Big Words

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Was it a case of abuse?
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David's wife Penny was perhaps a dozen feet ahead of him when he noticed she faltered and slowed.

It was exactly at the wrong time, too, an extremely steep hill loomed not far ahead, the idea was to hit the bottom at maximum speed because by the top both of them would be severely laboring.

The bike race wound down the bay road, all nice and flat for a dozen miles before the final climb, David and Penny had been practicing almost daily, rain or shine.

Jack Hanson was between David and Penny, the three of them in a tight draft. Luckily Jack was always alert, he swerved and missed a collision by inches.

For a moment David thought that Penny had just slipped on one of her pegs, that would be very rare though.

When she rolled to a stop out of the lane though, David knew it was much more than that. He pulled over also, right behind her, she had managed to get one foot down, her face was white with pain.

Their race was over, there was now no way to recover. That wasn't too big of a deal, they weren't going to win anyway but being in the lead group for the very first time would sure have been nice.

"What's the matter, honey?" David asked her, moving up beside her. On their left, the stream of racers going by made a soft whishing sound, they were all moving very fast.

"I'm sorry, I can't. I just can't." David saw her hand drop back to her hip, rubbing. Then she reached downward to her groin, rubbed herself through the colorful skin tight clothing she wore.

"What is it?" Now David was concerned.

"I pulled a muscle or something, it hurts, like I am burning." She said, her face nearly screwed up in tears.

Dismounting, he helped her find a place to sit, they rested for quite some time. Finally, even the stragglers had long since passed.

Penny tried to get onto her bike for the long ride back to their vehicle, but when she tried she gasped again.

After about an hour, Jack Hanson came back.

"What happened? We were running in the top ten, I fell all the way to 20th." He looked at David, then at Penny still sitting there.

"Penny pulled a muscle or something, can you go get the truck?" David asked her.

"Crap. Well, nothing to do about it, sure, I will be back." He took off back towards where their vehicles were parked.

It took another hour for Jack to get back, they got everything loaded and he helped Penny into the vehicle, she was still in pain.

The next day David drove her in to see their Doctor. Jeanine Miller had been their family Nurse Practitioner for years, she was a mildly heavy set woman in her fifties, with a no nonsense attitude.

She came out and sat down with David after her examination, a puzzled look on her face.

"I can't find any sign of injury, not really. But she has a stabbing pain in her right thigh, and a burning sensation in her groin and rectum. I have heard of this, especially with athletes which both of you obviously are. But it's way out of my knowledge, I need to send her to a specialist, OK?"

She wrote down the name of the clinic, called Weiss and Associates. Penny came out about then and David helped her to the car and took her home.

When he explained that they were going to have to drive over 100 miles to see a specialist, she protested that she would feel better if they just gave it some time.

"That is a man Doctor, Honey." Penny said, her face flaming. Penny was bashful, even when they first married it had taken him quite some time before she would allow intimacy with the lights on.

Why, David was not quite sure, her figure bordered on spectacular. Probably partly due to the Catholic school she went to, and her very conservative Mother. That had been fine with David, Penny was clearly untouched on their wedding night, he doubted that she had even kissed anyone else besides him.

"He is just a Doctor." David told her. Penny had always been very shy about her body, even getting her to wear the skin tight suit had been a bit of a struggle but finally she had gotten used to that.

"Still, I think if I just rest?" She asked.

So they did try that, things didn't get any better, they got worse.

It took over two weeks to get an appointment scheduled, but finally they arrived.

When Doctor Weiss came out, he was a tall and quite handsome man about 35, with him was another younger man named Dale who the Doctor introduced as his assistant. David did notice that there was one other man who appeared to be just an orderly, also in his 30's that worked there. He hadn't seen a female nurse, not one.

He assumed there were some, probably in the back.

They took Penny into the back, she glanced back his way, her face flaming. She was aware by then that this was going to involve an analysis of her condition, and in what was certainly intimate areas.

Finally after more than two hours, Penny came back out. Right behind her was Doctor Weiss. One glance at his wife told David that she was very embarrassed, but he was thinking that if she was going to be helped there was no other way.

"Hi, I am Daniel Weiss." The man held out his hand, David shook it. He sat down, a clipboard in his hands.

"I was thinking since Penny tells me it happened while you were biking, that is was likely just and Adductor muscle pulled. But I am afraid it is way more than that since she says she has had tingling and some dull sensations like her pelvis going to sleep."

David nodded, not sure what the man was saying.

"Your wife has what we call Pudendal Nerve Entrapment, The body in this area consists of the Illiopoas and Iliacus, there is a nerve line called the Pudendal nerve. That nerve line runs right through the lower body, the pelvis. The type of activities you do can create problems that affect the entire lower body, from the Sciatic to the Femoral Triange, the Pirformus. I think the problem is in the Pudendal nerve so we need to work on that area."

David blinked, he had no idea of what the man was talking about.

"I guess...whatever will help her is what we should do." He managed.

"OK. Weekly sessions, perhaps 10, even 20 of them or until we see results. I will set up a schedule."

The man David had decided was a nurse filled out some paperwork, handed it to them to sign.

"Since the type of work we need to do is rather intimate, we have to have you both sign a release." He told them.

Dale knew that without signing they were not going to be getting any help, so he signed it without reading it, pushed it over to Penny who also signed.

Then he helped Penny to the car and headed home.

She was very quiet the entire drive.

Finally he asked her what all they had done.

"They poked me and felt around, had me move to several positions. It was all kind of embarrassing, I don't really want to talk about it, honey."

"Well, I am sorry, but we have to get you better." He told her.

"I just am totally uncomfortable with all of this, you know how bashful I am." She said.

"Honey, they are Doctors, they work with human bodies all day every day. It's best to just do whatever they want, get it over with, and get you well again."

"I guess so." She looked out the window, fell quiet.

Over the next month, David drove Penny up to the clinic, when she came out after the 3rd session, he had again noticed the only people he had seen were the three men, other than a few patients waiting.

All of the patients were female.

He also noticed that now Penny appeared more relaxed. The first treatments she came out after subdued and quiet.

Now she acted happy, and she was also showing signs of improvement, mentioning she wasn't hurting nearly as much.

Then one night after a couple of months of treatment, she turned and reached for him in bed. It had been difficult, she had been in so much pain before that after just a few attempts he had stopped trying, not wanting to hurt her.

Penny reaching for him was something completely new, up until that moment David had always been the one to initiate sex.

The other thing he noticed was that she felt nowhere near as snug as she normally did, but he passed that off to just a result of her home exercises she was doing.

Those involved what was described as Kegal exercises, perhaps that was what it was? As they made love, Penny didn't really seem to experience any discomfort, he was very pleased at that.

It was perhaps a month or so later, and his wife was now seeming to be fairly normal so she said wanted to go try riding again.

"Do you think it might be too early?" He asked her.

"No, Dan and Dale both said it would be fine, to just take it easy." She said.

"Dan and Dale?" That struck David as odd, she called her Doctor and his nurse by their first names?

But they went for a short ride, and she seemed to be doing OK.

Back at their house and all sweaty, Penny went in and took a shower. She came out with a big bath towel, began to dry off.

Right in front of him?

David had of course by then seen her naked many times, but not one time had she ever just walked out like this. Always it was either in her bed clothing, or with the towel wrapped completely around herself.

He did like that, and he was staring.

"What?" Penny asked, looking up and catching his gaze.

"I have never seen you come out of the shower like that, relaxed?"

"Oh." Penny giggled.

"I guess I am just used to being seen naked, they work on me at the clinic and...." She stopped when she saw the expression on his face.

"They see you...naked?" David had assumed that they used normal draping, things like that even when working on more intimate areas.

Penny had earlier mentioned that some of their work was probably like the massages she had seen David get after long biking runs. Those were from people along the route that worked on legs right out in the open. David liked those and they helped, but Penny had never allowed any of the men to ever touch her, just the women.

"Well, yes honey. They have to work like that, it's the only way to reach some of the muscles."

She had never really gone into any detail about the therapy sessions, and he hadn't thought to ask.

Curious now, David later turned on the computer, usually it just sat there untouched. He found the search engine, tried typing in some of the terms he had heard Doctor Weiss mention.

Of course he really couldn't spell those but the machine was quite helpful with that.

That was when he realized just what, and where the "Pudendal Nerve" was. He had been thinking it was in the back of her upper leg since she tended to favor it, limp.

There were articles, descriptions, charts and drawings, even photographs.

As he got deeper and deeper into the websites, he found videos of female "therapists" working on males, creating "orgasmic spasms" which were supposed to be beneficial to help in easing the pains and burning sensations.

If that was a legitimate exersize, then just why was the "therapist" also naked? That was just plain porn and David knew it. There were even ads from "therapists", if those were real therapists, why did their photos all show pretty women with very low cut tops on?

The next click floored David. The photo of the patient was an attractive woman, she lay on a table on her back, completely nude. Inserted into her vagina was a long cylinder, it appeared to be quite large.

"See video preview." A link read.

David clicked on that, the video started with the woman undressing completely, then lying down on the table. A man came in, his back to the camera, he leaned over the woman and pressed what appeared to be a dildo inside of her. Then he heard a buzzing sound, realized the tool was a vibrator. The man stepped up beside the table, the screen gave a brief shot of his face.

David was sure the man was the one named Dale from the clinic he took Penny to. The man began to massage the woman's stomach, then down to her groin, working the pelvic muscles on each side, then on down to her upper thighs. It actually looked like a regular massage except the woman was blatantly nude and there was that vibrator stuffed inside of her.

David played the early portion of the video several times until he was sure it was the man named Dale.

He clicked off the computor, sat there almost in shock.

That did not look like any legitimate therapy he had ever seen or heard of, and if they were just working on a female with pain problem, they why were her breasts bare?

The more he thought about that, the more enraged he became.

Penny was out shopping, by now she seemed to be moving around without difficulty, so something was helping her. Was she simply recovering normally, or was whatever the clinic was doing actually helping.

Could he be wrong? No way would she ever allow anything like that do be done to her, not even if they claimed it to be just a medical procedure.

Penny was just too shy, far too bashful for that to ever happen.

"Hi, honey! Give me a hand, OK?" Penny came in with an armload of groceries.

David got up and went to help her unload. He was seething, but managed to hold his tongue until everything was put away.

"We need to have a little talk." He told her when they were done.

"Sure, what about?" She asked.

"Sit down, please?" He said. She did, looking concerned now.

"I thought you were bashful?" He asked.

"What? I am, well...I was, I used to be but..?" She appeared confused.

"So tell me, exactly what do these "procedures" you have done each week entail?"

"They just..they work on muscles and all, why?"

"Which muscles?" He asked.

"The ones..down here, the ones that hold everything together." Penny's face reddened.

"I went and looked it up on the internet." He said.

"You did?"

"Yes, I did!"

"I...then you know, I guess. It's just medical." Penny protested.

"Medical is touching your Frenulum?" David asked.

"I don't know what that is." She answered.

"The "Crus Glandis"...?"

"David, I don't know the names of all the muscles." Penny protested.

"It's your PUSSY! Your CLIT! I read that on the internet. I suppose with one of those vibrators stuffed up you, right?"

"Honey, they told me..they said that I needed to have a..the help me heal up." Her face was crimson now.

"I think you were letting this bunch of assholes play with you. I suppose your tits were bare, too?" David was very angry now.

"Honey, they told me that helped with..stimulation, made it easier to..have spasms. That's what they said, honest!"

"You call them by their first names!"

"They asked me to, they said it helped to keep the session comfortable, relaxed."

"Good God, are you that dumb?" He asked.

"Damn it! You TOLD me to let them do whatever they wanted to. I didn't even want to go back after the first time." Penny began to cry.

David just sat there and stared at her.

"Honey, you took me up there. You said I needed to let them treat me, and besides, it worked, I don't hurt any more." She finally said with a whimper.

"Why didn't you tell me what was going on?" He asked.

"Honey, was..embarrassing."

"Yes, no shit. Letting a couple of guys rub your Pussy." David snorted.

"It wasn't like that. They did rub me..alongside is all, and my upper legs and hips a lot. And back by my...where it burns."

David had a moment of confusion. She was better, no more pain or discomfort. They were back to regular sex, she acted much less shy and the truth was he liked that.

But still. The idea of some men, Doctors be damned, doing things like that to his wife? AND getting paid for it?

"All right. But this ends, and it ends right now, got it?" He told her.

"All right, honey. I'm sorry."


The next week, David drove up alone to the Weiss Clinic. The nurse named Dale looked up as he walked in.

"Hello, Sir. Where is your wife today?" He had a confused look on his face.

"I need to speak with Doctor Weiss...and you. Right now." He said.

"Just a moment, Sir." A scowl crossed his face, he went into the back.

"Not another one?" He heard from the hallway, then Doctor Weiss came out.

"What can I do for you today?" He asked.

"I found out what you do here." David accused him.

"Yes? OK, we try to help people, why?" The man had an irritating smile on his face.

"Is helping people playing with their Frenulum, their Crus Glandis?" David demanded.

The Doctor laughed, David managed to not hit him.

"In the first place, you miss pronouced that. In the second place, it is just a part of the human body, it all ties into the Pudendal nerve which can be extremely painful or even numbness. Our techniques may sound unorthodox, but we have an 80% success rate, better than the results from surgery which is far more invasive."

"I don't think masturbating my wife is an accepted medical procedure!" David yelled.

"Well, we don't call it that, we call it inducing physical spasms. Of course it is enjoyable for the client, but that is natural and unavoidable, sir."

"I should turn you in to the cops!" David sputtered.

"That has been tried, sir, feel free if you wish to. We do of course have the signed consent forms from both you and your wife." Doctor Weiss smiled.

Feeling helpless, David turned to leave. He knew very well if he did what he would like to, the odds were very high he would end up in jail.

"Sir?" Doctor Weiss called after him.


"It's very likely that your lady may have issues in the future. Please feel free to call us if she does, we really can help." The man smiled broadly.

Back home, David let it go. Penny was doing fine, and one benefit was that she was far more relaxed in the bedroom department. Being naked weekly, being touched intimately appeared to have taken the edge right off of her normal extreme shyness.

David has sat her down and made her tell them exactly what they had done. He barely managed to hold his tongue when she described lying on her side with one knee up as the probed her anus with a latex covered finger.

"They told me it was the only way they could reach certain areas, honey." She said, catching his expression.

"And it hurt like hell!" She added.

David couldn't help himself, he started laughing. Penny was pissed off at him for half a day over that.

Also out in public, he realized one evening when they were out for dinner that the pretty dress she had on had no bra under it.

That by itself was a complete surprise, Penny always wore a bra, even when it was just them inside their house.

What the hell, he didn't mind that. Plus she was healthy now and more fun. He even went out and purchased a vibrator, did a few "treatments" on her himself.

He had gotten over being upset, and just went with the flow.


David was in a tight draft, Penny right in front. They had finished 5th and 6th the year before, this time they had plans on winning the thing.

They were running with the lead group, coming up on the section where it was up onto the pegs for the last few hundred yards, flat out.

He saw her bike wobble, then slow. He shifted to the left and cleared her back tire as she pulled over.

"Not again!" He thought as he came back to her side.

Penny stood on her left leg holding her bike upright, her face contorted in pain.

"OK, honey." He helped her to some nearby grass, got her sat down.

"That Doctor Weiss told me this kind of injury has a tendency to return and need further treatment." She said.

"Well. At least now I know what to do. I will handle this myself." He grinned at her.

Penny looked up at him, her face changed to a smile.

"Oh, boy!" She grinned. They both started laughing at that.

Just then David's buddy Jack Hanson came back, pulled up.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Nothing, nothing at all!" They both said in unison.

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WolfOfTheWorldWolfOfTheWorldabout 1 year ago

One broke up doctor and assistant if that was my wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I get it. But why did he not question her about going back when she was "cured"? She felt no pain, was starting to have sex, all was well. Yet she went back over and over again? She of course liked it and would keep doing it for ever.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

you are deranged expecting a reader to believe a husband would be that stupid as to allow a wife to be man handled by male therapists of any kind.Realism carries the day in fiction,thats' plan not realistic.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJalmost 2 years ago

Four broken hands would be a good solution in this case.

norcal62norcal62over 2 years ago

Too dumb, as already said. And, holy cow, What's with the uptight hubby? Or is this another Brit work where the hubby is a dolt? Oh, how cute for the cowardly Anon to throw politics in.

Pasqual_ClementePasqual_Clementealmost 3 years ago

I understand it was needed for the story to proceed, but, it seems unlikely, to me, that anyone would sign an agreement without getting and explanation of what those medical terms meant. It was obvious from the get go that the medical personnel were obfuscating what was wrong and the treatment needed for it. That ruined the story for me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I bet

dr fauci and others drs of the dhhs work or train there to practise fucking and bamboozling the populace. all scum

widowedidiotwidowedidiotover 3 years ago

So he took her back to doing what got her hurt the first time? Don´t sound like a loving husband. I mean, he was told it would happen again, yet, seems as if he just likes to push her luck.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Re: Magmaman

And your Little Nash Rambler; "Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, His Horn Went Beep, Beep, Beep..." Just wondering did they ever get her out of second gear? Signed: BTW

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
I've run into

I've run into some.pretty dense people in the ER, but no one as dumb as her.

rfnks2002rfnks2002over 5 years ago

I call BS If he figured out that there full bull he would have gotten another opinion. And if they where doing things sexually to her. next would have been to Lawyer

PaddyyddaPPaddyyddaPover 5 years ago
A swing and a miss

You seem to have confused 'being shy' with a distinct lack of brain cells. The way she is written, implies that she needs instructions on breathing. The kind of person that puts sugar in the gas tank because 'it smells prettier', (bats eyelids innocently).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

You write a lot of great stories, this was pure shit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
And that, sports fans,

Is how Dr Larry Naser managed to sexually assault and molest over 250 young women. Very prophetic story.

fisheronefisheronealmost 7 years ago
Read before you sign

I am glad that over the years in my family, someone normally accompanies the hurt or sick relative. I would be talking to the primary doctor about the treatments offered there so this out in the open. I am glad he got ahold of his temper, but he should have insisted on being there for exam and complete disclosure of procedure. I had some surgery a while back and by doing research I discovered that part of procedure was unneeded in my injury. I talked with Dr. and skipped that enabling faster recovery.great ending

tazz317tazz317over 7 years ago

have as much in common as sprains and amputation TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Some people are very naive!

Look up hysteria in wiki. Then look up doctors treating hysteria. Then you will see what these quacks were up to. They should have been reported to their medical board for reprimand.

xtchrxtchrover 9 years ago

I have a real hard time believing that their are women this dumb out there. Now if she what was happening and enjoying it (cheating) that makes her a little smarter. Something needed to happen to the doctor and male nurse - something bad. This was a very imaginative premise, but I would have liked to see it develop into more of a story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Oh, c'mon now

I've said it a few times in other places....even a work of fiction needs plausibility. And this one definitely doesn't pass the smell test.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Consent Forms

The consent forms are worthless if they're not explicit as to what is going to be done.

And no male doctor worth his license is going to perform intimate treatments on a female patient without a female nurse present.

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