Between the Bars Pt. 02


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"But I learned a lot," I finally tore myself away and went on between tracing a line down his inner thigh with my teeth. His gorgeous ass flexed in my hand; I wanted to fuck it, but fumbling for a condom and lube would've killed the mood so I'd just have to be satisfied with sucking his dick until he begged for mercy.

"Oh yeah?" he asked in that husky voice he got when he was turned on, "what did you learn?"

"What you like."

I stroked his shaft harder, the way I'd seen him in the shower. I lifted my head and wrapped my lips around just the tip of his cock, swirling my tongue around and around until I heard a little moan come from his throat.

"Mmm yeah, I like that, baby... and what I like is hearing you tell me how much it turned you on," he whispered as his strong hand went under the back of my head, supporting it at the right angle for cocksucking. "You're not as shy as you pretend, are you, hmmm baby?" he panted while I slid my lips down his shaft and buried his cock in my hot mouth. "Oh, shit..." He gripped the back of the seat with his other hand, his weight falling forward as his knees went weak.

Yes, fuck my face...

I couldn't speak with a mouthful of cock, so I just moaned and sucked, guiding him forward with both hands on his ass now, handfuls of tight round muscle flexing and so very spankable. His thighs were shaking now and he was breathing harshly, so close to orgasm, just about to trip over the edge when he suddenly pulled back from my mouth and left me bereft and startled.


He looked down at me with his eyes dark with lust and his face all flushed, his breath panting through his lips, and gave me such a sexy smile that I broke out into a sweat despite the cold. Turning around, he kissed his way down my belly and sank down to his side next to me so that we were in the sixty-nine position. I shivered when his hand spread over my belly and smeared around the little puddle of juice that had dripped onto my skin while I sucked him, and when he licked it from his fingers my stomach gave that jump that it seemed like only Daniel could make me feel.

He made me feel a lot of things I thought I couldn't feel. When his tongue dipped into my slit, an intense surge of electricity shot through me and left me reeling. My moan was muffled by his cock in the back of my throat. It felt so good nestled in the roof of my mouth, warm and smooth, it was hard to breathe but I didn't care. The need to cum burned through me but I held off even with my dick buried in his hot, wet mouth. I tried but it wouldn't be for long, it felt too fucking good.

Oh, the things he could do with his tongue...

The beginnings of my orgasm gathered around the base of my spine and it was too late... I sucked him harder so he could join me but then he pressed that spot under my balls with his fingertips and I was done for. Tiny pinpricks of light behind my eyelids exploded into sunbursts as I shot into his mouth, down his throat in a flood.

He thrust his hips forward into my face while doing that low, sexy cry of "Oh!" The hot seawater jets of his cum filled my mouth and spilled out of the corner even as I swallowed and swallowed, greedy for every drop. God, he tasted good...

"Uhhh," Daniel groaned, his head dropping to the rough carpet while our chests heaved in tandem. "It's fucking freezing in here. Gimme my clothes before my dick falls off." I grinned and reached behind his shoulder for his shirt.

"We definitely can't have that."

Chapter 10

"No, I can't use your cell phone."

That's what Daniel told me when I offered to let him call the number his friend gave him, instead of using the payphone on the side of the gas station. I saw his uneasy glance at the surveillance camera angled from the corner of the building, but he took a deep breath and I could plainly see him reminding himself that this would all be over in a matter of hours. Everything was fine now. The FBI would take care of it. No need to worry about the camera. Still, he pulled his Wal-Mart hunting cap over his shaved head and drew it down to his eyes, and added the sunglasses. He took a calling card out of his wallet.

"That number could be traced and it's better that you stay out of this as much as you can. If they never even know your name, it'll be good. I'll be back in just a minute."

I was puzzled but I just watched as he got out of the car and went to the payphone in the cold wind . What did it matter if the FBI knew my name, or where the call came from? But he was the cop, not me. It was his job to be paranoid.

The drizzle had intensified into icy-cold rain. It would be sleeting by nightfall and I hoped that wherever the FBI took Daniel, it would be somewhere out of the weather, not on the road, in case this winter storm got bad. I was headed the opposite direction after I took Daniel where he needed to go, but St. Louis was going to be hit hard. Warnings were all over the radio. Daniel was from Florida and as far as I knew, he didn't know much about winter weather. I watched him shiver in the cold at the payphone, crossing his arms and hunching his shoulders, turning his back to the biting wind and the needles of rain to scrawl on the same sheet of paper he'd written the phone number on.

"Brrrr." He shuddered, rubbing his arms, as he jumped in the car and sighed gratefully when I turned the heater up to full blast. He blew on his clenched hands. "Shit, I'm freezing, Ry."

"You need a coat. The FBI probably won't have one waiting for you. I should've made you stop along the way somewhere and buy one." I frowned unhappily. His cheeks were so red from the wind.

"You're so cute when you're fussy." He grinned over at me and I blushed, covering my embarrassment with annoyance.

"Well?" I snapped. "Did you get an address, or are we just gonna drive around the city all day till we find the FBI office?"

Drawing the sheet of paper out of his back pocket, he read off the address. "Know where that is?"

"Yeah. It's down by the VA hospital. Shouldn't take long to get there." I nodded briefly and pulled out of the truck stop to get back on the highway that would take us into the city.

The ride was silent. We'd said our goodbyes, for the most part. A mutual blowjob was better than any words. Instead, I mulled over the last two days. Never would've imagined something like this happening to me, not in a million years. Nothing ever happened to me. I made sure of it. I made sure nothing touched me, and from the very beginning, I was so angry with Daniel for dragging me into this whole mess. But now, it was almost over and the danger was gone, and I couldn't deny even to myself that I was a little bummed I'd never see him again. Why did it always happen this way? When I met an interesting and intelligent man, he was unavailable to me; yet, I couldn't get rid of the losers and bums.

"So," I broke the silence, which had become a canyon between us. It wouldn't be long before he was gone for good, but we could at least talk until then. "What do you think happens next?"

"Hmmm?" He looked up from his intense contemplation of the St. Louis skyline rising up to meet us out the rain-splattered windshield. "You mean with the investigation?"

"Well, I kind of meant with you," I admitted. It wasn't easy to say that... not as if I cared, I was just curious. "Are you planning on going back to Tallahassee when this all gets settled?"

"I don't know." He shrugged and went back to staring out the window.

I swallowed. Fine. He didn't want to talk. It wasn't like him to be unfriendly, but since we were a few minutes away from never seeing each other again, he'd clearly decided talking wasn't worth the effort.

"It was a cell phone."

It was my turn to look up. "Huh?"

"When I called this agent I'm meeting. It wasn't the field office. It was a cell phone."

"Yeah? And do you think that means something?"

"No, probably not. Just odd. And odd things get my attention, you know?"

I nodded. His instincts were finely tuned.

"I'm sure it's nothing though."

He shrugged and stared out the window again, but I felt his tension. I'd always been sensitive to other people's emotions, but for some reason I was even more so with him. Not that it mattered. Still, his unease crept into my subconscious and my heart beat faster and the inevitable butterflies fluttered in my belly as I approached the street where our destination was. I started looking for something that could be an FBI office or some sort of official building, but this street seemed to be mostly industrial. The uneasy feeling increased and I glanced over at Daniel for reassurance, but he seemed to be looking around and noticing the same thing I was. That something didn't seem right.

"Well..." He took a deep breath and made an effort to smile at me. "This should be it up here, huh?"

"Yeah." I nodded. It was silly to be nervous. "Right down there."

He was watching the numbers on the square gray buildings. Finally, he pointed. "That's it."

A chain link fence, topped with a strand of barbed wire, surrounded the parking lot next to the building; a gate had been slid open and two cars waited. One was a plain 4-door sedan with regular Missouri plates; and the other was a St. Louis County Sheriff squad car. As I slowed, pulling closer to the curb, the doors on the sedan opened and I saw feet start to get out. Dark shoes of men, but no women, was the FBI agent supposed to be a woman? Daniel took another deep breath and put his hand on the door handle.

A police car. That isn't right, is it? There should be official vehicles with government plates. A parking lot with barbed wire... unmarked building...

I will never know what made me do it. Daniel glanced over at me and started to smile his farewell. He opened the door and stuck his foot out as I came to a rolling stop next to the curb. I felt this huge weight right in the center of my chest as men got out of the squad car, men in dark suits and not uniforms, and then I just took my foot off the brake and stomped on the accelerator, tires squealing on the pavement as the vehicle sped off. Daniel slammed the door, his face ashen as he whirled around to stare out the back window at the men who stood there watching us drive off, their mouths moving silently as they gestured wildly at each other.

"Fuck." My heart was a jackhammer in my chest, my mouth filled with sawdust when I tried to stammer out an explanation. "Shit. Daniel, I don't know why I did that. It just... something was just not..."

"Just go. Go."

No thinking anymore. I took the next right practically on two wheels, doubled back a block and then took another right, all the time glancing in my rearview mirror. "Are they back there? What fucking happened?"

"Nobody following us. You just drive and let me worry about the rest. Go."

A more torturous route through the heart of the city, nobody could've invented. I took scary side streets instead of the main road and my heart raced so that I thought it would explode. The sky grew darker and grimmer as the storm approached, trailing us to the nearest bridge. The rain started to crackle when it hit the windshield, turning to tiny splinters of ice. Daniel was tense and silent, watching the mirrors, finally looking up sardonically when I took an isolated stretch of highway surrounded by trees.

"I hope you know where you're going."

"I do."

The wide bridge was under us and we were back in Illinois, a long way north from where we'd crossed into St. Louis the first time. Daniel had relaxed just a little but he looked increasingly doubtful as I drove further and further into more rural country, taking county roads that didn't even have a dividing line. As we passed through a tiny little town hugging the riverbank and I turned up yet another asphalt paved road, Daniel could stay quiet no longer.

"Rylan... where the fuck are you taking me? In case you hadn't noticed this storm is about to throw a wrench in our travel plans."

My heart had slowed as the adrenaline burst dissipated, leaving me a little shaky, but I felt better now that we weren't exposed on major roads and I was on my home ground.

"Relax." I grinned. "We're going to my house."

His eyebrows went up and he stared at me. "What?"

"I grew up about ten more miles up that way."

I pointed to the fields that were now visible since we'd risen up from the river valley. The sky was bleak and threatening and soon this sleet would be dangerous. I could feel the tires starting to crunch over the icy road and I slowed and engaged the 4-wheel drive. Yes, this was my hometown, if you could call the clusters of houses dotting the county roads, surrounded by wintry fields, a town. There actually was a town, with a tiny post office, a convenience store, a church and couple of taverns, but it was another fifteen minutes past where we were stopping. As I turned down the road that led to my property, I felt the tightness in my chest ease; Daniel nodded slowly, but I could feel him begin to relax too.

"I keep my house... my grandparents left it to me," I explained, because he still looked puzzled. "I visit enough that I keep it stocked with basics; it'll be warm and safe until this storm's over. And we can get a breather for the night, kinda figure out what happened and what you're going to do."

"Okay." Daniel nodded, but I could feel his uncertainty and something almost like fear, and I reached over and took his cold hand in mine.

"Don't think," I told him. "We'll get to my house and get out of this weather. We'll turn on the heat and get under some blankets, and then you can think. We'll get this figured out, okay?"

Another nod, and he squeezed my hand as I turned into the familiar gravel drive that led back into the fields.


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BitchWhoMadBitchWhoMadalmost 6 years ago
5 stars

Very nice 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Tom7JerryTom7Jerryover 9 years ago

There are no words to describe how amazing this work is. Just wow! Really on the edge of my seat in some parts.

Can't stop reading! If this is any indication of how the rest of your work will be I look forward to reading other stories. Simply wow!


SkankstarSkankstarabout 11 years ago

Loving this story, totally hooked.

SanguineAffairSanguineAffairover 11 years ago

I can see the countryside you're describing in my mind. I grew up in a small railroad town outside of St. Louis, right on the Miss. River.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Rylan is acting just the way anyone being forced into a situation would act, coupled with a need to believe Daniel and his own suspicions about the duplicitous people Daniel has to trust. Rylan is completely out of his comfort zone and he's dealing with his own attraction to Daniel.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
A bit of a strange character!

I dont like the way Ry is behaving. He is a real shit, distrusting Daniel. On the one hand he was not afraid to take a total stranger into his home, have sex with him but as soon as there are some kind of problems, he just tries to get out in a quite unsympathetic way - even though he at the end of this chapter makes certain amends.... Hope he will get better and more mature.

Ex0ticPrincessEx0ticPrincessabout 13 years ago

I keep wondering what's gonna happen next (:

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Amazing story

You are a very talented writer. The thrills, twists and turns of the plot are keeping me on the edge of my seat. The hot sensuality of the character's awareness of each other's bodies coupled with the tenderness and emotion lurking below the surface is just... YUM!

Thank you for sharing your talent.

taxpapabobtaxpapabobalmost 15 years ago
Love and Danger Grow

Excellent! The mystery gets murkier and murkier. But our heroes manage a wondrously hot 69-er in the cargo bay of their vehicle in a truckstop parking lot. Ryan's love for Daniel begins to beat back fear and distrust. On to Part 3, lads! And beyond! Thank you for this finely wrought plot and these fascinating lovers!

hollieVhollieValmost 18 years ago

I love the details you choose. Just the right ones to take us there. Now, moving on to the next five :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

I love it! you have me hooked once more :D


mei`meimei`meialmost 18 years ago
Better than before

I really enjoy reading all your writing, Carson. And this was better than before. The sex scene was hot and you make good characters, give funny touch and better details. I would never get bored to read it again and again.

Thanks and keep create this wonderful writing. Love you !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
On the Edge


Well, you've got me on the edge of my seat...I'll say it again, you are truly amazing. If only all gay authors would pay as much attention to detail in their plotlines, there would be a lot more published works in GLBT fiction.

I hope this one is planned for print as well. If you need anymore beta readers, get in touch, I'd love to help.

Best, Riley James

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
love it!

I'm a total fan of your stories and im so glad that you have written new stuff... it's refreshing from the crap that's been posted lately...

31133113almost 18 years ago

Fantastic job, Carson. I love the way the story is mimicking the romance stories that Ry writes--the kidnapped heroine who "hates" her kidnapper senario come to life.

And I love the heat in the sex scenes. You manage to keep the fire at a red-hot blaze each and every time. Bravo.

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