wife impaled herself on my throbbing tool. The intensity of my orgasm reached mythic proportions as squirt after squirt blasted into her. It lasted so long, I was lightheaded and slumped against her body.

"Are ya ok, babe? Did it feel good?" she asked.

"Uh huh," I panted.

In Beth's arms I felt an overriding sense of peace and security. I must have dozed off because I woke to her gently rocking me and quietly humming what I swear sounded like a lullaby.

But our life together was much more than just great sex. The tactile intimacy that we shared wrapped in each others arms as we slept or the frequent hugs and kisses. Beth's affectionate smile alone would warm my heart and brighten the darkest of days for me.

We rarely argued and not because one might think that Beth was the dominant person in our relationship. Straightforward with her feelings and desires, there was no second guessing involved on my part. I knew just where she stood on an issue or what mood she was experiencing.

Beth had the occasional run-in with PMS and she could be uncharacteristically grouchy.

"I'm PMSing," she'd warn me, and I'd steer clear of anything that might set her off.

At school, Beth was the teaching dynamo I thought she would be. Her students adored her and she was without a doubt the most popular teacher at school. Many considered themselves lucky to be in her English or Literature classes, and her open door policy for pupils to commiserate or consult with her after school hours was unprecedented at the time.

An athlete until her freshman year of college, Beth was instrumental in getting the school board to appropriate funding for a girls volleyball team and coached with a positive, dynamic style that brought out the best in her players.

In three short years, they challenged a more established, experienced team for the district championship and won. The following year they went to the state finals and lost but it was an outstanding achievement by a group of girls who a few years prior had no familiarity with the sport.

Beth won "Coach of the Year" honors and magnanimously gave all the credit to her players. Many had tears in their eyes, including me when she delivered her acceptance speech.

There were times when it seemed as though Beth's life was too full of extra curricular activities but my extraordinary wife had a way of getting me involved in most of her endeavors. I went along willingly and was more than happy to accommodate her.

And, at the end of the day, in privacy of our home, Beth always made me feel like the most important person in her life. I did likewise.

Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to last. Beth found the lump and...

One thinks of every possibility when the person they love is ill. Was it part of her genetics? Did she eat one too may greasy burgers at McNally's Pub? Was it something in the water, the air?

Truthfully, no one knows how or why it happens. The doctors can talk endlessy about what type of cancer it is, how to treat it, what the prognosis for recovery might be. But, the origin?

And, that's what haunts me; the why's. Why Beth? Why did she have to get that horrible disease. Why did she have to die?

**** Beth's strength ebbed rapidly. Fate was against her. There was no hope for recovery. The only thing that remained was for her to die with dignity.

Die with dignity, how is that possible? I would question with bitterness.

Every night, I sat next to Beth holding her hand. When she fell asleep, I would let the tears pour out of me. The ache in my heart was unbearable at times and I hated to see her suffering. Privately, I cursed and railed against God.

On the nights when her pain wasn't too bad, I got into bed next to Beth and held her as gently as possible.

"I love you," I would whisper in her ear, and she would slowly nod her head in acknowledgement, too weak to answer.

The night Beth passed away she roused herself momentarily and looked at me.

"Love you," she mouthed the barely audible words, and closed her eyes.

When Celia the Hospice nurse told me her vital signs were very weak, I leaned close to her ear and whispered,

"It's ok to let go my love...go to the light...I want you to be at'll always be in my heart...I love you..."

Beth slipped away and I wept uncontrollably.

At my wife's funeral, the outpouring of love from her students, our friends and family was almost too much for me to bear. Her sister Jen and my sister Allison were incredibly supportive and helped me through the most difficult time of my life.

For months I felt like a zombie but I had a daughter to care for and she needed me to be a strong, loving father.

One afternoon, I picked Olivia up at after school care and she ran across the playroom with arms out stretched.

"Daddy!" she yelled with a big grin.

I picked up Olivia and smothered her with kisses. As I looked at her happy countenance, I saw a smaller version of Beth. She was only eight years old but she had Beth's slender body, pretty face, twinkling hazel eyes and gift for athletics. She excelled in youth soccer and played her position with the skill of a much older girl.

Olivia reminded me so much of Beth at times that the tears would flow inexplicably down my face.

"Don't cry daddy...I miss mommy too," she would say trying to make me feel better. Her perception about my tears was uncanny.

And, in a way it was like having Beth with me because she would live on in Olivia. I found some comfort in that and in my private moments at her gravesite, I regaled Beth with stories about Olivia as the tears ran in rivers down my cheeks.

How does one replace the great love of their life? The time we spent together was glorious but fleeting. One day in the future, I will have to embark on that quest again.

Beth was emphatic about me finding someone else.

"I know that you love me with all your heart but you can't spend the rest of your life grieving over me." The look in her eyes clearly indicated her seriousness.

"I can never replace you..."

"My love, please're a wonderful husband and father but I don't want you to be alone. Do it for me? Please?"

How could I refuse her? It was her one dying wish and as I held Beth in my arms, I sobbed like a child.

But, I'm a realist, I know I'll never find another Beth no matter how hard I look. The love that we shared is irreplaceable, one of a kind.

As time passed, the ordinary rhythm of life returned but the sorrow and the hollowness inside of me remained. I longed with every atom of my being to see Beth again, to hold her, kiss her and tell her that I loved her.

During the summers when I walk along the shore with Olivia's hand in mine, I recall the past and Beth's image swims into my conscious mind. We're young and very much in love. I hear her voice, see her smiling confident face and I'm moved to tears.

Gradually, time does heal part of the wound and I have the extraordinary memories of my life with Beth to sustain me over the rough patches. She'll always be with me, in my heart, and in my soul, until my dying day.

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6King6King2 months ago


pummel187pummel187over 2 years ago

I didn't read the story, no I just want to pass on information that will save someones life.... CANCER WAS CURED IN 1930, the doctor who found the cure was named Dr. Otto Warburg (yes those WARBURG'S). Dr Warburg discovered that every cancer patient has the following symtoms, and they are:

(1) too much sugar in the cells

(2) not enough oxygen

And seeing as cells replicate, his research shows that these now diseased cells produce not healthy cells, no but they duplicate diseased cells. He also proved that the now bad cells start the process of FERMINTATION, (they rot) also those ferminting diseased cells is the start of metastasis (a tumor)

Think of a cell as a combustion engine that uses a carborator, remmember when it would get cold and you tried to start your car but instead of it starting you just "FLOODED THE ENGINE"????

Well this is what happens to our cells when there is too much sugar (gas) and not enough oxygen to burn off the sugar...

If you have a loved one who has cancer take them to a state park for a couple hours a day (TREES PRODUCE OXYGEN) and cut out ALL sugar (not natural sugars), put them on a veg. and pulse diet, and you will see a dramatic improvement

He also discovered that since cells

davebccanadadavebccanadaover 3 years ago
A 5 for sure

... because it deserves it. Thanks for the insight.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1over 6 years ago

Thx for great story.

_darkdesire__darkdesire_over 10 years ago

great story , well done

rangerrigsrangerrigsabout 11 years ago

And HOT! Nice blend of steamy action but also tearful, lovely story-telling.

PhillrudPhillrudover 12 years ago

I cried, never cry when I read. Great story, loved it.

BelgiumBelgiumalmost 13 years ago
Great tragic romance

A great tragic romantic story... which unfortunately happens too often in real life as well. Cancer is a real basterd, taking away loved ones indiscriminately.

KangarooKawkKangarooKawkover 13 years ago

I was leaning in, on the edge of my seat hugging a pillow the whole time. I got so involved, I felt like I was living it. It was one of, if not the best I have ever read. Your story was a work of art, keep writing more :)

oldwayneoldwayneover 14 years ago
Not all good stories are happy ones!

I thought it was one beautiful love story. You have a real talent for this style of writing. Please overlook any hate filled detractor. Most of them wouldn't recognize a really well written story if they had their faces rubbed in it. Please do continue writing and realize that there are many, many people out here who appreciate what you do.

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassalmost 15 years ago
Sad, but at the same time sweet

Words--they are just words. But the way you put them together made a wonderfully compelling story of love and a loving relationship, although the end is somewhat sad. I'm glad you posted this story. It is one of the best I've found on Literotica. Thanks for writing it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Figures - another man-hater pile of dogshit!

Another frigging dyke who knows how to spell & put sentences together. Great [not really]!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Amzing !

Wow this story was amazing... I really enjoyed it !

It was soo sad in the end but most deff a good read !!

Roberts_PetRoberts_Petalmost 16 years ago

Absolutely amazing! I was taken in from the start and I was blown away by the true feelings this story displayed. Very well written.

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