Big Bang Theory - Penny Works Part Time

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Penny gets a part time job.
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Part 36 of the 51 part series

Updated 08/17/2020
Created 01/23/2015
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A fictional story about fictional characters.


It had been three frustrating long months since her totally thoughtful, wonderful nerd of a fiancée, Dr. Leonard Hofstadter, had bought Penny a used car so that she could drive to her auditions and not have to go back to work at the Cheesecake Factory; thereby keeping her dream of becoming a successful actress alive. But the dream was on life support as the ensuing months had been mostly fruitless. She had done plenty of auditions, along with hundreds of other unemployed hopeful actresses, and had few job offers. One commercial was all that she had brought home a paycheck for, and only her feet had appeared in the "pedicure product" advertisement. She had received several offers for an "extra," which she would have accepted, but they all required nudity and she was giving herself every opportunity to avoid that. If worst came to worst, she may have to surrender, but she didn't want her parents or anyone in her hometown to see that.

Leonard had given her the car with no strings attached, but she had made a vow to herself that she would pay him back. In addition, she was nearly desperate for some income. They had not set a date for their wedding, she still lived alone and had the normal expenses. She was pretty sure that Leonard would have gladly moved in with her and shared the living costs, but they both wanted to wait until they actually tied the knot. In the back of her mind, she wondered if, even then, Leonard would be able to break away from his manipulative roommate, Dr. Sheldon Cooper. They were both employed by CalTech, Pasadena, just a short drive from their apartment building, and had been roommates for several years. Sheldon had even made Leonard sign their infamous "roommate agreement" which seemingly had a clause governing Leonard's every move. Penny thought there was probably a section stating that the only way to escape the "agreement" was death.

Thinking back, although she would never have guessed it at the time, her renting that particular apartment was the luckiest move of her life. She had met Leonard that very first day and fate had begun to work its magic. Thinking that Leonard was a nice harmless neighbor, she never would have imagined that she would come to think of him as the love of her life. Snapping back to her present dilemma, Penny began once more to scan the audition list and help-wanted ads in the local newspaper (she could just hear Sheldon scolding her, "print is dead"). She circled an audition for a new brand of corn-chip and headed out the door.

There were probably seventy-five young women and men in the large waiting room, some spilling out into the hall when she arrived. She struck up a conversation with a beautiful, long-haired brunette as they waited their turn. Kelly was in incredibly sweet person, and was in almost the same predicament as Penny: in desperate need of money and work. Kelly confided to Penny that she was currently working part-time as a cocktail waitress at a private ranch/club in the poolside bar. Raving about the tips, the exclusivity of the members, and the outdoor atmosphere, she offered to get Penny an interview the very next day because she knew the manager had already scheduled two others. Reluctant to go back to being a waitress, Penny reasoned with herself that at least it wasn't the Cheesecake Factory, and Kelly told her that she could work as many or as few hours as she wanted. Taking the address from Kelly, they walked out of the building together when the assistant director announced that the part had been cast.

At the appointed time the next day, Penny drove to the address Kelly had given her. It was only about twenty minutes from her apartment in a very secluded location totally surrounded by orange groves. Kelly had told her it was an exclusive, private club but Penny was not prepared for the imposing gate and guard shack that confronted her when she drove up. A large ornate sign declared "Freedom Ranch," and smaller signs advising "Private" and "Members Only." She was so intent on reading the large signs that a smaller one escaped her view: "Clothing Optional." A very stern security guard approached her car and asked for some identification and what her business was. Stuttering, she blurted out that she was here for a job interview, and had been referred by Kelly. Not realizing it before, she had not even gotten Kelly's last name.

Luckily Kelly had left her name on the guest list and the guard, much more friendly now, gave her directions to the administration building. There was a fork in the road; left turn for the "Administration Building," and right turn for "Country Club." She turned left and parked her car. There were a few offices and an employees locker room. Finding the manager's office she knocked and was greeted by a middle-aged man who immediately reminded her of the Mr. Roper character from the old sit-com "Three's Company." He was pleasant enough, told her to call him Henry, and they discussed her waitress experience, and seemed excited when she mentioned that the Cheesecake Factory had trained her as a bartender.

Now she knew she was no great shakes as a bartender, but she could follow directions and knew how to read from her tablet. If there was a recipe on the Internet, she could make the drink. He informed her that there was an immediate opening for a bartender at the outdoor pool bar where Kelly worked as a waitress. He told her a little about the history of the Club: the whole property had once been orange groves, but a few years back when the California drought first began, the owner had balked at the high cost of irrigation and decided to clear part of the land and establish a country club. The membership tended to be very rich and many of them were quite famous. He informed her that many retired athletes, business executives and even some famous Hollywood actors were members.

Henry asked her if she was interested in the job, and when she answered in the affirmative he offered to take her on a tour of the Club. Then he asked her a strange question: "did you bring a bikini bottom."

"Umm, pardon me," Penny asked, almost sure she had misunderstood.

"Well, you know the Club is clothing optional...that's another phrase for nudist," he declared, surprised at her reaction.

"I...I didn't know...Kelly never mentioned it," Penny answered, slightly in shock.

"Well I guess it's understandable," Henry explained, "once you've been around here for very long, it just seems so natural that you forget it is generally considered unusual. If you want to change your mind, I'll certainly understand. As a bartender you would be considered, by law, to be a food-preparation employee, even though the only "food preparation" you will be doing is pouring nuts into a bowl, which means you are required to wear clothing. It's an Orange County law, and a bikini bottom is considered clothing. That is all the Club rules will allow you to wear; they want you to blend in with the nudists as much as possible. A small apron is also have to have a place to keep your pad and pen." He laughed at that statement and so did Penny.

Penny thought hard for several minutes, trying to weigh the pros and cons. She really needed the money and Kelly had bragged about the tips. When she went to the beach, her bikini was so tiny that she was almost nude anyway; she would only be showing her breasts, and she was really proud of them anyway. But what about Leonard...she would have to tell him; wouldn't she? Maybe she could just tell him she wore a bikini at the poolside bar...he would understand. He loved to show her off to acquaintances and strangers. Penny found herself blurting out, "I am definitely interested...let's take that tour."

"OK then," Henry sounded pleased, "there is a selection of clean bottoms in the changing room...employees are always forgetting theirs. We'll both get changed and meet back here. Employees get from here to the Club using electric golf carts." Retracing her steps to the locker room she had passed before, Penny found a whole rack of bikini bottoms hanging on tiny hangers. It seemed strange to see just the bottoms, no tops, hanging there. She noticed that there was also a large supply of bottles of sun screen. She selected a rather modest pink one and ducked into a booth to change. There were lockers, the kind where the key was attached to a wrist band and you took it with you. She was glad she had worn flats, because she would have felt conspicuous wearing high heels with just a bikini bottom.

Surprisingly she did not feel the least bit self-conscious as she left the locker room to find Henry. She enjoyed the reaction from Henry when he first saw her naked was a reaction she was used to. Her breasts were a perfect 36 C, perfectly round and gloriously firm. Her large areola were capped with jellybean sized pink nipples which pointed slightly upward. To her surprise, the only clothing Henry was wearing was a lanyard around his neck containing several keys. He must have noticed her surprise because he merely commented, "I'm not a food-preparation employee." Trying not to stare, but unable to ignore it completely, she noticed that his penis was average in size and that he seemed to have an "all over" tan. He mentioned her shoes, "good choice; you are allowed to wear something on your feet because the sun gets hot, but remember you'll be walking on sand so high heels really don't cut it."

On the ride to the Club, Penny thought she noticed Henry glancing sideways several times, watching her tits jiggle every time the golf cart hit a bump. Once they made the turn to the Country Club, it was as if they had entered a tropical paradise. There were numerous bungalows along the way, many with golf carts parked outside and Henry explained that sometimes members stayed there for several days and that they were all luxuriously furnished. They passed tennis and basketball courts and a sign pointing to a "Golf Course." The tropical foliage parted and the pool area was visible. The pool itself was the size of a small lake and white sand had obviously been trucked in to make a wide beach area all the way around it. Lounge chairs, umbrellas, and small cabanas were scattered around the perimeter. The poolside bar was like a grass hut, open on all sides with a polished wooden bar counter running all the way around it. The area behind the counter was covered with every liquor bottle known to man and the colors were dazzling.

Just then Penny spied Kelly carrying an empty tray back to the bar. She had not noticed the previous day but it was obvious now that Kelly was probably a very popular waitress: her breasts were enormous. Penny guessed them to be at least 38 D's and they bounced and swayed when she walked. Her nipples were huge, like gumdrops and seemed to be permanently erect. She reminded Penny of the old Commodores song, "Brick House," because of her stocky build. Her red bikini bottom was so tiny that it disappeared into the crack of her ass was completely invisible. When she saw Penny in the golf cart, she waved and smiled like she was welcoming an old friend. When Penny got out of the cart, Kelly threw her arms around her and hugged her tight, exclaiming, "I was hoping you would come."

Penny had never hugged another naked girl before and found the experience of rubbing their nipples together to be strangely arousing, and she blushed when Kelly pulled away. Kelly must have seen the red in her face because she immediately apologized, "geez Penny, I'm sorry...I am so used to it by now, sometimes I completely forget I'm topless. Hope I didn't offend you."

Penny feeling almost ashamed for her hang-ups, dismissed the situation, "no, it's perfectly OK, I guess it just takes some getting used to. Glad to see you too."

Kelly had made her feel so welcome and the Ranch was so plush and inviting, that after the tour Penny accepted the bartenders position, signed all the necessary tax forms and a form stating that she would not discuss anything that happened at the Club with non-members, or staff. The affluent members valued nothing more than their privacy and confidentiality. She made it clear to Henry that she only wanted something part-time, maybe a couple days a week; and he readily agreed. He had been short-staffed and was desperate for another bartender.

When she told Leonard about her new employment he claimed to be totally happy and supportive of her, but she sensed a reluctance when she mentioned that she would be clad in only a bikini (no, she didn't mention it was really only the bottom). He knew Penny loved him, but sometimes he reverted to an insecure, jealous lifetime nerd. Sheldon, of course, could not keep it a secret and with the speed of light told the other members of the "nerd four," as Penny referred to them: Howard Wolowitz and Raj Koothrappali. They were also physicists at CalTech and the four of them were nearly inseparable until Penny and Howard's wife Bernadette came into their world. When Howard found out about the work attire, he immediately wanted to come visit Penny, but she assured him that it was "members only."

Over the course of the next couple weeks, Kelly took Penny under her wing and taught her the idiosyncrasies of employment at the Club. Unlike the Cheesecake Factory where all tips were put in a jar and then divided equally; all tips at the Club were credited to the individual. Since there was no place to keep tips in a bikini bottom, everything was done on paper. When a slip was written for an order, the person taking the order initialed the order and the customer/member signed the slip and indicated a tip amount or percentage. At the end of every day,the tips were totaled, charged against the member's account and then credited to the employee. The tips were part of their weekly paycheck and were included as "taxable income."

Kelly told Penny that sometimes members would throw after-hours parties and would hire staff members to work. The Club condoned the practice because it kept the members happy and because it did not cost them a cent. Any money that changed hands was completely off the books, and the Club management was free of all responsibility. According to Kelly, this was where the "big money" was made. The rich clientele would throw money around like it was water, especially when they were drunk (or high) according to Kelly, and she always volunteered to work. Penny had by now become completely comfortable with being topless; it was like her co-workers had said, it just seemed natural after awhile. She was only working a couple days a week and still had plenty of time for her auditions...fruitless though they seemed to be.

She became a favorite with many of the Club's members, especially the male members. The fact that she was totally gorgeous with the most perfect set of breasts they had ever seen was a considerable factor in her popularity. She and Kelly developed fun nicknames, that they kept confidential between them, for some of the Club's members based usually on their appearance naked.

There was a middle-aged woman named Wanda, who they dubbed "Wanda the Bag Lady" because her breasts resembled deflated balloons and just hung like bags of skin on her chest. Then there was the absolute freaks of nature, Jake "The Elephant Man," a huge black former professional football player with a penis so large it looked like an elephant's trunk swinging between his legs; and Sully "The Snake," who Kelly said was a former mob enforcer, a man just as large as Jake with a penis maybe even larger, and a giant crown. When Sully sat in one of the lounge chairs, it looked like an anaconda was crawling between his legs.

Several times in her first week Penny had to be reminded by Kelly not to stare when Sully or Jake were in the pool area. Penny was completely in love with her wonderful nerd Leonard, but actually felt a stirring between her legs when looking at their huge cocks. Despite all her former boyfriends, she had never had sex with a really huge dick. She remarked to Kelly that they had horses on her parents farm in Nebraska that would have been envious of those pricks. Kelly just laughed and returned to her work, ignoring the prodigious penises.

On one of her "off" days, Penny had just gotten out of a nice hot bubble bath and was lounging on the sofa in her bathrobe, drinking wine and watching the "soaps." Leonard and the other members of the "nerd four" were attending a twenty-four hour marathon of "Star Trek" movies at a theater on the other side of town so she didn't even blink twice when she realized she was almost finished with her second bottle. Reaching for her ringing phone on the coffee table Penny's head began to spin and if she had been standing, she probably would have fallen.

Kelly was calling to ask Penny a favor. Her mother had been in a car accident and although it wasn't life threatening, Kelly was going to the hospital to stay with her. The problem was she had agreed to serve drinks at a private party at the Club and she practically begged Penny to take her place. Telling Penny that if you canceled on one of these parties, they never asked you again, and she needed the extra money desperately. Penny felt indebted to Kelly for all her help but what finally persuaded Penny was when Kelly told her that the last such party had earned her over a thousand the books. She said it was a poker party being given by Jake, so some of his former teammates and probably Sully would be there.

"All you have to do is serve drinks," Kelly cajoled her, "they may offer you more money to dance or whatever, but that's up to you." Her head spinning, Penny did not even hear the last part and agreed to replace Kelly at the party.

Penny laughed to herself that at least she didn't have to worry about what to wear as she slipped on a tiny thong bikini and her most comfortable jeans. Not even bothering with a bra, "what's the point," she threw on a loose fitting blouse and some sandals. Knowing she was in no condition to drive, Penny responsibly called a taxi to take her to the Ranch. Hey maybe Jake would reimburse her cab fare. She rationalized that she would have at least some time to sober up a bit on the ride there and drank a bottle of water to dilute the contents of her stomach. Lastly, she left a text message for her beloved explaining where she was; although she would almost certainly be back before him. She thought that the great thing about texts was that spelling was thrown out the window; and in her condition, that was essential.

As they drove, Penny was amazed at how beautiful the sunset was that evening. Arriving at the Ranch, the taxi dropped her off at the gate and the guard let her in with a smile after she explained she was working for Kelly. The smile was no doubt the reaction to watching her breasts jiggle under her blouse, her nipples poking against the thin material. After stowing her clothes in a locker, Penny decided against attempting to drive a golf cart and walked down to the pool area. Someone had brought a "boombox" and dance music was playing at a low volume as she approached. She could see Jake, Sully and three other large naked men gathered around a table obviously playing cards. When Jake saw her walking toward them he stood up and greeted her warmly, "hi Penny, I wasn't expecting you."

Telling herself, "don't stare," she explained about Kelly and he expressed his concern for Kelly's mother.

"Hey guys," he shouted, "remind me to send some flowers to Kelly's mom." "Actually we're really glad you're here Penny because the bartender was a no-show, so if you don't mind doing double-duty we will definitely compensate you."

"That would be great, actually I like making drinks," Penny answered.

"Just one more thing Penny," Jake explained chuckling, "I guess Kelly didn't tell you, but these private parties are not clothing-optional...they are clothing'll have to lose the bottom."